Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 332 331-The City’s Not Safe?

Chapter 332 Chapter331-The City’s Not Safe?

However, Benjamin Taylor’s guess was off the mark this time.

Attending this so-called elite concert had nothing to do with Emma for John.

He chuckled, saying, "It’s unrelated to Emma. Do you recall the actress named Amelia we met during Mia’s birthday celebration?"

Benjamin Taylor blinked in surprise, but quickly caught on.

The magnate of the city, with a meaningful glance towards John, teased, "Ah, that young lady. I vaguely remember. Is she performing at this concert?"

John replied with a soft smile, "Yes, she is. It was her who gave me the ticket."

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Benjamin Taylor chuckled, jesting, "I see, the vigor of youth. It seems your heroics last time left quite an impression on the young lady."

John’s face turned a shade of embarrassed red as he quickly waved his hands, "Mr. Taylor, please don’t get the wrong idea. She probably just wanted to express her gratitude. Reading too much into it here would be inappropriate."

Mrs. Taylor, however, seemed less pleased about Amelia inviting John.

She huffed, remarking coldly, "These actresses from the entertainment world, not a single one has pure intentions. She knows full well you’re with someone, yet she extends such a suggestive invitation. How presumptuous!"

This comment made John even more uncomfortable.

Benjamin Taylor, on the other hand, offered a contrasting perspective. "What’s wrong with that? The passion of youth should be wild and unrestrained. Otherwise, what’s the point of being young? I remember Amelia. She’s different from the other actresses, a very self-disciplined young lady."

"It only highlights Jonathan’s charm, doesn’t it? It’s good. Youth should be like this."

Mrs. Taylor playfully rolled her eyes, teasingly retorting, "So, you had numerous admirers when you were young?"

Caught off guard, Benjamin Taylor could only scratch his nose to cover his embarrassment.

Little Mia on the side covered her mouth, giggling covertly.

It seemed she had grown accustomed to her parents’ playful banter.

One could clearly see that the Taylors shared a deep bond, unlike other wealthy couples who often portrayed an air of distant cordiality.

This only improved John’s impression of Benjamin Taylor.

Typically, powerful businessmen like him would undoubtedly be surrounded by beautiful young women seeking a shortcut to success.

Yet, there had never been any gossip surrounding Benjamin Taylor.

This suggested that even at his stature, he remained principled and was not like other magnates who entertained the idea of multiple mistresses.

Sensing the atmosphere turning slightly awkward, John decided to change the subject.

He glanced at the well-dressed bodyguards standing sternly behind the Taylor family, jokingly remarking, "Mr. Taylor, have you upset someone recently? Attending a concert with so many bodyguards?"

These muscular guards all bore serious expressions.

Their waist areas bulged noticeably, clearly indicating concealed weapons.

Their positioning, along with their subtle movements, revealed that they had undergone rigorous professional training, likely ex-military personnel.

This made John even more puzzled. To his knowledge, Benjamin Taylor wasn’t one for such grand gestures.

Such an extensive security detail hadn’t been seen with him before.

It wasn’t a matter of affording them; he simply didn’t favor such ostentatious displays.

Hearing John’s tease, a rare solemnity settled on Benjamin Taylor’s face. "It seems you’re genuinely unaware," he said gravely. "Didn’t my wife mention? The city’s been restless lately."

John blinked in surprise.

Spending most of his days at home immersed in the world of ’Godslayer’, he was indeed oblivious to the recent disturbances in the city.

Seeing John’s puzzled expression, Benjamin Taylor chose not to keep him in suspense, explaining softly, "Recently, a group of terrorists has infiltrated our city, lurking in various corners. They’ve already orchestrated several high-profile kidnappings of wealthy individuals, demanding substantial ransoms."

John blinked in surprise, asking incredulously, "Terrorists? In this day and age, they still exist?"

Benjamin Taylor gave a wry smile, "Of course they do. As long as there are people, there will be conflicts. Whether driven by ideological differences or matters of faith, there will always be those who resort to extremism. I’ve heard that this group is an armed faction of a cult. I’m not sure why they’ve chosen our city as their target..."

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"Hasn’t the city hall or police department captured these people yet?"

