Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 527 The Wood-Giants Body

Eisen got started with creating the Golem Core for the Wood-Giant shortly after he finished the 40 meter tall base, which was just laying on the ground while propped up with the help of some of the roots still scattered throughout the area.

First things first, Eisen created the crystal base my mixing mana crystals with different other types of gems. This core itself would just be maybe 20% too small, while also having the regular shape of the heart that Eisen wanted to create. The layer outside of it would mainly be for protection against external attacks in any way. It was even more important than usual to do that this time around, because Eisen wasn’t going to just form a regular golem core, but glassblow one with an extra ingredient.

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Eisen ground down the crystal mixture that he worked on and added some limestone and silica sand to it. The old man started melting it down to the point where it had just started liquifying and then started mixing it around with the help of transmutation, just before he added the special ingredient to this. After Eisen got the mastered alchemy skill, he had become able to compress things far more, and that also included souls. It seemed that he could actually compress them to the extent of them actually combining with each other after a while, instead of just slightly ’merging’ together like it had been the case up until now. The nuclei themselves seemed to come together.

But that also meant that the loose part of the soul had increased in volume, and Eisen was now using that part of the soul as an extra ingredient. He had scooped it up from the soul and was slowly mixing it into the soon-to-be-glass by hand as it continued melting down.

After a little while, once only the combined nuclei were left, the glass had become one and Eisen was ready to start. He wrapped the nuclei in some soul-stones and then placed them to the side for now while he got started on blowing the large hollow heart with materials that had been pre-enchanted as they were supposed to so that he didn’t have to worry about that anymore.

Either way, Eisen just got started and kept on expanding upon the heart and increased it in size more and more. It came close to shattering a couple times, even, because it nearly fell off the pipe that Eisen was blowing it with, but luckily Eisen had his mana-doubles that could hold the glass-heart up without giving it any sort of imprints.

Like that, it only took a couple hours to finish this, and of course Eisen also blew some Margon into the inside of the glass. The pattern looked quite beautiful, even if that wasn’t the goal anyway.

But while Eisen’s mana-doubles were holding the heart up, the old man started to carve some enchantments onto the outside, and even inside of it by using his crafting space skill to control the needles remotely.

After Eisen enchanted everything, he just got started with the next part of the golem core, and that would be the liquid that would end up filling it. The magic-item potion.

Eisen made use of a couple of different elements for this, but he quickly produced a potion out of mana that should be able to help out with everything. That was because that base potion was really just the magic-item version of the golem-blood that Eisen would be making later.

But that wasn’t all, because what Eisen did then was rather simple. He filled the potion into the hollow glass-heart and then hardened it completely until it was unable to keep flowing. It was basically as hard as the crystalized mana that it had been originally created out of.

And since that was the case now, Eisen was able to further enchant the whole thing, simply creating more layers to this golem core. For one, he used something similar as he did for the bodyguard golems, trying to combine different types of abilities into one via a sub-enchantment for the bigger picture. But this time, it was all of course only related to things that the Wood-Giant actually needed to know.

Things like swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat, knife-throwing, such things on the combat side. Then, Eisen also gave it a bunch of different magic-based skills that it could make use of. For example, there was the Mana-Double skill, the Mana-Model or Mana-Copy skill, and of course once more the Mana-Sensor skill, just in case it was necessary for it to use it.

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The Wood-Giant still had regular sensory organs on its head, even if he didn’t create them yet, so it wouldn’t actually need to use the Mana-Sensor skill all the time. They were just there to help.

And other than that, Eisen just figured that it was a good idea to give him basic skills like Mana-Manipulation and the elemental-skills that Eisen had already used to give it the different elemental mana batteries.

Other than that, Eisen just gave it some minor abilities and skills that could be useful to it at some point. Either way, inside of this hardened-potion, Eisen also created the pathway for the blood to actually flow through and be ’pumped’ throughout the body via something like a sorting or logistics system. Basically, it would make the golem blood that entered the blood one way exit other ways depending on where it was needed the most.

