Shadow Author Chapter 68 48. Trial V2

Thankfully it seemed that Mr. Griffin was only asking because he was curious and not because he knew something.

That meant I could keep the situation under wraps and label it the babbling of a person who went through a traumatic experience.

"Red mist, do you really think that I wouldn’t have noticed such a phenomenon? I’m afraid Evelyn must have been imagining things."

Mr. Griffin rubbed his chin.

"I suppose, but one can never be too sure. Are you positive you never saw anything that could be related to this red mist?"

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’Give up, damn it.’

I was trying my absolute best not to lie and alert the professors that there was more going on than what they originally imagined but it was getting harder and harder.

Mr. Griffin was not making it easier by clearly asking a specific question to get an even more detailed answer.

However, I was prepared and knew that there were workarounds.

So far I managed to keep the red mist hidden by not giving a definite answer and attacking the credibility of the accuser.

Yet this last question was tricky as if I so much as mentioned its existence there would be no chance of getting away free.

Mulling over his question to give off the impression that I was thinking of every little thing that might be interpreted as red mist I came to my own conclusion.

"I’m afraid there is no recollection of the existence of red mist existing in this world within my memories. If what Evelyn is saying is true perhaps it only pertains to her."

Mr. Griffin listened to my answer carefully and double-checked that I didn’t light up red before sighing and motioning for me to leave the room.

He didn’t bother asking any questions about the immediate tragedy as he felt that it would be too hard on a student which is why Mr. Griffin wanted to focus on the facts that caused the incident.

Hearing my account of people dying was both meaningless and unnecessary as it wouldn’t give more information and would only serve to make me relive such a sad event.

Had he known I didn’t feel anything for the deceased he might have been able to catch me off guard and get some information about the red mist but it seemed that for once I got lucky.

Opening the door to leave I stopped as I thought about asking if Mr. Griffin got my letter but I thought better of myself as I knew he would be more preoccupied with the tragedy than focusing on some small mishap.

Therefore I am still a free man having gone through two trials in the same week.

Although this one wasn’t as bad as the last one as there wasn’t any reason I would face consequences because for all intents and purposes that elevator falling was a freak accident.

As long as I covered everything up there would be no problems denying the existence of the red mist.

Before I walked too far away and forgot about it I made such to regulate my mana and break the lie detection spell. I didn’t want to make the same mistake I made before and make a fool of myself.

Afterward, while walking through the hall I congratulated myself on my well-thought-up response. By saying that the red mist didn’t exist in his world I was technically telling the truth.

The mist was currently locked away in Nightfall which in itself contains a different reality.

I also wasn’t lying when I said the red mist has something to do with Evelyn but just not in the way Mr. Griffin believed.

He should be thinking that it was a figment of her imagination while in truth it was her who was the host of the mist in the first place.

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Leaving the school I walked outside near the dorms. The girl’s dorm was shut down completely as there were medical staff and workers taking care of and clearing up the place.

Since the incident was so serious classes were suspended for the day which was a surprise to me but then I remembered that this was only the first of many tragedies and soon it would become a daily occurrence.

Therefore I took advantage of the free time I had and made my way back to my dorm room.

Thankfully I could finally get in as it was much later in the morning when the doors were open and I could sign in with my smartwatch.

Doing so I entered the male dormitory and looked around at all the people huddled on the first floor.

Due to classes being out and the female dormitory being locked, tons of girls were staying on the ground floor resting as the teachers allowed them to take shelter there.

However, they were not permitted to enter any of the boy’s rooms which left them bored out of their minds as they were stuck waiting for the girl’s building to get cleaned up.

In truth I expected most of them to go into the city and stay there for the day but for them, it didn’t seem acceptable to go out and have fun during a time of mourning when so many passed away.

I, on the other hand, couldn’t care less but I had other plans that required my immediate attention so I didn’t have a reason to leave the campus.

Plus I intended on leaving the next day with Miss Smith either way so it wasn’t like I had to wait long.

Walking up to the elevator which would take me to my room there were two guards of some sort standing outside of it.

"Excuse me, are we allowed to use it?"

One of the guards looked down at me with a confused expression.

"Yeah you are free to do so it’s just that everyone has been taking the stairs because of… well you know."

I didn’t really want to walk up multiple floors because some people were superstitious that the elevator was cursed so I double checked that I could use it.

"I see, but we don’t have to take the stairs, do we?"

The guards looked at each other.

"Well no."

"Then can I go up?"

They nodded and moved out of the way.

As the doors opened and I walked in and as the doors were about to shut I stopped them and pecked my head outside.

"By the way, why are you two here?"

The guards turned back to look and me and answered simply:

"To make sure the weight limit is never exceeded."

"Ah, okay, thanks."

Taking a step back into the elevator I allowed the doors to close and pressed the button for my floor.

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