Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 229 Loo

"Whoa! These are so cool!" Bree yelled out as she looked at the ten small Crystal Golems that Eisen brought over to show her, before looking up at the Titan-sized old man. "What are they?" She asked with her trademark bright smile, before Eisen placed one of them down onto the ground, took out his knife, and made a small scratch into the floor, placing a small block of Ironbark wood down next to the scratch.

"Golem, use the wood there to fix the scratch," Eisen told the small golem before it immediately rushed over to the scratch, taking a swift look at it before turning to the block of wood. It first pushed its two lower hands, the one with more strength, into the wood to pull a small chunk of it out with transmutation, while the upper hands, with more dexterity and speed, assisted with it.

It then squatted down in front of the scratch, and the two upper hands took a tiny bit of the chunk of wood that the lower arms were holding and began to fill the scratch that Eisen made up, fixing the surface of the wood so that there was barely any difference to before.

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"They’re repair-golems," Eisen explained to Bree, who was watching the process with wondrous eyes. "With so much foot-traffic going on, there’s bound to be some small scratches here and there. After a while, those scratches will build up and make everything look quite a bit worse than it does now. To prevent that from happening, I made these so that they can immediately fix these small damages." Eisen explained, before picking the golem back up together with the block of wood, looking down at Bree and Dien who were listening with curiosity.

"I see, that’s quite interesting..." The Half-Elf muttered out before Eisen nodded his head immediately. "Yes it is, isn’t it?" Eisen chuckled in response, and then looked at Bree. "The mushrooms I gave you to dry were made with Caria’s magic element, and they probably had a little bit of a crafting-increasing effect to them. I mixed them with the crystals I used for the golem cores and the bodies." Eisen explained, before Bree nodded in understanding.

"Ooh, that’s cool! I’m glad I could help!" She exclaimed happily, all the while continuing to stare at the Golem-Dolls Eisen was holding.

"Well, anyway, I’ll just bring these up into the meeting hall for now," Eisen said with a smile before Bree seemed to remember something. "Ah! That’s right! Xenia, Brody and Jyuuk are back with a bunch of stuff!" Bree told Eisen before the Fey-Kin explained.

"Stuff like Monster parts, you know?" Bree said, and Eisen nodded with a grin on his face. "I see, thanks for letting me know. If you two want to see what we’re working on, then just come upstairs, yeah?" The old man explained as he smiled at the couple in front of him, turning around to make his way up the stairs and into the meeting hall.

"Hey there, all of you!" Eisen exclaimed as he opened the door and stepped inside with Kirisho directly behind him before the old man set the golem-dolls down on a table next to him.

"We brought you some of the materials you asked for." Brody pointed out as he leaned against the wall, while his two companions soon left their room to have some alone-time, considering that they were going out with each other as well.

"Thank you, and what did you three manage to get?" Eisen curiously asked before Xenia spoke up. "Well, a few things, including some slime. From a general forest-slime, a rock-slime and surprisingly enough, a gluttonous-slime." She explained, placing the large bottles filled with each substance before turning around and looking at the large tub filled with a deep black material. "Although it seems like you got your hands on some as well." Xenia pointed out, and Eisen swiftly nodded his head.

"Mhm, that’s Parasitic Slime. Apparently, the Dragon Egg came from a Red Dragon, it was infested by a Parasitic slime, and without noticing, whatever that venom came from bit into the egg and killed it." Eisen explained before Jyuuk looked at the slime with wide-open eyes.

"A parasitic slime? Those are supposed to be super rare! I think we got super lucky with this one!" The Beastperson exclaimed, which Brody could only chuckle.

"Right, we’re super lucky to find a rare slime inside of a Red Dragon’s egg filled with Venom from a monster that eats Dragon Eggs. That black goop is the best thing we got out of that for sure." The Demon-Orc Halfling laughed, and Jyuuk scratched the back of his head with a wry smile.

"I get your point... but either way, it’s something incredible, trust me. Well, all of this is." Jyuuk answered as he then looked at the large bag on the table in front of him. "So, anyway, the first thing we did when we went out this morning was to go to the Adventurer’s Guild to get a few hints toward special monsters roaming the area, and we did get pretty lucky. We have the ears of a ’Listening Ape,’ the eyes of a ’Stalking Snake,’ the stomach of a ’Devourer,’ and at last, the crystal muscles of a ’Brawling Tree’, which may as well be the weirdest monster we’ve seen today."

"You can say that again... The little fucker kept going for the shins..." Brody muttered as he looked down at his legs before Xenia laughed.

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"Yeah, I saw that. The thing was like 10 meters tall, right? I think it just wanted to annoy you, Brody." The High-Elf answered, and Brody shrugged. "Either way, I ripped its bark off its face, so I’m happy." He laughed, and Jyuuk nodded in response before looking at Eisen again.

"Of course we got all the different important materials as well, like the bark that Brody just mentioned, but the ones I mentioned would be the ones I think we could use for the Homunculus. The rest, we’ll need to figure out somehow else." Jyuuk pointed out, and Eisen slowly nodded his head.

