Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 482 Updates

After Benjamin continued explaining his plan, it seemed like the others were at least slightly convinced of everything, although one of them here had something that they wanted to ask.

"Am I also going to be able to use magic if I keep playing the game..?" Benji asked with a slight frown, but the old man just chuckled and shook his head.

"I doubt it, really. The lowest amount of time that any of us have spent over there is sixty thousand years, which was when Evalia was born over there. And she seems to have a comparatively low amount of mana in her body compared to the others, so I think you’ll be fine until you spend at least a couple thousand years over there. And I doubt that will happen anytime soon." The old man pointed out, and Benji sighed deeply in response.

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"I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be glad or disappointed..." He replied, "On one hand, I like the life I’m living right now, but on the other hand... it’s fucking magic..." The young man muttered with a wry smile, and Benjamin turned toward him.

"I’ll let you know in the future if there’s a reason to be worried or excited. Once I get my memories back, I should have a clear gist of what’s going on and how everything works." Benjamin pointed out, before he looked back around the room.

"How is everyone doing level-wise? Any of you close to 300?" Benjamin asked, and they all just shook their heads, although Andrew did seem a bit hesitant.

"I mean, I was at 287 when I last logged out, so... That’s pretty close, right?"

"Of course it is. And it’s actually perfect. We need to get the tasks on the paper done as quickly as we possibly can. I think if we can, we should take turns on the capsules, since we don’t have enough for everyone to play at once all the time. Although I can’t let anyone else use my capsule, since it’s been modified to properly monitor my condition." The old man explained, and Haruo swiftly spoke up.

"Don’t worry, out of everyone here, you’re the one that seems to have most going on beside needing to level up. Although... Maybe Benji and Evalia are busy as well?" He suggested, and Benjamin looked at them with his brows raised, having completely forgotten about the task he gave them a while ago.

"Oh, now that we’re talking about it, how’s everything going on your guys’ side? Did you manage to get in?" Benjamin inquired curiously, and Benji sighed deeply in response as he nodded his head, "Yup, we did, but it’s pretty annoying. Because we’re faking that we’re NPCs, everyone’s treating us like morons or tools. But at least you were right, we’re allowed to be there for some meetings, although none that Antonio was at." Benji explained, before Nataly immediately nodded her head and added onto that.

"And really, it seems like those without Antonio aren’t really that important. They’re just there to make the higher-leveled players and NPCs feel good and important. They share rough information about what’s going on in the area, things like dungeon layouts and rumors about some random unimportant stuff." She added, and Benji lightly scowled.

"Worst of all, they’re all just trying to rub each others’ backs to get favors. And whenever there’s some pretty girl, especially the players are just swarming them... And because, at those meeting, everyone feels important, they don’t stop to try and talk to Nataly either." The young man pointed out, "I’ve had to literally create diversions with my Trickster Occupation to get around properly..."

"Trickster?" Benjamin asked curiously, and the young man just shrugged and nodded his head, "Yup, collected another few occupations. I have Trickster, Orator, and Innkeeper now. I went around the capital to get them to help me out a bit. Although, the ’Trickster’ one I just wanted for my Demon Title since it seemed to fit. Orator I use when I’m walking around in my NPC disguise, and Innkeeper is to get information. The prince set us up in a high-tier Inn and gave us temporary ownership of it."

"Why did he do that? I don’t think that was in the agreement?" The old man pointed out, not that he minded getting some freebies, he was just a bit surprised, that was all.

"Eh, I think he just wants to crawl up your ass or something."

"Fair enough." Benjamin chuckled, and then started looking around at the others again, remembering something else important, "What time is it right now?" He asked into the room, and Tony swiftly tilted his wrist toward himself to look at his watch and then looked at his father again to tell him the time.

"I think I have to go again, then. We’re heading out to see the next Ancient Dragon in a bit. Since we don’t really have a clue about where he could be besides the ’Jungle’, I’m not entirely sure how long it will take." Benjamin explained, and Haruo swiftly looked at him with excitement.

"Oh! You should go to the town I woke up in. It shouldn’t be too far away from Melroe. Maybe they have a clue. Well, even if they don’t, there’s some good high-rank hunting grounds around there that should be able to allow you to get to Level 300 if you fight there for a good while." He pointed out, so Benjamin looked at him with a curious smile, "Well, I would love to see that place, you spoke about it pretty excitedly."

