Soul of Searing Steel Chapter 1027: Moment of Advent: Part Three, The People

Chapter 1027: Moment of Advent: Part Three, The People

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There was a Hidden World that existed in the Silent World, one undetectable by any measure of observation. It had virtually assimilated itself to its surrounding darkness, and even upon a closer look, one would find it no different from a slightly-larger world fragment.

However, that world, which appeared to be a corpse, contained power that ordinary people could never imagine.

It had often been said by many that the stars were beautiful precious stones sprinkled over the universe itself and shining in peerlessly dazzling splendor. Likewise, the precious stones buried deep beneath ground were also equipped with divinity, with the ancients often blessing them with various purposes in praise of their aesthetic and value, even carving and sculpting them to adorn them upon their own hands, allowing that radiance to be at one with themselves.

Such spectrum of emotions had never once changed even in what was a faraway future for the ancients.

Because the people of the present had finally taken the precious stones that were sprinkled over the universe and embedded them upon the ‘rings’ that they had forged amongst the stars.


The first of January, Starfall year 855, at 52 minutes past five in the evening, Mycroft Standard Time.

The Ether Ring World, a realm in the Silent Void that was yet to be named.

All things were lingering within darkness, as if placed within an eternal rest more peaceful than slumber. The world, which had all of its insides emptied, was maintained under the power of divinely crafted runes—even so, quiet cascading of winds could be heard in the heart of that silence: the gales from the sun billowed, stirring streams of negentropy within the lightlessness.

It was a golden gem with eye-catching dazzle, containing unparalleled lifeforce. There was an untold number of life only born in worlds because they were bathing under its illumination, while in the Abyss, there were legions of races that had lost its light, and were exhausting all their power in the slaughter and struggle to regain it.

And yet, there was a discreetly whirling ring that orbited peacefully around that single gem, as if it would continue on to the end of eternity.

“The Ring World is almost completed, Nostradamus.”

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The ring-shaped world, which appeared to have only a single star to ordinary people, was very much existing in incomparable darkness and silence. Save for the faint sparks at the center, every other corner was icy vacuum space—but to the eyes of Extraordinary individuals which could see a lot more, there were things such as an ether formation that extended around the entire world, a dazzling circulation that maintained every single balance. Dubbed the Vague Shelter, the purpose of the ether formation was to turn the entire world’s presence into one with the soundless emptiness of the Silent Void just as how ordinary people would see it, an indistinct speck of dust that hovered in space.

And in that dark circulation, two specks of light were interacting with each other.

“Thanks to Noble Radcliffe, the time that we need to complete the entire project is only one-tenth of the estimated timeframe—not even the gods could have moved the masses of worlds, it is just too wasteful.”

One of the specks was golden and divine, and as it spoke with the other pale-blue light over the silver ring world which was basically completed, there was clear emotion in his tone. “It is indeed more than enough to accommodate the Mycroft civilization. It is ironic that there had been countless divine beings who once declared the beauty, the bountifulness and the vastness of their own kingdoms of paradise, and yet here we are, gods of this generation, bringing a paradise to mortal realm.”


The pale blue human silhouette seemed to be looking there from distant dimensions and appeared to be a clone—although that did not impede his conversion. “Everything that you and I have dreamt of is almost coming true,” he whispered, “but a society that is truly free and equal must be built upon a perfect and unblemished nation. We had struggled so hard to seek a way to build it in the past, but it now appears that the solution is actually very simple.

“Since it does not exist in reality, we could simply create it on our own.”

The conflict between human kind originated from inequality and the difference between desires. With every person holding a claim for their desire, narrow land and spaces meant that different claims would converge upon a single spot, thereby instigating discord. There was no right or wrong involved, for it merely made evident that there were still creature instincts lingering within the human psyche.

But now, would human desire still exist in its initial form in the Ring World, which was a million times larger than standard worlds?

In the future, could the root of all discord still ignite the sparks of strive under the simultaneous watch of the Seven Gods and the Legends?

“I do not know. There are no crimes in the Empire now, and not even across the entire world of Mycroft. Even with Extraordinary power being common now, with various academies and training organizations sprouting like mushrooms after rain, and even having the Mana Net keeping the countless civilizations of the galaxy together in a harmonious alliance, I still cqnnot be sure that the future is directed in a path we hope for.”

