Spending My Retirement In A Game Chapter 80 Craftsmans Carriage

Eisen stood up from his bed in the Inn after lying down in his capsule again literally a few seconds ago. That conversation with Benji not too long ago helped Eisen calm down a little bit. After that whole bunch of trouble that Melody is going to cause, he wasn’t sure whether or not Sophia might actually bring that boy that Melody kept saw her with. Benji told him that he talked to Sophia about him a few times before, and the boy was apparently even her best friend, so it may be possible that she would bring him along.

Eisen just wanted to know if Benji knew anything about the situation, since he knew that he and Sophia talked quite a lot.

But when he was filled in about everything by his grandson, Eisen managed to relax and took his time getting groceries and something from Wawa to eat for lunch.

Now that he was back in the game, it was time to make his way back over to Denmir’s smithy to prepare all of the things he needed to finish off the carriage as soon as possible.

He greeted Bree who was already waiting for Eisen, and they made their way to the restaurant to eat some breakfast. Since there wasn’t anything else to do, and Jyuuk was at work in real life, Eisen and Bree made their way to "Dwarf’s Delight".

They stepped inside and walked to the back of store to meet with Denmir, who rushed over to them the moment that he laid eyes on them. "Aye, Good mornin’ Eisen, good mornin’ lass! And good mornin’ ta the three of you as well, of course!" Denmir exclaimed happily to greet the small group that just entered the workshop.

This was quite unusual for him already, as usual he would just wave at them when they came in and basically ignored them for the rest of their stay while he got back to his own work. But this time around, he really just dropped what he was doing to sprint over to Eisen.

And the old man guessed it was kind of understandable that he would be somewhat excited, seeing how Eisen was literally a legend amongst legends within this world.

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Before Eisen could react though, Denmir already continued. "Is there anythin’ I can help ya with today?" He asked, but Eisen shook his head with a soft chuckle.

"No, no, I don’t really need much help. I just have to make some small steel parts for a carriage. Is it fine if I borrow the same forge as usual?"

"Of course, of course! Go ahead! Erm, if ya need me, I’ll be working on my own items! Just call me, ye ’ear?" Denmir close to yelled this out happily while Eisen began walking over to his usual forge and changed into his blacksmithing outfit in a small, separate changing room.

After he got back out and placed his clothes next to Bree’s backpack, Eisen made his way to the storage room to get a few ingots of steel, immediately getting to work when he brings them back to the forge.

He made a few different simple angled metal plates in large quantities to hold the parts together, before then making four long rectangles which he connected at each end to create something like a loop. Eisen made sure that it was the right size, repeatedly measuring the diameter so that it was just a tiny bit smaller than the actual wheel’s.

Once he finished that, Eisen thought about stopping and getting back to the Woodworker’s to continue building the carriage, but instead he chose to make some other items first. They weren’t anything amazing, just a frisbee-sized steel version of the coin hanging around Eisen’s neck, as well as some smaller decorative items to attach to the inside of the carriage here and there.

Excited to see that he could finally start assembling the carriage, Eisen quickly moved on and packed up the items he just made, changing back into his regular crafting outfit before he and Bree decided to go back to the Woodworker’s.

Denmir seemed kind of disappointed by that, but Eisen couldn’t do anything about that. Rather, Denmir just made him leave faster, since Eisen constantly felt the dwarf’s stares on his back.

With a loud sigh, Eisen hoped that not everybody that found out he was one of the five that peaked would treat him like that from that moment on. Luckily, Bree was already starting to return to her usual way of interacting with Eisen, so he didn’t need to worry about that at the very least.

For now, Eisen and Bree walked back to the room where the old man began building the carriage, placing the different parts down onto the ground sorted.

First, it was time to finish the wheels. And Eisen didn’t simply want to attach a regular steel ring to it, but instead placed the loop onto the ground and got out a small needle to begin carving an enchantment into its surface. The enchantments that he carved onto the steel surfaces were quite simple. It was an enchantment that would give the wheels both better grip as well as better stability, and it was supposed to pull mana from a mana crystal that would be placed into each of the wheels.

Later, Eisen would add even more places where such mana crystal batteries were needed, so he was already thinking about how to efficiently give all of those mana crystals the mana they needed to function, and decided to just place a central crystal into the inside of the carriage, allowing him to pour his mana inside of that and have it automatically be transferred to all of the other crystals around. But that should wait for later.

But for now, Eisen just placed the mana crystal batteries into the wheels’ hubs and made sure that the enchantment could be activated. Eisen placed the condition on it that it would only activate when the wheel was turning, so it at least wouldn’t take too much unnecessary mana.

The next step that Eisen went for was to heat up the steel ring as much as possible with his magic element, while holding it on tongs of course, so that it would expand enough to fit around the wheel. When it was starting to glow a slight orange, the loop was placed around the outside of the wheel and water was poured onto it to make sure the hot metal loop cooled and shrunk back down properly, and completely burnt into the wood while it was at it. This, and the fact that Eisen made the ring slightly smaller than the actual wheel, made sure that the metal wouldn’t be able to slip off without forcefully being pulled off. That on its own would still take quite a lot of force, though.

Eisen repeated this three more times until he could happily say that the wheels were now finished.

Once that was done, it was time to fully create the base. Eisen connected two of the wheels with one of the poles that would act as the axle, and then simply placed the box that he made around it, doing the same for the other two wheels as well.

When this was done, Eisen placed the part that would let the front wheels rotate onto that dedicated spot on the box, before adding the center-piece that would act as something like a spine to connect the two axles. Eisen moved that structure back and forth a few times, and was quite satisfied with how smoothly the wheels were moving. After nodding to himself, the old man continued.

