Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 428 - Going Out

Later that day, in the evening, most of the people that entered the Dungeon in the morning had left it again, having reached the end of the third floor.

It seemed like all of them had an incredible amount of fun, so Eisen was pretty glad about that. And to top it off, Fafnir himself got a fair amount of Experience, and actually reached level 40 just today! If this continued for another day or two just like this, then that would mean that Fafnir might be able to Rank up to 2 before the regular playerbase joined the game!

Either way, seeing how well everything was working and how well Sigurd managed the players entering and exiting the Dungeon, Eisen felt comfortable going to sleep for now, directly on top of the small stone-brick structure that Eisen built around the gate. And then the next morning, Eisen was able to see a pretty large ’wave’ of people going to the Dungeon, trying to enter it.

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It seemed like most of them were actually Players, so Eisen figured they were those that either didn’t have that much time left in their day and had to go to sleep before entering the dungeon, or simply were in another, nearby town beforehand when they found out about the Dungeon through the streams that a few of the players here were doing.

Yesterday, a few people already recognized Eisen and were mumbling amongst each other, but right now, after Eisen woke up, there were a few people that walked up below him, seemingly wanting to just speak to him.

So, Eisen pushed his body off the box and crossed his arms as he stood in front of them, still in full-giant mode. "Anything I can help you with?" The old man inquired, and one of them immediately nodded their head.

"Yes! We would like to know if we could maybe record you for a day or two, for something like a ’a day in the life of Eisen’?" They asked excitedly, but the old man slowly shook his head.

"No thank you." He replied quite clearly as he took out some boxes from his backpack, which was currently attached to a strap on his Apron, because it didn’t increase in size with Eisen, and then swiftly took out Tank, Deedee, and Ranger from there, setting Ranger down at the top of the box so that he had a good position to look at everything from, and then turned back around toward the people standing there quite baffled.

"E-Erm, I... I think that might be some good advertis.e.m.e.nt, you know? I mean, I have nearly two million followers..." One of the people that made that ’suggestion’ pointed out, but the old man just raised his brows in response.

"What’s that supposed to mean? Followers where? I’m not seeing anyone beside you three." Eisen pointed out with a sigh, playing the role of the ’Tech-Senile Geezer’.

"Sorry, I have to go see someone right now, so just tell your ’Followers’ that they won’t be able to see a day in my life." He apologized and swiftly turned back toward the Dungeon Entrance. "Sigurd, I’m off to see the others at the Inn. I put those three out here just in case. Command them however you want, just don’t kill anyone." Eisen said with a clear voice, before the people behind him, as well as those standing in the line around him, looked at the old man confused, before the Core Guardian appeared in a cloud of mist in front of Eisen.

"Gotcha, I’ll take care of everything here." It replied with a salute, and Eisen nodded his head with a smile before turning away and picking up the three monster children so that they could make proper use of Eisen’s large size to get to the Inn that Bree, Sky, and Kirisho went to yesterday night.

But it seemed like there were a few people that weren’t really happy with the reply they got.

"Come on, just let us film you! It’s not going to cost you anything! It’s literally free advertis.e.m.e.nt, what the hell else do you want?" The same one from before, seemingly something like a group-leader, pointed out, and just then Eisen could see his pupils flash red.

Without hesitation, the old man stopped moving and extended his hand toward the young man’s head to cover his face completely while giving him a little bit of a scare.

"I told you not to film me. Turn around and go away, or I’m going to crush your skull." Eisen said with a slight sigh at that end, simply frustrated from dealing with this, and while the player was trying to somehow get Eisen to let go of him, the old man himself just shook his head disappointedly and let go.

But just of his head, of course. Instead, now he picked the player up by his h.i.p.s and set him down on the tallest roof that Eisen could reach like this.

"You might have a better view from here." The old man pointed out before turning away and continuing down the road in the direction of the Inn. It seemed like he was still attracting a fair bit of attention, coming from a mixture of Eisen’s height and the angry young man yelling at him from a rooftop while his friends were trying to somehow help him down.

Either way, soon enough Eisen reached the entrance to the Inn that the others were staying at for the night and decreased his size in front of the entrance before stepping inside and heading to the room that the others were staying at, swiftly knocking on the door.