And then, Eisen could just place the soul-nuclei into the center of this core and was basically done with the Golem Core completely. Next, Eisen started wrapping it in multiple layers of special cloth made specifically to hold back direct, strong attacks, as well as defend against things like simple tremors. It was basically supposed to make the golem core be isolated and feel as if it was never moving at all, basically.

When Eisen was finished wrapping the core up, he added the wooden-shell to the outside, made out of especially highly compressed wood that would be able to protect the heart even more. Eisen placed the heart where it was supposed to be and then connected all the different tubings to it, all the whilst also properly finishing up the musculature for this wood-giant. This practically closed the golem’s body up for now.

And then, there were only the sensory organs left. The ears, nose, and tongue were basically just supersized and more highly-enchanted versions of the things Eisen normally placed into his golems, but the eyes were special ones. Especially since he was able to more easily work on intricate mechanics due to the size of the eye, Eisen chose to work on a system that would basically make it possible for the Wood-Giant to see literally as far as the curvature of the planet would allow it to.

For now, it had the same basic principles as binoculars, really. Different lenses placed in front of each other at certain distances to allow for observation of an object at a distance. And using magic, that distance could be enhanced many times over! And to top it off, since a Golem Had control over its whole body perfectly, as long as Eisen made sure that there was a system in place to easily change the distance inbetween some of the lenses that Eisen added, while also making it possible to add some extra uncurved ’filter’ lenses, it would not only be possible to see the distance in general but also use things like mana-sight or appraisal from miles away!

It would become the perfect scout, despite its giant size! Especially in the Giant Country it should be still relatively easy for the wood-giant to blend into the environment, since everything was supposedly super-sized there.

This enchanted lense-system was pretty intricate, really. And Eisen was glad that he was able to use it at all, and that was just because he chose to create such a huge body for the wood-giant. After a while, Eisen was done with the lense-system itself, after blowing some glass into the right shape for it. And then, he created the bases for the eyes themselves, also out of glass. Eisen added some layers of shock-absorbing jelly on the outside of the eyes to protect the glass a little bit. He did add some materials that should have hardened the glass as well to make it harder to shatter in the first place, but in the end, it was still glass.

It might still shatter right off the bat if it was just touched in a weird way. Either way, for now, it seemed like Eisen was completely done. He had all of the bones, muscles, and organs and other physical systems inside of the body finished. So all that was needed now was the actual ’skin’ and the ’armor’. Since Eisen already created all the pieces for that, he basically just needed to puzzle it together for now.

The feet, the arms, the legs. Chest, everywhere Eisen just added the base layer of skin. In some parts it had a little bit of metal support, for example on its back, on its head, and on its elbows and knees, but for the most part it was really just wood. And even the parts that did have metal were pretty thin, and mainly just a small extra layer underneath where the armor would later be.

The armor was something that was added on relatively quickly, since all that Eisen needed to do was to properly merge and stitch it into place using mana-thread as well as other types of thread like metallic or crystal ones to act as support to that mana thread. Eisen actually stayed up pretty late just to finally finish up the armor, and just went to sleep when the sun finally came up again.

When he woke back up, it was noon of the hopefully last day that Eisen would be working on the actual golem. And the thing that he would be making here would be the enchantments on the wooden base skin. Then he would need to put the armor actually onto the wood-giant and then enchant that as well. After that, Eisen could just get started on the actual weapons and tools and things like that. The old man really wanted to make a giant Katana somehow, especially after working with this wood for so long. This was a really time-intensive project, really, since even if Eisen wanted to, he couldn’t actually always just stay in his giant form if he wanted to pull this off properly. That would be a waste, after all. Since Eisen could get more detail done in his smaller size, there was no reason not to take advantage of that for the most powerful golem that Eisen would make any time soon.

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