Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 716 Return Greetings

Chapter 716 Return Greetings

Eisen explained the situation to Xenia, who let out a deep sigh, quickly understanding what was going on. After all, the old man had already told the others about Satel while he was ’offline’. They knew that they were a thing, but they were still surprised at this sort of development.

"...Well, why do you want to resurrect them, though? Didn’t you say that they’re literally, like... the worst?" Xenia asked, and Eisen turned his head toward her while deep in thought, "Kind of, but at the same time, they’re not? They’re a lot more likeable than Ambriel, and I’m pretty sure that they would be pretty ’easy’ to get under control."

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"Ambriel... That was the Angel, right? So you’re telling me that a Devil is more likeable than an Angel?" The High Elf asked. Eisen smiled wrily as he replied, "By a long shot actually. I would have preferred to kill Ambriel over Satel, but without the resurrection bit."

"Right... Well, either way, even as an Undead they should be able to do fine. We don’t know how to go through with true resurrection yet, so sorry about that."

"It’s fine. As long as Satel can walk around again, that’s all I’m asking for." The old man explained with a soft smile on his face, while Xenia squinted her eyes, "Alright, what’s going on? Why do you want this literal Devil to be around all of a sudden? Don’t tell me you-"

"I’m not in love, Xenia. Well, not with Satel, at least." Eisen interrupted her, knowing what she was about to ask. And meanwhile, Sky asked something else as he was looking at the Devil’s dead body, "By the way... I managed to find a rare book that speaks about the experience of a living person that made it through Limbo but turned back weirdly ’satisfied’... But it wasn’t explained what he did in Limbo at all... Beside a few things hinting at some stuff..."

Eisen already knew what Sky was getting at as well. He turned toward the Half-Fey and placed his hand onto the young man’s head, "I’ll tell you about it some other time." The old man said. He didn’t particularly want to speak of his ’experiences’ in that realm for now. Eisen wasn’t the sort to brag about such things anyway, and he definitely didn’t want to speak of such things when Kirisho might be nearby.

Sure, neither of them was sure of the situation between them, and it was not like they could have a carnal relationship even if they wanted to, at least not right now, but Eisen himself still felt slightly weird about what he did in Limbo, particularly in the hall of Lust. Although at the time, he was so caught up in everything and in fulfilling his raw desires that he didn’t take a moment to think about what he was doing.

Just as the conversation was about to go into a direction that Eisen disliked, he saw Jyuuk’s body slowly change in the corner of his eye. The roots on his body and the bark-like skin started to rot away and simply left behind the normal Jyuuk’s body.

The beastperson stood up and looked at the old man and the coffin standing in the center of the room, with his brows raised, "You just got back, and you already want me to do something for you?" He asked.

With a quiet laugh, Eisen let Jyuuk approach the coffin to see what was going on, "You see right through me. Sorry, but it had to be done rather quickly. It was hard for me to save the soul of this Devil in the first place, and I don’t know how long I can let it float around in here like this."

Eisen gave Jyuuk the crystal orb that Satel’s soul was kept inside of, "I need you to turn him into an Undead. A High-Tier one, if possible."

"A High-Tier undead using a Devil’s body... Sure, but it might take a little while. I’ll repair the body, come up with some form of replacement for the blood that was lost and such... While we were researching, I did find some interesting hints at creating superior types of Undead that I would like to try out. Is that alright?"

"As long as they have control over their own body like they did while alive, then I’m fine with whatever you do. Don’t break the mind left within the soul, and don’t change the structure of the body. I don’t mind if you do something to strengthen them a bit though. I was able to kill them on my own, it should be easy enough with everyone here even if they end up running wild." Eisen explained, and Jyuuk slowly nodded his head, "Then I won’t hesitate. It might be better to have you there when they wake up, since you’ll be familiar to them... I’ll try to get everything done by tomorrow."

"I’ll count on you, then." With a smile on his face, Eisen turned back around and chose to leave everything to Jyuuk, Xenia and Sky, "I’ll head out and meet the others as well. Any hints on where they are?"

Sky looked back at Eisen, deep in thought for a moment before nodding his head, "I think Bree’s somewhere in the Dungeon, just trying to help out? She’s been feeling pretty lonely while you were gone. Kirisho should also be there with her at the moment. And Kiron is probably... Outside of town training again."

