Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 633 Lesser Golem

Eisen looked at the metal that was currently heating up inside of the forge, soon faced with the light of the glowing yellow steel hitting his sweaty body while he was in the midst of his work. He pulled the ingot out of the forge and placed it down onto the anvil, before hitting down onto it with his hammer.

The kind of Armor that the woman wanted was a simple, pretty basic form of a full plate armor. She didn’t want any special gimicks, nothing exciting to be added to it. All that she wanted was for it to give her the defensive ability that she needed to have so that she could viably fight with a heavy weapon like she used.

The old man created the different pieces for this heavy, metallic armor, and while he was shaping it was glancing over to the side every once in a while to make sure that he was really getting the dimensions right.

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In the end, it wouldn’t be that big a deal, since armor could grow and shrink just like clothes did, but that didn’t change anything about the fact that preferably, that shouldn’t happen, at least in Eisen’s opinion. Since the proportions of such apparel didn’T change, only the base size, that meant that it would never actually fit perfectly if the armor wasn’t a good fit from the get-go.

Sure, it wouldn’t be a huge inconvenience, but it still wasn’t the kind of perfect fit that Eisen liked to personally create. After making sure of it one last time, Eisen finished the chestplate. With a satisfied expression, Eisen held it over to the side so that his elemental spirit could take it from him. It quickly did as asked and then took it over to the side to quality-check it one last time.

Eisen would enchant it later once he was really done with the whole armor-set. Since enchantments for things like this were essentially no different to full-body enchantments, the old man figured it would be a good idea to try and create enchantments smoothly while going over the whole armor. So basically so that there would be one enchantment split up over multiple armorpieces instead of multiple enchantments that would link together when the armor was put on.

That meant that the individual pieces would probably hold a lot less, to now, enchantment-potency, but the final enchantment when one was wearing the whole armor would be even better than if Eisen placed multiple enchantments on different pieces. Especially the ’Set’ effect should support such enchantments incredibly well.

Next, Eisen created the gauntlets, the leg-pieces, and then the metallic boots. Overall, Eisen tried his best to make sure that the whole armor really had the right spots for the different enchantments right on its surface, and tried to not let that change the style too much.

Once the old man was done with the last piece, the helmet that would cover the woman’s whole head, the old man looked over toward the Elemental Spirit, happy to see that he had already finished cleaning the armor-pieces that Eisen handed to it until now while preparing them to be enchanted properly.

And so, he quickly started to do the same with the helmet while the Elemental Spirit swiftly went upstairs and grabbed an item that Eisen had specifically created for situations like this. In its shape, it looked like a regular mannequin, but in reality, it was one that was quite complicated, created with many different segments for a quite simple purpose.

The Elemental Spirit placed it down in front of Eisen, and the old man quickly tapped the gemstone placed flat into the center of the wooden mannequin’s chest. In front of him, a setting screen appeared, where he had to enter the dimensions of the woman.

The moment he hit on ’submit’, the mannequin reacted. Different parts of the mannequin’s body pushed out or pulled in, widening or thinning certain parts of its form. Basically, it was changing its own shape to an extent to be a perfect copy of the woman’s basic dimensions. Of course it didn’t have things like facial features or externally-visible musculature or something like that. It really was just supposed to be able to perfectly fit the armor that Eisen made for the woman so that he could enchant it without issue.

It seemed like the female soul was rather surprised to see somthing like this, and approached the old man curiously, for the first time apparently trying to ask a question since Eisen wasn’t in the middle of work for a bit, but instead setting something up.

"So... what’s this... thing?" She asked, looking at the wooden mannequin that Eisen and the Elemental Spirit were currently placing the full plate armor onto, and Eisen smiled lightly.

"Nothing special, just a Lesser Golem with a bit of a special body. I use it for things like this to make sure the armor doesn’t move around while I work. Otherwise I may have to ask you to put it on while I work with it, which might be a bit tiring and annoying in the long run." The old man explained with a smile, and then quickly removed a smudge on the helmet that he seemingly oversaw before, and the woman looked at him with a frown.

