Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 229 228-Desire Treant (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 229 Chapter228-Desire Treant (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

"What... what on earth just happened?"

The relatively composed Blue Sea was the first to stow away his staff into his equipment slot, deactivating his combat mode.

Adam, on the other hand, mirrored the same action. Bewilderment filled their eyes.

John stood silent, eyebrows furrowed in contemplation.

Truth be told, he too was in the dark about the sudden shift in their behavior.

However, it was evident that their mental state was off-kilter, their emotions seemingly swayed by an external influence.

"Aren’t you two usually thick as thieves? Did all the pent-up negativity finally reach its breaking point and explode?" John used a jesting tone, trying to diffuse the awkward tension.

Both Adam and Blue Sea responded with wry smiles, equally puzzled within.

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True, their respective guilds sometimes had friction, but it never affected their personal camaraderie.

Especially after both the Creation and Blue Sea Guilds started playing the Godslayer game, they had maintained a close alliance.

Where did these sudden conflicts come from?

Moreover, both were prudent thinkers and steady leaders.

How could they act so impulsively?

Seeing their silence, John’s confusion deepened.

After pondering for a moment, he softly inquired, "Have you two had issues with each other all along?"

Blue Sea and Adam both shook their heads with a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

John’s brows furrowed deeply, as if struck by a sudden realization.

In a casual tone, he inquired, "After entering the Thousand Streams Cave, did either of you encounter anything strange?"

Blue Sea and Adam took a moment to ponder and then almost simultaneously exclaimed, "Now that you mention it, there was..."

"After stepping through the entrance portal, I kept hearing a faint whispering sound," Blue Sea began. "It was so subtle and sporadic that I thought I was just hallucinating and paid it no mind..."

The two finished their sentences and looked at each other, eyes wide in astonishment. "You heard it too?" they echoed.

A glimmer of understanding dawned on John’s face.

He peered deep into the cavernous dark before them, a peculiar grin forming on his lips.

"It seems our host has taken note of our arrival, greeting us in this unique manner."

"What do you mean?" both Blue Sea and Adam queried, their expressions filled with confusion.

John chuckled lightly, a hint of mystique in his voice.

"All in due time. Once we venture further, it’ll become clear. For now, my advice to you both is to restore all your stats to their peak and stay close, no more than ten steps away from me."

Though Blue Sea and Adam didn’t fully grasp the reason, they heeded John’s words without hesitation.

They followed closely behind him, mirroring his every move.

Strangely enough, once they maintained this proximity to John, the eerie whispers that once resonated in their ears ceased entirely.

The two exchanged glances.

At that moment, John seemed to return to his relaxed state.

Hands clasped behind his back, he leisurely navigated through the thick magical flora.

"Guild Leader Adam, have you spotted the Aqua Blue Flower you’ve been so eager to find?"

As they delved deeper into the Thousand Streams Cave, John glanced over with a teasing grin.

Adam surveyed the surroundings, slowly shaking his head.

"While there are plenty of rare magical plants here, there’s no trace of the Aqua Blue Flower..."

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, John inquired, "Is it really that rare?"

Before Adam could answer, Blue Sea chimed in with a smile, "Indeed, it’s rare. Throughout the entire Godslayer Continent, within the areas players have explored, no one has reported finding the Aqua Blue Flower."

"The discovery of the Thousand Streams Cave was serendipitous. It happened when a member of Adam’s guild was on a quest in Storm City and inadvertently learned about it from a venerable local NPC elder," Blue Sea explained.

"Without that fortunate incident, we might have been searching for the Aqua Blue Flower for a much longer time."

John nodded in realization, the pieces fitting together.

The trio continued their journey.

The deeper they went, the more bizarre the magical plants appeared.

At the entrance of the Thousand Streams Cave, the plants had resembled...well, plants.

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Now, however, the magical flora before them looked more like monstrous beings that might dwell in hell.

Some were covered in tumorous growths, quivering in the air as if pulsating with life.

Others bore enormous human-like faces, their features clear and distinct, offering the trio a chilling grin.

And still others resembled tentacles, dotted with massive eyes, each exhibiting its own unique expression.

