Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 497-The Cunning Nald

Chapter 497-The Cunning Nald

497 Chapter497-The Cunning Nald

With John joining the fight, the Sea God successfully evaded the Mystery Saint’s attack, seizing the opportunity to recalibrate and prepare a counterattack against the Mystery Saint.

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The appearance of John didn’t seem to cause any significant reaction from the projection of the Mystery Saint. Perhaps he had anticipated such a development.

In facing John, the Mystery Saint did not adopt any special tactics but continued to use various spells of Mystery Power as before. Having just emerged from the Abyssal Illusion, John’s resistance to Mystery Power was not particularly high, so he had to initially opt for evasion when confronted with these Mystery spells.

While dodging the attacks of the Mystery Saint, John also kept an eye on the surroundings. He noticed that there were still many Mystery creatures around the Naga Tribe.

John decided to first eliminate these Mystery creatures, as he had learned a crucial piece of information in the Abyssal Illusion: every member of the Mystery faction could aid other members of their faction. When these Mystery creatures gathered, each one’s Mystery Power became significantly stronger.

Taking advantage of a lull in the Mystery Saint’s assault, John quickly returned to the Naga Tribe. Upon meeting the Naga Queen, he straightforwardly shared his plan.

"I know you’re all very curious about what happened to me earlier, but we must first deal with the current crisis. This is what we need to focus on right now.

You can’t just stand by and watch anymore; you must eliminate all these Mystery creatures. Once these Mystery creatures are dealt with, the battle between me and the Mystery Saint will become much less difficult."

After delivering this message, John immediately chose to use a Teleport Spell to leave. He was acutely aware that he couldn’t afford to waste any time.

Although John had not witnessed the earlier battle between the Sea God and the Mystery Saint, the condition of the Sea God indicated that the battle had ended in the Sea God’s defeat. If John stayed away for too long, the Sea God would be unable to withstand the Mystery Saint’s onslaught. Should the Sea God fall to the Mystery Saint, it would be extremely difficult for John alone to defeat him.

As John swiftly departed to join the divine war, the Naga Queen and others sprang into action. The Mystery Protector had some reservations about John’s plan, but he also understood that it was not the time to conflict with John. John’s participation in the battle against the Mystery Saint signified his immense strength.

The Mystery Protector realized that only with the help of others could he possibly match John. Without such assistance, he might not even have a chance to escape from John’s attacks.

Thus, the Naga Queen, Shatras, the Mystery Protector, and Duke Arsena began to eliminate the Mystery creatures surrounding the Naga Tribe as quickly as possible. Their actions proved to be very effective.

After all, the Mystery Saint had concentrated most of his Mystery Power upon himself.

The remaining Mystery creatures were significantly weaker than before.

After Duke Arsena eliminated a Mystery Vanguard, he saw a person who greatly surprised him — Nald. Arsena had seen portraits of Nald in his family’s collection of books. He knew well that Nald was a very powerful Legend Magus, a figure who had disappeared 400 years ago. Naturally, Nald’s sudden appearance left Duke Arsena bewildered.

"Are you the legendary King of Space, Nald? Why are you here? Haven’t you been missing for 400 years?" Arsena urgently asked upon confirming Nald’s identity. Nald’s expression showed a hint of surprise, but he quickly adjusted his demeanor.

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"There’s no time to explain all this now. I am here to provide assistance!" Nald’s response didn’t strike Arsena as particularly strange.

Although Nald had been missing for a long time, most of the powerful figures of the Northern Myst Empire believed that Nald might have just gone elsewhere to enhance his own power. After all, Nald already had the title of the King of Space before his disappearance. His teleportation spell and space-related sealing spells were among the strongest within the members of the Order Faction.

Moreover, the ongoing battle near the Naga Tribe was a divine war. Both the Sea God and the Mystery Saint were beings of a very high standing, far surpassing mortals.

The appearance of Nald, a Legend Magus, at this location was indeed not very surprising. Duke Arsena was naturally very pleased when Nald expressed his willingness to help.

"Since you are here, please help us quickly eliminate these Mystery creatures. If you believe you can participate in the ongoing divine war, you must also provide assistance to our Order Faction deities," Arsena implored, confident that Nald would agree with his plan, which was essentially the one John had shared with him.

However, Nald shook his head. "That plan must have been told to you by the very powerful adventurer who just arrived, right? Actually, I was the one who originally suggested it to him. Aren’t you curious why he disappeared earlier? His disappearance was due to him entering my sealed space. It was with my help that he was able to emerge from that seal.

The reason I am willing to help you is to defeat the Mystery Saint as quickly as possible! None of you fully understand the threat that the Mystery Saint poses to our Order Faction!"

Nald’s revelation provided a new perspective on the situation, highlighting his significant role and the critical nature of the threat they were facing. His involvement suggested a deeper layer of complexity in the conflict, underlining the dire need for concerted action against the Mystery Saint.

Nald’s words increased Duke Arsena’s confusion. While he could accept that Nald had helped John escape the seal, he wondered why their plans seemed somewhat different.

"Don’t ask any more questions for now, just join me in taking action. If I remember correctly, you are the lord of Storm City, right? Do you recall a book in the Great Library of Storm City? It’s located on the very top floor, and under normal circumstances, no one is permitted to access it. If we can get that book, we will definitely have a solid chance of defeating the Mystery Saint."

Arsena was indeed vaguely aware of the book Nald mentioned, but it had been sealed away for hundreds of years. No one had considered taking it out, and most magi were unaware of its contents. As a Paladin, Arsena was even less likely to know what the book contained.

"Lord Legend Magus, are you sure we should do this? I believe John’s plan seems more reasonable. We don’t need a book that has been sealed for so long to defeat the Mystery Saint."

Duke Arsena expressed slight opposition, feeling that Nald’s plan carried significant risks. Although he did not know the specific use of the book sealed in the Great Library’s top floor, the fact that it had been sealed away suggested that releasing it could lead to a major crisis.

Duke Arsena remained highly vigilant, especially considering that the suggestion came from Nald, who had been missing for a long time. Arsena even began to suspect that Nald might have aligned himself with the Mystery faction.

Nald’s expression turned to one of disappointment. "You truly do not deserve the title of Paladin! If you refuse to join me, I will go to the Great Library of Storm City alone! You should be well aware that you have no way to stop me!"

After saying this, Nald opened a portal, through which Arsena could directly see the Great Library of Storm City. This meant that, whether Arsena was willing to help or not, Nald could immediately reach the Great Library.

Left with no other option, Arsena nodded. "In that case, I will accompany you to the Great Library of Storm City. Can you please explain the purpose of this book? Why is it necessary to defeat the Mystery Saint?"

Arsena’s decision to accompany Nald was a strategic choice, influenced by his duty as a Paladin and his responsibility to safeguard his realm. He hoped to understand Nald’s intentions and the significance of the book, to ensure that their actions would not inadvertently cause more harm than good.

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