Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 404 404-The Uncertain Situation at Karen Port

Chapter 404 Chapter404-The Uncertain Situation at Karen Port

After leaving Genesis Guild, John did not immediately head to Karen Port.

He anticipated that this journey could be fraught with dangers, potentially leading to an extended mission in Karen Port.

Thus, he needed to sort out other matters before setting off.

First, he went to see Emma.

Although she had mastered her flame magic to the highest level, she still needed to spend more time mastering the techniques of wielding it.

"In the coming days, you must repeatedly practice your flame magic," John urged. "Your level is high, but actual combat requires skill to fully harness its power."

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Emma had no doubts about John’s advice and nodded emphatically. "No problem, I will practice patiently. And with your guidance, I’m sure I’ll improve quickly."

"I won’t be able to guide you for the next few days. I need to make a trip to Karen Port, and it’s very important," John explained why he couldn’t offer Emma any guidance, which seemed to puzzle her a bit.

She was familiar with the name Karen Port, but in Emma’s view, it didn’t seem particularly relevant to them.

"Why head to Karen Port? I’ve heard of the port, but there haven’t been any significant storylines there. And the stronger players I know haven’t chosen it as their starting point either."

John chose not to elaborate in response to Emma’s curiosity.

He felt that revealing too much to Emma might not be beneficial for her.

It seemed as if Enigmatic Saint had a way of drawing those who knew too much into a web of misfortune.

Thus, he simply advised her not to overthink it.

"As one of the top players in Godslayer, it’s only natural for me to explore storylines on my own," John explained.

"While Karen Port may not have significant storylines, I must thoroughly investigate. Who knows what extra plots might be uncovered there? You know, the progression of Godslayer’s story relies entirely on players’ exploration. If players only stick to familiar areas, the game’s storyline cannot advance."

John’s explanation convinced Emma.

She then expressed her wish to accompany John to Karen Port, intrigued by the possibility of its unique scenery compared to other areas in the game.

"In that case, I’ll join you. I think I can practice my flame magic while we travel to Karen Port!"

John appeared somewhat resigned, knowing that Emma would insist on joining him.

He spent some time persuading her to focus on practicing her magic instead.

Finally, John successfully convinced Emma to stay and practice her fire magic, allowing him to meet up with Blue Sea and head to Karen Port.

Before their departure, John and Blue Sea gathered a considerable amount of information about Karen Port, though much of it was vague.

Given its location on the edge of the storyline map, few players had reached Karen Port, and those who did were of relatively low levels, resulting in unreliable intelligence.

Posts related to Karen Port on the game forums were scarce.

Even extensive data searches yielded little useful information.

The only significant piece of information John and Blue Sea could find on the game forums about Karen Port was its ambiguous situation.

The area surrounding the port was home to at least three different factions.

Players from Dark Fiction had discovered traces of Devils near Karen Port, indicating that Dark Fiction could establish a base there.

Order Fiction players found signs of the Sea God and the Arcane God near Karen Port, but they couldn’t confirm if these Order Fiction deities had actually appeared there.

After all, devotees of these gods could carry their divine traces to Karen Port.

Besides Dark Fiction and Order Fiction, the third faction at Karen Port was Chaos Fiction.

All information about Enigmatic Saint pointed directly to Karen Port.

Furthermore, Ethereal Seer’s prior actions suggested that Enigmatic Saint might not mind John and others heading to Karen Port.

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If he did, the fake Adam portrayed by Ethereal Seer wouldn’t have mentioned Karen Port as the origin of that painting.

With the traces of deities from three different factions appearing around Karen Port, it meant the journey there would undoubtedly be perilous.

Therefore, both men knew they needed to prepare more thoroughly, bringing ample supplies and extra scrolls.

"Our guild has a vast amount of supplies, and we can provide you with plenty if needed," Blue Sea said with genuine candor.

"We have some scrolls as well, but I doubt they’ll meet your standards as their quality is quite inferior."

As a top player and the leader of the Blue Sea Guild, one of the ten major guilds in the game, Blue Sea had a deep understanding of independent players like John.

High-level independent players like John had a significant demand for supplies, especially since they lacked the support of a guild.

Scrolls were a different matter.

High-quality scrolls were notoriously difficult to acquire, obtainable only through high-level quests or triggering various extra storylines.

And who could surpass John in achieving high-level quests or triggering additional storylines?

John didn’t object to Blue Sea’s words.

Indeed, he needed a lot of supplies, but not just for personal restoration.

"Then go ahead and prepare as many supplies as you can.

Don’t worry about high-level scrolls; I have plenty of those.

I can even share two or three with you.

With these scrolls, we should be able to handle unexpected situations.

If we truly encounter Enigmatic Saint himself, I’m not even sure I can defeat him completely."

John was keen on a fair collaboration with Blue Sea.

Since Blue Sea was already providing ample supplies, John could offer a few high-level scrolls in return.

These scrolls were precious to Blue Sea, but not as much to John.

He had acquired many during his previous secret realm expeditions.

The scroll he used against Ethereal Seer was the most powerful he had.

After using that scroll, the remaining ones seemed less significant to him.

"I’ll get to it right away. Why don’t you come with me to our guild?

Our supply warehouse will be open for you to take whatever you need.

After all, for this trip to Karen Port, I’ll need your protection.

"From our previous fight with Ethereal Seer, it’s clear I couldn’t even handle a single strike.

If we truly encounter Enigmatic Saint, it seems I won’t even have the right to participate in the battle,"

Blue Sea said, his smile masking his deep concern.

He knew the journey to Karen Port could potentially yield great rewards.

However, it was also bound to be fraught with danger.

John had defeated several Devils in the past.

While Blue Sea didn’t know all the details, he could infer John’s strength from the encounter in Kingserp Valley and the standoff with Karthus.

The attitude of the Devils summoned by Karthus indicated that John’s prowess was no less than that of a Devil.

Facing Enigmatic Saint, who could potentially be a divine entity, John was the only person Blue Sea could truly rely on.

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