The golden human silhouette which was ablaze in divine splendor—the new God of Might and Justice—spoke in a tone resembling that of his human years: though it appeared to be question, it sounded like certain and unshakable conviction. “However, gods never rot—at least they will not rot before death. Therefore, before I meet my divine death, this path would go on until the Advent, or perhaps the faraway future.”

“Do the gods not rot...”

Nostradamus tasted the words as he gazed upon the Ring World before his eyes. There were runes of the God of Steel on the back of that colossal realm: a circle that symbolized completeness, perfection, and unchanging eternals, along with a single vertical line that pierced it, dividing the circle into two.

What did that actually mean?

“Is Radcliffe a God?”

The old mage seemed to be murmuring to himself emotionally. “The United Assembly of Cosmic Civilizations, established three years ago, was founded by the Mycroft civilization—but strictly speaking, it was founded upon the power of the single individual named Joshua van Radcliffe. There are many inferior civilizations that consecrated him as war given form, just as countless advanced civilizations respectfully categorize him as a god. There are times when I am unsure if gods are divine beings connected to the Root, or are quite simply individuals who meet various conditions and possess great power.”

“One should know that he is still the Joshua that we know from the latest information spreading through the Mana Net, just as he did not rot. That is why I have been wondering if he is some deity who has descended from the Root, and has simply been born into a human body resembling ourselves.”

“That is a good question, mentor.”

The golden divine light stirred for an instant at the question as if in laughter. “I also occasionally find myself having less godly stature as compared to him. I have even carefully examined that question, such as whether Joshua had really received some direct source of divine power from the Root without us knowing, which was why he could improve so quickly—but to answer that question, we would first have to mention what gods actually are.”

“When I was still human, I had faced much injustice and felt absolute evil in an Empire divided, just as I had seen the endless tears of the people who cried because of those evils. Even so, I refused to acknowledge that the evil was the nation, that it was the fate of society.”

“That is why I had set the flames of wrath to reform it, to destroy its old ways and to mold it in the way I want—I attempted to struggle against fate, but almost failed entirely. You know it too well yourself how long I had sat upon the imperial throne as a dead man walking.”

“This would have been a moment of failure had it been the case of an ordinary being, who in turn would squander his life in mortal delights and simply accept reality or death.”

The God of Might thus pointed at the Ring World before him. Although his tone was calm, there was still a hint of delight and determination. “But I did not. Perhaps out of coincidence, or perhaps out of necessity, I triumphed over fate, allowing a part of the nation I desired to be born unto reality.”

Looking at the face of the old mage which appeared thoughtful and have something to say, the golden divine form shook his head. “Could you have been expecting me to say that the gods are the people who could triumph over fate? You are wrong—that is not the case. I have never triumphed over fate, but I have merely answered the desire of all life, allowing the power of hope to be imbued upon my body.”

“Master Nostradamus. The gods are simply people who answer the wishes of the people.”

As he spoke, the God of Justice looked up towards the edge of the dark world, his tone ever solemn and deep. “The people invoke wishes and pray for the future, wanting better change but are caught in their own powerlessness—the gods are therefore those with the power to answer those wishes, forging the future and mold it so desired change becomes reality.”

“Is Noble Radcliffe a god? There is no question that he is. He holds the power to forge the future and he had changed the cosmos, along with destinies, both yours and mine. If that is not the measure of a god, what would be?”

“However, one question remains: if Count Radcliffe is indeed a god, then what sort of wishes has he been born to answer?”

However, there was an answer given to that question.

Because out of nowhere, the God of Might and Justice who was chatting idly with an old friend and mentor had distinctly blanked out for a moment. His ears pricked up in attention and his expression was somber.

He apparently heard something.


The second of January, Starfall year 855, at 52 minutes past seven in the morning, Mycroft Standard Time.

The Stargate Void installation in the Zeta Ram System, the Galaxy of Beginnings.

There were many small space settlements in the Void installation encircling the Stargate, with most being the lodgings of maintenance workers of the Stargate itself. Some of the excess residences had also been sold to those with money or authority, returning currency to the monetary circulation.

That being said, it was still a settlement right beside Stargate base. If an analogy had to be made, it was perhaps equivalent to having a coastal cottage near the former Seven Gods Holy Mountain—it would not merely be a place to live for those who were rich and powerful, but also required the dwellers to possess appropriately formidable ability.

In that respect, Brandon Kaos, a Legendary swordsman and present Head of the Kaos family, naturally had the disposition to live in such a place.