"Yeah, it’s really nice! And the Flora and Fuana are so versatile in that area as well, so you should be able to get a bunch of new materials." Haruo explained.

"Alright then. I’ll let the others know."

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With a slight groan, Eisen stood up from where he went to bed last night, leaning against the wall, and then looked around the room, noticing that most people here were still asleep.

So, the old man just made his way over toward Fafnir to wake him and Sigurd up before the core Guardian appeared in front of him and smiled brightly.

"We heading out?" It asked, and Eisen slowly nodded his head, although he was signaling Sigurd to be quiet and made his way out of the room, followed by Sigurd, Fafnir, and the three monster kids.

"Let’s go outside, I want to set the Carriage up before we leave." Eisen explained, and Sigurd nodded its head in response, "Gotcha. We’ll probably just need the carraige itself without the stuff inside, right? Since we need some more space this time around?" It figured, so the old man thought for a while and turned toward it.

"Yeah, sounds good. I want to have Fafnir evolve just outside of town so that we can get started on the next few floors as soon as possible, and I don’t know if he’s going to fit into the Carriage after that." The old man pointed out, and Sigurd slowly sighed and nodded as well.

"Yup, he seems like he’s gonna grow a fair bit again..." Sigurd agreed, so Eisen simply sighed and looked down onto the Dragon with a lightly wry smile, "How much trouble you’re bringing us, huh bud?"

Then, Eisen swiftly stepped down into the lobby of the Inn past Gralmar, who was currently dealing with some customers, and just greeted the Dwarf with a quick wave. Although, it seemed like he didn’t really sleep all that much despite how drunk he was.

And Eisen couldn’t really blame him either. Not everyone would be able to take things like this as easily as Eisen did... On the other hand, he did technically have 100 Thousand years to process it, and this all was probably just stuck in his subonscious somehow even if he didn’t consciously remember any of what happened.

Either way, for now, Eisen would let Gralmar deal with all these people that wanted to either give back a key or get a room in advance after just arriving in town, and then later when Eisen and the others were going to go ahead and leave, he would go and say goodbye to him properly.

"You two, can you get the carriage out of the Dungeon right here?" Eisen asked after they stepped into an spot right next to the Inn, where the part that stuck out of the cliff-wall from two larger structures formed bit of an alley, even if it was only roughly five meters deep.

But quite swiftly, Sigurd and Fafnir did as asked, with Fafnir opening a gate that then connected to the place where they set down the carriage in the Dungeon instead of the reception area, and then they pulled the carriage, that Sigurd had been emptying out completely for a little while now, out of the Dungeon with Cabarum’s help, and then brought the carriage over closer to the Inn, just waiting for the others to wake up.

Although, he was rather surprised to see that before any of the others got out, four others already made thier way toward the Inn to send the group off.

With a smile on his face, Eisen looked at the Grandmaster Craftsmen of this town. For a little while, they were just speaking to each other, before the rest of Eisen’s group stepped out of the Inn, closely followed by Gralmar.

Everyone swiftly gave their items such as luggage or weapons to Sigurd who stashed everything away in the Dungeon, and then everyone slowly got ready for departure, with Eisen once more reassuring the five in front of him that he really wanted them in his country, before Gralmar pulled him to the side a bit and handed Eisen a notebook.

Surprised, the old man looked down onto it and flipped it open, soon seeing numerous names and addresses inside of it, as well as their Occupation, each page containing one person’s information as well as a small letter glued to the page.

"What is this?" Eisen asked curiously, and the Innkeeper crossed his arms with a slight sigh, "Somethin’ ye might need. I figured ya were gonna want to try and bring those guys to yer country as well, or at least meet ’em. So, those are some of the greatest people I know, with some letters directed to each of ’em." Gralmar explained, "Some of those guys’re a bit weird, but none of ’em are bad fellas."

With his brows a bit raised in surprise, Eisen kept flipping through the pages. "A miner, woodcutter... Modeler? There’s a lot of different people in here... I knew you had a lot of great contacts, but I wasn’t aware it was to this extent." Eisen pointed out, making Gralmar just slightly chuckle in response.

"That’s just what happens when you travel as much as I used to."

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