Seduce The Villainess (GL) Chapter 298 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (49)

(Southern Region- Xercopolis Empire)

(Castmere Beach)

"Self-righteous... arrogant little shit..." the demon cultivator whispered angrily. His fingers trembled ever so slightly as murderous intent leaked out of his body.

He would kill her.

He would kill that masked bitch and make her pay.

Xu Lu let out a small sigh under her breath and lowered her stance.

The demon cultivator was still holding the female disciple in his right hand with a sword pressed tightly against her neck.

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One small slip and her throat would be slit. The demon cultivator knew that. He thought that he had the advantage.

He was wrong.

"Let me tell you what you are..." Xu Lu hissed darkly as she took one small step forward while carefully maintaining her distance.

"You are a hypocrite."

"You claim that you are on the side of ’justice’ just like the righteous cultivators that you hate... don’t you see the irony?"

"You. Are. No. Better. Than. Them."

Xu Lu’s voice trailed off into a low growl and a heavy pressure surrounded her body. This was not spiritual pressure but something else...

Something dark... something hungry... something murderous...

The saintess raised up her face and her eyes beneath her mask shone with a golden luster.

The demon cultivator flinched as goosebumps appeared along the upper side of his arms.

Fear. He felt afraid.

He was prey standing before an apex predator.

Xu Lu looked imposing but internally her mind was a mess. She began to hear strange incomprehensible whispers coming everywhere and nowhere all at once.

Faint golden threads wrapped themselves around her body and moved from side to side with almost snake-like motions.

One of the threads stretched out towards the demon cultivator who was frozen in fear. Xu Lu could do nothing but watch as the golden thread entered the man’s heart.

Three hundred innocent mortals killed...

Fifteen cultivators massacred all in the name of his grand crusade...

Torture. Robbery. Assault. Mutilation...

Information about the sins that the demon cultivator had committed flowed into Xu Lu’s mind like a never-ending stream.

It was too much.

Xu Lu bit her tongue in order to prevent herself from screaming. This power felt familiar but it was... she didn’t know how to describe it but it felt...

Ill-suited for her current body.

She could feel her meridians straining under the intense pressure of the foreign energy flooding her body with divinity.


How did she know the name of this energy?

Xu Lu summoned all the willpower that she had left and somehow managed to break the golden thread connecting her to the demon cultivator.

She stumbled slightly and nearly collapsed as the divinity inside her body immediately vanished as if this had all been a strange dream.

Her eyes shifted from a bright golden colour to their usual dark brown.

Xu Lu raised up her head and saw the demon cultivator still frozen in fear with beads of sweat running down his forehead.

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She did not miss this opportunity.

Her figure blurred and then vanished from the spot. She reappeared directly behind the demon cultivator and raised up her sword to attack.

Reverse Constellation Style- Orion’s Arrow!

The tip of Xu Lu’s sword glowed faintly and transparent stars wrapped around the hilt of her blade.

She stabbed forward and cleanly penetrated the demon cultivator’s neck. The handsome man gasped in shock and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He tried to say something but the blood flowing out of the open wound in his neck prevented the air from reaching his lungs.

Xu Lu twisted her blade upwards and neatly sliced off the man’s head with one smooth strike.

The demon cultivator’s corpse crashed to the ground motionless with an expression of shock mixed with horror still on his face.

The saintess felt an overwhelming weakness flowing through her body as a wave of exhaustion hit her all at once.

Every muscle screamed out in pain that she needed some rest. The saintess gritted her teeth and forced her exhausted body to move.

She approached the still bleeding body of the female disciple and placed two fingers on the side of her neck.

She was still alive.

Xu Lu felt the female disciple’s pulse getting weaker and weaker with every passing second so she knew that she needed to act now.

She reached into her storage bag and pulled out a small red pill along with a casual robe that she had stored.

Xu Lu pushed the pill into the injured disciple’s mouth and used her hands to force the girl to chew on the pill.

She then reached for the robe and without hesitation she began to tear off strips of the fabric to create make-shift bandages.

Unfortunately, the medical technology of this world was quite underdeveloped. Which made sense considering that cultivators relied on pills or their natural healing abilities.

Xu Lu wrapped the bandages around the open wound and applied a small amount of pressure to slow down the bleeding.

It took around three minutes for the wound to finally begin to close and the female disciple’s breathing got stronger.

Xu Lu removed the bandages and watched as the flesh around the wound started to wriggle and regenerate.

She stood up from the ground and staggered as the corners of her vision turned dark. The female disciple was going to be okay, so she needed to leave here now.

Xu Lu may have saved her and her fellow disciples but after the experiences that she had endured...

She just could not trust cultivators.

The saintess walked unsteadily through the forest for several minutes... although it could have been hours... she really didn’t know.

Time lost all meaning as Xu Lu just placed one foot after the other in a mindless trek.

The edges of her vision were now completely black and the darkness was slowly spreading.

Finally, she spotted something in the distance. A small cave hidden beneath a cliff whose entrance was partially concealed by a thorny plant.

Xu Lu wandered over to the cave and slowly pushed aside the plant. The sharp thorns tore her robe and left small scars on her flesh but she did not care.

The saintess was alert as she entered the cave since she needed to be prepared to face whoever or whatever was occupying it.

Fortunately... there was no one.

The interior of the cave was around the size of a small apartment and there were no visible traces of life.

No animal droppings, no traces of fire, no clothes... nothing.

Xu Lu wanted to inspect every part of the cave but her body finally gave out. 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝖜𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝖈𝖔𝖒

She slumped to the ground and was only vaguely aware of the small squeaking noise that came from the pocket of her robe.

The saintess blinked twice but could not fight off the sleepiness that was just too overwhelming to refuse.

She tried to open her eyes for a final time, but it was no use. Xu Lu slipped off into dreamland while lying down on the cold hard floor of the cave.

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