Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 241 240-Not Killing Doesn’t Mean Letting You Go

Chapter 241 Chapter240-Not Killing Doesn’t Mean Letting You Go

In the desolate nether-space, John stood beside the prone figure of Devil Mammon, immersed in contemplation.

The information concealed within Mammon’s words was staggeringly vast, and John needed some time to sift through it carefully.

The Abyss was in chaos, with Bael rising as the new ruler among the 72 devils.

Azazel was still alive, or rather, a new Azazel would emerge, but only in another millennium at least.

Several Devils had descended upon various corners of the Godslayer Continent, albeit all grievously wounded.

A war between the Abyss and the Godslayer Continent was inevitable before the worlds merged.

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John mentally cataloged each piece of information, weighing which matter was most pressing and which required immediate resolution.

Noticing John’s prolonged silence, Mammon, lying on the ground, started to grow uneasy.

"Human, I’ve shared everything about the Abyss with you," he cautiously said. "It’s time for you to keep your promise."

John snapped back to reality, responding, "Hm? Oh, don’t worry. I said I wouldn’t take your life, and I intend to keep that promise."

Mammon nodded, his face unreadable but a quiet sigh of relief escaping him internally.

It felt like a stroke of incredible fortune just to have his life spared.

Although he’d fought with a do-or-die resolve, that didn’t mean he was indifferent to his own survival.

Serving the darkness had driven this Devil mad, but madness is not synonymous with foolishness.

"Lastly, I have a few more questions," John said, his tone casual.

"If you’re a man of your word, then ask away," Mammon responded, maintaining his composure.

John, now curious, asked, "Now that Bael has become the new ruler of the Abyss, what happens when Azazel eventually returns?"

Mammon pondered for a moment before coldly stating, "Bael has promised to relinquish the throne to Father God in a millennium. However, I suspect this is mere lip service. He has told us on several occasions that the resurrected Azazel is not our Father God."

John chuckled lightly. "Well, convoluted as it may sound, Bael does have a point."

A flash of anger darted across Mammon’s eyes but quickly settled back into silence.

Curious, John asked, "You always refer to Azazel as ’Father God.’ Does this mean that all of the 72 devils are Azazel’s children?"

A hint of pride emerged on Mammon’s face as he muttered, "You’re correct. In fact, every demon is a child of Father God, but we, the 72 devils, are nobler than the others."

"We were the first offspring of the great Azazel, born alongside him in the boundless darkness, everlasting through the ages."

John smirked and mumbled under his breath, "So all demons are his children? Is Azazel incredibly fertile or something? Does he hold dominion over procreation?"

Though John’s murmur was low, it did not escape Mammon’s sharp hearing.

Enraged, the weakened Devil roared, "Silence, you insignificant human! How dare you insult the great Azazel. Your ignorance will be met with eternal darkness as punishment!"

John merely smiled, unfazed by Mammon’s venomous curses.

He spoke lightly, "Azazel is your great abyssal sovereign, not mine. Why should I revere him as you do?"

Struggling to lift himself, Mammon began mustering the meager dark divine power he had just recovered, preparing for a fight to the death with John to defend the honor of his revered Father God.

However, a mere glance from John extinguished the blaze of rage within Mammon.

In John’s eyes, Mammon sensed a subtle undertone of murderous intent.

Clearly, if Mammon were to attack again, John would not hesitate to extinguish his life.

Evidently, when it came down to it, self-preservation outweighed even the grandeur of his great Father God.

John withdrew his gaze and smirked inwardly.

Such was the nature of Devils; even the most fanatical among them would never sacrifice themselves for anything else.

They may disdain all life but their own, yet that life they hold in utmost regard.

Mammon hesitated briefly before saying, "Human, it’s time to honor your promise. Reveal your true identity."

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John smiled softly and responded nonchalantly, "I’ve always wondered, have you really not recognized who I am?"

