Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 682 Acknowledged by Heavens Gods

Chapter 682 Acknowledged by Heaven“s Gods

Eisen and Silmos continued to speak for a little while, just about anything that came to mind, really. Craftsmanship, different places in the mortal realm, and Eisen even told him about a few things about the other world.

Silmos seemed incredibly interested in everything that the old man was telling him, and Eisen had nothing that he could complain about. He was quite happy to have been given this sort of chance in speaking to Silmos, since he was able to find out a couple of new things that he wasn’t really aware of until now.

Mostly, they were unimportant stuff, but for one, Silmos was able to tell Eisen the location of a few different rare materials, as well as a processing method that Eisen could use for a potion that he was trying to develop at the moment. He was quite a lot of help, obviously. Being the God of Craftsmanship meant that he knew everything there was to know about craftsmanship.

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But after about two or three hours of the two of them talking to each other about all these sorts of things, Eisen knew that it was time for him to finally leave.

"Thank you, it was really quite fun, Silmos." The old man said with a broad smile, and the God simply smiled back, "You can come back whenever you wish to. You know the route, so it shouldn’t be an issue, right?" Silmos laughed, and Eisen just nodded his head.

"True, it’s not really all that far away from Prototype either. So I might come over every once in a while if I feel like it." Eisen suggested, and Silmos crossed his arms with a slight, quiet laugh and a broad smirk, "Yup, you’re always welcome here."

And then, just as Silmos said this, Eisen saw some notifications appear in front of him finally, as if Silmos had been holding this off for as long as he could for a ’grand finale’ of sorts.

[Quest Completed - Acknowledgement of Heaven’s Gods]

[Description] You have entered heaven and are trying to be acknowledged by the gods. After encountering the Guide-Angel Ambriel, you were told that you had to get acknowledged by ten different greater gods in order to accomplish this.

[Conditions] Be acknowledged by ten gods of heaven (10/10)

[Reward] \\u003cAcknowledged by Heaven’s Gods\\u003e Title

[Penalty] None

[You have received the title \\u003cAcknowledged by Heaven’s Gods\\u003e]

With a satisfied expression, Eisen made sure to open his \\u003cGolden Eyed Demon\\u003e Title up as well to make sure that part of the requirements were really lifted now. All that he now had left to do was to go to hell and be acknowledged by the gods of the underworld as well.

These ’Dark Gods’, that technically weren’t really Greater Gods at all. They were more like Devils, rather, but still received the Title of ’God’, and were able to make use of it to an extent.

For the most part, they were really just the protectors of the underworld, and as far as Eisen could remember, there were far less beings that could be compared to ’Greater Gods’ there, which Eisen guessed he would need to be acknowledged by. And of course, while they were god-like beings, they didn’t have titles such as ’God of Sin’, but rather, they had the title of ’Devil of Sin’.

Hence, why Eisen hadn’t met them yet, since they weren’t truly acknowledged as proper gods, but rather wicked beings that were there to oppose gods to an extent to create everlasting chaos to make sure the world continued on lasting and didn’t stagnate.

Eisen took a deep breath as he waved all of the message windows in front of him away and then turned around. The gate that he had to step through to get back to the hall of gates was already there, and beyond it, Eisen could see Ambriel waiting for him, ready to guide him back to the entrance to the heavens.

The old man slowly stepped through the gate and turned around to wave at Silmos again, before the gate closed up and the old man was left standing there in this enormous hall.

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"Now then, we can finally get this over with and make sure you leave forever, right?" Ambriel asked with an annoyed, hateful expression on their face, and Eisen simply sighed loudly, "You know what? Sure, I don’t even feel like killing you anymore. Just get out of my sight, you truly disgusting being."

"You are calling me, the one with a holy body, disgusting? Listen here, you simpleminded man, let me explain to you why you are instead the one who must acknowledge being disgusting." Ambriel said blutnly, and although Eisen really didn’t want to hear it, he figured he had little choice at this point anymore.

And so, Ambriel started with a speech that would cause quite enormous consequences for them, "Despite you having reached the peak of all existence that you lowly beings can reach, you are not good enough for the heavens, it is quite clear, is it not? You were not even allowed to ascend to Angelhood, not to mention Godhood! And not only that, but you have been banished from the heavens completely! Not even after death, you are allowed here. The only reason you could now tread through these most holy of spaces is because the gods took pity on you and your miserable life." Ambriel said with a deep glare, their voice slowly becoming more and more aggressive and loud.

