Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 322 321-The True Guild Battle!

Chapter 322 Chapter321-The True Guild Battle!

The vicinity of the valley was abuzz with noise, packed with members from various guilds.

Most of these onlookers hailed from nearby guild bases, primarily there to witness the spectacle.

Yet, some were there by Wolf Guild’s invitation, collaborating in the joint offensive against Tide Guild’s base.

On the side of Tide Guild, it wasn’t as though they were without allies.

But these supporters were all gathered inside the guild base, conspicuously absent from the front lines.

By now, every other guild base within a radius of several kilometers had fully activated their defensive barriers, frantically assailing Tide Guild’s barrier, attempting to breach it and launch an assault on the buildings within.

With his form hidden, John stood at the outskirts of the base, his sharp gaze methodically assessing the situation on the battlefield.

Through the shield, he could see Tide Guild’s members ardently fending off Wolf Guild’s frenzied attacks, ever-ready to engage in battle, doing their utmost to protect their stronghold.

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However, the outlook was grim.

In terms of overall strength, Tide Guild significantly lagged behind Wolf Guild.

Even though both factions were of the second-tier, Wolf Guild had been in the gaming arena for years.

Previously, in other games, they had been lambasted on forums by players for their brutish and unreasonable modus operandi.

Yet, it was this very reputation that attracted a horde of like-minded players to their fold.

Even amongst all the second-tier guilds, they stood out as one of the most formidable.

In contrast, Tide Guild was relatively nascent.

Even with the massive financial backing from the Taylor Group poured into its establishment, the virtual gaming realm was not a place where mere financial might dictated success.

Without an established network, swift growth was elusive.

The fact that Tide Guild had managed to evolve into a second-tier guild was a testament to the considerable resources invested.

Silently, John stood by, continuing his observations.

Amidst the dense throng, he spotted several familiar faces.

This included Wolf Guild’s primary and deputy guild leaders, Wolf Prime and Wolf Howl, as well as his sworn enemies, Darklord and SoulSong.

It seems that the Darklord Guild has also joined the fray...

Could it be that Darklord and Wolf Guild have entered a comprehensive alliance?

John silently furrowed his brow, pondering this possibility.

Meanwhile, within the confines of Tide Guild’s base, John spotted the figure of MoonWhite.

That female player, an archer by class, was currently gripping her green longbow tightly from a vantage point, an energy-charged arrow at the ready.

Yet, what truly caught John’s attention was a figure amidst Tide Guild’s members, dancing animatedly with a face red with fury.

It was a girl of a rather petite stature.

The youthful plumpness on her face hadn’t even faded, indicating her tender age.

Her features were delicate, and something about her seemed vaguely familiar.

However, the weapon in her hand was anything but conventional: a massive axe, emanating a soft glow.

The girl’s clear voice echoed throughout the valley, "Fuck all your ancestors, Wolf Guild! You’ve really ticked me off this time, bullying us like this! If you’re really that capable, why don’t you take on one of the top ten elite guilds in the world? What’s the point of starting a Guild Battle with us here?"

The girl was delicate in appearance, but her words were undeniably sharp and biting. Nearby, several players who were clearly high-ranking members of the Tide Guild facepalmed in resignation, seemingly accustomed to her fiery rhetoric.

Floating above her head, her name was clearly visible.

"Tide Guild--Dirge"

John’s eyes widened in surprise.

Was this fierce-looking girl, radiating a general’s aura, actually the same Dirge who had contacted him?

Judging by her title, she seemed to be the guild leader of the Tide Guild.

Indeed, a nearby player gently tugged at Dirge’s sleeve, saying, "Guild leader, you’re a girl... you can’t exactly ’fuck’ their ancestors..."

With a swift slap to the player’s head, Dirge retorted fiercely, "Shut up! Don’t you realize I’m trying to boost our morale before the battle? Do you really think this is the time for a biology lesson? And who says I can’t bring a few items to the party?"

The expressions of the surrounding Tide Guild members grew increasingly exasperated.

As for the members of other guilds watching from the periphery, they exchanged baffled looks.

None of them had expected the guild leader of Tide Guild to be such a contrast-filled character.

Yet, John smiled knowingly.

He had a newfound respect for Dirge.

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She was indeed using her scathing remarks to lift spirits.

