Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 215 Branches

After gulping down the rest of the soup that Eisen was currently eating to fill his stomach for the rest of the day. He looked at Caria and Melissa who sat down on his large Titan lap, forming a quite weird scene for some outsiders to look at, after all, a three-meter tall, gold-flaming demon with two little girls on his lap wasn’t something you’d see every day.

Soon enough, Brody came over with three pieces of paper and laid them down in front of Eisen, handing him a pen at the same time. "These are from Horan, Jiina, and Dien," Brody explained, before the old man nodded his head and quickly signed the three contracts, before he finalized them in the Guild Window, causing them to go up in flames in response. "Alright, now we’re ten in the guild." Eisen smiled before then looking over at Kiron who was sitting next to him.

"Here Kiron, sign this if you want to join the Guild as well. And then please bring these three to Koro, Parc, and Rouge, yeah?" Eisen asked the Half-Dragon, who swiftly nodded his head with a silent smile, quickly signing one of the contracts before leaving that one with Eisen and making his way over to where Eisen’s three apprentices were cleaning up after themselves.

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"Alright, then next there’s Komer, he should be coming back in a bit, then we’re 15 in total. After that, we’ll only have ten more spots left. We should keep those reserved for now." Eisen suggested to the other four originals sitting at the table with him, who all nodded their heads.

"The break is going to last for a little while longer... want to talk about the Guild-Branch thing?" Eisen asked, and Jyuuk soon spoke up. "Sure. I think I heard somewhere that branches are just for different ’sections’ of specializations. Like, let’s say the four of us become the heads of one respective branch. If they join any branch, they’ll still be part of the guild, but fall under our direct jurisdiction or something like that. Like, I would have tamers, naturalists, and necromancers under me. Xenia any Mage, Evalia Artists, and Brody Fighters. Something like that, I guess?" Jyuuk explained, also somewhat unsure of how the Branch system worked.

"That sounds about right, I guess. Although would I then be able to be the branch head of a crafting branch while also being the Guildmaster, or would we need someone else for that?" Eisen curiously asked, but nobody seemed to know the answer. Either way, Eisen simply tried to press the option related to Guild-Branches to see if something would pop up that might let him know what’s going on.

[Branches can only be created at Guild Rank 1]

"Nevermind, we need to be a Rank 1 guild to make branches," Eisen explained to the others, before shrugging. "That’s fine though, having different branches for only a maximum of 25 people is somewhat unnecessary anyway. Until we’re Rank 1, I’m sure we can find out more things about how Guilds work anyway." He suggested before downing his cup of water and standing up, while Kiron came back over with the next three contracts that were signed by the apprentices.

"Thank you." Eisen smiled and finalized them in the Guild Window, and then made his way back to the warehouse, slowly being joined by the others on after another.

"So, what are we doing next, Boss?" One of the workers from the church asked the old man, who swiftly checked his mental plans, quickly taking a look at the two large side-portions of the log that were cut off for the rectangular ’sheet’ of wood, which they carved the spine out of.

"Let’s first use those pieces to make the masts so that we don’t accidentally use too much of the wood. After that, we’ll make four more pieces similar to the spine, although a bit slimmer, and then all the different ’rib’ pieces. Don’t worry; we’re not doing all that today. We’ll see how far we get and then continue tomorrow." Eisen explained before the lead group of workers split up into two smaller groups to each work on one of the two masts as well as the other thick wooden parts needed for the construction. Since they were going to make a Shooner-inspired ship, two masts were going to be enough, especially considering that Eisen planned on enchanting the sails so that they could efficiently catch more wind.

While that was going on, everyone else was helping in whatever way they could, Xenia and Evalia worked on the figurehead-piece together to plan out how to best work an enchantment into it while still letting it look quite lovely.

A few hours later, the rough mast-shapes had been carved out of the two sides of the huge log, although they still needed to be worked on some more. But for today, though, that was it. They managed to get a good bit done, even though a large part of the day was spent with instructing everyone on what to do and explaining the plans.

Tomorrow it would be fine to let a large part of the people that were working on the planks for the hull to help with the side-spines and the ’ribs’ as well since they managed to get more planks ready than Eisen initially expected.

"Good job, all of you, and thanks for your help!" Eisen exclaimed with a big smile as the workers made their way back to the church for the day, while everyone in Eisen’s group made their way back to the Inn. Just for safety, Eisen wanted to sleep in here for tonight. He would be able to continually have a stream of what was going on in the game on his ’phone,’ after all. And since he figured there might be some people that are against having the boat built, like Zaran’s adviser who initially had different plans for the people from the church altogether, he wanted to make sure nothing would happen.

