Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 559 Hundreds of Angels

In the early morning of the next day, before the sun even rose, Eisen had Melissa’s bees spread the fake explosives all throughout town. And since the particular bees in question were a kind that was able to change its color and pattern to fit other surfaces, they could make sure that the fake explosives couldn’t be found that easily without Eisen wanting them to be found.

The actual raid gathering was set for the sunrise, although it would probably still take a while for everyone to properly gather. There were a lot of people that wanted to take part in the raid, after all.

He was watching all of the groups gather down in the town, although he felt all of this was a rather idiotic choice. They had placed weaponry along the spirals to fight Ailren, meaning that they were literally planning to turn the town itself into the place the raid was supposed to happen. It was like they were trying to trap Ailren down there so that he couldn’t fly away.

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And sure, the buildings in Melroe were more sturdy than others because they were directly set into the walls, but it was still a moronic decision to use the whole town as a weapon like that. Who knew, maybe Belrim wouldn’t actually make the choice to postpone the raid. He seemed to be rather prepared to see Melroe crumble to dust, after all.

Annoyedly, the old man just continued waiting for more people to arrive so that the raid could be announced to start. It only took roughly another hour for this to actually happen, so at that point, Eisen turned around toward Ailren.

"I’ll get down there. Before the first team leaves Melroe. I’ll call you when it’s your turn." Eisen said. It seemed like the plan that Belrim came up with was pretty simple. One team of the strongest people there would go to the top of the mountain, chase or lure Ailren out of the cave and into the town, and then everyone would attack Ailren in any way possible. It was a dumb plan that was failed to work from the get-go, but that didn’t matter anymore. That first team wouldn’t even get the chance to leave the town.

And so, Eisen and Stahl made their way down the mountain, rather quickly. Eisen didn’t have to wait long to find a good place for this little extra performance... since he just made that place himself. Most of the players that would participate in the raid were at the very top of the two spirals making up Melroe, so Eisen figured he should make it easiest for them to see him.

Using his element, as well as items that Eisen made to support all of this, Eisen created large chains at the side of the mountain and the spirals that soon grew and gathered in the center of the town, connecting to a large platform that appeared out of nowhere. Eisen was right above the mines, just a bit above the height of the top of the spirals.

The attention of everyone was quickly drawn toward Eisen, of course. But what Eisen then did was something else. He did this so that he could equally gather everyone attention, but he then simply extended the length of some of the chains and shortened others to easily move this giant platform through the whole town. And Eisen’s first stop was right where Belrim currently was. At the market right before the tunnel that the first group had to exit.

And so, the old man moved the platform right next to that market, towering over anyone and everyone there with his full transformation of 23 Meters in height. Of course, Stahl was also here in his Demonic Form, but he could only reach 10 meters with the item that Eisen made.

"Good morning, all of you." Eisen said loudly. All the players at the very least were already aware of who this was. There weren’t many that didn’t see some images or videos featuring Eisen, after all. But he did look a bit different, with the shape of his horns like that. And some smaller details in general were also off when compared to the images one knew of.

Soon, Belrim stepped over to the side of the market where Eisen was standing, "You fiend! What do you want from us?" He exclaimed, practically hiding behind his guards, and Eisen just started to laugh. He quickly deactivated his Draconic Demon King transformation and revealed his regular form while shrinking down at the edge of the platform.

"Ouch. ’Fiend’ is a new one, my friend." Eisen pointed out. The moment that he realized who this was, Belrim just stared back in confusion, "B-But how... Eisen, how is it that you’re ca-"

"Quiet." Stahl interrupted quickly, "A lesser being like yourself shall refer to him as ’Your Majesty’." He exclaimed, with a face as if he was disgusted. All of this ’you lesser beings’ part of the speeches Stahl held were actually something that Eisen was rather surprised about.

It wasn’t part of the initial plan, but it worked out for the better in the end. This was basically all to demonstrate their power to the world and announce the war of the dragons. There was also something else that he was going to announce to support their image of absolute strength, but that was something meant for the end. The reasons why they wanted to demonstrate their power were rather simple as well.

