Stranger Danger Chapter 106: Strange Incident

Chapter 106: Strange Incident

“Excuse me, Warrior Ye. Are you free right now? The chief would like to speak with you.”

After the group had returned to Anyang, Ye Qing bade his companions goodbye and returned to Endless Horizons first. Once he felt fairly rested, he went to the Pacification Bureau’s archives to search for clues regarding the Burning Wind.

A place containing high concentrations of Burning Wind must be incredibly dangerous, and since the Pacification Bureau was the department that handled all things related to Strangers and unusual phenomenons, it was obviously the best place to begin his search. He had no doubt that a record would exist somewhere in the archives if such a location existed near Anyang.

Unfortunately, he went through all the files but could not find anything related to the Burning Wind. So, he got ready to return home and ask the Annon Sutra. However, someone caught up with him as soon as he stepped out of the door.

The man was a Swordbearer of the Pacification Bureau, Zhao Yunlong. He was an early-stage Vessel Augmentor, and he was responsible for all matters relating to the law. Subordinate only to Ling Jianqiu, he was the most powerful person in the headquarters both in terms of authority and strength.

“Well met, Lord Zhao!” Ye Qing saluted him and asked curiously, “Do you know why Chief Ling wishes to see me?”

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It would seem that Zhao Yunlong was just as cold as Ling Jianqiu, however. His lips pressed into a firm, unyielding line, he answered, “I do not. The chief only told me to bring you to him after you left the archives!”

“I see.” Ye Qing rubbed his nose and decided that it would take far more effort to pry any useful information from Zhao Yunlong’s mouth than just meeting Ling Jianqiu right away. So, he said, “Very well. Please, lead the way!”

“This way, please!” Zhao Yunlong nodded and took Ye Qing to Ling Jianqiu’s study. Once there, Zhao Yunlong said, “The chief is inside. I will not be accompanying you!”

“Thank you, Lord Zhao!” Ye Qing said.

Zhao Yunlong shook his head. “You’re welcome.” Then, he turned around and left just like that.

Ye Qing stared at Zhao Yunlong’s back for a moment. “I can see why he’s Ling Jianqiu’s right-hand man. I would believe it if someone told me they were secretly brothers. They’re both as cold as ice!”

He walked up to the door and got ready to knock, but before he could do so Ling Jianqiu’s voice came from inside, “Come in!”

Ye Qing shrugged and pushed open the door. Inside, he saw Ling Jianqiu sitting at the table and doing some paperwork. When the Chief of Bureau saw Ye Qing, he pointed at a nearby chair and gestured for him to wait a little.

Ye Qing obediently went over to the chair and sat down. He then waited patiently for Ling Jianqiu to finish.

Ling Jianqiu looked like he was busy with work, but in reality he was observing Ye Qing. He wondered if the savior of Anyang would fidget like a youngster especially in the presence of higher authority. However, not only was Ye Qing calm, composed, and patient, he could not find even a trace of anxiety or dissatisfaction on the young man’s face. He could not help a mental sigh of approval. Few people at his age could maintain their cool so well. 𝒻𝘳𝓮ℯ𝑤𝘦𝒷𝓷𝑜𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑐𝑜𝓂

It was too bad he couldn’t read minds, because the youngster he thought to be most outstanding was complaining disdainfully inside his head, Chief of Bureau my ass. He didn’t even serve me a hot cup of tea like a proper host! So stingy!

About half a teatime later, Ling Jianqiu finally set down his brush and looked at Ye Qing. “How is your investigation going, Joyless? Have you found anything regarding Evergreen Ivy yet?”

It had only been two days since the invasion. What could he possibly find in such a short time? Clearly, Ling Jianqiu hadn’t called him to his study today for this matter. Ye Qing didn’t point it out though. He feigned ignorance and replied, “No. I’m still looking into it!”

Ling Jianqiu nodded and ended that line of conversation with a moment of awkward silence. Clearly, he wasn’t used to making small talk. A while later, he jumped straight to the point, “There is something I need your help with, Joyless.”

“The Pacification Bureau needs my help?” Ye Qing frowned. Is he trying to make me work for free again? No bloody way!

Of course, he wasn’t dumb enough to reject Ling Jianqiu outright, so he asked, “What’s this about?”

His plan was to listen until the end before putting Ling Jianqiu down lightly. In his head, he was already preparing a thousand and one excuses to reject the request such as: something’s happened to my home, my friend is sick, my wife is about to give birth, I’m on my period today, yada yada blah blah.

Of course, he could just say no without the excuses, but Ling Jianqiu was an acquaintance, and an outright rejection was liable to cause misunderstandings and sour their relationship.

“Three days ago, a Patrolman named Yu Hai sent me a report regarding a strange incident happening to one of the nine villages under Anyang’s jurisdiction, the Jade Spring Village.”

Ling Jianqiu said slowly, “According to Yu Hai, the village numbered five hundred and eighty two houses and over one thousand and two hundred villagers the last time he patrolled Jade Spring Village, which was several months ago. But when he visited the village four days ago, he discovered that their population had been cut in half, their livestocks were all gone, and everyone was skinny and pale as if they were afflicted by some sort of terrible disease.”

“What was strange was that the villagers thought Yu Hai was joking when he questioned them about the missing villagers. More accurately, they didn’t seem to remember the missing people at all. It was as if those people had never existed. Not only that, when he asked them about their poor health, they once again denied his concerns and claimed that they were right as rain.”

“A blind man could’ve seen that wasn’t true. They were so thin and pale that they couldn’t carry anything. They could barely take a step without wobbling like they were about to fall. However, not a single person seemed to notice their condition, and they continued to live their lives as if nothing was wrong.”

“That is very strange!” Ye Qing’s eyes flashed with interest.