And so, after saying goodnight to everyone, Eisen sat down on the other side of the warehouse, opposite to the large locked door, and went to bed.

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The next morning, Eisen then woke back up to start another day of work. Nothing happened when he was logged-off, he just watched some TV with his son and grandchildren in the evening while keeping an eye on what was going on in the game with the Phone-like display that came together with Rover. And soon enough it was time; he had already laid back down in the capsule to continue playing.

When he stood up and stretched, Eisen then swiftly messaged the other originals and Komer to let them know he was up, before sitting down with Caria, Melissa, Kiron, and Kirisho for a while. Caria and Melissa slept by Eisen’s side, as they always do, and Kiron didn’t want to leave Eisen alone either just in case anything were to happen, so he chose to sleep there as well. And for some reason, Kirisho also stayed with them, albeit always in her amulet.

She technically didn’t need rest anymore now that her amulet had been repaired, but she still liked to sleep whenever others around her did, just out of habit.

"Caria, Melissa, did you practice your magic skills a bit more?" Eisen asked before the two of them immediately nodded their heads. "Mhm! Caria and Melly super duper close to Ranking them up and stuff, right?" Caria exclaimed as she looked over to her sister, who also nodded her head with similar enthusiasm to Caria. "Ranking!" Melissa exclaimed happily, still with her regular broken speech.

"Perfect. Then you two keep going for another little while, yeah?" Eisen asked them with a smile before they quickly nodded their heads while the large door to the warehouse they were in slowly opened up, and a group of people came in. The other originals, their companions, and Eisen’s companions and apprentices.

"Morning everyone!" The old man exclaimed with a smile and waved at them as they all sat down together with them on the ground. "Now, let’s eat some breakfast. The others from the church should arrive here pretty soon as well, and I was told they’d eat there, so we should finish up quickly." Eisen explained before he looked at his apprentices, who quickly got out everything for breakfast out of their backpacks.

"Here it is," Koro told them as he, Rouge and Parc began to hand everything around so that everyone had more than enough to eat before they all sat down again and enjoyed breakfast together.

After finishing up, Eisen swiftly stood up and walked over to his backpack, in which he had another Guild Contract as well as a pen, which he handed to Komer. "Here, you’re the only one that isn’t in the Guild yet." He explained before Komer excitedly grabbed the contract and began to sign it. But when Eisen tried to finalize it after signing the contract as well, something unexpected happened.

[Komer owns the merchant company . Do you wish to merge this merchant company with the guild ? Another contract is needed to do so.]

The notification asked as it popped up in front of not only Eisen but also Komer, who looked at Eisen confused. "Erm... should we merge Starlight with the guild? I mean, wouldn’t that make you the owner then? That would kinda defeat ’that’ purpose, you know..?" Komer pointed out, whispering and paraphrasing what he was talking about in his last sentence since there were NPCs around. Slowly, Eisen nodded his head, moving his fingers through his beard in thought.

"Yeah, let’s not directly merge it with the guild. We’re trying to figure out how Guild Branches work. Maybe we can make you Branch-Head of a merchant branch, and then you would stay the owner? I’m not sure- we’ll see. But for now, we won’t do anything with Starlight like merging it with anything, don’t worry." Eisen reassured Komer, before moving on to another topic.

"So, did you manage to get everything we needed yesterday?" The old man asked before Komer swiftly nodded his head. "Mhm, I did. The parts for the construction are going to be delivered here tomorrow because we need a whole lot of supplies, and since the preparation of the individual parts is only going to be over in a day or two as well the earliest, I thought that that would be alright. Anyway, the supplies and materials to use once we’re actually on the water will be prepared in a little while. I’ll have to go to different places and let them know when we need everything, and then we should be able to pick everything up the day before we set sail." Komer explained, leaving Eisen quite satisfied.

"Alright, good job," Eisen told the young merchant, who responded with a bright smile and a nod. "How else can I help today?" He excitedly asked before Eisen began to think about it for a bit.

"Well, you did do a little bit of crafting here and there before when we were traveling, but your physical stats might be a little bit too low to handle the Ironbark wood properly. I’m sure you’ll at least be able to help with the finishing, like smoothing the surfaces down. That’s what we’ll be doing first with the items for the masts, by the way." Eisen explained, pointing over at the parts that were lying at the other side of the warehouse before Komer nodded his head immediately.

"Sure! I can do that!" He exclaimed, before Eisen nodded with a smile, noticing people speaking in the distance as they came closer to the warehouse, in response to which Eisen quickly activated his demonic transformation as well as his Titan-like size-increase, since he figured the people that were coming were the workers from the Church. And so, Eisen began to prepare for another day of work with a bright smile.

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