He connected the front axle to the pole that Cabarum would pull at, and then simply started the base framework once he was done with that.

Eisen placed two square planks over each, carving gaps in the center so that they could be pushed together, in a cross, with each of the ends being the spot where the corners of the carriage would be, and then placed a third, shorter plank above those two so that its ends would be below the spots where the two center wooden pillars would end up.

This structure was then connected to the wheel base that Eisen made, properly affixing it at different spots, especially making sure that he properly connected the axle boxes to it with the help of those angled steel plates he made at Denmir’s.

After that, Eisen added the six carved pillars to each end of the cross structure, before connecting each pillar at both the top and the bottom in a square outline with the help of more square planks, creating something like a box-shape already.

As the next step, Eisen simply added regular planks to the outside to create the first walls. Making these walls wasn’t hard, it just took up some time, and since Eisen had to do basically the same thing on the inside once more, this was just work that would take most people at the very least a whole day. But since it was Eisen that was working on it, and because of his improved speed and currently basically infinite endurance, he managed to finish it in just a few hours.

And when he started adding the planks on the inside of the carraige as well, he purposefully left some spots open to more easily access the space between the inner and outer layers of planks.

If he had simply closed everything up, Eisen would have lost quite a lot of space, which he instead used to create a few different small cupboards and places to hang his tools, as well as some hiding places where he could place some of his money in case someone tried robbing the carriage.

But there were a few spaces where he left especially much space, where he could create two simple things that could just be folded downward when needed and left up against the wall to open up space at every other time. One of them was for Eisen’s workbench, while the other was for a bed.

Of course, the latter was something that Eisen himself didn’t need, which is also why he made it relatively small to accommodate an average-sized person, or in the case of Eisen’s current party, a person with the body of a young girl.

It absolutely didn’t matter where Eisen slept, since he was logged out anyway, and it didn’t seem to be too big of a deal even if he slept on usually incredibly uncomfortable and uneven ground. When he woke up in the game, there wasn’t any uncomfortable feeling anymore anyway.

So, if he needed to sleep, he would do so while simply sitting down on the ground, while Bree could have the space in the bed that he made. After all, her situation was quite different. She seemed to actually be affected by where she slept like people usually were in real life. So he wanted to be nice and make the little time that she actually needed to sleep as comfortable as possible.

On top of that, who knew who else they might pick up every once in a while? It wouldn’t hurt to have a place a guest could lay down on. And if nobody was sleeping on it, it would obviously double as a regular seat, so that was quite good as well.

And Eisen’s worktable was quite simple as well, at least for now. He would probably add some little things here and there over time, but for now it was just a thin wooden surface with legs that would fold down when Eisen pulled the table away from the wall. This could of course also be used as a regular table to eat on or just sit at during a conversation. Neither of these parts took up a lot of space even if they were both folded down at the same time, so there was more than enough place to stack a few crates or one or two barrels on top of each other.

Eisen also made a few simple windows that could be opened and closed whenever, as well as a door in the back of the carriage.

The roof was quite simple as well. Eisen would probably continue decorating this whole thing over time, but for now it was simply a regular slanted roof to get rid of water or things that dropped onto it from trees.

And that was it! The carriage was finally finished!

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There was only one part missing, the plate-sized steel recreation of Eisen’s coin. He carved a circle into the wood on the door on the carriage’s backside, and tightly fitted the piece inside.

With a satisfied smile, Eisen crossed his arms and nodded.


[Craftsman’s Carriage]

[Rank - 2][Quality - Perfect]

[Description] A Carriage created by the Omni Craftsmaster Eisen. Multiple Carving have been added to it to show its affiliation with Craftsmanship. It has been made with high quality, durable wood, and the wheels were even enchanted so that they made travel a slight bit easier. Inside of the actual structure, multiple storage places have been installed, on top of a pre-installed table and bed that can easily be stashed away.

[Due to already having reached the peak as a limitbreaker, you will not gain anything from creating an overwhelming quality item through the Woodworking Skill]



[Race - Giant-Dwarf Halfling][Occupation - Omni Craftsmaster][Level - 71]

[HP - 1876][MP - 1898]

[STR - 106][END - 106][AGI - 103][INT - 107][WIS - 108][CHA - 11]




-[Original of the Mechanical Arts]

-[Limitbreaker V]


-[A Dwarf’s Hands][Rank - 2][Level - 99]

-[A Giant’s Strength][Rank - 2][Level - 81]

-[Alchemy][Rank - 2][Level - 49]

-[Blacksmithing][Rank - 2][Level - 58]

-[Cooking][Rank - 0][Level - 68]

-[Crafting Space][Rank - 2][Level - 6]

-[Dismembering][Rank - 0][Level - 1]

-[Drawing][Rank - 1][Level - 6]

-[Enchanting][Rank - 2][Level - 12]

-[Flame of the Earth Magic][Rank - 1][Level - 51]

-[Golemancy][Rank - 0][Level - 68]

-[Leatherworking][Rank - 2][Level - 16]

-[Lockpicking][Rank - 0][Level - 1]

-[Mana Copy][Rank - 1][Level - 26]

-[Mana Double][Rank - 2][Level - 46]

-[Mana Manipulation][Rank - 2][Level - 41]

-[Swordsmanship][Rank - 2][Level - 75]

-[Tailoring][Rank - 2][Level - 45]

-[Taming][Rank - 1][Level - 76]

-[Tool Connection][Rank - 1][Level - 98]

-[Truth Seeing Eye][Rank - 0][Level - 35]

-[Woodworking][Rank - 1][Level - 76]

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