Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 222 Just Ask

After Eisen spent a little bit of time with his Guild Members, the workers all made their way back to the church, meaning that Eisen could finally deactivate his Demonic Transformation again. He felt like he looked pretty cool in it, sure, but it was still a little awkward to move around with his wings, so he preferred walking around without the transformation active.

"So we’ll be finished tomorrow, huh?" Jyuuk asked as he looked at the ship with his arms crossed, and Eisen slowly nodded his head. "Seems like it, yes. Xenia told me the enchantments would be finished tomorrow, and then the Figurehead will be set in place before Evalia will start painting everything. After that, we’re bringing the ship outside and then only need to set the masts in place. That’s going to be a little complicated simply because of their size, but it shouldn’t be too big an issue in the end." The old man explained as he sat down on one of the tables near him, and swiftly continued by looking at Komer.

"You prepared everything, right? As in all of the stuff we need for the ship that isn’t supplies." Eisen asked the merchant, and he nodded his head immediately. "Mhm, I did. Deliveries are scheduled throughout the morning, so we can start when everything’s ready." Komer said as he took a look at his notebook where he wrote everything down.

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"Oh, and that reminds me. I heard a little bit from Sailors here at the Harbor, and they told me that we should best leave within five days. Because in six days, the season for everyone to set out to fish for some random fish, I don’t know which, starts again. And because that’s the case, the sea traffic around this area increases, meaning that everything will be controlled more strictly so that no accidents or conflicts occur, which then, in turn, means that only people with special permits can leave or enter the direct vicinity of the harbor then. We should be able to leave before then, right?" Komer asked, before Eisen nodded after doing a short mental calculation.

In real life, it was currently the afternoon of Sunday. The next in-game day would end in the late evening of Sunday, the next one early in the morning of Monday, and then at the start of the next day, the Alpha players would join the game. In the next two days, it should be possible to finish the ship and at least get a large amount of everything that’s required loaded up onto it. And then on the third day, Eisen, Brody, and Jyuuk would go and look for the people that they recommended. Evalia mentioned to Eisen that the friend she ended up half-recommending wanted to spend the start of the game alone so that she could figure out what kind of stuff would be the best content for her channel from within the game.

Since Ari controlled the place where the Originals first appeared, Eisen hoped that it would be possible for her to send the recommended people at least somewhere near where the five of them were, so that they could quickly meet up.

If that was the case, Eisen hoped to be able to plan in about a day, or max two days, to find them and get back to Handor so that they would be back here to leave at the latest of the fourth day from now. In case anything went wrong, that meant that they still had some time to figure out any last-minute details and for everyone from the church to settle into the ship.

After reviewing everything like this for a moment, Eisen nodded his head at Komer. "I think that should work out. And even if not, I’m pretty sure I should be able to get a permit for us from the Lord, although it would be preferable to leave before then just so that we can go as quickly as possible without any interference." Eisen told them all, and they nodded their heads before he reminded everyone of something.

"Oh, and again, if any of you have any wishes for items you want me to make for you, either prepare the materials yourselves or ask Komer if he could get them for you. Because we’re only making one or two stops at most before we go to the islands, and that is to resupply with food while we’re on our way." Eisen explained, and Brody seemed somewhat conflicted to ask something, but did so in the end anyway.

"Well, would it be wrong to ask you to make one of every type of weapon I can use for me?" the Demon-Orc Halfling laughed, while Eisen shook his head. "Not at all. Although for some of the more exotic weapons, I may need you to work together with me and tell me what’s important." Eisen answered before looking around at everyone once more.

"As I said, I’ll make anything and everything you request, as long as you give me the materials, and as long as it’s within my ability. And with ’within my ability’ I don’t mean that some things may be too hard for me to make, but that I simply that I may not have gained the skill for it, or that I don’t have a specific ability from a skill that I need to make it yet. And that would only mean more that I would need more time as well. So all of you just ask me to make things for you, will you?" Eisen told them with a sigh, since he noticed that nobody really told him about what they wanted yet, despite him repeatedly reminding them about it. For the most part, it seemed like they didn’t want to bombard him with items they would like because they felt like making numerous items for a dozen people was a little much to ask.

And with that, the one person that Eisen didn’t expect to ask for something specific out of all of them spoke up first. "Gr-Grandfather... Erm, could you maybe make a larger sword for me, then? I don’t mind which materials or abilities you bestow it with, but I am truly more used to using large weaponry." Kiron explained, feeling somewhat embarrassed to call Eisen ’Grandfather’ in front of everyone all of a sudden, but the old man laughed loudly.