Past the plain Void settlement border point and the private Void shuttle which had been anchored dimensionally, and then a pair of bulky runic doors, one would see that the interior of the residence had been decorated with warmth. There were walls lined with actual wood and floors of white marble, with a pale golden crystal light hanging overhead—all of which indicated that the owner of the residence had undoubtedly managed the residence itself as ‘home’.

But at the moment, there was no one around, whether in the wide living room, its back garden that had a direct view of the Void, or even the bedroom. All there had been was the static sounds echoing from a communications circle trying to connect with the other end.

“Hello? Can you hear me? Dad? Mum?”

Within the study, repressed sounds of breaths suddenly turned into loud buzzes as a rather mature feminine voice spoke out. “Sorry, the signal is a little wobbly over here and it takes some time to connect.”

Inside the wide study room, the huge blonde swordsman held his breath, holding his violet-haired wife and glancing calmly at a screen, which was showing another blonde lady with a dazzling smile making a ‘V’ sign with her fingers as she greeted them. “Work has been smooth lately—under the guidance of the Knowers, we have excavated a few more huge ruins left by civilizations in the Era of Arcane! The civilization ruins we found in the Piroth galaxy can now be classified as Forerunner grade!”

Even with the considerable latency of the stream and the desynchronized video and audio, neither Brandon nor Vale Dani were concerned—but as the blonde swordsman was about to say something, the violet-haired mage stole before him, her tone rather careful, “Well, Flan, how long would it be before you come back?”

“Probably... four to five years?”

The blonde girl behind the screen considered the question before giving a vague answer. “Well, it is a Forerunner grade ruin, and it is said to have preserved a complete set of documentation from the time of the Wise One of Arcane. If it really could be recovered, it would be a profound discovery that trembles the stars—there’s no way I could leave at the moment.”

“Moreover, I am for better or worse a leader of a professional ruin exploration team. I cannot excuse myself in the initial period as the excavation begins.”

“But your sister is saying that she is going to be away for years her case, she is running about with the diplomatic fleet across the cosmos, saying that it is to research some ‘cosmic civilization culture’ and that she would write a memoir of her travel through the cosmos...” Unable to hold back, Brandon quietly complained then, “You two have been home less than ten times over the last ten years...and it’s now going to be another four to five years, your mother and I—”

“...Dad, I have not been a little girl that you have to dote over every moment since a long time ago,” the blonde girl interrupted Brandon, but her expression was unnatural and she could not smile. “There is real time communication, portals, and I would even occasionally send local specialty products home...moreover, being home is dull—everyone always calls me the ‘daughter of a Legendary champion’ whenever I’m back or just a little girl. I hate that...”

“Even if I know that Extraordinary individuals like you two live longer and my age is really that of a little girl in comparison, I still hope to be treated and respected as a person.”

“Oh...I get it. Well, do your best...”

Legendary champion Brandon had once cut down a corona with a single swing of his word. He had also slain several dangerous Ultimate Entities during the ensuing Ultimate Crisis, along with one Void Behemoth which had gone amok alone three years ago—his name had hence spread throughout civilizations, and was considered very famous even in the Cosmic Invitationals tournament.

But now, facing his daughter who was becoming ever more independent, he actually appeared aggrieved and at a loss for words, the living incarnation of an aged father who was being abandoned. “Just remember to call home if there is any trouble. Remember that we will always be behind you...”

“I know. Love you, dad, mum, MUA~” Beaming cheerfully, the girl blew a flying kiss at the flying screen, which Vale Dani clumsily imitated after a pleased glanced at her dejected husband.

“MUA~ mummy loves you too. Oh, by the way, should I send some supplies to your sisters and you...”


Suddenly, the call was cut off.

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In that actual split second that the video feed was cut off, Brandon, who appeared to be a left out father and could not find anything to say, promptly burst out with a horrific aura that stir the space in the vicinity, radiating incomparable light—just like a divine blade which could cut down stars and sever that which was eternal merely by unsheathing it.

The blonde swordsman stood up and stared somberly at the communications screen before him, while the violet-haired mage beside him could not react at once.

“What is it, dear?”

Although she was unsure of what had happened, Vale Dani was able to react soon enough, being an elite noble and Extraordinary individual. “Communications interrupted...has something happened over at Flan’s!?”


There was a graveness in Brandon’s voice unlike before. He narrowed his eyes, and the homely clothes he was wearing disintegrated into scattered luminous particles before gathering again as a set of light combat armor. “I could feel it—the presence of Chaos seems to be spreading from Flan’s just before the comms was interrupted.”

