Seduce The Villainess (GL) Chapter 72 Zombie Empress (3)

(Outskirts Of Heurn Province)

(Hidden Location- Secret Military Base)

Heavily armed soldiers patrolled around a cluster of buildings in the middle of an open desert. A single road led to the complex and it was guarded by a series of checkpoints.

All visitors had to show multiple levels of identification cards before they were allowed to proceed forward.

Even high-ranking politicians would be unable to reach the final checkpoint. Only the top military leaders and the president were aware of this project.

Inside one of the largest buildings were many state-of-the-art laboratories.

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This was the most important building, and it was surrounded by several automatic weapon systems.

The building was divided into multiple sections with each containing a separate laboratory filled with the latest high-tech scientific equipment.

Numerous researchers could be seen walking around the facility wearing white lab coats and talking in hushed tones.

There was an atmosphere of excitement and tension among them as if something big was going to happen.

"Is the final fusion ready to proceed?" a cold voice hoarsely whispered.

"It will be ready in five minutes Doctor Huang," Assistant Wu replied nervously.

He ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at the container in the center of the room.

The container was around eight feet in length and had been reinforced with a special metal alloy that made it near unbreakable.

The container was filled with a greenish liquid and inside the liquid was what appeared to be a floating corpse.

It was a woman with long silky black hair and a slender physique.

Her beauty seemed ethereal but Assistant Wu knew that she was only in her mid twenties.

Her skin was pale to the point where it seemed to be bloodless and horrific scars covered every inch of her flesh.

She had been cut and dissected multiple times until she more resembled some kind of Frankenstein’s monster.

Her eyes remained closed and only the faint movements near her chest indicated that she was still breathing.

"Subject 014… you will be the one to succeed," Dr. Huang smiled sadistically as he approached the container and rapped his knuckles against the metal.

The woman inside the cell did not stir and appeared to not hear the elderly scientist as he continued to speak.

"This project… will be the great biological leap forward for humanity. The sacrifices we make today will pave the way for our children to become stronger," Dr. Huang explained gently.

"You should feel honoured to be a part of this project. You will be the first metahuman to be born through this process…"

Dr. Huang stopped talking when he realised that there was no reaction from the woman in front of him.

He let out a heavy sigh and turned his attention back to Assistant Wu.

Why did he even bother to try and get a response from that brain-dead subject?

Subject 014 had been unresponsive since the experiments had begun and truthfully no one expected her to survive the transformation process.

There was a reason why she was called ’Subject 014’.

Thirteen other test subjects had already died, and the higher ups were getting a bit nervous.

If he couldn’t produce results soon then there was no doubt in Dr. Huang’s mind that he would eventually be replaced by another.

"Everything… everything is ready…." Assistant Wu nervously stammered as he waited for his superior’s response.

"Go ahead," Dr. Huang replied briskly.

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The elderly scientist took out a small notebook and a pencil to record his observations.

The top of the container opened up and a tiny spider-like robot entered the cell with a strange gem attached to its metallic arm.

The gem was around the size of a small rock, and it was hard to describe what colour it was.

It kept shifting between purple and black, but one could occasionally see flashes of red as if there were LED lights inside.

Another robot also entered the container, and a sharp scalpel was attached to its metallic arm that extended outwards.

With highly precise movements, it cut open the top of the woman’s skull and exposed the pinkish flesh beneath.

Subject 014 did not react during the painful process, but her breathing slowed down even further until it was almost undetectable.

Assistant Wu held a palm-sized device in his hand and manipulated the first robot to approach the open wound with the jewel. 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝘦𝘸𝑒𝒷𝘯𝘰𝓿𝑒𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝑚

The robot roughly shoved the jewel inside the woman’s head and administered a high voltage electric shock to the jewel.

It withdrew quickly as the woman’s body began to spasm and convulse uncontrollably.

The open wound on her head quickly sealed up as the flesh regenerated almost instantly.

She thrashed around as thick wriggling veins could be seen beneath her skin as if they were alive.

Dr. Huang stared with an almost fanatical expression as he did not miss a single moment of the horrific process.

This transformation went on for several long agonising hours until Subject 014’s movements gradually slowed down.

Her body had changed significantly since the start of the operation. Her skin was now a healthy colour and the numerous scars across her body had now disappeared.

In fact, one could see the faint outline of a six pack as if her physique was being actively enhanced and muscles were constantly growing.

"We succeeded! It actually worked!" Assistant Wu cried out in joy as he rushed forward in excitement.

Tears ran down the sides of Dr. Huang’s cheeks as he stared at his beautiful creation with various emotions in his heart.

He did it! His name would go down in history!

"Subject 014… no… perhaps you deserve a new name," Dr. Huang softly whispered as he stroked the sides of the container.

"I will now officially name you… ’Eve’."

It was a shame that she was still unresponsive but just the regenerative effects of the operation alone would be enough to send the military leaders in a frenzy.

Dr. Huang and Assistant Wu left the room to immediately report to their higher ups and submit a report of their findings.

Their footsteps got fainter and fainter as they moved further away from the laboratory and towards the office section of the building.

The woman inside the container gently stirred and her eyelids started to shake.

She opened her eyes and two completely black pupils stared creepily in the direction where the scientists had gone.

An image flashed across her mind with an unfamiliar face, but it was too quick for the woman to detect and frankly she did not care.

The jewel inside her mind appeared to be guiding her body subconsciously and it kept screaming at her to leave this place.

"Eve… my… name… is Eve?" the woman mouthed silently with a confused expression on her face.

That name didn’t seem right, but it was the name that the bad man used whenever he thought that she could not hear.

Eve turned her attention to the metallic walls surrounding her and simply punched forward.

The heavy reinforced metallic walls crumbled instantly if they were made out of paper and for the first time in years…

Subject 014 felt the taste of freedom.

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