Stranger Danger Chapter 110: I Like Men

Chapter 110: I Like Men

The temple entrance was at least a dozen meters away from where Ye Qing and Xiao Yang were resting, not to mention that it was raining outside. That was why the two men were certain that their whispers wouldn’t be overheard. Unfortunately, they were wrong. Ye Qing and Xiao Yang heard every word as clear as day.

The two warriors exchanged a cold smirk with each other. Out of the sixteen people, their leader was the only one who was a Vessel Augmentor. Everyone else was either a Qi Invoker or even a Reforged. The idea that these people could take them out was laughable at best and stupid at worst.

The temple felt a lot more crowded with the addition of sixteen men, but it was also a lot livelier than before. The drinkers drank, the gossipers gossiped, and the finger-guessers guessed fingers to their heart’s content!

At first, the men were fairly restrained probably because their leader had warned them about being too boisterous before. However, that restraint was quickly forgotten after they had downed a few bowls of yellow wine. Some of them started singing on top of their lungs or jumping all over the place like monkeys. Two men were even having a cursing contest with each other and greeting the other person’s family all the way to the eighteenth generation. Of course, their peers were more than happy to fan the flames and cheer them on. For a time, it was as if the laughter would never end.

Ye Qing and Xiao Yang did not bother them. They simply ate their food, drank their wine, and enjoyed the show like they were in a theater.

Suddenly, a man drunk out of his tits pointed at the painting of flying women and yelled, “Hot damn! Take a look at that wall! Those girls are to die for!”

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A few men immediately rushed to his side and oohed and aahed at the painting. One of them let out a lustful cackle and said, “Damn, you’re right! Look at those sweet lips, those bountiful breasts, and those smooth, long legs! If only they’re real!”

“I know right? I would happily take ten years off my lifespan if I could marry a woman like this!”

“Ten years? I would happily give up my life if I could sleep with all these women for just a single night!”

“Someone’s feeling a little thirsty, I see! Don’t worry, Monkey! When we raid our next village, I’ll personally round up a couple women for ya to enjoy!”

“Hehe! Thanks, Brother Hound!”

“Watcha lookin’ at, pretty boy?” The guy named Hound suddenly wheeled around and glared fiercely at Ye Qing. “Look somewhere, or I’ll dig ya eyes out!”

Ye Qing sipped his wine and raised an eyebrow. “I’m looking at the painting, duh. Since when is it a crime to admire a painting? You’re not jealous over a couple of fake women, are you?”

“Women? Do you even have a bush down there, brat?” Hound taunted and received a round of applause and cheers from his fellow brothers.

The corner of Ye Qing’s lips turned up as he responded, “Of course I have. How else did you come to be in this world?”

At first, the crowd was speechless. Then, they burst into an uproarious laughter, “Hahahahahaha!”

Hound was either slower or drunker than the rest of his buddies, because he was unable to comprehend Ye Qing’s meaning until someone had whispered to him about it. Embarrassed and enraged, he uttered, “How dare you call me your son! I’ll kill you!”

As soon as he said this, he curled his fingers like they were claws and crouched lower, fingernails glittering in the dark as if they were covered in steel. At the same time, he swayed back and forth and his teeth for all to see. Eyes flickering with bestial madness, he moved his fists up and down like a pendulum and growled gutturally like a crazed dog.

The next second, Hound bounded forward as if he had found an opening and opened his mouth fully. He looked like he was planning to rip out Ye Qing’s throat with his bare teeth!

The young man barely reacted to the pouncing man though. He simply took another sip from his glass and smiled, “Doggie? I love doggies! I love doggie meat even more!”

Hound was less than one meter away from Ye Qing when his face suddenly morphed into absolute terror, and his head abruptly separated from his neck. He was dead just like that!

The men’s cruel smiles froze on their faces. Hound was one of the strongest warriors of their group, and he was infamous for his Mad Hound Fist. But not only did he die, they never even saw how he was killed!

The unknown led to fear, and fear led to outrage.

“How dare you kill one of our brothers! I’ll kill you!”

Six men who were too drunk to realize the danger immediately pulled out their blades and prepared to charge Ye Qing. However, they had just taken a single step when they suddenly froze in their tracks, and a red line appeared around their necks. The next second, their heads tumbled to the ground, and their bodies followed just a beat behind. Most of them didn’t even seem to realize that they were dead until their life had fully departed their bodies.

The remaining men turned as white as a sheet as they stared at the floor of heads and headless bodies on the floor. For a time, it felt like a mountain was sitting on everyone’s chest!

It was at this moment the leader saluted Ye Qing from a distance and spoke up, “My men should not have disturbed you. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience they have caused.” He then raised his voice and ordered, “Toss the bodies out of the temple. I’m sure our friends would rather not smell their filthy blood while enjoying their meal!”

“Y-Yes boss!” The men responded and threw out the bodies as quickly as they could. They even wiped away the bloodstains for fear that Ye Qing would use it as an excuse to kill them all!

Unfortunate. The boss is smarter than he looks, Ye Qing thought while sipping his wine. He was hoping that these people would get in over their heads and try to swarm them or something. It was obvious that none of them were good people. In fact, he was pretty sure from their earlier conversation and behavior that they were evil, vicious bandits who had tortured and killed many innocent people in the past. If it wasn’t for the fact that he sense a hint of danger from their leader, every bandit in this room would be dead already.

Besides obvious self-defense, the other reason he killed Hound and the other attackers was to make an example out of them. It was almost guaranteed that these bandits would try something funny when they tucked in for the night. Killing some of them now would make sure that even the bravest man of the group would stay firmly in his corner.