For one, this was so that the leaders of other countries were able to immediately respect them. Otherwise, there would be troublesome smaller countries trying to invade Asgard to take over the islands. Eisen didn’t want that, so this was what he did.

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And second, so that people were more inclined to join the side of the metallic dragons. In the end, to the players, this was a game. So of course, in a situation where one could win or lose at such a big scale, most people would choose the side that seemed more likely to win. And that was very simply the side with more power, which was the way Eisen was trying to portray the metallic dragons’ side as. In reality, Eisen didn’t know much about the actual forces of this war, things like how many enemies there were or even how many dragons were on his side, and not even a rough strength comparison of either side. Because Eisen really did not have the slightest idea of where their standing was in this war.

Either way, it seemed like it was working on Belrim at the very least.

"Your Majesty..? What do you mean..?" The Lord of this town asked, and with a light grin, Eisen grew back to his max height and activated his demon form again.

"Ah, right, it would make sense for you people not to know. It only happened a few days ago, after all. But you see, with the support of the gods, I have founded my own country. A place where everyone and anyone is welcome. Outcasts, misfits, quite literally anyone. And of course, that makes me the King of that country." Eisen exclaimed, and all of the sudden, people started muttering amongst themselves about what he just said. After all, a country led by players this early on in the game was something nobody expected.

But just when it seemed like Belrim wanted to reply, in a slight mixture of horror and confusion, something rather unexpected happened. Belrim’s whole demeanor changed. Instead of startled and anxious, he was now calm and confident again, like Eisen remembered him.

"Is that so? But how does it matter, if you’re not the King of the country I love?" Belrim asked with a light smile, as if he was super cheeky or smart because he said this. And Eisen already immediately knew what was going on. He couldn’t reveal it openly like this, so he would wait for a little while until there was more... chaos.

"True, little does it matter to a man like you. But there is something else that matters quite a lot, you see?" Eisen pointed out and looked toward Stahl, who quickly took out the contracts that a vast majority of the people participating in this raid signed. He handed them to Eisen, who simply kept smiling.

"I am sure that there are many that remember these documents. And I can assure you that you will continue to remember them for all eternity." Eisen pointed out, as the contracts in his hands caught fire. Fire that grew more and more, until it practically became a giant storm right above Eisen. Of course, people that didn’t sign it couldn’t see this, but those that did sign it could. And they were more than surprised to see the flames subside and have a single winged being fly there in its place.

This was the ’enforcer’ that was seen by the players that signed it. The one that would kill all of these players later. Of course, everyone got their own enforcer that could only be seen by themselves. The white angelic figure simply floated above them with a large white scythe in its hand.

As for the regular people, they got a different type of enforcer. It didn’t hold a weapon, but rather it just had a dozen arms that it would late use to hold them down for the ’humiliation’.

Obviously, from Eisen’s view, as well as Stahl’s who got to see them through special glasses made with the truth-seeing eyes’ truth-sight ability, there were dozens over dozens of these white angelic figures floating around everywhere in this town.

And to Eisen’s surprise, it seemed like Belrim could see them too. He looked at the figures while they were floating from above Eisen to the players, which just supported Eisen’s theory even more.

Before anyone could really speak about the enforcers, Eisen snapped his finger, making the numerous bees hiding the fake explosives fly off. People looked all around and soon spotted them glowing, quite literally everywhere.

And then, Eisen threw one of the real explosives into the air and blew it up right above him to show that the explosives were real, although they were obviously not. But somehow, apparently even Belrim didn’t know this, although Eisen expected the person residing inside of his body currently to be fully aware of the plan.

"Belrim. Blow off this raid, or this town will be completely and utterly destroyed within a single snap of my fingers." Eisen said with a light smile on his lips, and the dwarf just looked up at the giant figure.

He seemed to try and look around nervously, but in the end, this just showed Eisen that this plan would work.

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