Shadowless Night Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Ah, Your Highness, thats not the case. The count wished for a discreet conversation regarding you. He mentioned that it was permissible to relay his message to the person I wished to speak withthat the Lyonmanes are cowards. Oh Did he intend for me to relay this to you? Ricardis furrowed his brows, appearing more contemplative than angry. Impatient to continue, Rosaline resorted to exaggerated gestures. I held the fan to my lips like this, and he

Just as Rosaline brought the fan to her lips again, Ricardis firmly grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer. His shoe slipped through the gap between Rosalines feet, their bodies drawing closer, casting a deeper shadow over his face.

Did you understand what that meant? Ricardis expression was stern, and his voice carried a cold edge. Rosaline nodded urgently, eager to respond.

Please kiss me-

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She couldnt say more. In the dim blue depths of Ricardis eyes, it seemed like sparks were flying. The grip on her wrist tightened, and she gasped. Their noses touched, and Ricardis licked his lips in such close proximity. You knew? His voice was sharp. Startled, Rosaline took a step back. Ricardis then gently cupped the back of her head, his fingertips sending a cold shiver down the back of her neck and ear. The contact made Rosaline shudder.

What followed wasnt just the chilling statementit was the chilling touch of lips against Rosalines. Her lips were abruptly pressed upon, and she widened her eyes in astonishment.

Egh! Rosaline let out a startled yell. The unexpected touch of the lips was startling enough, but beyond that, something warm and moist slid across her lips.

Mmph! She instinctively covered her mouth and let out a horrified scream, like a 6-year-old child discovering a bug. Surprising, tickling, and unknown emotions swirled in her head. Y-Your Highness, w-wait a moment!

Her hands trembled as she pushed against his chest, gasping for breath. Ricardis stared at her impassively. Rosaline shuddered, feeling like her every move was being captured by his unyielding gaze.

As she took a step back, Ricardis followed suit. The brief game of cat and mouse repeated a few times until her back finally hit the wall.

Rosalines gaze darted around, still flustered, while Ricardis, standing so close that his shoe touched the wall, loomed before her, devoid of emotion. Their bodies were pressed together seamlessly. Rosalines chest rose and fell rapidly, her warmth and heartbeat gently pressed against Ricardis. He stood still, gazing at her quietly, and lightly wrapped his arms around her waist. Rosalines body quivered momentarily.

The large hand that had previously been on her waist and buttocks moved smoothly, sweeping up to just below her shoulder blades. The sensation of the touch through several layers of fabric was distinct. His fingers delicately traced the part of her spine where they ventured.

Rosalines breaths came irregularly, her body trembling from the shivery sensation that spread from the point of contact. It was as if her hair was standing on end. She avoided meeting Ricardis gaze, focusing instead on his neck and jawline. Ricardis spoke above her line of sight, If you dont like it, push me away.

Something gently settled on Rosalines head, making her eyes widen. She quickly lifted her head and found Ricardis wearing a slightly sharp smile.

I did say you can push me away.

Rosaline found herself immobilized. Ricardis face drew closer, and she knew what was coming. Enduring it in her right mind was a considerable challenge. She tightly closed her eyes.

A light chuckle reached her ears from up close. Was closing ones eyes during a kiss instinctual rather than learned? It seemed that way.

Something warm touched her lips, gently meeting several times. Ricardis persistently pressed his lips against hers, their temperatures merging as he carefully explored her firmly closed lips. Slowly, Rosalines tense shoulders began to relax. Ricardis sensed her rigid body gradually loosening as he continued nibbling, licking, and sucking on her lips. Carefully, he filled her firmly closed lips to the crevices.

A series of wet, smacking sounds filled the air, causing Rosalines face to flush. She gasped, a mix of surprise and anticipation swirling in her chest, as his warm tongue entered, momentarily stifling her reaction.

H-His Highness t-t-tongue. Entering and exploring every nook and cranny of my mouth! Behind the front teeth! Fangs and ceiling! Doing this and that to my tongue!

Her initial amazement gradually gave way to the sensations enveloping her. The delightful pressure embracing her, Ricardis cold fingertips against her neck, and the warmth filling her mouth with a tender heat were all vivid experiences.

It felt like her legs might give way, overwhelmed by the moments intensity. Rosaline wrapped her arms around Ricardis, her touch causing his once-neat clothes to become disheveled. His hair cascaded over her skin, a gentle tickle that mingled with the scent of her perfume and his body, leaving her dizzy.

In her muddled state, Rosaline thought, Ah, this feels good. As she grew accustomed to the tantalizing sensation that made it impossible to stay still, her entire body relaxed, akin to basking in the warmth of spring sunshine.

