Shadow Author Chapter 19 1.5.3

Entering the training room I was surprised to notice a few presences. Although it wasn’t uncommon for students to use the facilities at all times of the day it was still early.

I didn’t know any of the people as there were only a handful. But it made sense since the important students would have been in individual rooms.

I ignored anyone I passed and made my way to the dumbbell section. Since it was my first time working out and I didn’t know previous Lucas’s capabilities I grabbed 10kg weights.

I had never worked out before during my previous life and I didn’t know the correct way to do some of the other exercises so I figured I would just lift some weights.

The extent of exercise I had done before was carrying groceries. Since that was the only reference I had I thought 10kg would be relatively moderate. But I was completely wrong before I even tried to do a rep. I picked the weights off the shelf they rested on and almost fell back on my butt.

I was fully prepared for at least some bit of resistance but when I grabbed the dumbbells they felt as light as a feather. It was so unexpected that the position I lined myself in to grab them ended up being detrimental.

Because they were so light I nearly fell backward thankfully I was able to catch myself and save some of my dignity.

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I carefully did a quick look around me to check if anyone saw my inexperience but it seemed that all the other students were preoccupied with their own training.


I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that my reputation hadn’t plummeted anymore than it already had.

Learning from my mistake I moved down the shelf to where the 35 kg dumbbells were located. Knowing that I should be prepared I carefully lifted them up and to my surprise, it was perfect, not too hard and not too easy.

Satisfied I began my first ever exercise and began curling them.

After about ten minutes both of my arms were exhausted. I hadn’t stopped for a single moment and now it felt like my arms had become jello.

I didn’t know if what I was doing was right or not but the fact that I was tired had to mean I was doing something good.

Uncertain about my efforts I put the weights back on the shelf and looked around for something else to do as I still had plenty of time.

However, as I scanned the area all I saw were complex machines that I had no clue how to use.

Disheartened I decided to move to the corner of the room away from everyone else and do some core building that wouldn’t require machines.

I did push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, planks, and a couple of other things I recalled from the earth. Such as six inches and superman exercises.

After thirty minutes passed I went over the top treadmills where I planned on running for the last ten minutes which would still leave me enough time to freshen up and make it to the first-period class.

After turning on the treadmill I messed with the interface and started a kilometer countdown.

My goal was to finish it within the ten-minute mark. My old self would have never been able to do this but I had confidence in my new body.

Clicking the start button I began my run.


Inside an individual training room was a young girl. If one were to look closely at her one would realize just how beautiful she was.

She had long blond hair that went down past her shoulders, a face without flaws, amber-colored eyes, and a sort of aura around her that made her seem untouchable.

Currently, sweat was dripping down her face as she was training in one of the best rooms.

Charlotte had just finished her usual training set before classes began.

Satisfied with her recent achievement of being able to deadlift 70kg Charlotte left her individual training room.

As she walked back into the main section of the gym she ignored all the other students who were training. It made no difference to her what they were doing.

However, before being able to leave the gym she passed by the treadmills near the exit.


At first, when I began running I was trying to go at a moderate pace to reach my target. But I quickly realized that I wasn’t even breaking a sweat. Apparently, in the past, Lucas was more athletic than I was originally aware of.

Wanting to test my limits I increased the speed on the treadmill until I was running at a full-on sprint.

I still had two-thirds of the way to go so I tried to keep up with the current speed for as long as I could.

After running for two minutes I increased the speed once more now doubling the speed I first started at.

The new speed was really fast and I had to keep my full concentration and maintain my balance to keep up.

Fortunately, there was only about a quarter left to go in the kilometer.

Continuing to sprint at my current pace I realized that if I increased the speed just a little bit more I would be able to finish in under six minutes.

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Wanting to achieve something I’ve never thought possible, I upped the speed slightly more.

As the time on the timer rose the distance on the kilometer dropped twice as fast.

Pushing myself to my utmost limit I closed my eyes and pushed my legs forward.

Waiting for the beep to signify that I finished I threw one leg in front of the other but just as I was about to take another step the weight of my body slightly shifted.

Normally this wouldn’t change anything and in fact, it happened a couple of times already in this exercise. However, I had my eyes closed to keep the sweat from burning them so when my body slightly moved to the right I was unable to balance myself.

Tripping over my legs I fell face-first on the tread of the treadmill.

The safety measures went into action and everything paused but it was far too late.

The tread was moving so fast that when I fell on it I was swept away and flung backward.


I screamed out as I was tossed away like a ragdoll.

Rolling on the floor I was about to slam into the wall when I crashed into something stopping my momentum.

Startled, I dizzily rubbed my eyes as I waited for the room to stop spinning.

My whole body ached as I went from one hundred to zero in a matter of seconds.

Just as my senses were coming back a shrieking voice shattered my eardrums.

"What are you doing?!"

Looking around I found myself on the floor of the gym laying next to someone.


Once my eyes focused on the person I was next to my heart dropped.

’I’m dead.’

Not only had I crashed into this person but somehow amid our collision, our bodies got tangled together.

Right now our legs were locked between us and the girl was laying on top of me staring daggers into my eyes.

"Let go of me this instant!"

Another glass-shattering screech was released from the girl as she tried to wiggle free only to cause her to fall and have her head land on my chest.

"Uhh, right."

Trying to move my body from under her I quickly realized the problem.

"Ehem, it’s just… your pinning me down."

As soon as the words finished coming out of my mouth I knew I messed up.

The anger in her eyes increased as she roared.

"Are you calling me fat?!"

Trying to calm her down I went into damage control.

"No, no that’s not it, if you could just turn to the left then—"

"So you are calling me fat!"

Knowing that trouble was coming and that the girl was making everything worse I took matters into my own hands.

"Forgive me for this."

"Huh? What are you—"

Before she could finish I grabbed her from below the waist and turned our bodies to the left.

After a quick roll, I was now on top of her.

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