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"What’s a ’Lesser Golem’ supposed to be?" She inquired, so the old man swiftly answered as he got out everything he needed for the enchantment-process, "It’s basically just a regular Golem, just that this one isn’t controlled by a Golem Core, since it heavily relies on the different gimmicks built into its body. Switching a Golem Core out, or having a Golem Core create a body like this itself would just end up causing it to shatter because too much pressure is put onto it from outside. Other than that, I guess it’s also not capable of interpreting commands, so that makes it easier to work with."

It seemed like, while the woman wasn’t directly all that knowledgeable about this, or maybe it was just because this was the case, she looked at the mannequin curiously, "I thought Golems were never capable of interpreting commands anyway. I fought alongside a Golemancer once before, if I remember correctly. I don’t think his Golems were able to think for themselves."

With a slight laugh, Eisen quickly shook his head, as it seemed like this soul misunderstood what he meant, "No, no, regular Golems still are incapable of thinking for themselves, don’t worry. There are specific kinds that are, like Ego-Golems, but regular ones aren’t. ’Interpreting commands’ is nothing grand, really. What it means is... if you tell a Golem to ’Walk to the door’, it will interpret that command and break it down into smaller pieces. As in, ’Put one foot forward, then put the other forward, then put the other forward’ and so on. It takes the meaning behind the words in the command and turns it into something it can actually process with the little bit of a mind that it has. Well, this one can’t. It wouldn’t be able to follow a command like that, since it wouldn’t know where to even start. Makes it easier to work with in a scenario like this, since Golems sometimes ’over-interpret’, and there’s a small range of error in the way they fulfill commands, even simple ones." The old man explained, as easily as he could.

"This way I can make a lot of processes happen through the ’Golem’ aspect of this mannequin as well as my Golemancy skill, making them a lot less mana-intensive. As you saw, there was quite a lot happening just there, and there’s even more to it than the eye can see, so I was trying to make it easier to handle."

While Eisen wasn’t completely sure that the woman perfectly understood what he was talking about, she seemed to have at least grasped the concept that he was trying to convey.

Either way, she seemed impressed in what Eisen was saying, so he figured he could show her a little bit more that he worked on with this same kind of process. He looked over at the Elemental Spirit and it immediately understood what the old man wanted from it, considering that it was literally a part of his soul.

It walked over toward the other side of the room and grabbed a small item sitting on a table there, a small, one-handed crossbow.

The Spirit brought it over to Eisen again and the old man took it into his hand. With a single thought, the serving of the crossbow was pulled back and as it was moving back, a single small bolt was left behind in the right position, effectively just loading the crossbow perfectly.

And in the next second, Eisen shot the crossbow, also with just a thought, although the bolt was quickly caught by the Elemental Spirit that turned part of its body into a soft, foam-like consistency to quickly stop its movement.

"The same kind of process can be used for other things as well, as you can see. It’s not a true golem, but it’s something similar. So, it’s a ’Lesser Golem’." The old man explained with a smile on his face, and then handed the crossbow back to the Elemental Spirit that put the bolt it ’caught’ back into the special spatial gem where the ammo was stored in.

"A crossbow that is capable of reloading itself? How times have changed that such things are around now..." The female soul muttered quietly, surprised that something like this was actually a thing, although Eisen just quietly laughed and shook his head, "These actually aren’t common. You might find one of these at an Enchanter’s place, but they’re pretty rare. Even if they are useful, this process still does take a fair bit of mana to run everything, so lots of people with low amounts of mana prefer going for regular crossbows."

"...I see." She replied, as Eisen lightly smiled and poured his mana into the needle that he was holding, before proceeding to carve into the full plate armor. He was going to put a simple protective enchantment onto this that would carry on over to areas that maybe weren’t perfectly covered, like the gaps inbetween the different parts of the armor that were made to allow for proper, unhindered movement during combat.

Beside that, Eisen added small parts to the enchantment to make it a slight bit lighter and easier to move in as well.

Once the old man was done with the armor, all that he had to do was grab a few special potions, some of which he already created for the female soul while making the ones for the man from before.

And then, the gear for the woman was done.

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