Seduce The Villainess (GL) Chapter 2 The Afterlife Sucks

Sui Li floated for what seemed like an eternity in an endless white void. The white scenery stretched out as far as the eye could see.

There was no noise in the void so Sui Li was alone with her thoughts.

Sui Li raised up her arm and saw that her hand and the rest of her body was now translucent. It was like she both solid and unreal at the same time.

Was this the afterlife?

If so, then truthfully it was a bit boring and dull.

There were no angels or demons in sight nor an endless line of souls waiting to be judged by the ruler of the underworld.

Sui Li figured that she would even settle for briefly crossing paths with another soul in the endless void.

The lack of stimuli was driving her mad.

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She remembered reading that a human would only need to spend a week in solitary confinement before going insane.

It was impossible to get a sense of time in this strange place, but it was clear that she had been drifting aimlessly for a very long time.

Or perhaps she was in purgatory, and this was the punishment that she had to endure for killing the monster who possessed her brother’s body.

Sui Li let out a light chuckle as she remembered the shocked expression on Song Feng’s face when she revealed his true identity as a fake.

He probably never imagined that his downfall would occur at the hands of the elder sister of his stolen body.

It was a hollow victory because a small part of Sui Li wished desperately that she had been wrong the entire time.

But the look on Song Feng’s face had confirmed what she had always suspected…

That her brother was never going to come back and that meant that Sui Li had broken her promise.

She failed to protect him.

"I’m sorry mom. I’m sorry dad," Sui Li whispered quietly.

Her voice echoed through the endless void and naturally she did not receive a reply.

Sui Li continued to wander through the white space while thinking about her life and the choices that she had made.

Would everything have been different if she had chosen to not go abroad?

Perhaps she could have saved her brother’s life if she had just decided to stay instead.

The worst part of being alone was that she was left with nothing but the dark thoughts in her mind and endless regrets in her heart.

Days or maybe years passed as Sui Li curled up in a fetal position and allowed her soul to float helplessly through the void.

[Candidate No.214 has been identified and located. Beginning the extraction process in five seconds…]

A cold voice suddenly entered Sui Li’s mind and caused the wandering soul to snap out of her depressive state.

Sui Li looked around in shock and tried to find the source of the noise. Was it merely a figment of her imagination?

Please… please… let it be real.

The voice spoke once more but this time it began a countdown. The voice was robotic and not a hint of emotions could be detected in its flat tone.

[Five… four… three… two…]

"Where… where are you? Show yourself," Sui Li hoarsely whispered.

She did not care if this voice belonged to God or the Devil himself. She would do anything to escape this hellish place.


[Initializing the extraction process…]





(Outside The Creation World Tree- Unknown Location)

(Private System Spatial Zone)

Sui Li opened her eyes to find herself standing in the middle of a wide-open field.

There was a bright yellow sun shining high above in the sky and the sounds of birds chirping could be heard coming from the forest that surrounded the meadow.

Colorful flowers swayed gently from side to side as the wind blew softly against their petals. Sui Li froze in place as she struggled to understand what had just happened.

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Where was she? Why had she been teleported here?

Who was behind this?

Sui Li quickly swept the surrounding area for any threats or dangers but found nothing suspicious about this seemingly peaceful place.

Wait a moment… her body was back to normal!

Sui Li gasped in surprise and looked down to see her body return to its normal state.

The shock of appearing in a completely new location was quickly forgotten as she ran her fingers against her skin.

It wasn’t just that her body had been restored.

As Sui Li walked around the beautiful meadow, she discovered that her body felt stronger and more powerful than before.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Sui Li called out.

She felt a bit nervous about reaching out to the mysterious entity that had brought her here but there was no other alternative.

It was impossible to find out the purpose of this strange place without talking to the one responsible for its creation.

A pillar of bright light erupted from the center of the meadow and Sui Li took a few steps backwards in shock.

The beam of light slowly disappeared to reveal a golden door with a plain wooden handle attached to its front.

Blue rune-like symbols had been etched onto the golden door’s outer surface. These symbols glowed with an eerie light that made Sui Li subconsciously tremble.

She could not understand the meaning of those symbols but somehow, she knew that they represented a power that she was better off avoiding at all costs.

"Hello?" Sui Li nervously repeated her question.

The meadow was silent, and door remained frozen in place.

Okay so nothing was coming out from the other side of the door… did that mean that the entity wanted her to go in?

Sui Li waited patiently for a few minutes to make sure that no one was coming out from the other side.

She really did not want to open that suspicious looking door but what if the entity was getting impatient that she was taking so long.

Sui Li approached the door with hesitant steps and tentatively grabbed the wooden handle. She took a few deep breaths and then pulled the handle with all of her strength.

The door swung open and Sui Li’s figure was sucked inside before she even had any time to react.

Sui Li screamed as her body was tossed and squeezed through a passageway of floating light orbs that seemed to glow at her mockingly.

Her limbs seemed to bend and stretch to impossible lengths as she traveled through the passageway.

Oddly enough, Sui Li could not feel any pain during the process, but it did not stop her from freaking out.

After thirty seconds of pure terror, Sui Li found herself flung out of the passageway and towards a pillar of light.

Sui Li closed her eyes as she neared the harsh light and refused to open them even as she felt her feet land on solid ground.

A familiar cold voice rang out in her mind that sent shivers down Sui Li’s spine.

[Welcome Candidate No.214 and congratulations….]

[You are one of the lucky souls who has been selected to join the new department of the Space Time Administration.]

[Your task will be to eliminate dangerous villainesses and protect the stability of numerous plane worlds]

Sui Li slowly opened her eyes and saw a creature looking directly at her with an emotionless gaze.

It was vaguely humanoid in appearance, but its skin was dull greyish colour and two silvery wings sprouted out from its back.

A forked tail swayed gently from side to side, and it possessed sharp bone-like claws instead of regular hands.

The creature wore a plain white mask that hid most of its facial features, but Sui Li could clearly see two dark purplish eyes.

Sui Li stared at the creature.

The creature stared back at her.





"What the fuck?!"

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