Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 39 Occupation

"And? Did it work?" Morrom asked excitedly, looking at Eisen while filled with hope. Smiling back at the Elf-Dwarf, Eisen nodded. "Yes, it worked. I’ve broken through Enchanting, and reached the peak of Limitbreaker."

Morrom’s eyes opened only wider at this revelation. "The- The peak of Limitbreaker? So it’s at five, huh...? That’s great! This is great to know! Thank you so much, Eisen!"

[Quest Successful - Breaking Through]

[Description] Morrom Marson found out that you’ve broken through the limits of some of your skills, and asked you to help him find out more about that title. He asked you to break through both the Alchemy and Enchanting Skills.

[Reward] Special Class; Max Reputation with Morrom; Experience

[Failure] Morrom will be disappointed; Slightly lowered reputation with Morrom

[You have earned 1000 Experience]

[You are now Level 13]

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[Reputation with Morrom Marson has risen to the max]

Morrom turned around and walked to the door of his workshop, and told Eisen to wait while he went to prepare for some things, and would return in a little bit.

This left Eisen and Bree alone in the Workshop.

The Fey-kin curiously walked up to the platform, looking at the enchantment. "Can we try it out~? It’s supposed to make something, right~?" She asked and tilted her head while looking at Eisen, who replied with a nod.

"Yeah, sure. However, it costs 2000 MP to do so, meaning I would need your help. You think you can spare that much mana?" Eisen asked and looked at the platform as well, also extremely curious to how it works, but at the same time not wanting to force Bree to spend all her mana.

However, she simply smiled and nodded with a smug look on her face. "Mhm! That’s nothing to me!"

"Haha, I see. Then I’ll get to it, I guess. Oh, but first, I think I should put my new points into my stats."

Eisen said and opened his status, and then brought his STR, INT and WIS stats each to 40, before putting the last new stat point into AGI.

If from now on, he only were to go hunting and get stat points through leveling up, instead of through making items, he would need to gain about 60 more levels to complete that cat’s quest.

This would probably take a while, but he still had quite some time left, although he didn’t know how long leveling up usually took.

Either way, for now, Eisen didn’t worry about that part and instead just wanted to get this enchantment to create a golem core. He placed his palm on the edge of the enchantment, and began to push his mana inside while Bree filled his Mana Pool back up again.

The more mana filled the enchantment, the more mana condensed in its center. After a few minutes, the enchantment was completely filled up, and pure white mana pulled itself into a single point, and then exploded outward, leaving only a small, tic-tac sized sphere that dropped down onto the center of the mana crystal platform.

Eisen excitedly leaned forward and grabbed the small sphere, looking at what he just created.

[Low Grade Mock Golem core]

[Quality - Average][Rank - 2]

[Description] A small, low grade golem core that has been created only with the help of Enchantments. Due to its unusual way of creation, it works far worse than a regular low grade golem core and the resulting Golem will be unable to do any complicated tasks.

[Effect] Will pair with a compatible body when infused with mana

"I see... Well, at least it worked! Now I only need a body for it to try it out!" Eisen exclaimed while looking at the tiny ball on his palm, and then remembered the small Health Doll that he made before. Maybe it would be a good base for a Golem?

He walked over to Bree’s backpack and looked through the pockets in the front, where he remembered putting it, and not long after beginning to search found it.

Eisen held the small, crystal-like doll in his hand and pushed the golem core against its chest, then activated transmutation to open a small hole that quickly swallowed the core. The hole quickly closed again, and Eisen spread the excess material across the doll’s chest.

Once that was done, Eisen poured his mana into the doll and moved it toward the core. After a few seconds, thin cracks began to form on the doll’s surface, and its whole body reformed to become more refined and humanoid, so that the body would be easier to use for the core.

After a short while, the transformation stopped and the newly created Golem stood up on Eisen’s palm.