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And the one that opened it was, surprisingly, Dien. He was with some of the others yesterday, but it seemed like he chose to sleep in the same room as Bree last night, although Eisen was pretty surprised that Sky was alright with that.

"Morning." The old man said as he smiled at the Half-Elf, Half Blood-Chimera in front of him. "You guys alright in here?" Eisen asked as he peeked his head inside without waiting for an answer from Dien, and the two Fey-Kin inside the room swiftly stood up from their beds.

It seemed like both of them were quite exhausted, although Bree wore a broad smile on her face and Sky had an incredibly pale stone-face. Looking around the room once more while Kirisho appeared from her amulet placed on Sky’s bedside Table at the moment, the old man just sighed.

"Bree, Dien, be more mindful of Sky next time, will you?" The old man said as he shook his head, and Dien immediately started freaking out and shook his head.

"N-No no, Sky was definitely asleep! We made sure of that!" He exclaimed, but Eisen just pointed over toward the Fey-Kin with a cold stare pointed at Dien. "Does it look like he was sleeping at all last night? I think the only one that actually slept here was Kirisho, and she’s dead." Eisen pointed out, making Dien slowly look over at Sky with an apologetic expression.

"Erm, sorry about that...."

"Tsk, nevermind that." Sky replied immediately while clicking his tongue and slowly laid back down in his bed. "I’m going to SLEEP now. Something which I only need to do roughly every three days for a whole night if I want to, and you ruined that for me, Dien. Every three days, for f.u.c.k’s sake! Now leave, you elven miscreant!" The young Fey-Kin yelled out, and so, Dien slowly stepped up to Bree’s bed, got dressed, and then the two of them made their way back toward the door.

"So you two are going to be together all day?" Eisen asked them, and Bree swiftly nodded her head. "Mhm! We’re going on a date~!" She exclaimed happily, and in the background, Sky could be heard pushing his face into his pillow and yelling out of frustration.

"Then it’s only us for now, huh?" The old man asked as he looked at Kirisho, who slowly nodded her head with a soft smile on her lips.

"It seems so." She replied, and Eisen swiftly extended his elbow toward her, as if offering it to be hooked into by her, which she quickly accepted and did just that with a light chuckle.

"For now, let’s just go for a walk then. I would like to see this town a little more." Eisen pointed out, and Kirisho swiftly nodded her head. "Likewise." She replied, before Eisen swiftly took Caria’s hand, who in turn held Sal’s while Melissa was riding on his back.

"When we were stopping her before and I was sleeping, you went here with the others, right?" The old man asked Kirisho, who slowly nodded her head. "Yes, but I didn’t get to see anything, really. I felt a bit too nervous to go out, so I returned to the ship as soon as I could." She admitted, covering her face with the part of her dress which was slung around her arm.

"Haha, I see, I see... Well, there’s no need to be nervous this time around." The old man explained with a smile on his face, before the Mist Spirit next to him nodded her head in response.

"Let us hope so." She said quite clearly, before they stepped back out of the Inn together and made their way along the road in front of them.

For a while, they were basically just sight-seeing, trying to find nice places to eat lunch at, and just spoke about random things in the direction of ’It was crazy when -that- happened’, or ’We should go -there- at some point’, meaning that Eisen was telling her about his plans for travelling around the continent to find the last three Dragons that were referred to him as ’Trainers’ so that he could become a proper, full Champion.

Otherwise, there wasn’t much on Eisen’s end that he wanted to do beside level up as much as he could on his way to find those Dragons, and then sometimes set up shop in different places that they passed to properly level his skills up some more while traveling.

It wouldn’t be hard to transport the items with Sigurd and Fafnir’s help, at the very least, so the old man was glad that the had those two.

It seemed like Kirisho had a few things she wanted to do as well, though, or rather, she wanted to ’see’ different places. She spent a very long time stuck in a cave with an old man, so it just made sense that she wanted to somewhat see the world.

Even after being ’put back together’, she was mostly stuck in either a ship, a carriage, or a small, ruined town. That’s not that kind of sight you would like to see after getting your life back after a hundred years.

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