Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 556 Getting Ready

Eisen sat the shoes to the side and started thinking about how to best create the other effects. The boots were able to create a small barrier to stand on at any possible angle, but of course you wouldn’t be able to stand on a barrier created in front of you vertically just like that.

That meant that Eisen had to make something else that would apply a new gravitational force on the body depending on the placement of the barriers. Getting that angle information wouldn’t really be such an issue, it was just that Eisen had to find a proper way to make the gravity affect anything and everything on Stahl’s body. After all, the ’awesome’ effect would be gone if Stahl stood somewhere upside down and his top-hat just fell to the ground.

And then, the old man had an idea. All that Eisen really needed was an item that could grab Stahl’s form, and then apply gravity magic to just exactly that area.

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It wasn’t necessarily that complex to figure this out, especially by making use of magic inscription. After all, like that, it was possible for Eisen to simply create that ’form capture’ ability in a smart way, so that Stahl could easily move around without any hesitation. At first Eisen thought about making a basic Stahl form capture and use it for everything from then on, but that wouldn’t really properly work if Stahl grabbed any other items, and most importantly, it would probably mess up when Eisen tried to increase or decrease his size for the performance.

So instead, by using Magic Inscription on a ’Mind’ crystal, the kind that was used to make regular golems, Eisen could easily have Stahl’s current form ’computed’ in a proper way. Every item he was holding, the clothes on his body, and no matter the size.

Of course, that inscribed mind crystal was then enchanted to give a condition to the activation of the form capture as well as make it so that the information from that capture would be given to the part that would actually apply gravity on Stahl.

Eisen could have just done this with the simple gravity-rune any enchanter could use, but the old man thought that it would be a bit of a waste of mana if he did it like that. He would probably need to give Stahl a few small mana-batteries or soul-generators for all this anyway, but Eisen still wanted to reduce the cost and risk, and instead made use of something rather rare that he got his hands on just before leaving Prototype.

There, one of the many monsters, a Hybrid between a Kobold and Lizardman, had acquired the actual, rare element ’Gravity’.

And so, he could simply make use of that element instead and make everything a little bit more cost-efficient and stable. This way, he would most likely be able to make it so that to Stahl, it would feel like he was walking normally no matter at what angle he stood with the barriers.

Now all that needed to be done was get the information from the shoes about the angle of the barriers, and then apply gravity at that angle to the space provided by the form capture. Eisen chose to simply turn this into another bracelet, simply since it was a good way to store and access things like that. And to top it off, accessories had a small boost to magic effects compared to other item types.

And with that, Eisen had two out of three items done that he still wanted to make for Stahl. He was now able to walk anywhere and everywhere, at every angle no matter if it was on walls or in the air.

The only thing that was still missing was the item meant for the entrance and exit. Evalia would easily take care of the visual effects for all of that, but there was still something that was missing. Evalia couldn’t turn Stahl invisible instantly and perfectly.

It would technically just need to be for a moment until Stahl found a place where he could end up just hiding inside of the crowd, but Stahl needed to be invisble at the very least for the entrance and exit. If possible, it might be a good idea to make it so that Stahl could also turn invisible momentarily at any point in time no matter when. It wasn’t really that hard, truthfully. ’Invisibility’ was a relatively simple Light Element spell.

The only issue was the application of that spell. Whenever someone turned invisible using it or came out of invisibility, their body would be cloaked in light for a moment. It wasn’t the kind of light that could illuminate a place perfectly during the night, it was just that it would make the person using the spell easy to see for just a moment.

And it seemed like this spell was rather popular as well, so it would be obvious to anyone seeing it that Stahl would simply be making use of that common spell, slightly negating that ’omnipotent’ image that Stahl wanted to create. As far as Eisen could tell there was no proper way to get rid of that shine without diminishing the effect of the invisibility.