As expected, the uninvited guests were much more subdued afterward. They even lowered their voice to a murmur so as not to disturb Ye Qing or Xiao Yang.

After dinner was done, everyone huddled around their campfires and caught some rest. The temple grew quieter and quieter until all that was left was the sound of rain, the howling wind, and the crackling flames.

“Young master? Young master?”

Ye Qing was half-asleep when he suddenly heard a gentle voice calling out to him. There was even a waft of something fragrant tickling his nostrils.

“Hmm?” Ye Qing jolted awake and opened his eyes. He was immediately greeted by one of the most beautiful faces he had ever seen. If the Beauty Snake’s face was devilishly sensual and hypnotic, then this woman was an amalgamation of femininity, elegance, roses and lilies. Their strengths were different, but they were equally beautiful.

“You’re…” Ye Qing felt slower than usual as he massaged his forehead. He looked around and discovered that he was lying inside an antique but well-decorated bedroom. Judging from its many feminine designs, it was clearly a woman’s bedroom. “Where am I?”

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He clearly remembered spending the night in a decrepit temple, so how on earth did he come here?

“My name is Ying Xiu!” The woman bowed elegantly as she answered in a crisp, gentle voice, “You’re in my bedroom right now.”

“That’s an answer, but not the one I seek.” Ye Qing narrowed his eyes and sat upright. “What I mean is, where is this place?”

“Does it really matter?” Ying Xiu smiled. The way her sweet lips slowly spread resembled a blooming lily. “The room is warm, and the night is young. Why don’t we focus on the present and leave the exploring for another time?”

“Focus on the present, you say?” Ye Qing smirked. “Okay! Tell, what did I, Ye Liangchen, do to deserve a beauty like you?”

Ying Xiu did not take offense despite Ye Qing’s implications. Smiling as bright as ever, she asked, “Is my looks not to your liking, young master? That’s okay. I have a lot of sisters. I can have all of them serve you if you like?”

She clapped her hands once, and four women opened the bedroom door and stepped in. Their appearances were distinctly different from each other. Some of them were plump, and some of then thin. Their heights ranged from incredibly tall to incredibly short as well. Even their character was completely different. The first woman was as cold and proud as a plum, and the second as elegant and intellectual as an orchid. The third woman was as sumptuous and noble as a peony, and the fourth as passionate and joyful as a fiery rose.

But no matter how different they looked, they were all gorgeous beyond imagination.

“My name is Plum. Pleased to meet you, young master!”

“My name is Lily. Pleased to meet you, young master!”

“My name is Peony. Pleased to meet you, young master!”

“My name is Rose. Pleased to meet you, young master!”

All four women bowed and greeted him sweetly. It was such an impressive performance that even the room seemed more vibrant and colorful than before.

“Wow, your looks are incredible, but your names are seriously… something. Ahem.” Ye Qing rubbed his nose and sighed. “It’s too bad there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world though, much less one that is this incredible. It’s way overboard even for a dream, you get me?”

“More importantly… Do you really think that mere sex is enough to confound I, Ye Liangchen!?”

Ye Qing swung his sleeve and unleashed a mighty blast as soon as he finished. It easily pushed the five defenseless women into the air and shattered the bedroom door. However, the five women dissipated into smoke instead of bleeding like a normal person would.

“I knew they weren’t human!” Ye Qing dashed out of the room and landed in a garden. It was covered in beautiful flowers and lush trees. He also saw small bridges flying over cool streams and exquisite buildings littered around the garden. To put it simply, it looked like paradise on earth.


“Oh, you…”

As if on cue, the five women reappeared in the sky while giggling like bells. “There is no such thing as a man without lust. Why did you hurt us, young master? Is it because we aren’t beautiful enough?”

“Not at all! You’re some of the most gorgeous women I’ve met!” Ye Qing replied honestly.

Ying Xiu smiled. “Then why do you spurn us?”

Ye Qing rubbed his nose and shrugged innocently. “It’s because I like men!”

Ying Xiu: “...”

Plum: “...”

Everyone else: “...”

It was at this moment another man flew out of a pavilion while laughing, “It was fun playing with you all, but I think I’ve had enough!”

When he looked down and saw Ye Qing standing in the garden, he landed beside him and greeted, “Hello again, brother!”

He was none other than Xiao Yang, of course!

“Say, you’re a well-traveled Patrolman, right? Do you happen to recognize these Strangers?” Ye Qing asked.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yang shook his head and said, “No. I’ve never encountered them before!”

Ye Qing rolled his eyes and said, “Let’s get out of this place first!”

Using his foot as the axle, Ye Qing did a half turn and threw a ton of throwing knives in every direction. They easily pierced through the women’s throats and turned them into mist. Xiao Yang too unleashed a palm strike that seemed to compress the air itself and crushed the women who were chasing after him. However, they too vanished like smoke and did not leave behind a body.

“I don’t think we can kill them here!” Ye Qing frowned and dashed toward the exit, but right before he was about to leave the residence, the space around him suddenly rippled like water. Before he knew it, he was back in the garden once more.

“Let me try!” Xiao Yang pushed off the ground and shot straight up into the sky, but just a few seconds later, he reappeared at the exact same spot as before.

“There’s no way out?”

Ye Qing and Xiao Yang exchanged a deep frown. It was impossible to leave the residence normally, and even the sky was off limits. What else could they do to escape? Dig underground?

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