Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 577 550-Twilight’s Adventurous Support

Chapter 577 Chapter550-Twilight’s Adventurous Support

While the members of the Order Faction in Storm City were locked in a bitter struggle, the situation at the Southern Harbor had improved significantly.

With John’s assistance, the Ocean Sage successfully eliminated the high-ranking demons surrounding the Southern Harbor and even managed to destroy three demon generals.

Despite the Ocean Sage being severely injured after achieving this goal, the situation at the Southern Harbor remained much better than in other areas.

Following this, the Ocean Sage instructed his subordinates to clear the surrounding area of the Southern Harbor of lower-level demons.

No members of the Dark Faction could be seen around the Southern Harbor anymore.

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The Ocean Sage even sent out some assassins to scout the surrounding area.

The information brought back by these scouts indicated that all of the Dark Faction’s forces were now concentrated around Storm City.

This situation plunged the Ocean Sage into a state of indecision.

Having previously promised to assist John and having somewhat recovered, he found himself torn over whether to head directly to Storm City.

Doing so could potentially aid John, but it would also inadvertently benefit the Northern Myst Empire.

If he chose to remain in the Southern Harbor and observe, the Northern Myst Empire would likely suffer significant losses in the upcoming battles, potentially facilitating his eventual reconquest of Storm City.

The Ocean Sage’s hesitation caused some members of the Southern Harbor to waver as well.

While these NPCs from the Southern Harbor had received John’s help and were genuinely willing to assist him, their deep-seated animosity towards the people of the Northern Myst Empire prevented them from wanting to offer even the slightest aid to the Empire’s members.

Amidst the Ocean Sage’s indecision, his two most important subordinates openly shared their thoughts.

Twilight, as a high-level assassin, had already scouted the surroundings of Storm City.

While there were no extremely high-level demons around, the city walls had been compromised.

In her view, without assistance, Storm City would soon fall under the complete control of the Dark Faction, endangering the governance of the Southern Harbor as well.

"Sage, we can no longer afford to hesitate! Didn’t we promise John mutual support? Now that we are no longer in danger here, we should extend our help to Storm City," Twilight urged.

Her words brought a noticeable change to the Ocean Sage’s expression.

Just as he was about to respond, Hammer, another of the Ocean Sage’s key subordinates, preemptively spoke up.

"We did promise John we’d help him, but that’s just it—helping him, nothing more.

He shouldn’t be in any danger right now. The strength he has shown is nearly on par with a Devil’s.

Even with Storm City under attack by two Devils, John should be able to escape successfully.

If we go to Storm City now, we’d only be aiding the Northern Myst Empire.

I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I absolutely refuse to help the people of the Northern Myst Empire.

I wish all those damned Northern Myst Empire folks would be wiped out by the demons of the Dark Faction."

Hammer, after all, was a warrior, and his tone, shaped by years of training from a young age, was notably straightforward.

Hammer’s words resonated with many members of the Southern Harbor.

However, despite their agreement, the NPCs of the Southern Harbor still felt that the final decision should rest with the Ocean Sage.

After all, their survival up to this point had been solely dependent on the protection provided by the Ocean Sage.

Every eye was fixed on him, and after a long moment of hesitation, the Ocean Sage finally spoke slowly, "I believe Hammer is correct. John is unlikely to face any significant danger. If he truly were in trouble, he would send us a message. We can offer our assistance when and if he finds himself in peril. Until then, our priority should be to defend the Southern Harbor. After all, the Dark Faction is not entirely incapable of posing a threat to us."

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In the end, the Ocean Sage decided to heed Hammer’s advice.

Twilight was visibly dissatisfied with this decision and stood up to address the others, "If you are unwilling to assist John, then stay here. But I will go to help him, as I am committed to keeping my promise."

After her declaration, Twilight activated her stealth ability.

A rogue in stealth mode is not easily detected by others.

Although Ocean Sage was powerful, he did not wish to hinder Twilight’s forthcoming actions.

In his view, Twilight’s initiative might significantly benefit the Southern Harbor.

After Twilight’s departure, Hammer expressed his concern: "Sage, might Twilight encounter great danger? Should we send some people to assist her?"

Ocean Sage looked at Hammer, considering the question somewhat moot given their decision to defend the Southern Harbor.

"If we dispatch our stronger members, how will we continue to defend the Southern Harbor?"

"As a high-level assassin, her combat skills are exceptional. I’m confident she will be able to provide substantial support to John in the coming battles. As for us, we need only continue to hold our position here in the Southern Harbor. I have a feeling we will still face attacks from enemy factions here, as I sense the power of Mystery growing stronger."

Ocean Sage’s words alleviated the concerns of the others but also intensified their fear of the threat posed by the Mystery Saint.

They had all previously experienced the formidable power of the Mystery force and were not eager to face an assault by the Mystery Saint again.

"You need not worry too much. Since the Mystery Saint did not act immediately during the attack on Storm City, it suggests he has a more complex plan in place. When he does act, we can likely count on John’s support, as he is close to defeating the two Devils of the Dark Faction."

Ocean Sage had great confidence in John, believing he would have no trouble facing the Devils.

Thus, he did not perceive Twilight’s journey to Storm City as particularly perilous.

After leaving the Southern Harbor, Twilight followed a path directly towards Storm City.

Along the way, she encountered several Dark Faction demons that had been vanquished.

Initially, she assumed these demons had been defeated by members of the Order Faction.

However, upon closer inspection, she began to suspect that they were not taken down by the Order Faction after all.

The traces of Mystery power on these demons indicated that the Mystery forces had already started to operate in the shadows, possibly achieving some success in their schemes.

Realizing the potential gravity of the situation, Twilight hastened her pace.

By the time she reached the walls of Storm City, the battle there had essentially concluded.

The high-ranking demons of the Dark Faction had been eradicated, and the remaining lower-level demons posed no threat to the standard guards of the Order Faction.

The only battle still shrouded in uncertainty was taking place at the heart of Storm City, where the strength of the Devils was formidable.

Moreover, these two Devils had successfully joined forces.

Corruptor, one of the Devils, was handling the attacks from the Mystery Protector and others with ease, demonstrating the considerable power at his disposal.

While defending against the attacks from the Order Faction’s members, Corruptor also managed to break through the defensive enchantments surrounding Duke Arsena’s palace.

This breach allowed the Flame Knight, who was inside the palace, to make a successful escape.

The moment the seal outside Duke Arsena’s palace was lifted, the Flame Knight burst forth, and with him, a massive surge of seawater flooded out.

This development took everyone present by surprise, as they couldn’t fathom how so much seawater could be contained within Duke Arsena’s palace, which wasn’t directly connected to the ocean.

Given Storm City’s considerable distance from the sea, the appearance of such a vast amount of water was baffling.

However, upon seeing John, they began to form their own theories.

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