After a while of thinking, Eisen came up with another idea, however. He would simply use another element that often acted in similar, albeit completely polarizing ways. The Darkness element. The Light Element and Darkness Element technically shared a lot of spells with each other. After all, you could say that they were technically quite tightly connected. They were two sides of the same coin, really.

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And so, Eisen thought that if you could use Light magic to manipulate the light flowing around someone’s body, why wouldn’t it be possible to do the same with Darkness magic?

First things first, Eisen tried to test it out with two gems. One was enchanted with a slightly changed version of the light element version, and the other with the darkness element version of ’invisibility’.

Like Eisen thought, the light version was cloaked in rather bright light before it turned invisible. And the dark version was cloaked in darkness, that was seeping off like a slight mist twirling around it, but it didn’t turn invisible afterward. Eisen tried to figure out why that was and moved the crystal around a bit to see if there was anything wrong with it or if there was some sort of other effect that might give him a rough clue as to what was going on.

And while he did so, he chose to cover the gem up with both his hands. Inside of that darkness, the crystal actually turned invisible.

"Hmm..." The old man muttered quietly in thought. This way definitely looked a lot more impressive when compared to the light element based spell, but it apparently had a lot more requirements directly connected to it.

It would probably be possible for Stahl to turn invisible with this by pulling a cloak over his whole body. Like a ’disappearance act’ or something like that.

If Stahl shrunk down during that time as well using the bracelet, it should be a lot easier to make it so that he could get away without being seen at the very least. Actually, if they just did it during the night before the day of the raid, this should work either way without even technically needing to do the cloak thing. Well, Eisen would leave it to Stahl to figure that part out. Either way, he now found his way of making Stahl turn invisible for the performance.

This time, to make the darkness spread across Stahl’s body as quickly as possible, instead of putting it on another accessory, Eisen started making a simple shirt for Stahl. It was rather simple, really. Sal had become rather capable and could now even weave threads into high-quality cloth himself at a rather high speed.

And so, Eisen used magic-inscription on some darkness gems and gave them that invisibility ability that would spread out to the wearer of the shirt and the shirt itself. He then turned it into thread and had Sal turn it into cloth before Eisen made it into a very simple shirt that Stahl could wear.

Using stitched-enchantments, Eisen made it so that the shirt would properly cover the whole body, actually also by taking the ’form capture’ of the gravity-bracelet. And with that, Eisen was pretty sure that he was finished already.

With a smile on his face, Eisen placed everything to the side properly and then stretched out a bit while Ailren looked at the items curiously, "Very interesting. So these will be part of your plan, I see?" Ailren asked, and Eisen swiftly nodded his head.

"Yes, they are. You see, my demon form is rather well known, and it’s a little bit black and white. I can either control people’s action via fear or affection, but that’s not really the best help for what we’re planning to do." Eisen pointed out, and the gold dragon looked at him with a bit of curiosity, "Really? And why is that so? You do have quite a lot of power, and could easily get rid of them yourself, after all."

"Of course, but that’s not the goal. Instead of once more demonstrating that I personally have power, we’re going to demonstrate that all of ’World’s Peak’ has such power. And the best way to do that is by instantly killing as many artificials as possible while making the regular people bow down to us. That should be more than enough to make people realize that they can never win against us. After that happened, with you standing right behind me in your dragon form, I want to give them all an explanation of the war between the metallic and chromatic dragons and explain to them that you need their help." Eisen explained, and the gold dragon seemed rather intrigued.

"Interesting. But are you sure that will work? That seems kind of like asking soldiers in a war to desert their home country."

With a slight laugh, Eisen just shook his head, "Maybe that would be the case if the artificials were people of this world, but no, to them this is just a game. They play it because they want to have fun. And what sounds more fun to you. Fighting a fight they’re doomed to lose against a single dragon, or get the power of a dragon to fight a war against evil? I think the latter sounds a bit more fun. And really, since the majority of people here are artificials, the few people of this world will be swayed as well." The old man pointed out with a smile on his face as he got ready for this performance.

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