With those words, he flicked the screen—the darkened display of the communications hence turned into a star chart depicting the cosmos.

The Piroth galaxy was visible within. It was at the edge of the cosmos, hugging the Silent Void tightly just like the Galaxy of Beginnings.

He seemed to realize something then.

“I’m going off, dear.” Brandon said with no vehemence, but with the natural reaction of a father going off to rescue his daughter. “You should inform the Seven Gods that an Omen has occurred.”

“The Year of Advent has come.”


The third of January, Starfall year 855, at 38 minutes past two in the morning, Mycroft Standard Time.

The Holy Mountain Fortress, stationed near the Multiverse Sacrificial Grounds beside the world of Mycroft, the Lost Galaxy.

There was a massive shrine on top of the former peak of the Holy Mountain, engraved with the script that read, “The lonely sun, the binary moons, the endless stars. In the Thousand-Year Plains, only the Light prevails.” It was now the control center of the entire Holy Mountain Fortress, where an elderly man with white hair and golden eyes was seated on his throne, conversing with a Holy Knight who appeared rather young in the otherwise empty hall.

“I do not wish to inherit your crown.”

The Holy Knight, whom one would realize in shock to be a Legendary champion upon a closer look, was enfolded with an armor composed of surging Holy Light. Behind the supposedly crude plates were complex sacred circuits that the most intricate processing arrays needed days to study. And at the moment, the Legendary champion was shaking his head at the calm old man before him in refusal. “It is time that the Sacred Silver Crown of the Pope can be taken off. Igor—my godfather, in this age where the gods walk amongst the people, in this age where there is peace unlike any before, I believe that even the Church is unnecessary.”

“There is truth in your words, Roland.”

The elderly Pope grinned and clapped his hand. He was not angry with the rather forthright words of the Holy Knight, but simply turned his gaze sideways to glance towards the Multiverse Sacrificial Grounds opposite the Holy Mountain Fortress, his eyes seemingly piercing the very edge of the Void. “In fact, I myself believe that religion itself no longer holds purpose.”

His words were calm, as if he was simply stating reality. “I do agree with you on that point.”

“Gods are wishes incarnate. Humans pray for the presence of Might and Justice, which is why a new god was born in place of His Majesty Zinsen after he had left us. That, however, is for an age of suffering and darkness—if an era is calmer, more peaceful, more beautiful and filled with more hope, the less purpose there is in the existence of gods. One could even say that gods and religions are only driven by misery, the most powerless and meekest resistance people mount against their unhappiness about themselves and their own incompetence.”

“In this age where everyone is filling their stomachs and staying warm while also fulfilling their ambitions and purpose, there are no longer wishes that require invocation of the gods—it is only natural that the Church should not exist as their agents on the mortal realm.”

“Then...” Roland appeared befuddled for a moment by those words, with puzzlement distinct in his own. “Why would you name me as the next Pope, Your Holiness?”

Could he be reluctant of having to see the end of a legacy on his own watch? The mundane possibility was abandoned as soon as it came to Roland’s mind—it was petty, and not what the old man would do.

Meanwhile, Igor turned back towards his own heir and godson to say flatly, “However, has anyone insisted that the main body of the Seven Gods Church is the faith to the Seven Gods? Such mistaken seriousness is normal for you after having been raised in the Church, Roland, but I am telling you that it is not the case.”

“The gods would answer even the most powerless and meekest resistance, even the most tearful and miserable calls, even the humblest and most insignificant of wishes, just as the Church would. Religion certainly should end, but the heart of kindness and love must not...and those are our very roots.”

With that, the pontiff took off the crown over his head, keeping it levitated over his palm and emanating with bright silver light.

Even so, Igor appeared to have no sentiment at all about it. “The power of the pontiff is a profound right. But so what? He would be merely a puppet toyed by nations if he were powerless—but a faithless Church is not like a powerless pontiff, because our tenet isn’t mundane profit.”

“The Seven Gods Church definitely is without purpose, but the Church of the Holy Light, or a gathering place of clergies, does.”

Looking up with a thoughtful glance at Roland, Igor handed the crown to the Knight, who took it by reflex, and said calmly, “Which do you believe—that the acts of kindness and helping others is thanks to the power of one or the power of many? Would a group of mortals be powerful, or are groups of clergies and Extraordinary individuals stronger?”