"That’s more like it. Yeah, of course, I’ll do that. Hmm, I’m pretty sure that my portion of the Iron we mined the other day should be enough for that. That gives me some nice ideas. I’ll make you something nice. And all of you, make sure to think about it just like Kiron did, yeah?" Eisen asked with a smile as he stood up and stretched for a bit before walking to the large door of the warehouse.

"Huh, Eisen, where are you going? I thought you’d sleep in here again?" Kirisho asked as she slowly left her amulet, and the old man turned around with a smile. "I’m getting the carriage for something — no need to keep it in the stables if we can keep it here. There’s not much work going on here anymore after all. And I need some materials from it anyway." Eisen answered before Caria and Melissa ran up behind him, wanting to go with him, and were then picked up by the old man.

"Don’t worry; I’ll be back in a bit." He said to his Guild Members before continuing to walk with a slight smile on his face.

The old man did have a few exciting ideas that he wanted to try out now that he thought about it a bit closer and to try those ideas out, Eisen wanted to infuse a large amount of the leftover Ironbark wood with his element so that he could turn it into charcoal later.

Usually, he would have done it just with his element, but now he wanted to blast the impurities out of the Iron ore with charcoal, which was preferable anyway since that already turned it into steel.

The carbon from the charcoal would naturally fuse with the iron in the process and turn it into steel, albeit with a far too high percentage of carbon, but that could be fixed relatively easily. And if Eisen used charcoal made with Magic Wood, that may give the steel some unexpected properties while keeping it from losing its durability as most other Magic Materials would.

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And with that special steel, he would make the large sword that Kiron had just requested. At least now he had something to plan for when on the ship beside his pet projects, which made him quite excited.

With those thoughts in mind, Eisen made his way to the stable and grabbed the carriage, before swiftly bringing it back to the Warehouse.


The next morning, everyone immediately got to work. They wanted to finish the enchantments on that ship as fast as they could, although Eisen was spending some time doing something else instead of helping with the enchantments.

He was working on something that would help the step that followed the carving of the enchantments, something like a ’staff’ for Evalia. Although ’staff’ was entirely relative, it was really just a huge paintbrush that would end up as tall as her, but it would surely boost her magic element a bit while she painted the ship to speed the process up a bit.

Although that really just meant carving a staff and adding magic-string made of mana-crystals enchanted with mana-manipulation on the top of it, giving it a mana-battery core, and some enchantments all across the outside to make it easier for mana to flow through.

[Paintbrush Staff]

[Quality - Perfect][Rank - 3]

[Description] A Staff in the shape of a Paintbrush made by the Omni Craftsmaster Eisen. Able to store mana and has been enchanted to further the flow and control of your mana.

[Effect] +15 INT, +15 WIS, +5% Benefit to Mana Manipulation, +5% Benefit to Artistic Magic

[Requirements] 60 INT, 60 WIS, Artistic Profession or Rank 2 Drawing Skill

With a satisfied smile, Eisen handed the large brush over to the ’Heavenly Artist’ Evalia. "Sorry, I didn’t manage to break through this time, so it’s not Rank 4. Woodworking wasn’t in the first five skills I broke through, so I don’t always manage to do it. And this is largely woodworking after all." Eisen explained as he moved his fingers through his beard, but Evalia took the staff into her hands with a wide grin.

"Don’t worry about it! This is really cool anyway! And I only managed to break through three skills so far, Drawing, Singing, and now even Sculpting’, so it’s hella impressive you already managed five!" Evalia explained, remembering how Eisen talked about doing so within his first few in-game weeks and her feeling slightly jealous about that.

Surprised, aware that Evalia broke through some skills already but thinking that it was only two, Eisen looked at her with a curious smile. "Oh, really? What did you create to break through those?" Eisen asked, and Evalia thought about it for a little while.

"Hmm... For Drawing it was a Road-Runner type thing, ya know? I was out huntin’, ran into some trouble, and drew something on the wall to trick some monsters so that they may run away... It was an even scarier monster. And for that, I broke through that one..." She said with a grin as she continued to think, remembering when she got the next break-through. "For Singin’, it was when I first met ya, and I was singin’ for the crowd at the marketplace."

Having seen that, Eisen couldn’t really be surprised. That was an incredible performance, after all.

"And for sculpting... Yesterday when I finished the Figurehead!" Evalia happily exclaimed as she stretched her arm forward and made a ’Peace’ sign with her fingers, and Eisen looked at her and then the wooden dragon in surprise.

"Oh, really? You broke through the skill with that? I’m glad you were taking it that seriously, then!" Eisen laughed loudly, being even more impressed by the quite life-like, huge wooden statue of a dragon. But it seemed like there was something else as well. "If you think I was takin’ it seriously, then you’ve gotta see the enchantment that Xenia made for that. It was really damn insane; I’ve gotta tell ya. I honestly think she was tryin’ to impress you."

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