Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 120 True Demons

Eisen looked at his group of friends and companions as they were staring at him in confusion, until two people, or rather little monster girls, broke the silence.

"Eisen! I has a mouth now!" A certain myconid girl exclaimed happily as she came running up to Eisen to hug him. It seemed like Caria had evolved throughout all of this, turning into a Lesser Myconid Druid, the ’Lesser’ probably referring to the ’Druid’ part of her new race title. She had grown a little bit again, but not as drastically as before, just a few inches taller. Her skin was still pretty white, but more in the way that a pale human’s would be. Overall, she just looked like a pale little girl with black eyes, wearing a large red and white witch hat and a red dress.

But not only Caria evolved to become Rank 3, Melissa also evolved toward rank 2 and became a Crowned Queen Bee. She had become a lot larger, having grown to be double the size she was before, and phyisically changed a lot otherwise as well. It seemed as if Melissa was also slowly going to become more and more humanoid the more she evolved, as rough humanoid shapes could be seen, especially in her face, but it wasn’t anything that you would really see or notice if you didn’t pay much attention to it. Humming happily, Melissa chose to sit down on Eisen’s shoulder and rubbed her head on his cheek.

With a smile on his face, Eisen squatted down onto the ground and rubbed the top of Caria and Melissa’s heads. "Well done, I’m proud of you two." He replied as he happily looked at his two tamed monsters, while the rest of his group came back up to him once the tension was broken down.

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"That was quite... intense." Jyuuk admitted as he leaned onto his staff and one after another stored his beasts on his skin again, and Evalia nodded quite quickly.

"You can say that again... Erm, what the hell was that all about?" She asked, and Eisen began scratching the back of his head.

"I got angry... And that’s not the first time that I have done this. To get the two shards of the amulet, I used different skills of mine together to make myself look like that, and it seems like it worked out in the end. But... Now, it seems like I’m literally seen as a Demon because of it." Eisen muttered out, before he looked back at the notification still flying next to him. "I even got a Title to confirm that."

And that sentence simply caused both Bree and Sky to jump in surprise before they looked at Eisen in curiosity that immediately dissipated the confusion and worry from before.

"What do you mean? Did you get a Unique Title?" Bree asked as she looked up at the old man with her eyes glittering, and similarly, Sky stood next to her, looking at Eisen in awe. These two were definitely siblings, for sure.

"Yes, I did. But could we maybe talk about this somewhere else? This looks quite... well, bad. Should we hurry back to the Inn? It’s a bit out of the way and we can talk there in peace. I especially need to talk to you, Komer." Eisen said as he looked over at the young man, whose face seemed to be drained completely of color as he was staring at the figures of his brothers lying on the floor. Quietly, the group then walked all the way back to the Inn as fast as they could, trying to avoid as many people as possible and then simply made their way to their room. It was somewhat crowded, but still better than the other choice they had, the carriage.

As everyone took a seat on the beds, Eisen stood in the center of the room and began to talk. "Alright everyone. It seems like I won’t be able to stay here in Ornier much longer. I’ve just horribly scared dozens of people, and I doubt that I’ll be able to just regularly walk around anymore. And it would be best if I didn’t run into that group of Omegas anyway." Eisen explained carefully, leaving everyone to just sit there in silence, until Komer spoke up.

"They were my brothers and their goons, right? After a loss like that, neither of them will leave this be..." He explained, before nodding at Eisen’s decision. "I think it would be a good idea to leave as soon as we can. Just get our business here over with and then keep driving toward that Magic City."

After nodding slowly with a smile directed toward the young merchant, Eisen continued. "I agree. At the very latest, we should leave tomorrow morning, but preferably tonight. Nobody really saw you, Jyuuk and Evalia, so everything should be fine and you can stay however long you want, but I would be careful nonetheless. I don’t know to what extent Merc and Cial saw you. If there’s any trouble, it would be better to leave as well. Sorry for dragging you into this." Eisen apologized, before the two Originals immediately shook their heads.

"Don’t’cha worry about that! We came to help you, and after your message we knew that shit was goin’ down. We knew what we were getting’ ourselves into, ain’t that right, Jyuuk?" Evalia told Eisen, and Jyuuk simply agreed.

"Yes, you don’t need to worry, Eisen. We wanted to help, so we did. Now don’t worry about us, and tell us about that transformation and title. I am also quite interested in it, as are quite obviously Bree and Sky." Jyuuk suggested, before Eisen quickly agreed with a nod.

"Alright, I haven’t actually looked through it yet either. I saw that I got it, but not what it does. Just a second." As Eisen said this as he quickly opened his status to look at closer information of his new title, and was surprised at the information.

[Special Title] Golden-Eyed Demon

[Description] This is an incomplete title. You have been acknowledged as such by the populace, but you have not yet been acknowledged to be a True Demon by the world. Certain Goals have to be achieved in Order to become a true Demon.