[Golemancy Skill Learned]

"Great! A new skill! Well, how about it, lil’ guy? Show me what you can do!" Eisen exclaimed and placed the small golem on a nearby table. However, it just stood there while doing nothing.

"Hm? Lil’ guy? Maybe that won’t work... Then how about ’Walk forward’?"

In response to Eisen’s command, the small doll moved its right leg forward, and its left arm to the back. Then it stepped forward, and moved its left leg forward, and its right arm to the back. This continued on and on, without break.

"That’s so cool~!" Bree exclaimed while looking at the small red golem as it walked to the edge of the table, then turned around and walked to the other edge when Eisen told it to.

"Yeah, it is! Although this makes me wonder what you can do with an actual, normal golem core and not a low-grade mock version of it! Well, I’ve got the Golemancy Skill now, so I guess I could-"

"G’day, old-timer! How are ya?" Denmir stepped through the door and exclaimed loudly, interrupting Eisen as he was talking to Bree. Behind him, Eisen saw a few more familiar faces, those of Folmirra, Jekyll, and of course Morrom.

"Oh, hey Denmir! What are you all doing here?" Eisen asked curiously while all four of his crafting-skill teachers stood in front of him. The only one to speak up, though, was Morrom.

"We want to give you a gift. You’re an amazing craftsman, Eisen, so you deserve to be seen as such by the world. Actually, let’s just show him instead of explaining it, shall we?" The Elf-Dwarf looked over to the other three, who smiled and nodded their heads.

"Old-timer, I once more offer you to be a Master Blacksmith."

[It is possible to change your occupation to Master Blacksmith. Do you accept?]

"Going right to the top there, huh, Denmir? I guess I’ll follow part. I offer you to be a Master Tailor, Eisen." Folmirra said while smirking over to Denmir.

[The possibility to change your occupation to Master Blacksmith progressed]

[It is possible to change your occupation to Master Tailoring Blacksmith. Do you accept?]

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Jekyll crossed his arms and scoffed at the other two. "Really? Ye’re givin’ him the spots to become a Master? What kind of Grandmasters you two are..." He shook his head and the other two frowned at him, before Denmir began to laugh lowly.

"Listen ’ere, kid, all of us know that he’s lost his experience, and even so he’s such an amazing craftsman. He deserves ta be a Master. And who knows, maybe it was fate he ended up in Melroe?"

"Tsk, I guess so. Fine then, can’t be the only one that doesn’t give ya what ye a Master one. I offer ya to be a Master Leatherworker."

[The possibility to change your occupation to Master Tailoring Blacksmith progressed]

[It is possible to change your occupation to Craftsmaster. Do you accept?]

At last, Morrom also spoke up. "You’ve done a great job these past few days here, and you deserve this, really. I offer you to become a Magicraftsmaster."

[The possibility to change your occupation to Craftsmaster progressed]

[It is possible to change your occupation to Omni Craftsmaster. Do you accept?]

Eisen looked at the notification in front of him. Omni Craftsmaster, huh? It definitely sounded intriguing.

Compared to a regular occupation like Blacksmith or Tailor, it didn’t seem like it would box him into anything.

Only judging from its name, it would probably allow him to do basically anything when it came to crafting or creating things.

The Giant-Dwarf halfling began to scratch his beard and close his eyes, and after a few seconds of deep thought opened them up again.

"Thank you. I more than gratefully accept."

[You accepted the change of your occupation]

[You are now an Omni Craftsmaster]

[All Crafting related skills can be learned up to Rank 10]

[All Combat related skills can be learned up to Rank 5]

[All Utiliary Magic skills can be learned up to Rank 8]

[All Combat Magic skills can be learned up to Rank 5]

[Crafting Space Skill learned]

[Level Cap has opened up]

A soft light encased Eisen for only a second and then faded away once more, leaving the whole group to stare at him intensely.

"And? What occupation did you get?" Morrom asked curiously, and the others leaned in as well.

With a soft laugh, Eisen crossed his arms and read through the notifications, then slowly spoke up. "Apparently, I’m an Omni Craftsmaster now." Eisen explained, and then began to explain what else came with it.