Benjamin Taylor sighed, "In a city with millions, how easy is it to pinpoint a few dozen? Even with high-tech equipment, it’s impossible to track everyone down in a short period. Thus, the city’s businessmen are on edge, many of them moving around with security details. Personally, I’m not that concerned for myself. But bringing my family to a concert, I wouldn’t want any harm to come to my wife and child."

John nodded in understanding.

He wasn’t particularly rattled by the news of terrorists.

After all, they seemed to target the affluent.

As an ordinary individual, he didn’t consider himself a potential mark.

However, he was curious about the real intent of these cult militants in the city.

The idea that they were here simply for ransom by kidnapping the wealthy was something John found hard to believe.

An organization capable of holding a city of millions hostage and deemed a cult by many nations would not stir up such chaos just for money.

Suddenly, a thought crossed John’s mind, and he looked up at the magnificent opera house behind them.

"You’ve thought of it too?" Benjamin Taylor gave another rueful smile. "This concert is one of the most prestigious in the city in recent years. Many dignitaries and elites will attend. If those terrorists have ulterior motives, this concert would be the perfect opportunity..."

John’s brows furrowed in concern.

Gazing at the unsuspecting little Mia beside him, he said softly, "Given the risks, Mr. Taylor, why bring along your wife and Mia? Frankly, I believe you shouldn’t have come either."

The look of bitterness on Benjamin Taylor’s face deepened. "Sometimes, we have no choice. While this concert represents an opportunity for the terrorists, it is equally so for the city hall and the police department."

"The government aims to capitalize on this chance to eradicate the terrorists and eliminate the threat once and for all. Therefore, they needed a sufficiently appealing bait. That’s when Daniel Roberts approached me..."

"He assured me it would be foolproof, that we’d be surrounded by officers from the city’s police department. Only then did I reluctantly bring my wife and child to this damned concert..." At this, Benjamin Taylor sighed heavily, "Sometimes, when you reach a certain stature, it feels more like a cage..."

John pursed his lips, a hint of worry flashing in his eyes.

History had shown time and time again that ’foolproof’ plans often went awry.

Glancing at the joyful little Mia beside him, with her big, bright eyes, John inwardly sighed.

If anything went wrong, he’d have to look out for her...

"Alright, the concert should be starting soon. Let’s head in..." With a wry smile, Benjamin Taylor attempted to lighten the mood.

John chuckled, "Mr. Taylor, you go ahead. I need to make a call to Amelia. They’re checking personal identification here, and I’d rather not share mine with strangers."

Benjamin Taylor paused, looking perplexed. "What kind of ticket did that actress send you?"

John unlocked his phone, displaying the electronic invitation to Benjamin Taylor.

After a brief glance, a smile spread across Benjamin’s face.

"An inner circle ticket? It seems I was right earlier; that actress certainly has a soft spot for you. Obtaining such a ticket isn’t an easy task..."

John, somewhat puzzled, asked, "Why do you say that, Mr. Taylor? Amelia told me she had a few extra tickets gifted from officials, and she simply passed one to me. From what you’re suggesting, it seems there’s more to it?"

The smile on Benjamin Taylor’s face slowly turned enigmatic.

He patted John on the shoulder, his voice laden with meaning, "Johnathon, you still fail to grasp the intricacies of a woman’s heart. She might say such things just to keep you in the dark... These inner circle tickets can’t be bought on the open market. They’re essentially gifted by the concert officials to the city’s elite, classifying them as VIP tickets. Do you truly believe that actress holds the influence to procure such privileged tickets from officials?"

John fell silent.

If Benjamin Taylor’s words held any truth, then he would have to give deeper thought to Amelia’s intentions.

He had merely assisted her slightly; surely, that didn’t warrant such a grand gesture of gratitude?

Seeing John’s evident perplexity, Benjamin Taylor chuckled lightly, "Don’t overthink it. If she doesn’t want you to know the worth of that ticket, play along and pretend you’re unaware."

"With that ticket, you can use the special entrance, no need to queue here."

John looked up, startled, and following the direction of Benjamin Taylor’s pointed finger, he noticed an exclusive entrance nearby.

Any distinguished guest that approached was met with the utmost respect by the attendant.

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