Stranger’s Handbook Chapter 75: Duke Zest’s Territory Change

Chapter 75: Duke Zest’s Territory Change

“This is an Imperial Command! Duke Zest is to receive the former Tarminal Kingdom’s capital city and half of the kingdom’s northern region. The Duke is allowed to name his territory Zest-Gaiyus-Tarminal.”

“I comply to the Imperial Command.”

Haha, I am even allowed to rename the former kingdom as I wish.

‘Zest, let’s protect the Empire together! You are the wall!’

That Emperor, he definitely pushed this onto me.

After his Majesty’s messenger left, I discussed the matter with my master.

“Master, the Frontier Count is receiving the southern region, right? Let’s trade for food.”

“Well, we’ll probably have to do that. The north is……..”

Yes, the northern region was not suitable for grain-production.

If you go north from the capital city, you’ll only find wetlands and sandy soil, then the sea, if you go further.

Normally, there shouldn’t be any wetlands near the coast, but……

Ah! It falls under the same category as Japan’s Kujukuri Beach, maybe. 1

Anyway, it’s a very unusual terrain that is extremely rare to find.

When it comes to crops that could be grown in wetlands, that would be rice, but, unfortunately, you can’t find it here.

This world’s residents aren’t stupid, after all.

If they had rice, they would’ve definitely used it.

“Then, the only thing left is fishing.”

“Son-in-law-dono, you’ll have to ask the kemonobito to do this job…….Look.”

“Aaah! The former kingdom used to discriminate them, so there are no fishermen…………”

In this world that hates discrimination to an extreme, there are no highs and lows when it comes to races.

However, some races do hold monopoly over some occupations.

And they are fishing and blacksmithing.

It’s not like other races can’t do those jobs or anything, but there’s such an overwhelming difference in ability that they don’t stand a chance.

I’ve seen some human blacksmiths around here, but there were no fishermen.

Since the sea if filled with all sorts of evil magical monsters, if you’re a fisherman who doesn’t use machines, and you’re not a physically blessed kemonobito, you won’t be able to survive.

“………..Should I use Herman and his people?”

“That’s all you’ve got left.”

Including Herman, the former leader of the Rebel Army, they were all kemonobito.

For the time being, Albert was looking after them as they worked as cleaners and repairmen in the capital city.

I told an otherwise pretty convenient maid soldier to tell Albert to select a few fishermen candidates.

The Maids Unit was formed mostly by nobles’ daughters, so they were really excellent.

…………Even though they had muscle brains.

“Then……..all I have left is to search for a civil official.”

Master didn’t answer anything this time, instead, he frowned.

Master………We’re doing overtime work today too. You should just give up.

It was already midnight when we finished our work eventually…………I already knew that once you get promoted, your office work is bound to increase, but at this rate, I will certainly die.

Civil official-san……..I’ll give you an ample salary, so please come to me!

The next day, Albert and I took Herman and his men and walked towards the coast line.

Out of 1500 people from the former Rebel Army, 300 volunteered for the job.

The rest of them wanted to become soldiers out of admiration for Albert.

………I pray that the mongrels won’t increase with this.

On the way, we encountered some thieves and former soldiers of the defeated army, however……

“Hahahaha, kill the thieves!”

“Don’t let any of them run away! Stab them to death!”

“It’s been a long time since I last exercised.”

“I’m pregnant, so don’t touch me!!”


“Media, you’re not pregnant, you idiot!”

The Maids Unit formed a Death Women Party, apparently.

There was a man among them too, but because his outward appearance was that of a woman’s, it couldn’t be helped.

Media, don’t stare at me like that……..I already told you, I can’t give you a maternity leave.

“Your Excellency, you promised that you won’t treat me like a man……”

“Then, do you want Tasel to go back to work?”

“……..This is discrimination!”

“It’s called making distinctions, you absolute moron!!”

Media buried her face in her palms, and she collapsed on the ground, but no one was worried about it.

“There’s someone crying loudly over there! Kill them faster next time!”

After two days filled with similar events, we arrived at the coast line.

For some reason, we were greeted by other kemonobito……..Who are they?

“I am glad to meet you, your Excellency. I am acting as chief for these people.”

An old lady…….ahem, a woman kemonobito at a blooming age, prostrated herself in front of me as she spoke.

It seemed that there was a kemonobito village close to here, where people who ran away from the former Tarminal Kingdom’s oppression lived.

There were about 50 villagers, who went finishing and lived rather quiet lives, but when they heard that the kingdom has lost the war and the kemonobito got permission to work, they still couldn’t believe it.

They even sent a few people to check the situation, only to find that the kemonobito were living rather normal lives.

Therefore, they too decided to come out from hiding when they met with us.

Yeah, it does make some sense.

“In this case, why don’t you join us? We came here in order to build a fishermen village. If you don’t want to, we will guide you to the city and offer you other jobs, since they’re plenty. So, what will you do?”

She happily nodded to my proposal.

Many of the cat kemonobito women used to do fishing up until now, so they would rather stay in the village and continue with their lives. They were so grateful that all of them bowed their heads to me.

Obviously, this was great for me too.

I had no reason to refuse them, since all I wanted was a fishermen village that would bring me lots of fish.

I gave instructions to Herman and his men to finish with the village’s foundation and demarcation.

Once it had a rough shape, I would leave it to them.

I had so much work to do that I started to hate it.

Albert was in charge of collecting materials for the demarcation.

………I couldn’t ask him to do complicated things after all.

“Your Excellency, I’ve finished.”

“Albert, don’t bury everything! Take some out!”


…….Don’t make such an expression…….

I already told you this was a demarcation, damn it!?

Some similar happenings took place, but nothing I couldn’t tolerate.

I’d rather want it to end with this. That would be actually great.

It was already getting dark when we were about to finish.

I’ll leave the rest to Herman, who’s going to become the village chief.

I was thinking about that when I heard someone quarreling.

“You’re wrong-nya. 2 That’s not enough to enclose the village with a fence-nya.”

“Why? 10 logs should be more than enough to do the job.”

“We could only make about 50 planks from one log-nya. And we need about 800 of them for the fence-nya. We need at least 6 more logs-nya.”

“…………..I see. Your counting is correct. How did you do it? You have no tool, right?…….Did you write it on the ground or something?”

“That’s not too difficult for a mental arithmetic-nya. I’m good at counting-nya.”

The young girl cat kemonobito said then started to laugh…….

……………….I found her! I found my civil official!

“Hahaha, my dear young lady……..Why won’t you come talk to this old man for a second?”

It was dark and my words were sudden, suspicious and somewhat dangerous sounding, so much so that the girl freaked out and burst into tears.

………Albert, you’re laughing too hard.


2. Japanese onomatopoeia for cat sounds; nya = meow

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