“Roland, think about it. A group believing in the Holy Light should be a group of charity, and should not be dismantled even without the element of faith—we are a strong people, here to answer the wishes of all beings. The Seven Gods are our leaders, and so what if we do not consecrate them or if they simply vanished? Could it be that we should not love our brethren or aid those in need if the gods are gone?”

“The church is a shield for charity and helping others. Why remake it? It would work by slowly adapting the existing doctrine so that it fits the society without a wish. Remember—never forget the first aspirations of love and turn to seek power or private desires, falling to the level of those whom you disgust and becoming an evil that is no different.”

“I...I understand.”

Roland, a prodigy, Legendary champion and Holy Knight who had walked amongst the people over years easily understood that...still, as the Pope had mentioned, he had been raised in the Church, and as such, needed some time for the split between the name of the Seven Gods and the Church.

Holding the crown, the Holy Knight stood silent for a long time before letting out a long breath. “I see... I get it now. Yes, it should be what it is in the first place—we are not Extraordinary individuals who do good because of our belief in the Seven Gods and the Holy Light, but we gather because we want to help others, hence naturally wielding the Holy Light, creating or indeed invoking the Seven Gods.”

The old Pope nodded gently with a pleased gaze.

With that, as his godfather and mentor watched, Roland somberly raised the crown in hand and placed it upon his own head. It was a ritual so simple, and yet it denoted the succession of the greatest authority in the Seven Gods Church, as well as the turning of a new page in history.

But suddenly, both men frowned and paused, interrupting the ritual...for news was being spread from the Spirit Terminal.

It was like the calls of the raven foretelling that death had finally come, after a long era.


At present, in the Infinite Horizon, the domain of the Seven Gods.

[Something unexpected has occurred.]

[What is it? I can sense great panic.]

[Chaotic disturbance in the direction of the Piroth galaxy. Subspace transmissions were cut short, contact lost with a quarter of Void civilizations around us.]

[I see the curtains of darkness on the other side...the number of Chaos is greater than the usual.]

[Clearly, they’re here...tch. Such great ripples even before the advent, it is fortunate that we are prepared.]

[It begins.]

[So, shall we get Radcliffe?]

Seven profound wills were interacting, but all of the Infinite Horizon left in a single instant of silence when the last of the wills revealed its information.

[No...let it be for the time being.]

[It would not do for now.]

[He is still in the middle of a critical moment, far from ever reaching that level.]

[Moreover, would any of you believe that he is oblivious of the fact? That he would not be able pick up on the presence of Chaos?]

[Do not underestimate that man. Look, all of you—an unusual mass reaction is now occurring in the Vortex of Creation, and the speed of world circulations is slowing once again...he is hurrying his experiment along.]

[Either way, we should monitor the situation. This is not a matter concerning us as a single world and a single civilization, but a major occurrence that involves all of the cosmos.]

[Convene the Fifth Multiverse Civilizations Council Assembly—in the face of the Evil Gods and the World Eaters, there is none who would be able to keep themselves uninvolved.]

Soon, as the power of the divine surged, endless information was spread through the Mana Net that covered all of the cosmos, towards the endless worlds. The dark presence, the disturbance of Chaos, had already arrived upon the edge of their stars, and it was a calamity that none would be able to escape.

There was none who could avoid that struggle. Justice was unable to save the upright, just as evil could never protect the vile.

There was no place to hide for the cowards. Only the bold and brave would survive.

This was very moment that the storm was arriving.


Meanwhile, Karlis the Steel Python could sense the endless presences extending from nearby Mycroft to its world, as well as the drumming pulse from the very heart of the galaxy as if it were a beating heart. It hence closed its eyes, quietly immersing in its own emotions.

“The day you have warned of is about to come, and the disaster that had once befallen would happen once again...oh, Joshua. It is a darkness that not even the Sage could stop, for it is a horror that would leave even World Wills at a loss for words. You, who have always been imagining it as your enemy...are you truly prepared?”

There was no answer because the one who should have answered it had already left.

Just as there was no need for an answer because anyone was aware of the kind of answer that the man would give.

And thus, even the Steel Python—even the Will of a World—was only able to breathe a sigh.

“This is the fifth year since you have left the ordinary cosmos for the Vortex of Creation.”


Indeed, it had been five years since Joshua van Radcliffe had entered the Vortex of Creation.

The moment of Advent was approaching.

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