Meanwhile, Eisen just stared back at them silently. He looked at the being that kept on getting louder and louder with this speech, continuosly insulting Eisen, trying to grasp at straws for reasons why Eisen was truly a lesser being than all of the gods and that he should be punished for how he treated them so casually as if they were normal people.

In the end, Ambriel even concluded that Eisen and the other Originals were all lesser beings than all other people that ever existed, since those five were the only people whose souls weren’t accepted to heaven after death.

After a few more minutes of this, Eisen just let out a deep, annoyed sigh. At first he became angry, but at some point, it just got sad. Ambriel was trying to somehow convince Eisen that all of what they were saying was true. But of course, Eisen knew that they were just angry, and that they obviously didn’t know much about what exactly was going on in the heavens with the gods.

After all, Ambriel even denied the fact that any Gods went down to the mortal realm to ’interact’ with other people, despite that being the only way that some lesser gods even came into existence. After all, some of them were half-gods that rose to godhood. That concept in itself should have been proof of what Eisen had told Ambriel before, but the Angel simply didn’t want to listen and continued on angrily denying everything.

And just as Eisen wanted to say soemthing about all the things that Ambriel had been yelling out, the old man heard another voice echo through these halls. A voice that was familiar to Eisen, although it felt like it has been an infinitely long time since he had heard it, although it has really just been a couple of weeks in the other world.

That was when the trailer for the game ’World of Magic’ came out first, after all.

"Don’t you think that is quite a bit insulting, especially after he has just gained the collective acknowledgement of all the gods of the heavens?" The voice asked, and Eisen stared past Ambriel at the woman that had just revealed herself. Of course, hearing that voice filled with such power and authority, Ambriel couldn’t help themselves but drop onto their knees and prostrate themselves in front of this superior being.

"Ari..." Eisen muttered quietly, and the Superior Goddess smiled back at him with a nod, "Indeed so. It has been quite some time since we have spoken, has it not?" She asked, and Eisen slowly nodded his head in response.

"It has... yeah..." But something felt off. Eisen wasn’t sure what it was, but it was bugging him quite a lot. He had already noticed something along these lines when he first watched the trailer for the ’game’. This... was not the same Ari that Eisen had met back then.

Of course, she was still the same entity, but she had completely changed. Back then, she was very child-like, immature. She was rash, and really couldn’t hold herself back from saying what was on her mind.

But now, she was completely and utterly different.

Ari was mature and collected, she seemed quite grown-up all of a sudden, basically. And this in itself was something that Eisen was incredibly surprised about. From his perspective, it really hadn’t been that long since he had last seen her. Changing like that in so little time was practically impossible.

Although, then again, that must be because the hundred thousand years of Eisen’s life ended up happening after he first met Ari like that. That child-like being grew up properly through the hundred thousand years ever since then.

"Oh great Goddess Ari, what gives me the honor of being allowed to be in your presence?" Ambriel asked, their head lowered so that they were just staring down at the ground. But the goddess herself apparently wasn’t here because she was particularly happy with this Angel’s performance, no matter what Ambriel may be thinking, as they displayed immediately, "I was just busy reprimanding this lesser being about how he should act in front of beings as great as you!"

"Oh, I heard. So, I must ask... Do you really think you are in any position to do something like that?" Ari asked with a deep glare, her long blonde hair flowing through the air as the Goddess approached Ambriel. The Angel flinched a slight bit surprised, clearly not having expected these words, "O-Of course I am not, oh great-"

"Then what makes you think you should still talk to him like that? You realize that he has gathered more favor with the gods than even an Angel like you may ever hope to. To many of them, he is like another parent. To others, he is a rival. But I assure you, there is not a single being here in the heavens, besides you and these other uninformed Angels, that assume themselves to be higher beings compared to Eisen, Brody, Jyuuk, Xenia, and Evalia. The one you just insulted is a being like that."

Ambriel quietly listened to the words of Ari, seeming more than just conflicted. What were they supposed to believe? That which they had always believed in, or that which this superior being commanded them to believe?

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