One only needed to glimpse the sour expressions of Wolf Guild’s primary and deputy leaders to realize how infuriated they felt.

The reason John didn’t find Dirge’s temperament off-putting was because he saw the shadow of another in her.

The guild leader of Black Rose Guild, one of the top ten elite guilds globally, Snowla.

She, too, boasted a youthful appearance paired with a more mature demeanor.

She didn’t hesitate to berate anyone, tracing insults back to their ancestors and forward again...

"Dirge, you damned wench," Wolf Prime said with a darkened face, his entire being exuding a somber aura, "Don’t play innocent here. You know exactly why we’re attacking your guild."

"It’s your mother who’s the wench, and your whole family too! What the hell would I know? So I took a boss from you, and this warrants such a grand mobilization?"

Dirge continued her fiery tirade, "I must have been blind to have chosen the same berserker class as you. Don’t think just because you’re some damned noble that I’ll cower in fear. Step up and I’ll split you in two with my axe!"

Wolf Prime sneered, the mocking gazes from the audience making his skin crawl.

In his many years in the gaming realm, he’d never been berated so publicly and so passionately.

As such, his face contorted further in anger, his eyes seemingly wishing to tear the audacious girl limb from limb.

"Enough of this pointless banter. No matter how much you curse, it won’t change the fate of Tide Guild’s downfall today!" With a sweeping gesture, Wolf Prime signaled for his guild members to intensify their onslaught.

The sea of Wolf Guild members present indicated a total mobilization, without any left to defend their home base.

Such was the privilege afforded to Wolf Prime by his status.

If John remembered correctly, this character held noble titles from both the Northern Myst Empire and the Easternwood Empire.

Thus, he could directly command the City Guard of Silverglow to defend his guild’s base.

Wolf Guild members eagerly brandished their weapons, unleashing a flurry of multi-colored skills that crashed upon the defensive barrier of the Tide Guild like a tempest.

The already strained protective screen could no longer withstand such a relentless barrage.

With a resounding "crash," the barrier shattered, leaving the Tide Guild’s base exposed for all to see.

"Charge, brothers! Spare the fair maidens, but slay all others without mercy!" Wolf Howl bellowed menacingly at Wolf Prime’s side.

From his words, it was clear that their intentions extended beyond merely decimating the Tide Guild — there were darker designs for the guild’s womenfolk.

This rallying cry invigorated Wolf Guild members. One by one, they roared, weapons aloft, charging into the heart of the Tide Guild.

On the other side, the Tide Guild members, now confined to the central region of their base, tightened their grips on their weapons, expressions fraught with tension.

Many were newly recruited and had never experienced a guild battle of this magnitude.

Knowing their strength was inferior to the aggressive Wolf Guild, their morale seemed visibly diminished.

Dirge, however, still brandished her axe defiantly, shouting, "Stand firm and protect our guild! Reinforcements will arrive soon! Today, we’ll ensure that damned Wolf Guild pays dearly!"

Although Guild Leader Dirge repeatedly assured of imminent reinforcements, deep down, the Tide Guild members were aware of the harsh reality.

What reinforcements?

The Tide Guild was relatively new, mostly comprising independent players they had recently recruited.

Those few who had offered assistance were primarily friends of these solo gamers.

From where could they possibly summon a formidable force willing to aid the Tide Guild?

A resolute glint emerged in many eyes.

If a battle was inevitable, then so be it.

After all, death was but a minor setback in the realm of the game.

A defeat might result in a slight level drop and the loss of some equipment, but that’s it.

With this mindset, the majority plunged headfirst into the onslaught of the Wolf Guild members.

War erupted in an instant, plunging both sides into immediate chaos.

The battlefield was ablaze with flashes of swords and knives.

Leveraging years of gaming experience and their well-coordinated team dynamics, the Wolf Guild members swiftly advanced, steadily constricting the Tide Guild’s space to maneuver.

Their relentless assault pushed the Tide Guild members back step by step.

Yet, the Tide Guild wasn’t without its strengths.

Their enlistment of many solo players meant they lacked the seamless coordination of their opponents.

However, these individual players often boasted superior personal combat skills.

Moreover, they generally held a slight edge in terms of levels compared to the Wolf Guild members.

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