In return, the others told him about what each of the skill areas entail.

Crafting skills are quite obvious, as they were the skills that helped you create something, meaning skills such as Blacksmithing, Alchemy, or even Drawing.

Combat skills were those that helped one fight, obviously. Meaning things like Swordsmanship or Archery. Since Eisen didn’t necessarily need, or even want, to go out and spend all his time fighting, he really didn’t mind that they could only get to Rank 5.

Combat Magic skills were the same, basically all spells that would be used for attacking such as the classic Fireball spell.

Utiliary Magic skills were the kind of thing that Eisen was using up until now when it came to magic, meaning things that weren’t directly intended for combat, such as his Mana Double, Mana Copy, or Mana Manipulation skills.

It seemed like an ordinary Craftsman would only be able to level physical crafting skills up to Rank 8, and crafting skills that had to do with magic or mana like Alchemy or Enchanting only up to Rank 6.

If you wanted to get your physical skills higher than that, you needed to become a Craftsmaster, the Master version of the Craftsman profession.

They would be able to master all physical crafting skills, and learn some special crafting skills, but still couldn’t raise their Magic-Crafting skills up to Rank 8.

Eisen on the other hand, could now literally completely master each and every crafting skill there was. Omni Craftsmaster was truly the perfect occupation for him.

Everybody was excitedly telling Eisen about how it was an incredibly rare occupation, and talking about the great things that were created by past Omni Craftsmasters.

Denmir was the first one to talk about Eisen’s new skill, though.

"Craftin’ Space, huh? That’s pretty handy if ya ask me. Always wanted ta learn it meself. At early ranks, it basically lets ya improvise a lot. Instead of an anvil, ye could use a rock, and even then it would act as if pure steel. At later ranks, though, it gets really amazin’. Only heard rumors, but apparently it lets ya make magical subspaces. Imagine a whole forge fittin’ literally in yer pocket. Ye could be in the middle of the ocean, on a tiny ship, and still find space to make some items. There’s probably a lot of other effects, but most craftsmen are bastards that wanna keep their secrets for themselves, so I can’t really tell ya more." He explained, and Eisen thought about the possibilities this opened up.

He would first need to try and figure out what this skill actually did, and if there was some way for him to activate it, or if it was something that acted passively as soon as he began to craft things.

While he was pondering on the best thing to do next, the group slowly split up. First Jekyll went back to his shop, after that Folmirra and at last also Denmir, until only Morrom, Bree and Eisen were left standing in the workshop of Everything Magic.

"So, you’ve got your occupation now, huh? Kind of jealous. Mine is already quite high grade... But I guess it’s just pretty specific. I’m glad that the combination worked." Morrom laughed lowly and crossed his arms in a smug way, only leaving Eisen to chuckle in response.

"Thank you, Morrom. I’m incredibly greatful for this. So what was that about the others being Grandmasters?" Eisen asked curiously, since he was wondering about this since Jekyll mentioned it before but forgot about it during the prior excitement.

"Hm? You didn’t know? Well, Melroe has four grandmaster grade crafters. Denmir, Folmirra, Jekyll and me. I’m surprised you chose to come to us four exactly without even knowing that..." Morrom muttered out with a soft frown. "And if you don’t know what grandmasters are... Grandmasters are the top of the top of Masters. Only by being accepted as such by others of your craft, you are able to ascend to such a status. Usually it’s pretty uncommon for a town to have even one grandmaster, and it’s basically unheard of for such a small one to have four. I really don’t know why so many of us are here, though."

"I see... Lucky for me, haha." Eisen laughed lowly. He really didn’t think it was luck, and that he was placed here exactly for that reason. He would need to ask the other Originals if they noticed something similar in their starting towns.

But for now, Eisen knew what he needed to do. He finished this quest, and only had one more thing he needed to worry about before going on a journey.

He would need to start hunting.

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