Ling Jianqiu paused for a second before continuing, “Yu Hai launched an investigation right away, but he wasn’t able to find anything. Realizing that this was no simple incident, he sent me a message to inform me about the incident and promised me that he would report his progress at least once every day. He then resumed his investigation.”

“However, that very report would turn out to be the last time I hear from him. It has been three days since I’ve heard from him, and I suspect that he has fallen prey to whatever is happening to Jade Spring Village!”

You don’t say? Ye Qing thought. He could not imagine any other reason why the Patrolman wouldn’t report back to Ling Jianqiu.

“So, you want me to follow up on the investigation, Chief Ling?” Ye Qing figured out what Ling Jianqiu wanted him to do as soon as he finished listening to the story.

The Chief of Bureau nodded. “That’s right. It’s only been two days since the invasion, and neither Yunlong nor I could afford to step away from our post just yet. As for the others, I don’t believe they are strong enough to handle this incident. After all, Yu Hai was half a step away from entering the Vessel Augmentation stage, and there are only a handful of people in the bureau who are a match for him. If he couldn’t survive whatever’s plaguing Jade Spring Village, it would be pointless to send anyone who’s weaker than him.”

“After much consideration, I concluded that you are the only one who can do this. You’re a strong, intelligent, and cool-headed warrior. I’m sure you’ll be able to solve this incident!”

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Hehehe. That’s right, I’m super awesome… but do not think you can win me over with just honeyed words! Ye Qing affirmed his resolve despite melting a little under the assault of praises. He was a man with principles. He would not work unless he was properly compensated for his efforts!

“About that… it is my natural responsibility to do right by the people, but—”

Ye Qing put on a troubled expression and tried to give his excuse, but Ling Jianqiu interrupted him unhurriedly, “Of course, I won’t make you work for free!”

Ye Qing swallowed whatever he was going to say and stared earnestly at Ling Jianqiu. Anything was negotiable as long as there was a reward!

“You’ve mastered the Vessel Augmentation stage, right Joyless?” Ling Jianqiu confirmed.

“That’s right.”

“You must be getting ready to enter the Astral Refinement stage, right Joyless?” Ling Jianqiu confirmed again.

“You are correct, chief.”

A rare smile spread across Ling Jianqiu’s face. “In that case, you must be looking for information regarding your desired astral qi when you were in the archives earlier.”

“How did you know that?” Ye Qing’s expression immediately turned cold and unfriendly.

Ling Jianqiu remained firm under Ye Qing’s glare. “You misunderstand me. I haven’t spied on you. When I was using the archives earlier, I overheard you asking someone to bring you all the files regarding an astral qi’s location and dangerous zones.”

“I see!” Ye Qing exclaimed in realization and relaxed. It was his own fault for being so careless.

Ling Jianqiu continued, “You probably already know that an astral qi is absolutely essential to cultivate any Astral Refinement stage art. Astral qis are generally split into three grades, namely inferior, average, and superior.”

“There are a total of one hundred and eight inferior astral qis, seventy-two average astral qis, and thirty six superior astral qis in this world.”

“Inferior astral qis can usually be found in ordinary elements, and they are fairly weak because they are rife with impurities.”

“Average astral qis are the essences of nature. They are extremely pure and very powerful.”

“Superior astral qis are the souls of nature and the hearts of the world itself. They are perfectly pure and immeasurably powerful.”

“Huh. I have no idea that all the astral qis in the world are already categorized!” Ye Qing commented with deep interest.

“The greater the astral qi, the greater the boons they bring to a warrior. Unfortunately, the heavens are perfectly fair, so a particularly powerful astral qi is quite rare.”


Ling Jianqiu paused again before continuing, “To make a comparison, if an inferior astral qi is as plentiful as the fishes in a river, then an average astral qi is as rare as a sea dragon, and a superior astral qi is as unique as the sun itself. You would not find another like it.”

“Considering how strong you already are at your age, I am sure that your background is equally extraordinary. Naturally, the Astral Refinement cultivation art you wish to practice must require an average astral qi at least. However, you would not find the information you seek in that archive!”

“Do enlighten me, Chief Ling.” Ye Qing could hear Ling Jianqiu’s subtext.

Ling Jianqiu replied directly, “Every Pacification Bureau headquarters has two types of archives. One of them is your ordinary archive, and the other one is called the secret archive. There, you may find what you’re looking for!”

“The secret archive?” Ye Qing mused for a moment before asking, “What is the requirement to enter the secret archive?”

Ling Jianqiu smirked. “The secret archive is one of the most important rooms in the Pacification Bureau. Naturally, only the Chief of Bureau and a selected few Peacemakers are allowed entry!”

You old fox. I was wondering when you were going to spring your trap!

Ye Qing had been wondering why Ling Jianqiu seemed so confident that he would assist with the investigation. As it turned out, he never had a choice to begin with.

Once upon a time, he thought that only a two-faced guy like Qiao Six was capable of concocting a cunning plot. Clearly, he was mistaken. Is there no paradise in this world where humble, upright and honest citizens like him could live in peace!?

Ye Qing abruptly sprung to his feet and saluted Ling Jianqiu solemnly. “Chief, it is every warrior’s duty to slay evil, do right by the people, and save lives. I will happily travel to Jade Spring Village and investigate this incident!”

Ling Jianqiu nodded. “I knew you would agree, Joyless! In that case, I shall make an exception and let you into the secret archive one time!”

“Thank you, my lord!” Ye Qing declared, but on the inside he was grumbling like an old man. Why am I thanking the guy who tricked me into an offer I can’t refuse? Grumble grumble…

As if on cue, Ling Jianqiu added, “However, you only have two hours to find what you’re looking for!”


Is it too late to change my mind?

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