Seduce The Villainess (GL) Chapter 233 Lady Of The Night (57)

"What the hell?" the vampire could not believe what he was seeing. The young hunter who just moments ago was on the verge of death had somehow stood up.

No... not just that...

Her body was rapidly regenerating and her eyes...

Somehow, they had turned golden.

The vampire did not know what was happening, so he decided to kill the young girl and drink her blood.

He rushed forward so quickly that his body turned into a blur. No ordinary human would be able to react to his speed.

The vampire punched forward but this time his fist met empty air. The hunter shifted her head slightly to the left and dodged the blow with ease.

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Then she cocked back her fist and drove it straight into the vampire’s belly.

This time the bloodthirsty fiend was the one to fly backwards and he slammed into the wall with a sickening thump.

Slow... how come he was so slow?

Lily tilted her head in confusion as she felt the power flowing through her body intensify. It was like something hot was flowing through her blood.

Her mind was extremely clear and calm.

It almost felt as though someone else had taken over her body and she was merely a puppet dancing on the strings of her unknown master.

Lily reached for her weapon and nocked an arrow on the bowstring with slow and careful movements.

The vampire emerged from the rubble and screamed in pain. The wall had cracked slightly, and a beam of sunlight landed on his shoulder.

His flesh immediately began to sear and the pain that the vampire felt made him immediately move out of the way.

He glanced at his burnt arm and frowned heavily. His right arm was now completely useless unless he could somehow heal himself.

Unfortunately for the monster... he would never get the chance.

While the vampire was distracted by his injury, he did not notice that Lily had already let go of the arrow on her bowstring.

An arrow flew through the air surrounded by golden flames that burned with a supernatural brightness.

Lily’s golden eyes glowed and the flames intensified until the arrow was surrounded by a roaring ball of fire looked almost like a miniature sun.

"Erghh..." the vampire only had time to let out a dull groan of pain before the arrow struck him right in the middle of his chest.

His flesh burst into flames that slowly spread throughout his body and burned him alive. It was a horrific death.

Lily watched emotionlessly as the vampire collapsed on the ground and screamed until his vocal cords had been destroyed.

The flames burned him inch by inch until his once pale skin became charred and black.

The vampire shot a look of pure hatred mixed with terror at Lily who simply stared at him until he died.

Joseph trembled in the corner of the room and a large wet stain appeared in his pants as those terrible golden eyes locked on him.

It was like he was staring at a primal beast.

Lily blinked twice and her eyes returned to their normal green hue. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of metalloid handcuffs.

"For your crimes of aiding a vampire... you will be charged and arrested," Lily calmly spoke as she put the metal cuffs on Joseph.

When the strange power vanished, she no longer felt the urge the kill and her original personality returned.

She was angry at the villager for trying to get her killed but her feelings were no excuse to ignore proper procedure.

Vampire hunters were not human killers.

"Lily! Are you alright?!" Finley burst into the room holding a long sword that glowed faintly under the sunlight.

"Yes... the vampire has already been disposed of and I have arrested his collaborator," Lily replied casually as she gestured towards the blackened corpse.

Finley’s eyes widened with surprise as he saw the body.

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His dhampir senses were going haywire telling him that there is... or rather was a threat in this room.

"What happened?" Finley asked curiously as he put away the sword and approached Lily who seemed oddly calm.

"I will tell you later... for now let us head back to the academy and give a report to our superiors," Lily softly spoke as she stretched out her arms.

"Here... take him."

She roughly pushed Joseph towards Finley and the old man stumbled slightly. His eyes were unfocused, and his body trembled violently.

He refused to make eye contact with Lily and kept muttering incomprehensible words under his breath.

"Demon... demon... golden eyed... demon..." Joseph kept whispering over and over again as if he had lost his mind.

Finley felt very confused about what was going on but obeyed Lily’s order and grabbed the elderly man by his arm.

The pair walked out of the run-down shack and through the village with the prisoner tightly held in Finley’s grasp.

They received looks of animosity and fear from the villagers, but none were brave enough to ask the hunters where they were taking Joseph.

"Your vampire problem has been solved," Lily’s footsteps paused as she passed the elderly villagers hanging out in the town square.

"Thank you..." one of the old men spoke with barely concealed anger in his voice. Lily raised an eyebrow but continued walking forward.

Clearly Joseph was not only one who knew about the vampire living in the village but that was a matter for the police to investigate.


Lily could understand why for the residents of this forgotten town perhaps it was an offer too tempting to refuse.

Who didn’t want to live forever?

The young woman let out a heavy sigh as she thought about what to write down in the report. Clearly what had just happened to her was very unusual.

She had never heard of a hunter suddenly receiving a large boost of power unless they used a secret technique.

And golden eyes? What did Joseph mean by that?

Her vision had certainly improved when the power flowed through her body... had her eye colour changed as well?

Lily frowned slightly as she took out a small note pad from her pocket and began to write up a detailed report of the incident.

She had no intention of keeping her hidden powers a secret.

If she was going to be an active vampire hunter, then there was no way that she would be able to conceal her gift especially when she would be expected to occasionally work in groups.

Maybe she would be able to leverage this newfound ability for better treatment at school.

Lily focused on her notes and brushed a loose strand of her hair from her face. She didn’t notice that Finley was staring at her with an obsessive glint in his eyes.

The journey back to the academy took around two hours and it was spent in relative silence.

Finley attempted to start some casual conversation, but Lily had too many thoughts on her mind and just gave one-word replies.

Joseph had fainted away in the backseat and the scent of piss could clearly be smelled on his unwashed body.

It was a disgusting odour so all the windows in the car were let down to get some fresh air inside.

Finley wrinkled up his nose in disgust since he had much better senses than an ordinary human and was more affected by the stench.

Lily finished the third page of her report just as the thick walls of the academy came into view.

Finley drove the car in the direction of the administrative office and parked a few hundred metres away from the building.

He got out of the car and walked around the vehicle towards Lily’s side. He opened her car door and gestured with his hands.

"After you princess," Finley mockingly teased as he leaned against the door and let the wind blow through his messy hair.

"Thanks," Lily absentmindedly replied as she got out of the car door and headed for the administrative building without sparing a backwards glance.

Finley clenched his fist as fierce determination swelled up in his heart. One day he would make that attractive girl his woman!

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