Shadow Author Chapter 101 81. Drowning

While swimming toward the island I heightened my senses and scanned the environment in search of both dangers and prey.

I also made a special note to pay extra attention to the edges of the islands as there was something specific I was on the lookout for.

Generally, there was no clear condition for this particular dungeon unless every monster was killed. However, it was incredibly difficult to do as monsters were always breeding and adapting while growing stronger.

Due to there being no boss in a way each biome was its own clear condition and held multiple powerful creatures.

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But there was one thing that others didn’t know about the Wild Lands and that was that there was a specific monster that was one of its kind and dropped an amazing item if killed.

The dungeon itself was mainly a hunting ground for low-ranked hunters to grow while reducing the population.

Plus the rewards from killing the monsters and selling their parts were the highest incentive.

Therefore there was no real reason for high-ranking people to enter as there was no boss to kill, other dungeons were more profitable, and hunting here would impact the future hunters as they tried to grow stronger.

But if they had the information I had due to being the author this place would be swarming with people looking for what I was.

Pushing those thoughts aside as I arrived near the first island I stopped in place while treading the water staying in the same position.

Summoning Nightfall I had the sword appear underwater and immediately called upon the curse.

I could feel power resonate through me but thanks to the murky water the red hue that would normally cover the blade didn’t breech though.

Happy that I could make use of one of my most powerful strengths without alerting the shadows I waited for the imminent attack to come.

All this time I had been making a lot of noise and movement while in the water so I was sure that at least one of the monsters in the area was aware of my presence.

Plus since I was close enough to make out the island where I noticed that the black thing that had once been on it was no longer there I was sure I would be attacked soon.

For anyone else, the water would put them at a huge disadvantage and although the same was true for me so long as I survived the first attack I wouldn’t have to worry about it again.

Putting my trust in the defensive runes that protected the wetsuit I continued to wait until…

A sudden force crushed down on my leg and yanked me underwater.

Although I was mentally prepared for the attack it still took me by surprise and it didn’t help that I still had my mouth open because I was making use of Mana Breath.

Accidentally drinking a few mouthfuls of the dirty water I struggled to calm myself and prevent myself from drowning.

Feeling a terrifying and distressing combination as water filled my lungs, a profound sense of suffocation takes hold, leading to a desperate struggle for air.

While I was trying to close my mouth, whatever decided to attack me was still dragging me down further into the deep water.

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The fight for survival became more intense as my movements became erratic, while my limbs flailed in an attempt to reach the surface while simultaneously trying to attack the monster.

Eventually, a sense of disorientation started affecting my mind making it challenging to discern which way is up.

Water enveloped my ears, muffling sounds as I quickly began to panic, focusing solely on the instinctual need for air.

While my body was beginning to weaken and fatigue set in, I was focusing all my efforts on harming the creature.

I was in emotional turmoil as I began regretting my overconfidence. The monster seemed to be much more durable than I first thought as I had still yet to wound it.

Feeling a sharp pain come from my leg I quickly jabbed Nightfall at the surroundings area until I felt it come in contact with something.

My attack power was severely lowered and I suspected that I would never be able to kill the creature attacking me before I drowned but luckily I didn’t have to.

Poking the mass many times over with Nightfall I prayed that I could at least wound the monster and draw a bit of blood.

Thankfully after a few more stabs and when my lungs started to burn I felt the effects of puppeteer go into effect.

Immediately taking control of whatever it was that attacked me I gave it the command to release me while tossing away Nightfall and swimming back to the surface as fast as I could.

My consciousness was already slipping away and it was getting harder and harder to prevent myself from swallowing the water but I pushed myself with every ounce of strength I had left and just as I thought I was going to have a pathetic death I breached the surface.

With sheer willpower alone, I had managed to break through the surface, gasping for air with a mixture of relief and disbelief.

I was still choking on some of the water that had made its way into my airways but I managed to quickly recover by slamming my fist on my chest.

Coughing up a mixture of saliva and brownish water I felt both nauseous and disgusted but nonetheless, I was still alive.

My lungs were working overtime as they automatically heaved, greedily inhaling the precious oxygen.

After being underwater for so long the lost oxygen was heavenly.

My heart was pounding wildly in my chest, and with shaky limbs and a trembling resolve, I quickly made my way to the shore of the island.

When I finally touched down and felt some weight under my legs and arms I dropped down flat on my stomach as I continued to take deep breaths.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as my body felt completely drained.

The experience etched itself into my memory, to serve as a bleak reminder of the fragility of existence.

I had severely overestimated myself in the water unaware of just how detrimental it could be to my life.

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