Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 493 Roleplaying

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Brak looked at Eisen as the old man stepped off of Cabarum’s back, "Wait, don’t tell me you’re actually already done..." He muttered with a wry smile, but Eisen just lightly smirked and nodded his head, "Of course I am. Otherwise I wouldn’t be back here already." Eisen laughed loudly, and Brak really couldn’t believe what he just heard."No way, there’s literally no way that in a single night you could go all the way there AND finish the trial." Brak said with a deep frown, and Melissa, who Eisen was currently helping down from Cabarum’s back, just looked at him smugly, "Eisen could have finished earlier if he didn’t make bookshelves for Cracton first!" She exclaimed, in response to which the Bear Beastperson just stared at Eisen confusedly."Well, yeah, I knew what I would be able to pass with. And Cracton had a ton of books laying around, so I made him some shelves to keep them on first.""R-Right, because that’s the correct reaction..." Brak muttered quietly, and then just proceeded to wave the old man through the gate, "Go on, the others should still be at the Inn I showed you yesterday.""Thank you. I’ll be right there. Oh, and we’re leaving tomorrow morning, so if you want that drink I promised you, come to the Inn tonight." Eisen pointed out, so Brak slowly nodded his head, "Sure, sure. Thanks..." He replied, before Eisen quickly stepped into town and made his way toward the Inn while looking down at the amulet around his neck."Kirisho." The old man said, and the next moment, the mist-spirit’s body was slowly formed next to him. Of course this caused some confused or surprised stares from other people, but they all somewhat got used to that already."Yes?" Kirisho asked with a soft smile, and Eisen just lightly smiled back for a moment before asking his question, "Which room did you get in the Inn? So that we don’t have to ask for the room at the reception.""Ah, it was room 114, I think. I got it for two days, like you asked." She explained, so Eisen slowly nodded his head, "Perfect, thank you. Then I’ll be heading to sleep for a little while first, so I can properly work from noon to midnight."The group slowly made their way over toward the Inn that the others already stayed in last night. Eisen stepped through the door and through the room over toward the stairs without hesitation to get to their room, and once he got there just knocked on the door."Sky, Bree, Kiron? I’m back." The old man exclaimed through the door, and just a few moments later, he could hear footsteps rushing over to the door before it slowly opened up to the inside, revealing the short pink-haired girl."Welcome back!" Bree said with a bright smile, so Eisen just stepped inside while momentarily placing his hand on top of her hand and rubbing through it playfully, and then looked at the others as they were slowly waking up, with the exception of Rudia and Morgus who just continued sleeping like normal."Good morning, everyone. So, luckily enough, I managed to get my fourth Champion title. Now we just need to head to the desert and get the last one." Eisen pointed out happily, "So we’re heading out tomorrow morning. For today, we’ll just keep the stall open a bit longer and let Sigurd close the dungeon properly. Also, I’m going to be sleeping for a few hours beforehand." The old man pointed out as he moved his fingers through his beard tiredly.It was actually pretty weird, ever since he started to feel pain, he also started to feel exhaustion a bit more, at least in a more realistic way instead of just feeling it when you nearly ran out. It simply became more gradual."Should we just keep working on restocking the stsall then?" Rouge asked as he was trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes, and with a smile Eisen nodded his head, "Yes, that would be great, thank you. I’ll head to the stall later as well, so I’ll take care of the requests then."And with that in mind, Eisen just leaned against the wall with a smile on his face, and then proceeded to log out.---But soon enough, Eisen already logged back in. Nothing much really happened while he was offline, he just spoke a little with Brody’s mother and sister, that was all. Brody’s mother was actually a great woman, and despite the situation they were in, she stayed really positive and kept lovingly speaking about how proud she was of her son. She even mentioned some stories from when he was still in high-school, some that Brody himself seemed to have been rather embarrassed about.Of course Brody’s younger sister wasn’t as optimistic as her mother. She was just twenty years old and suddenly had to hide away in some basement. Nobody would be that happy about it, especially when concert tickets went to waste. But at the very least she wasn’t reckless and demanded on going anyway. She understood that the situation with the Triad was really, really bad, of course.Either way, once Eisen woke back up, he simply made sure that the three monster children were awake as well and then made his way out of the room, locking it behind him. With a swift step, the old man walked down the stairs and stepped out of the Inn with a light smile on his face.He was glad that things were at least somewhat going his way at the moment. Eisen was able to level up pretty well, and on top of that got his next Champion title. He somewhat hoped that he would be able to level up and get at least close to Level 300 on the way to the desert, or maybe even on the way back. Because managing to finish the Level-Up quest would be annoying and time-consuming enough. But at least once they were back at the Harbor-town, he could make use of the skills he had to level up for that to help Komer expand his shop even further.The construction had been finished for a good while now, and the shop finally happened shortly after that was the case, and Eisen constantly heard people speak about it. Players that were speaking about going there sometime just to see it once, others who were speculating on how Komer managed to get the money and contacts for all of that, and even the official ’World of Magic’ News-Channel on TV.This actually sounded weird to say because Eisen never expected a 24 Hour new-channel to exist just to report things on an assumed videogame. Sure, it wasn’t actually a game, but everybody else thought so, so it was still a bit weird to Eisen. But either way, Komer was already rising to become a big deal.Eisen wasn’t entirely sure what Merc and Cial, Komer’s brothers, would try to do because of this, but at least the old man would be in that town soon to potentially find out and keep an eye on things.But for now, there was still something else that Eisen needed to do before then, which was to finally get some requests done."Hello there." The old man said as he approached the stall, swiftly stepping behind it, and was greeted by the others in return as well. Immediately, Eisen grabbed the small box that was meant for people to put their requests into, but didn’t really find anything that stuck out to him.And then, there was a person that stuck out to him suddenly standing in front of the stall. Eisen hadn’t even seen him approach. But since he was staring at the items on display so intensely, Eisen figured he could need some help."Can I help you somehow?" The old man asked, and the other man slowly lifted his head, letting Eisen properly see him. He figured this was the case, but this man also seemed to be pretty old, and had pale white skin that actually was nearly gray in color. He had dark rings underneath his eyes, and a rather grim expression as he held his hands behind his back."No, no, it’s fine. I’m a merchant myself. The dead suggested I should just do some... research..." The man, who seemed to be an elderly shadow elf, pointed out. He then proceeded to pick up one of the bundles of arrows, pulled one of them out, and scratched the metal surface against his teeth."What are you doing?" Eisen asked him with a frown as he pulled the items out of his hands, and the Shadow Elf just looked back as if Eisen was the weird one, "Just what I need to to see if it’s real! If it’s rough, it’s real, and if it’s smooth it’s fake! And that, good sir, is fake!" The man exclaimed, and Eisen just sighed deeply."What you’re talking about are pearls. This is steel. Metal. It doesn’t work that way." Eisen pointed out, and for a second, the other man seemed rather perplexed and averted his gaze, "Wh-What, no way... The ancient dead have told me, they would not lie. You must be wrong!""The ancient what..? Well, that’s fine. You don’t need to buy arrows. Is there anything else you would like to buy instead?" Eisen asked with a light smile, just wanting this man to buy something and leave, and he immediately nodded his head."Yes, yes, the dead have told me that you take requests. If possible, I would like a staff in the shape of one of those Farmer Shotguns." The Shadow Elf said, and with a confused expression, Eisen activated his truth-seeing eye, finally starting to figure out what was going on right now.[Player – Dentex][Occupation – Necromancer][Level – 128]

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