Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 620 593-The Perilous Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 620 Chapter593-The Perilous Ancient Battlefield

With the aid of elemental powers, John successfully traversed through the portal, arriving at an ancient battlefield.

No sooner had he stepped out of the portal than he was confronted by a colossal Mystery creature.

This creature bore a striking resemblance to the MysteryVanguard, yet its strength was significantly superior.

Prepared as John was for combat, the prospect of facing an enhanced version of the MysteryVanguard still proved somewhat daunting.

John promptly unleashed the Abyssal Prison to fend off the creature’s onslaught, subsequently utilizing his blink ability to retreat to a safer location.

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Engaging in a prolonged battle with this Mystery creature was not something John desired, especially given his lack of familiarity with the surroundings.

The presence of other, potentially more formidable Mystery creatures would necessitate a different strategy.

Having retreated to a safe vantage point, John finally had the opportunity to survey his surroundings.

To his astonishment, he found himself surrounded by several Mystery creatures, none of which appeared to be any less formidable than the mutated MysteryVanguard he had initially encountered.

"The danger of this battlefield is truly beyond comprehension. Why are there so many powerful Mystery creatures here? Could it be that the ancient battlefield is a site of conflict between the Mystery faction and the Order Faction? Then why haven’t I seen any members of the Order Faction? Could it be that they have been utterly vanquished? And if so, why was I transported to this forsaken place?"

A flurry of questions raced through John’s mind, though he had no immediate means of answering them.

Thus, he resolved to venture forth to other areas, in hopes of gleaning more about the situation elsewhere.

John extracted the Book of the Astral Realm, and harnessing its power, he was finally able to swiftly navigate through the impediments posed by the Mystery creatures, making his way to other regions of the ancient battlefield.

As he journeyed towards these areas, John remained vigilant, constantly observing his surroundings.

It became evident that he had significantly underestimated the strength of the Mystery faction as he progressed.

The area he had initially been in had comparatively fewer Mystery creatures.

However, upon reaching the vicinity of a hill, he was taken aback by the sheer number of Mystery creatures present.

"What on earth is happening here? Why are there so many Mystery creatures? Could it be that the ancient battlefield is situated within the stronghold of the Mystery faction? If it’s not within their stronghold, how could such formidable Mystery forces be present?"

Amidst John’s profound perplexity, he suddenly sensed a potent presence of water elemental power emerging nearby.

A figure, entirely composed of water elements, materialized within John’s field of vision.

This aqueous entity launched assaults on the surrounding Mystery creatures, with each attack manifesting tremendous power.

Even from a considerable distance, John could feel the formidable force of these water elemental spells.

"Could this figure, formed from water elements, be the legendary warrior Aike? It seems unlikely, as warriors aren’t typically known for mastering such a vast array of spells."

John felt relatively secure and thus had no intention of directly intervening in the battle between the water elemental figure and the Mystery creatures.

However, it wasn’t long before he realized that the water elemental had become aware of his presence and was swiftly approaching his location.

The approach of the figure made of water elements caused John a slight nervousness.

Although he presumed the entity was likely not an adversary, the display of its formidable power earlier left some room for apprehension.

Were it to come to combat, John wasn’t confident in his ability to prevail.

"Why are you here? Your strength is insufficient for you to continue fighting in this place! You should return to the Naga tribe at once! That is the only safe haven!"

The figure, composed of water elements, inquired with a tone of curiosity.

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It seemed to regard John’s power as quite inferior, deeming him unqualified to remain in the vicinity.

John didn’t argue but responded with a wry smile, "I too wish to leave this place, but I haven’t found a way to do so."

The water elemental figure sized John up and down, remarking, "Although your strength might not be formidable, you should possess the ability to teleport, correct? If you have this skill, couldn’t you directly teleport to the Naga tribe?"

"Or is it that you have never been to the Naga tribe in the first place? If you’ve never been there, how have you managed to survive until now? Apart from the Naga tribe, all other areas controlled by the Order Faction have fallen under the dominion of the Mystery faction. How could someone of your modest strength possibly escape the onslaught of those powerful Mystery creatures?"

The barrage of questions from the figure made John feel increasingly cornered.

Having only just arrived, he was completely unaware of the surrounding context and all related information.

In the process of responding, any discrepancies in his answers could potentially lead to him being mistaken for a spy of the Mystery faction.

The situation was becoming exceedingly precarious for John, and he was deeply concerned about a possible attack, so he took the Book of the Astral Realm in hand.

If an attack were indeed forthcoming, he could rely on the Book’s potent power for defense.

The water elemental figure also noticed the Book of the Astral Realm in John’s possession.

It showed a keen interest in the Book, and could sense that the power emanating from the Book was distinctly different from that of the Mystery’s forces.

"It appears your survival can be attributed to this Sacred Relic you possess. I have not encountered this Sacred Relic before. What exactly is its function? And where did you acquire this Sacred Relic?"

As the water elemental’s focus shifted to the Book of the Astral Realm, John felt a wave of relief wash over him.

After all, he was quite familiar with the capabilities of the Book.

"This Sacred Relic possesses immense Space Authority. It can seal off any enemy’s attack and, indeed, can seal all enemies encountered. Moreover, this Sacred Relic allows for continuous teleportation across different regions. You can teleport to places you’ve never been before and use blink without limit during combat."

After outlining the specific functions of the Book of the Astral Realm, John proceeded to fabricate a story about how he came into possession of the Book, as he could not disclose the truth.

"I was able to obtain the Book of the Astral Realm, this Sacred Relic, because it has always been in possession of my family. Our family has held this Sacred Relic for generations, though it was never utilized until now. Faced with a significant crisis, I employed the Sacred Relic to escape to a safer location. Currently, I am utterly unaware of where I am, as the teleportation by the Book of the Astral Realm transports me to places I have never been before."

John’s explanation managed to convince the water elemental figure, as it seemed plausible that such a powerful Sacred Relic like the Book of the Astral Realm could have its drawbacks.

"In that case, I will assist you in reaching the Naga tribe directly. There, you will be able to ensure your safety. Moreover, if you can quickly master this Sacred Relic, you might also be able to provide assistance in the upcoming battles."

After these words, the figure formed from water elements snapped its fingers, and John was immediately enveloped by a powerful surge of water elements.

He felt as though he was submerged underwater, even experiencing a moment of breathlessness.

When the sensation of suffocation dissipated, John found himself within the Naga tribe.

Surrounded by numerous NPCs, John found himself amidst a crowd that seemed to have sought refuge in the Naga tribe as well.

The expressions of panic were evident on the faces of all the NPCs around him.

A warrior-like NPC approached John, inquiring, "Were you also transported here by the envoy of the deity?"

John was slightly puzzled by the reference to the envoy.

The term likely referred to the water elemental figure he had encountered earlier, but unsure, he simply gave the warrior-like NPC a perplexed look.

"The envoy of the deity is an emissary of the Sea God, manifested entirely in the form of water elements. If you encountered such a being, then it was indeed the envoy of the deity."

From the NPC’s explanation, John realized that the entity he had met was indeed the emissary of the Sea God.

Naturally, John nodded in agreement, given the unforeseen dangers of his current situation had surpassed his expectations.

John hoped to gather more information in this safe haven before deciding on his next course of action.

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