Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 383 - Practice Time

When Eisen finished all of these base things up already, he started trying to figure out the best structure for the rest of the Fox’s body. After all, he would need to construct it around the blood and mana veins now, and even though they weren’t just as complex as the regular circulatory system was, they still they were still something that was relatively tough to work around, but Eisen ended up managing this just fine.

After all, the next step was to bulk the Fox’s body up a bit anyway, by just adding the different gears now. And instead of creating a complex puzzle of different gears and tubes, Eisen only placed some gears around the different joints that needed support in their movement, and then chose to hook those gears up to each other in a similar way that Fluke was sending signals through his body, which was through crystal cables, such as very thin mana-crystal thread that was bundled up like glass-fiber cables were. And those cables were then hooked up to the small gems in the center of the central gear of each bundle of gears to activate the proper rotation of it.

Of course, these cables were also hooked up to the Golem Core placeholder so that the flow of everything could be properly controlled. Then, Eisen also added a mana battery and a soul-generator into the body of the Fox Automaton, also directly hooked up to the Golem Core placeholder, and then, Eisen just added a few different crystal structures for things like eyes, ears, nose and tongue, as well as the brain of course, into the Fox-Head and then started carving a few things onto the skeleton, something which he would most likely try to do with the marble workstation that he somewhat ’Stole’ from his own workshop on the central island, but for now, he just carved into it with a regular needle, because this was just supposed to be a prototype anyway.

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Either way, Eisen then quickly carved into the whole skeleton and then moved onto one of the parts that would make the Fox more Unique to Kirisho, in the form of a small crystal placed at the end of the spine, where Eisen normally would have placed a tail, but now, he quickly created a three-dimensional enchantment that was supposed to create mist in the shape of a fluffy tail, as dense as possible while still keeping mist-like properties. That was the thing that Eisen was most unsure about how he should create it.

Here in this Soul Realm, he could basically imagine any type of ability-enchantment that he wanted as long as he could put it into a specific form, but in reality, it wasn’t that easy. Kirisho’s mist wasn’t an ability of hers, it wasn’t created in the same way that other people created their magic element. Her whole being was mist, she only seemed to have an ability to control it.

So, Eisen had to somehow figure out a good way to work around that issue, maybe try and take part of her actual mist and implant it into the Fox, because right now Eisen was still not capable of Ability-Enchanting things using core abilities of someone’s being like that. It seemed to be something of the same level as the ’Growth’ enchantment that’s currently placed on Bree’s shirt. And although, now that he thought about it, that enchantment was something far more high-tier than Eisen imagined.

Eisen remembered Morrom saying that it was an ability based off of a regular person’s ability to grow through levels, but now that Eisen thought about it, it seemed a little more like an Ego-Item, didn’t it?

The old man wanted to go back to Melroe anyway, at the very least in order to visit one of the other Ancient Dragons that Ailren spoke about, the one on the highest mountain in the Dwarven country. For that, he would need to pass around that area anyway.

But when he went there, Eisen wanted to really ask Morrom about what his levels, abilities and ranks were. Because if Morrom was able to replicate the effect of an Ego-Item through a simple enchantment, that meant that his enchanting skill’s rank was insanely high, didn’t it?

For the most part, Eisen already knew that Morrom was very skilled, after all, he was supposed to be a Grandmaster. But then, Eisen thought that that didn’t mean much, and that it was simply an assigned role with little behind it, simply because he thought it was just a regular old game, but now that he was aware that this didn’t seem to be an actual game but something far, far beyond that, Eisen actually realized how insane such a level of ability was, especially for people of this world.

Either way, after derailing in his thought like that a little bit, Eisen moved on toward the next part of the Fox Automaton. It was now able to create a dense mist in the shape of a tail, and by running some mana-thread through that tail while it was active and connecting it to the gem that actually created that mist, Eisen was able to somehow give it a sort of structure and ability to move around like a regular tail would be able to.

That would mean that the threads would be there all the time, even when the tail wasn’t active, however, but considering that Eisen wasn’t planning on making it so that the Fox could actually deactivate the tail, it wasn’t that big of an issue, really. And then, Eisen quickly replaced the Golem Core placeholder with an Actual Golem core.

Other than that, Eisen quickly moved on toward the rest of this Fox-Golem’s body, which he created out of his Brass-Crystal alloy. And so, the Fox quickly started looking like a proper Fox and not like some sort of grim anatomical model of one, and then, Eisen only needed to add the fur and he would be done with this prototype.

