Seduce The Villainess (GL) Chapter 212 Lady Of The Night (36)

(Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Kitchen Area)

Mary rubbed her eyes sleepily and stretched out her arms with a lazy yawn. Bright beams of sunlight illuminated the kitchen from the window that she had just opened.

It was now late in the afternoon sometime between four and five o’clock. Mary had just woken up and was ready to start her day.

First... it was breakfast time.

The young woman hummed softly to herself as she washed some fresh vegetables under a stream of running water and then chopped them carefully using a knife.

Then she grabbed a few eggs and also dipped them under the water. She was going to make a simple breakfast of fried eggs and salad.

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It was fortunate that the original Mary had learnt how to cook over the years because her father treated her and her sister like slaves or servants.

If they didn’t learn to cook... then they would have starved.

Mary shook her head and drove those unpleasant thoughts from her mind.

Right now, her only concern was getting some food into her system and then starting her day.

Cleaning... looking after the plants outside... checking on the livestock.

Honestly during the day Mary felt more like a farmer than a vampire hunter. Still, it was important to do these tasks since as far she could tell...

There was very little human food available in New Atlantic City and as for the quality of such food... well who knows if the vampires had proper food safety standards.

Somehow Mary doubted it.

Vampire were just interested in keeping their blood slaves alive since blood tasted the same regardless of whether a person was healthy or not.

Still, it must be in their best interest to keep their blood slaves living for as long as possible...

Mary mused over the matter as she cooked the eggs over the wood powered stove.

She added a pinch of salt, a lot of pepper and of course the secret ingredient to the perfect scrambled eggs....

Chili flakes!

The young woman smiled as she flipped the eggs around until they became warm soft and fluffy scrambled eggs.

She poured the eggs into a bowl, grabbed her salad, and finished the meal with a slice of toast.


Mary dug in and ate quietly while listening to the sounds of birds chirping coming from outside in the nearby forest.

It was an ordinary day.

So ordinary that she was tempted to forget the vampire attack that had occurred the night before.

Should she tell Camilla?

Mary furrowed her brows and eventually decided that it would be best to tell the beautiful female vampire everything that had happened.

For safety reasons it would be in her best interest that her mistress was prepared for what appeared to be an occurrence that would happen again in the future.

Mary ignored the small part of her that was worried about Camilla’s life.

She was a powerful vampire.

There was no way that she would appreciate a... how did she normally put it... ’a mere human’ looking after her.

Mary’s fork dug into the eggs with a bit more force as a melancholy look flashed across her face.

She had no idea why she was feeling this way towards a bloodthirsty monster.

"Stockholm Syndrome is a bitch," Mary muttered quietly to herself as it was probably the only reasonable explanation.

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The young woman finished up her meal and brought it to the sink where she spent the next few minutes cleaning up the dirty plates that were piled up.

She had a bad habit of only washing the plates once a day, so they inevitably formed a bit of a pile by the time she woke up.

Mary walked through the castle down multiple flights of stairs and finally arrived at a small oddly shaped dent in the wall.

She tapped a certain loose section of the stone and a hidden door swung open to reveal the outside world.

Mary stepped outside and took a moment to appreciate the wind that brushed against her face and the bright flowers that bloomed on the ground.

There was a large storeroom shed a few hundred metres away from her location.

Mary walked to the shed and opened the door, inside she found large overalls, boots, plant fertilizers as well as other gardening tools.

She put on the overalls and a pair of clothes as well as some other items before exiting the shed.

Beyond the flower garden was a large hill and beyond that hill lay the cleared area of the forest used as farmland.

Mary walked up the hill without complaint since it was good exercise. Honestly her body felt really good since her fight yesterday.

Or was it technically this morning?

Time was kind of strange when you worked on basically a nocturnal schedule.

It was like there was an endless stream of energy flowing through her body and energizing her with every step that she took.

This feeling only got stronger as Mary basked directly in the rays of the sun as she walked up the hill.

She didn’t know it at the time but her piercing green eyes were constantly flickering back and forth from their normal appearance to a completely golden hue.

The young woman eventually reached the other side of the hill and wiped a few beads of sweat from her brow.

There was around two acres of brown soil where dozens of plant species were congested together in neat lines.

"Okay... time to get to work..." Mary cheered herself up as she walked towards the fields and bent down.

The first step was to remove any new weeds that had sprouted up overnight.

Then she would apply the fertilizer, water the plants and finally after everything was done... she would return to the castle and grab a large barrel.

Then the next hour would be spend filling up the barrel with all the ripe fruits and vegetables in the field.

It was back breaking labour, but Mary did not complain since she treated it as another form of body strengthening.

Vampires naturally had enhanced strength, so humans were forced to work hard in order to even come close to their level.

Mary knew that she was a Sun- Born whatever that meant but still pushed herself to the limit because she had a goal in mind.

Escaping this place and reuniting with her sister.

Even if that goal seemed to be increasingly out of reach and... Camilla was proving to be an unexpected obstacle to her plan but not in the way she had in mind.

The gorgeous female vampire’s seductive smirk flashed across Mary’s mind as she bent down and pulled out a weed from beneath the shade of a corn plant.

Mary let out a heavy sigh as she took a break and sat down in the dirty soil. She looked up at the blue sky and saw hundreds of clouds floating merrily in the breeze.

High above in the heavens and free.

She wondered sometimes what it would be like to be a cloud... no worries... no responsibilities...

Just drifting aimlessly.

The young woman’s lips gently curved up into a smile as she saw a pair of brightly coloured birds nesting in a tree.

One of the birds nuzzled against the other and made a soft cooing noise. Their partner nuzzled back and lightly tapped its head using its beak.

It was at times like this when Mary appreciated the fact that she had been chosen by the Space Time Authority.

Being able to experience multiple worlds was truly a blessing.

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