"Alright, got it. Good job, you three. The Dragon Bones are in the boxes over there, and I set them into a bath of Health-Jelly. We should now have enough stuff that should allow us to get to work, for now, right?" Eisen asked, before remembering the most important thing. "Although... what are we going to do about the flesh? Can the Homunculus fill any gaps up itself?" Eisen asked, and Jyuuk turned around to Xenia with a questioning look, before Xenia closed her eyes to think about it a little while.

"Hmm...I think so, yeah. I’m not sure if you guys noticed it, but I feel like I saw a little bit of flesh seeping into the cracks that the homunculus made to move around." She explained before Eisen slowly nodded.

"I see. Well, if it works, it works, if it doesn’t, we’ll need to add something else to its body. So, should we start working on each of the parts?" Eisen suggested before Brody raised his hand before forming it into a finger gun pointed to the door. "I ain’t good with that stuff, so I’m gonna go. Call me when you need any help." Brody explained before making his way out of the room, before the other four, including Kirisho, sat down at the table with the materials in the center.

"First, let’s take a look at the materials you brought," Eisen said before Jyuuk nodded and carefully emptied the bag on the table. The first thing they took a look at were the ears of the ’Listening Ape,’ for which Jyuuk took out a small crystal tube out of the bag.

"So, the ears of the ape were enhanced through a small crystal structure, basically a pipe, inside of its ear canal. I’m sure it should be of use to you, especially if you enchant it some more. Then next, the eyes of the stalking snake." Jyuuk added, before taking out a jar filled with some kind of liquid Eisen couldn’t identify without using any skills, with two spheres floating inside.

"So, these aren’t like the Crystal Eyes you have; these are actual eyeballs from a monster with superior eyesight. Right now they’re just inside some kind of preservation-liquid that Xenia brought. We saw a few of these snakes, so we have about ten pairs of these. I dissected some when we were there, and I’m sure you could enhance it a little bit by switching out the Vitreous Body, the clear gel that makes up most of our eyeball. It’s usually about 99% water, and the rest is a mixture of different glycosaminoglycan, salts, sugars, and proteins. I’m sure I could extract the Vitreous Body from a few of them, and then we use it to make some potions and then put those potions back into the eyes. I’m not sure how well it’s going to work, but I’m excited to find out." Jyuuk explained as he looked at the, surprisingly large, eyeballs floating in the jar.

"Alright, let’s try that out in a bit then. What about the stomach you mentioned?" Eisen asked next, before Jyuuk grabbed the, apparently rather heavy, organ that was packed inside of a mana-crystal casing.

"Here it is. We removed the contents, including the stomach acid, so right now it’s just the pure organ. It has an incredibly dense, nearly bone-like outer layer. It’s insane. The monster we got it from was eating metal armor when we found it, and it was mostly dissolved when we killed it. I think if we turn the homunculus into some kind of dungeon, we could feed it any kinds of drops that people leave behind in the dungeon that we don’t have a use for; this can also just be enhanced through some enchantments." Jyuuk said, and then moved on to the next thing that they got, the muscles of the ’Brawling Tree.’ They were coiled around a stick, and there were probably enough to bury the dragon-skeleton they had in. With a smile, Jyuuk then swiftly explained.

"I can’t tell you much about what these are made of, but they definitely aren’t purely organic. The muscles were coiled around the tree like an exoskeleton or a carapace, simply supporting and strengthening its every movement and protecting it. I saw that you used magic string for Aulu and Cabarum’s muscles. If we compare those to these muscles, then I would say the muscles are a few dozen times better just from their durability alone." Jyuuk explained, and Eisen looked at all of these things in satisfaction. "Alright, that’s good to know then. That should be good enough to support Dragon Bones, then." Eisen laughed softly before he then took the bottles filled with slime that Xenia mentioned.

"Alright, I know that Slime is a great material for high-grade potions, but what can we use the slime that we have here for?" Eisen asked into the room before Xenia swiftly spoke up.

"Well, Rock-Slime is a great material for a hardening potion. We could use that to strengthen its body somehow." She explained before Eisen already got an idea. "Could we use it to make a replacement for the bonemarrow that I extracted from the Dragon Bones?" Eisen asked curiously before Xenia and Jyuuk looked at each other to confirm, and then the High-Elf nodded her head.

"I guess so, yeah. If we do that, then the bones will probably be passively strengthened and hardened over time. Did you throw the bone-marrow away, though? I’m pretty sure if we use that in the making of the potion, that’s going to help quite a bit." She pointed out, and Eisen nodded. "Yes, it’s just over there next to the bones," Eisen explained and pointed at the large bowl that he put the bone marrow in before he turned around and looked at the petrified eggshell and the red-dragon crystals.

"Well then, I think we should all get to work a bit, yeah? Xenia, you work on enchanting the stomach, and the ear, and then start with that hardening potion. And Jyuuk, could you please extract that thing from the eye and give it to Xenia so that she can work on some vision-enhancing potion with it. Please assist her with that though." Eisen asked them before he stood up and walked over to the petrified eggshell and red-dragon crystals, and Jyuuk curiously asked him, "And what are you going to do?"

With a grin, Eisen turned around toward him and answered quite simply. "I’m going to work on its scales."

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