While the fox’s Brass-Skin had turned into a very very light color, close to white, due to the crystals added into it on top of having mana folded into it, Eisen wanted to turn the fur itself to have a few pitch-black parts about it, even if not completely so. The reason for that was to just fit Kirisho’s own style. While her skin was very pale, she wore something like a dark black dress all the time, and her hair was just as dark.

And so, Eisen quickly created some fur for the fox, in a similar way as he created the fur for his other automata, by overlaying everything with numerous strands of mana and using transmutation to pull the metal into them, using the same metal for that. But in some parts of the Fox’s fur, Eisen added some Darkness Gem fur. He was aware that Necromancy was derivative off of the Dark element, so considering that this Fox was supposed to be a Ghost’s companion, it fit pretty well as far as Eisen was concerned. Although then again, he could also just add Necromantic mana-crystals, and then it might possibly also give a certain special effect.

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It didn’t matter too much though, because for now, he finished this item.

[You have Mentally Gone through the process of creating a Mist-Fox Golem. If you now actually create a Golem like this, it is easier to reach a higher quality rating and achieve better effects]

And soon enough, Eisen found himself back inside of the room that was formerly the King Golem’s Boss-Room, but swiftly returned back into the state of Deep Visualization after making sure that the counter on his Level-Up quest went up the three odd hours that he spent inside of his Soul Realm.

Before he knew it, Eisen swiftly returned to the room inside of his Soul Realm, where he quickly got to work on the next item, because he wanted to really just wanted to use this time as efficiently as he possibly could.

He was already steadily leveling up his Crafter’s Mind skill due to being in here, so that was a really good thing, considering that he had to bring it to Rank 3. But first, Eisen needed to start working on the next item. He had nothing specifically in mind, but he wanted to somewhat play around with some ideas for how he could use the Yin and Yang metals.

As far as he was told, the Yin metals were supposed to be good for Weapons, and Yang metals were supposed to be good for Tools, but he wanted to put the most that he could into both of them. For that, he wanted to create only to different items, each using up all of the metal while becoming Ego-Items, so that Eisen could raise them to a place that they were really amazing. It might be a little bit of a waste to use everything up so selfishly, but after all, he literally ripped out both his arms to get the materials, so he figured he could be at least a little selfish about it.

So, Eisen quickly imagined two metals that were as close to the Yin metals as possible. He never used them before, and with a single touch Eisen managed to feel that they acted a bit different to regular metals that he was used to, but he had no idea how exactly. So until then, he would just try and practice to get the type of item he wanted to make right.

And so, Eisen quickly started to work on a weapon first, and what he wanted to make was a simple sword that he could hopefully use at each and every height. This alone would be a good practice, because he didn’t make a size-changing item before.

Either way, for now, Eisen needed to get to work creating the blade itself, which he did by simply starting to fold the different ingots of metal that he ’imagined’ into each other, trying to compress them at the same time as he was doing so. If he created an uncompressed weapon out of all the Yin metal he had, he would end up with a blade as large as the one he made for Kiron, and while he did want to make a broad Greatsword, its base-state was supposed to be for when Eisen was in his base-size.

After he folded all the metal into each other and created a chunk of metal the size that he wanted it to be for his blade, he swiftly got to shaping it. And the style that Eisen went for was basically a giant knife, as in a large, broad, one-edged blade with the rough shape that a knife had.

And so, the process of making that blade was not too dissimilar to making a knife, just that the handle was a little bit thinner proportionally.

Before he knew it, Eisen finished the blade for this item and swiftly attached a nice handle to it. It was just a simple one, though, a wooden base wrapped in leather, because he just loved the feeling of leather on his hands. He would probably turn it a little more decorative later on, but for now, Eisen just wanted to work with it like this.

Because now, he had to figure out the best way of working with his size-changing ability, and now that he had a lot more experience with how to work with the settings, he knew that he could hook different effects up to different conditions that the user needed to fulfill, and while there was a limit to that, it was the perfect thing for him right now.

Swiftly, Eisen enchanted the whole blade’s body with enchantments that were supposed to support the structural integrity of the blade even while it was changing shape, as if ’containing’ something in a shell, while also hooking the ability enchantment on the actual blade, the Size-Changing, up to a small gem in the handle that was supposed to check for the user’s state.

If Eisen had his size increased using the size-changing ability, the Blade would scale up together with him, and if he had his size decreased in the same manner, the enchantment would push forward a ’negative value’ and scale the blade down together with him. It probably wouldn’t work perfectly, as in that that Blade wouldn’t change the same maximum anount that Eisen could change, but it seemed to work out well enough.

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