Seduce The Villainess (GL) Chapter 323 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (74)

Xu Lu frowned slightly as she approached the large boulder and stretched out her palms. Her fingers brushed against the solid lump of rock and a few crumbs of dirt fell to the ground.

The sheer size of the boulder was hard to wrap her head around. It did not even seem real as if someone had carved it directly from the side of a mountain.

Was it possible to destroy this object?

"Oh darling… don’t tell you fell for it?" the foxy woman smiled sweetly as she brushed past Xu Lu with her furry tail wagging from side to side.

She took several steps forward and Xu Lu watched in amazement as her body literally disappeared into the boulder.

"Quite an impressive illusion," Jun Yang muttered as he rubbed his beard and peered closer at the seemingly sturdy rock.

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"How did she know?" Xu Lu asked curiously as she tilted her head and tried to see if there were any visible flaws.

"My sense of smell! By the way… your scent is absolutely… delicious…" a flirtish voice came from the other side.

It sounded slightly muffled as if the person talking was underwater. Jun Yang approached Xu Lu and lowered his voice to a mere whisper.

"I would advise not pursuing any romantic relationship with Cai Mei… her species has the rather nasty habit of eating their lovers," he muttered very quietly.

Shivers ran down Xu Lu’s spine as she quickly realised that Cai Mei’s words that she ’looked delicious’ were a double meaning.

Well, she didn’t plan on having any affairs with the foxy woman but now she was definitely going to give her a lot of space.

Xu Lu shook her head and tossed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She needed to focus and continue her attempt to escape this place.

She had been unconscious when the Sect Leader had brought her here so there was no way that she could know what barriers were put in place.

Anything could be beyond that boulder.

The saintess took in a deep breath and then boldly walked forward even though a wall of solid rock blocked her path.

She felt an excruciating pain as though the sharp edges of the boulder were burrowing directly into her body.

Still, she kept moving.

She would escape from this place.

The Holy Sword Sect would pay for how they treated her…

Xu Lu could not see anything as she walked through the darkness. The only sounds that she could hear was her own breathing and her footsteps.

Finally, a dim flickering light appeared in the distance. Xu Lu ran towards the source of light and escaped the dreadful illusion.

She found herself standing at the entrance to a long and narrow corridor that was illuminated by rows upon rows of torches hanging from the walls.

Cai Mei was leaning against a nearby wall, and she was licking her lips in anticipation.

The fox-like woman pointed in the distance and Xu Lu followed the direction of her finger.

At the end of the long and narrow corridor was an enormous metalloid door.

The door was covered in intricate black runes that were written in a language that looked both familiar and strange at the same time.

"Alright cutie… just give me a few weeks or months to recover my cultivation and I’ll bust us out of here," Cai Mei smiled sweetly as she got into a cross-legged position.

"A few weeks or months? We can’t wait that long!" Xu Lu reminded her easygoing companion.

"Well, if you have any ideas then feel free… that door is a high-class seal designed to resist the force of void stage cultivators," Cai Mei yawned sleepily as she spoke.

"This prison is one giant formation trap… the only weak point is blocked by that seal. No one gets in… no one gets out without that arrogant young whelp’s permission."

"Well… at least through normal methods…"

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Xu Lu’s fingers curled up into a tight fist as new memories surfaced in her mind.

The original Xu Lu had not seen any new prisoners arrive during her first couple of months in the underground complex, but this was a new life.

Who knows what would happen if the sect master decided to visit the prison only to discover that she had escaped from her cell.

"Don’t worry," a kind voice came from behind Xu Lu and interrupted her musing. Jun Yang smiled at the masked lady and placed a warm hand on her shoulder.

"Do you still have the amulet that I gave you?"

Xu Lu nodded but felt a bit of confusion in her heart. Jun Yang stretched out his hands and motioned for her to give him the amulet.

The saintess reached into her pocket and pulled it out. The scarlet eye in the center of the pendant shone with an eerie light.

"Can I tell you something?" Jung Yang quietly spoke as he touched the pendant with an expression of regret.

"Yes… I am listening," Xu Lu replied softly as she waited to hear what the elderly cultivator had to say.

Decades of being trapped in this underground prison had left the old man gaunt and weak… yet his eyes still shone with brilliance.

"I was the wrong choice to be the successor to my clan… I was gifted but I lacked the instinct needed to be a proper cultivator…" Jun Yang bitterly spoke.

"I just could not take a human life… no matter how hard I tried… I was no killer and I think that the elders knew that."

"But you… I think you can be a far better successor than I ever was… this is not the place where you will die."

The elderly man placed the amulet in Xu Lu’s palm and looked deeply in her eyes. Xu Lu was not sure what he was looking for, but he appeared to see something in her gaze.

His face broke into a thin smile while Cai Mei in the background looked at them with an expressionless mask on her face.

"Are you sure?" Cai Mei asked quietly as her tail drooped ever so lower to the ground.

"I am," Jun Yang replied firmly.

The pair looked at each other and dozens of unspoken words were exchanged during that brief gaze.

There was a moment of silence that stretched out long enough to be slightly uncomfortable.

Xu Lu looked at the two former prisoners that she had rescued from their cells and tried to understand what was going on.

Sure, about what?

What was Jun Yang going to do with the amulet?

"I don’t understand… what is going to…" Xu Lu’s eyes widened in shock as the elderly man grabbed her palm violently and then thrust it into his chest.

The tip of amulet in her hand transformed into a sharp spike that easily penetrated Jun Yang’s chest and entered his heart.

"This… was… the only way… last… resort… spell… it… works… just…once…" Jun Yang stammered slightly as his body collapsed on the ground.

"Be… a… better…"

His mouth stopped moving and blood slowly pooled out of the wound in his chest.

Xu Lu rushed towards the elderly man to try and save him but to her horror she discovered that her body was now fading away.

"Don’t let his sacrifice be in vain," Cai Mei spoke with an uncharacteristic seriousness as she approached the old man’s corpse and gently picked it up.

She thought that his decision was stupid but… she was not going to judge her friend.

Xu Lu reached out with her hand to touch Jun Yang’s body, but her vision suddenly faded to black.

Cai Mei watched quietly as the former saintess of the Holy Sword Sect fully disappeared as if she had never been there in the first place.

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