[Goals To Be Completed]

-Induce Fear into 1000 People in your Demonic Form (68/1000)

-Be Acknowledged as an enemy by a whole town

-Complete your Demonic Form

-Go through hell and back

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[Goals Already Completed] None

[Effect] It is easier to induce Fear

Carefully, Eisen read through all of this in confusion and relayed everything directly to his group, before everyone else also looked on confused. Eisen had hoped that Bree may know anything about it, but she didn’t either.

"I guess I will have to look for information on this, then. I’m pretty sure Brody is a Demon-Orc Halfling, right?" Eisen asked his Original companions, who simply shrugged as they tried to think of anything that might help. But to the old man’s surprise, the one that spoke up was Sky.

"Erm... Actually, I think I may know something..." He said slowly, before quickly continuing once he got everyone’s attention. "There was a really big library in the village of spirits I grew up in, and there were some books about demons as well. It has been a long while since I’ve read them though, so I can’t remember anything specific..."

Eisen looked at the Fey-Kin boy with a smile, before slowly nodding at him. "Don’t worry, all information is more than enough help." He reassured, and Sky continued with some more confidence.

"Well, the Demon Race and actual True Demons are two different things. It’s kind of confusing, but I think it was so that the Demon Race has been called something like that because they physically resemble demons a lot of the time. Being a True Demon can’t be handed down through blood, and a person has to work toward being a demon. So, if you’re talking about a Demon-Orc Halfling, then he is one of the demon race, and not a true demon. Those goals aren’t the type that can happen on accident, so I doubt it should be a problem."

After the Fey-Kin Boy explained this, Eisen nodded in reply, before sighing in relief. "I see. Yeah, I guess going through hell and back doesn’t seem like something that just happens out of the blue, huh? Anyway, about that transformation. As I said, it’s a combination of a few skills, although mainly just my Flame of the Earth transformation. By using it on my eyes and activating my truth seeing eyes, I created the effect of the golden flames. They are quite hard to not notice, so that’s where that title came from."

After Eisen explained this, he quickly began his transformation to demonstrate and let them take a look in more detail, before they continued talking for a little while longer.

Once there was only one topic to really talk about left, the group chose to talk about what was coming next.

"Alright, now. What is it that we should be doing? Should we leave Ornier behind for now by tonight, or just leave sometime else soon?" Eisen asked into the round, excluding Evalia and Jyuuk of course, and one after another his companions gave their opinion. The first to speak was Kiron.

"I will follow you wherever you go, M’Lord, but if I can voice my opinion, I would prefer to leave this wicked town behind." The Half-Dragon told his Lord, and Eisen’s two tamed monsters, one of which now looked like a regular human, instantly agreed.

"Mhm! Eisen is super duper smart, so Caria will follow Eisen everywhere!" Caria explained while clinging to Eisen’s side as always, and Melissa quickly agreed as well by rubbing her body against Eisen’s face.

"Yeah, I don’t really need anything either... but I think Sky does, right?" Bree said, before her brother slightly jumped at his name being said.

"Hmm, oh, yeah... I’m Level 15 right now, so, erm... I would like to get an Occupation. But after that, I would prefer to leave from here as well..."

"Oh, obviously. What kind of occupation would you like to have?" Eisen asked immediately, but Sky simply shrugged.

"I’m not really sure, but... I like books, so maybe something with that, if that’s alright?"

"Definitely, yes. Why shouldn’t it be alright? I already suspected something like that anyway, since you and Bree are quite similar in a few things like that, and she’s an Archivist. What did you imagine? Do you want to make books, or do you want to just read them? So a Bookbinder, or Librarian or something like that?"

"Neither, actually... Or a mixture of both? I’m not really interested in actually crafting something myself, and I don’t only want to read things all day or sort books and things like that. There is a certain occupation that I had in mind, it combines magic and my books pretty well. Although I guess the closest place to get that would be the magic city you talked about..." Sky quickly and effitiently explained, while everyone was listening with interest, before Eisen crossed his arms in thought.

"Alright, then it would probably really be best to go there as soon as possible then, right? But talking about Magic... Bree said she can only really cast support magic, what about you? Are you the same?"

Surprised, Sky shook his head as he looked over at Bree. "Not really, no. The opposite, really. Support magic is magic that is casted directly on a target, right? I can’t do that. I can only use it in regular spells that are cast out in the open." He explained, leaving not only his sister in surprise.

With a smile, Eisen then simply nodded and made his final decision, that nobody seemed to object to.

"Alright, then Komer, Bree, Sky, Kiron, Caria, Melissa and I will make our way toward the Magic City. We’re leaving in a few hours, so grab everything you need."

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