These eerie plants sent shivers down the spines of both Blue Sea and Adam.

However, John’s expression remained unflinching, as if he was accustomed to such sights.

"What... what are these plants? Why have I never seen them before?" Blue Sea’s voice quivered slightly.

Even with his usual composure, he felt a hint of fear in the face of these eerie plants.

Adam kept his head lowered, not daring to take another glance.

It wasn’t the fear of what he saw, but rather his intense phobia playing tricks on him.

With a faint smile, John nonchalantly responded, "Don’t be alarmed. You surely recognize these plants. They’ve just been corrupted by some mysterious energy, causing them to mutate..."

Blue Sea’s face showed utter disbelief. Almost instinctively, he cast his Detection spell on one of the plants:

[Mutated Boneblack Flower: A black flower that grows in dim environments. Known for its strong hematopoietic function, it’s ideal for crafting health recovery potions. However, it has been tainted by the dark forces of the abyss, leading to mutation...]

Dark forces of the abyss?

Blue Sea looked up in shock, disbelief evident in his eyes.

How could this even remotely resemble the Boneblack Flower?

Even if corrupted by dark powers, how could it distort to this extent?

As he surveyed the surroundings, they were now entirely enveloped by these grotesque, mutated magical plants.

Suddenly, a rustling sound echoed from the dense magical flora.

"What’s going on?"

All three turned towards the source of the sound, their eyes sharp.

John succinctly responded, "Seems like the entity that rules this place couldn’t wait any longer and has sent some pawns to test our strength."

Blue Sea and Adam once again summoned their weapons, readying themselves for battle.

This time, however, their target wasn’t each other but the direction from which the noise emanated.

The rustling in the direction grew more intense, causing the large mutated plants to sway more violently.

Soon, the plants parted, revealing a grotesquely shaped creature crawling from within.

The creature resembled a withered section of tree trunk, with two pairs of blood-red eyes embedded on it.

A slit below the eyes either served as its mouth or perhaps a nose.

Directly beneath its main body, hundreds of tiny vine-like tendrils acted as legs, rooting deeply into the soil.

With every movement, these tendrils churned and wriggled out of the ground, making for a sight that was both terrifying and comical.

As the creature slowly approached the trio, the eerie plants surrounding them seemed to sense its aura, bending away in a sign of submission.

"This thing... Its appearance is beyond abstract," Adam remarked, a twitch forming at the corner of his mouth. "Would you say this creature is plant or animal?"

Without hesitation, Blue Sea responded, "Whether plant or animal, it’s undoubtedly a formidable opponent."

Having cast his Detection spell, the information he received left him in shock:

[Desire Treant (Elite Boss): Once an ordinary ancient tree, but a mysterious and powerful entity once rested beneath it. The entity’s energy seeped into the ground, corrupting the tree’s roots, imbuing it with desires and consciousness. From that moment on, it became the most loyal servant of that powerful existence...]

[Level: 150]

[Attributes: ...]

Even though it was only an elite boss, the formidable level of 150 was enough to make Blue Sea wary.

"This grotesque creature is actually at level 150?" Adam, having also discerned the attributes of the Desire Treant, exclaimed in surprise.

Blue Sea tightened his grip on his staff, his expression grave. "It seems that the first creature we’ve encountered in Thousand Streams Cave is of boss level."

John chuckled lightly, "It’s to be expected. The dense magical elements here naturally give birth to high-level creatures... especially when tainted by external forces."

After pondering for a moment, Blue Sea broke into a confident smile, declaring, "Galewind, my friend, Adam and I will take care of this creature. We wouldn’t want to trouble you just yet."

John replied with a smirk, "If you wish to warm up, Blue Sea, I won’t stand in your way." He then gracefully stepped back, affording Blue Sea and Adam ample room to engage the creature.

Standing side by side, the two readied themselves for combat.

"Blue Sea, if the two of us can’t handle this creature together, we’ll be making quite a fool of ourselves in front of Galewind," Adam quipped, his spirits high despite the looming threat.

Blue Sea responded with a faint smile, "We’re not babes in arms... Let’s show this creature what we’re truly made of!"

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