Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 218 Finished Base

With a grin on his face, Eisen’s thoughts immediately began to trail off as he thought about what kind of monsters he would be able to tame, before he turned over to Jyuuk, to just ask the one with the most knowledge about it instead.

"Jyuuk, I ranked my Taming Skill up to 3 yesterday, and I can apparently tame another monster now. Do you have any ideas?" Eisen asked the beastperson, before Xenia looked at him surprised. "What, you want to increase your army of little girls that follow you around?" The High-Elf asked, before Eisen looked back at her with a deep sigh.

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"Don’t say it like that, that makes me seem like a freak. I’ll just tame something if I get the chance to, I guess, but I wanted to ask Jyuuk about any tips." Eisen explained, and Jyuuk scratched the back of his neck in thought.

"Hmm, I mean, you should just be careful not to try and tame things too far above your level. Sometimes taming can fail. If a monster is unconscious, you could for example easily trap it somehow and then train it into submission, or if you somehow gain a monster’s trust, then that will let you tame it as well. There’s a lot of different approaches. Your way of doing things until now would basically be ’Hatch-Taming’, as in hatching an egg and then taming what comes out of it. That’s usually the most reliable method." Jyuuk explained, and Eisen nodded his head while listening curiously. "I see... Well, if I find an egg, then maybe I’ll try and hatch it, I guess." Eisen shrugged, and Jyuuk nodded his head with a smile as he continued eating.

A little while later, once everyone finished their breakfast, they stood up and prepared for the workday, of which Eisen’s first task was to increase to his Titan-size before activating his Demonic Transformation and prepping all that would be needed in regards to tools and materials. And around the time that this was finished, the workers from the church already made their way into the warehouse one after another, slowly getting to work after doing so.

And from then on, it was simply repetitive labor all day, with everyone doing whatever they could. Until lunch, the planks were still being worked on, but that was finished just a little before everyone was called together to eat, so afterward, the people that were working on the planks before worked on the support beams just as Eisen explained it to his apprentices.

Evalia was still working on the Figurine for the front of the ship, while Xenia was teaching Caria and Melissa more about their elements and at the same time continued working on the huge, complicated enchanting array that would be placed on the boat later.

In the meantime, everyone else was doing as much physical labor as possible, carrying things here and there, while those with high mental stats instead of physical stats were helping Komer with the organising of different things for the actual journey, such as for example food, materials, numerous equipment that Eisen didn’t have the time to make himself, as well as just decorational items that Evalia requested to pep the ship’s interior up a bit.

Other than that, nothing happened. Just again, truly repetitive labor on a relatively large scale that continued the whole day, and even the next day.

In the night inbetween those two days, Eisen did log off again, since he couldn’t just lay down in the capsule all day without moving, and since that would just be quite rude toward his family as well. He would be spending a lot of time with them from now on anyway, but he still wanted to use these few hours inbetween playing as much as possible, so he also logged off after the next day, which was also just filled with boring, repetitive actions.

And in the evenings before logging off, Eisen and Kiron were talking about all kinds of things, mostly just random stuff, but both of them enjoying the conversation quite a lot, before they happily went to sleep.

And on the next day of work related to the ship, only little things needed to be prepared now, such as furniture, doors, beds, and so on. Eisen chose that all this would be done by a few chosen people over the course of the next few days, while the others began to work on actually placing everything together, which was quite a big moment for the old man. It’s been a while since he worked on such a huge project after all, and he never managed to do so in such a short amount of time. It has barely been a week, and they managed to prepare all the parts at an incredible speed that simply astonished and excited Eisen.

"Everyone, listen up!" The old man yelled out, and everyone looked at the basically impossible to miss, three meter tall winged demon with golden horns and golden flames underneath his skin. "Good job on your work the past few days! That was really just incredibly amazing, and I really can just thank you for what you all have done for this project! And now it comes to the endspurt! Now we’re just going to need to set everything together! All of you closely listen to my instructions, and carefully handle all the parts. Okay, off to work!" Eisen exclaimed to the crowd before he summoned his mana doubles, of course each in the same form as Eisen currently had, and made his way over to the main spine of the ship, carrying it over to the center of the warehouse with the front oriented to the outside, while the workers all helped carry it.

Carefully, they then continued to place a single ’rib’ into the center of the spine, which they then used as a reference for placing the other undersite support beams onto it, before properly attaching everything to each other as tightly and strongly as possible. For the most part, the whole day was just spent placing the ribs into place, as well as then placing support-beams at the sides of the ribs where later the floor for the first and second under-deck level would be, as well as the deck level itself, finishing the ship’s skeleton for the most part.