Ricardis heartbeat wasnt just a sound; it was a resonance that pulsed throughout her body. She could feel the firm muscles beneath his attire shifting with each movement. Warmth, pulsations, and his breath enveloped her completely. In her thoughts, she compared her state to melting ice cream, dissolving thoroughly, leaving nothing behind.

As she inhaled his breath, a pleasant fruity scent lingered in her mouth. Until now, she had been too taken aback to notice. It undeniably matched the type of champagne she had been sippingthe same delightful taste. Yet, Ricardis scent seemed even sweeter than that high-quality champagne. It made her feel like she could continue kissing him endlessly.

After licking her lips, Ricardis tenderly kissed them, creating a soft sound. He continued to explore, gently suck, and caress, lost in the moment. Gradually, he leaned back, exhaling softly.

His gaze wandered over Rosalines disheveled hair, now moist and reddened eyes, and her wet lips. Ricardis Adams apple bobbed noticeably. As Rosaline looked up at him, sensing an intensity that could engulf her, she hesitated before finally saying, Y-Your Highness. You smell nice.

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Dumbfounded, Ricardis glared at her and nibbled her lips. It didnt hurt as he gently held onto them. Do you only like the scent?


Gritting his teeth, as if wounded in his pride, Ricardis exclaimed, Did you not enjoy it? Since weve come this far, I should know. Which one did you prefer? Whose kiss was better? Mine, or Dwight Arpekers!? Whos more handsome; me or him!? Honestly, whether in wealth or in appearance, am I not the better choice? I cant fathom your taste! How can you look at other men after spending more than 12 hours of the day looking at me? I should be more handsome!

These words were an uncharacteristic venting of frustration for Ricardis. Rosaline stayed close, gazing at him with a puzzled expression as he gnawed on his lips, grappling with a storm of emotions.

The once-soft lips were now pressed so painfully, bothering Rosaline. She gently wiped his lips, causing Ricardis to flinch and turn his head slightly to avoid her touch.

Im barely holding myself back, so please, dont provoke me, and just answer, Ricardis urged with a sidelong glance.

Rosaline replied with a slightly awkward smile. Your Highness is more handsome

Ricardis hummed and snorted. He seemed confident that this was the only possible outcome, an irrefutable truth like a fish thriving in waterRicardis was undeniably handsome.

Looking at his face, Rosaline continued, I didnt kiss the count.

Ricardis looked at her for a moment and raised an eyebrow. You mean you only touched lips without using tongues?

No, Your Highness. I didnt do anything with him. We got close, but I explained that I made a mistake with the fan usage, and we just talked.

Ricardis eyes widened as he processed her words almost mechanically for about ten seconds. Soon, his face turned pale, realizing not doing anything meant not just the lips but also no intertwining of tongues.

In surprise, he released the arm that had been tightly around Rosaline. It was as if he didnt understand at all why he had held her.

Taking a step back, he looked around nervously. However, there was nowhere to hide, not even a mouse hole. Ricardis covered his face with his large hand as if he didnt know why he had embraced her in the first place.

After a moment of silence, he spoke in a hushed tone, Challenge me.


Challenge me to a duel. Even if it ends in my accidental demise, there wont be any issue. Just challenge me. End it. My heart is right here.

Ricardis, still shielding his eyes, clenched his fist against his chest with his other hand, the intensity of his actions defying description. Rosaline, her lips now swollen and warm, touched them gently, pondering Ricardis words. Perhaps the kiss moments ago was coerced, and he regretted it.

Absently tracing the intricate patterns of her lace dress, Rosaline cautiously responded, Im alright, Your Highness.

You told me to push you away if I didnt want it. But I didnt.

You dont need to worry about your promise of loyalty. I understand you might not be familiar with the typical customs in this regard. My decision was made swiftly and thoughtfully. Perhaps youre drawn to me because of my appearance, and I assumed you wouldnt resist an unfamiliar gesture To someone as wretched as myself, death would be a merciful release. End me.

Approaching Ricardis, Rosaline gently placed her hand on his arm, the same spot Theresia Ironhoff had touched earlier.

As her touch reached him, Ricardis removed his hand from his eyes and looked at her. She could sense a complex and subtle mix of emotions in his gaze, weighted with guilt. Once again, it felt like he was about to guide her hand to his heart and urge her to strike.

Before those words could escape his lips, Rosaline looked at him with sincerity and said, If I truly hated it, Your Highness, you would know I wouldnt allow you to continue kissing me.

Ricardis envisioned a scenario where someone forcefully kissed Rosaline. The result would only be a split head long before their lips could meet. A shiver ran down Ricardis spine at the grim prospect. He could neither cry nor laugh.

I suppose so

Seeing his contorted expression, Rosaline added urgently, It felt good.

Ricardis body trembled.

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