"Again?" Eisen asked surprised, and the young man looked back with a complicated expression, before Xenia explained what had been going on around here while the old man wasn’t there.

The three that were apparently most affected by Eisen’s absence, exluding Caria, Melissa and Sal who were able to hang on because they had an obviously extremely strong direct connection to Eisen anyway. They didn’t feel all too disconnected from him even if Eisen went to another plane of existence.

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Those other three, however, were a different case. To them, Eisen really completely disappeared, and was on his way to hell at that. Bree was somewhat dependent on Eisen in the first place, and Kiron was Eisen’s Knight. They must both feel weirdly useless without Eisen there, although that was obviously not the case.

And as for Kirisho... She must have been simply worried about Eisen. The old man knew that she went through many forms of loss in the past, so that fear must have affected her a bit over the past while that Eisen was gone.

"I see... Then I guess I must see how they’re doing." Eisen smiled lightly as he turned around, stepping toward the door, "Thanks for letting me know. Ah, and I’ll be preparing some food later tonight and handing out a few things. Of course, I’ll also be speaking about my time in both Heaven and Hell, so come by the Castle then, will you?"

"Of course, that was the plan." Sky shrugged lightly as he somewhat tiredly returned to the table to keep working, and Eisen simply nodded at Jyuuk and Xenia before leaving.

The next place he wanted to go was rather simple. It was something he could already see in the distance. The Dungeon.

It was closer and easier to find than wherever Kiron currently was. Eisen had a few ideas of where he could find the Half-Dragon, if he was training in the same way that Eisen assumed he did, but he definitely knew where Bree and Kirisho were. And like this, he could also cross Fafnir and Sigurd off of his list of people to definitely visit before tonight. Of course, that Cabarum and Aulu were there was a plus as well.

Brody and Evalia were probably on their way back to Prototype as well, at least that’s where they said they would go last time Eisen spoke to them outside of the game. So they could gather at the castle tonight and have a small feast, before Eisen would become a true Demon.

The old man stepped through the town and soon saw the plaza surrounding the huge gate leading into the Dungeon, with Fafnir sleeping on top of it, his tail swinging from side to side next to the entrance.

Casually, he stepped up to the gate and made his way through the crowd of people waiting outside. There was probably something going on at the entrance-floor that required everyone to leave for a while. After all, considering the number of people here, they would need much, much more space there than they had.

Either way, the old man casually stepped through the crowd toward the Gate, and slowly placed his hand onto the shoulder of a player to ask him to step aside so that he could get through. Eisen didn’t just want to push everyone aside.

"Oh fuck off, wait like everyone else if you want to get inside." The player groaned loudly. They were obviously in a bad mood for some reason even beforehand, so Eisen didn’t know if they were inherently bad. He gave the player the benefit of the doubt and smiled at them lightly, "Sadly, I’m not ’everyone else’, so I would please like to head to my Dungeon."

"’Your Dungeon’, who do you-" The player exclaimed, slowly turning around. The moment that they saw Eisen’s face, their own face paled as they took a step away, "Ehm... Err... I’m sorr... G-Go ahead..." The player muttered, taking a step to the side embarrassedly.

Since this player brought some attention to Eisen through this, he was now given a clear path to walk through as everyone saw the old man approach. He placed his hand onto the giant gate and saw it open just a bit. Enough to only fit a couple of people. Eisen and the five others with him.

Eisen stepped through the gate as it closed right behind him again, the muttering voices of the players filling the old man’s ears.

And the moment he got inside, he felt a heavy weight press against his body, as Fafnir’s dungeon-internal form jumped at him and pressed Eisen to the ground.

With a laugh, the old man rubbed Fafnir’s snout and tried to stand up, although he soon had another weight, albeit one that was extremely light compared to the literal young Dragon, pressing onto him.

"Sorry, I thought I could stop them, but apparently not." Sigurd apologized with a smile, seemingly also more than just glad that the old man was finally back.

Eisen slowly stood up with the two beings still basically glued to him. One of them was Fafnir, as mentioned, but the other one was Bree, who seemed to have been brought here by Sigurd the moment it realized that Eisen was back.

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