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Next, only the main support beams would be needed that connect some of the ribs to each other from one side of the ship to another, as well as the on-board ’hut’, which Eisen thought of as the ’Head’, considering all of the ’spine’ and ’rib’ references he had been thinking of all the time.

Then they would of course need top prepare the base for the masts, which they would only set in place outside, and would then need to add the planks to every area of the ship, outside and inside, for the walls as well as the floor.

After that was done, Evalia and Xenia would be the leaders for a little while, Evalia instructing everyone on where which kind of protective paint or solution would need to be added to, while Xenia would instruct everyone with at least a little bit of enchanting experience on what needed to be carved into the outer surface of the ship. After Xenia’s part would be done, Evalia would begin to paint the whole ship and at least somewhat cover the enchantments up or add fake glowing areas to let it seem like different enchantments altogether.

And then, the ship could be set into the water, the masts could be attached, and then everything else could be prepared and brought into the ship.

On the current day of work, they managed to finish setting the support beams into place and just slightly started working on the ’hut’, or ’head’, area at the top of the ship.

That night, while Eisen was logged off, he spent a little bit more time with his family by eating a pretty late Dinner together. The following in-game day was during the real-life night just before Sunday, and Sophia’s and Benji’s capsules would be arriving in the late afternoon, and Eisen wanted to be there while that was happening, so that would be one day that he himself wouldn’t end up being there for the construction, so he wanted to get as much big stuff done before then as possible.

The next in-game day was spent with one group working on the ’head’ area as described, while others began to attach the planks to the outside of the ship as carefully as possible, and Xenia and Evalia were working together on finish up the Figurine for the front of the ship.

It already looked quite amazing, and it was a quite grand piece that looked like a Dragon that was slinging its wings around the front of the ship, attempting to somehow pull it forward. In its eyesockets it had large, clear gems that were apparently enchanted by Xenia with something as well, which she simply didn’t tell Eisen about yet no matter how much he asked her to explain. Of course he could have just inspected them with his truth-seeing eyes, but since Xenia wanted to hide it, it had to be either not finished, or simply a surprise for Eisen that she only wanted to show him when the whole thing was done. And so, Eisen respected that decision, and only playfully attempted to peak at what she was doing with the enchantments to maybe get a few clues, although that didn’t actually do all that much for him.

Either way, the ship was being constructed non-stop, and everyone from the Church was just doing an amazing job that Eisen couldn’t even describe, so he was extremely proud of them. And at the moment that the last piece of wood was attached to the ship’s base, of course excluding all the decorations, doors, or even masts, everyone already began to simply celebrate, because this meant that such an amazing thing would soon be finished.

For that night, Eisen chose another small speech. "Okay everyone! Thank you so much for doing all this work up until now, and I truly hope that you will continue to work just as hard until the ship’s construction is actually finished and we can end up naming her. Of course, on the day that that happens, I’ll obviously treat all of you to a nice, refreshing drop or two, so just wait for that!" Eisen exlaimed with a grin, looking at the ship behind him that at least on first glance seemed ready to be placed into the water, although there was still quite abit of work to be done.

But this small speech was a signal for everyone to finish for the day and make their way back to where they were staying, while Eisen stayed behind with everyone from the Guild in the warehouse.

"But damn, this is really an amazing ship." Brody exclaimed, whistling as he did so and walked along the side of it a little bit, before Eisen slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It turned out really great after all. And the wood that Komer bought for it is more amazing than I thought as well. It’s already pretty strong before even being treated, and really surprisingly light. It’s the perfect wood for shipbuilding, as expected." Eisen said with a smile, crossing his arms before he ran his hand across the smooth surface of the wooden planks, before he turned around toward the group.

"Alright, everyone, I know I’ve been up for a few days in a row again, but tomorrow, I’ll be sleeping all day once more. So Caria, Melissa and I are going to stay in the Inn room during that time again, so that nobody finds me when I’m sleeping here." Eisen told them, before looking at the ship again. "Tomorrow, please spend as much time as you can with decoration, and get as far with the carvings for the enchantments as possible. I would love to be there during that, but I just can’t, sorry." The old man apologized, lightly smiling at his friends apologetically, before he looked once more at the ship, excited to see how it’s going to end up.

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