"The strongest enemy I’ve encountered on Godslayer Continent before you was a fallen angel. His power wasn’t as great as yours, but he recognized my identity rather quickly."

Mammon fell silent.

He had his suspicions, but they were too incredulous to accept.

To possess multiple forms of divine power, to wield various ORDER forces, and to have strength exceeding even deities as a human—there was only one class that could achieve this: the "Godslayer" class.

Noticing John’s enigmatic smile, Mammon asked, struggling with his words, "So... are you truly a Godslayer?"

John did not directly answer his question.

But at this moment, his silence spoke volumes, serving as the most telling response.

Mammon clutched his head in near breakdown, roaring, "So it’s true, my suspicions were correct! What other human could possibly best me in combat except for a Godslayer?"

"Why have you reappeared after being absent from this world for so long? Historically, all Godslayers existed solely to slay deities."

"Why would you choose to help those sanctimonious gods? Aren’t they your true targets?"

John shook his head slowly, answering with casual indifference, "You’re overthinking it. I haven’t taken sides. Everything I’ve done has been solely for my own empowerment."

With a bitter smile, Mammon’s grotesque demon face etched with resignation said, "Human, you might be the luckiest Godslayer ever to exist."

"Your class has always been the greatest enemy to all deities. At times, gods from opposing factions even teamed up to exterminate a single Godslayer."

"Most Godslayers have a hard time maturing, hunted by all deities from the moment they show signs of power."

"But you emerged at a time when deities had their hands too full to care—what incredible luck."

John remained impassive, letting Mammon muse aloud.

After a pause, Mammon looked at John with eyes filled with hopeful expectation, "Godslayer, isn’t it time you fulfill your other promise and let me leave?"

John tilted his head, smiling lightly, "Leave? When did I say that?"

Mammon’s face contorted in stunned disbelief, then realization hit him, and he roared in outrage, "Didn’t you say that if I told you what exactly was happening in the Abyss, you’d spare me a path to life? Are you going back on your word?"

"Don’t forget, you swore on your own class. If you break that oath, you’ll face the wrath of the world’s ORDER. Even the legendary Godslayer can’t transcend that, can they?"

John offered a faint smile, speaking with languid grace, "I never break promises I’ve made. In my vow, I only said I wouldn’t kill you—I never mentioned letting you go."

Mammon’s eyes flickered with the fires of supreme rage, as if those crimson orbs would ignite at any moment.

"You despicable human," he spat, "laying such a shameful verbal trap for me. You’re even more malevolent than we demons."

John’s lips stretched into a grin, revealing pearly white teeth, "Thank you for the compliment; it’s more than I deserve."

With nervous restlessness, Mammon forced himself to his feet, his body once again tingling with the dark and sinister ORDER of divine power, as if gearing up for another round with John.

Yet John merely waved his hand, a bolt of energy surged forth, striking Mammon’s true demonic form.

A muffled ’thud’ resounded as Mammon’s body was sent flying, his recently gathered dark ORDER of divine power dissipating in the air.

The Devil coughed up blood, clutching his chest as he half-knelt on the ground.

His eyes locked onto John, the hatred in them nearly taking corporeal form.

"You’d better save your strength," John’s calm voice echoed, "With your current state, if you keep trying to summon your divine power, you won’t need me to finish you off—your own injuries will do the job."

The words reeled Mammon back into sobriety.

He mustered a mocking smile and despaired, "I knew it. How could you let me leave after I’ve uncovered your identity?"

"Godslayer, you’re fated to be the enemy of all deities, with the world against you. Your fate will be far worse than mine. I look forward to the day you descend back into darkness."

John gave a dismissive flick of his lip, retorting, "Such a boring curse; the last Fallen Angel said the same thing."

"Rather than wasting your time on that, you might want to focus on suppressing your internal injuries. I’d rather you didn’t die in front of me; I’ve got enough to worry about with the world’s ORDER."

Defeated, Mammon’s expression dimmed as he lowered his head, choosing silence over further words.

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