Stuck As A Dungeon Mob Chapter 548

After the punting of the new small skeleton, Ed moved onto the next step. This step was of course to show Trench he too could create a small skeleton for non-punting purposes.

[ is in effect]

The link skill activated per Ed’s wishes and the forge’s sparks that used to lay on Ed’s hands instantly appeared on the bony palms of Trench instead. The skeleton mage was surprised at first but this surprised was rapidly suppressed after Ed commanded Trench to imitate his feat.

Trench didn’t know where to even begin, however. To his luck, Ed didn’t fail to notice this and called for a new skeleton.

’For now just shrink their figure and reinforce it with their own left over bone material’ Ed wouldn’t be able to provide materials to Trench at all times so reinforcing the skeletons using what was essentially nothing was not necessarily a bad idea.

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Of course, it had to be mentioned that without cutting out any material or upgrading the consciousness of the skeleton they would always just be a ball waiting to be kicked for even the average adventurer.

But’| that was only true in small numbers.

If a swarm of durable small skeletons rushed at a target unless there was an overwhelming difference in power the outcome would be set in stone.


Trench didn’t think this far ahead, however. Trench only focused on fulfilling the requirements of their liege at that moment.

After half an hour of labor, Trench finally saw some success. Given that Trench wasn’t as familiar as Ed with the sparks this was already quite an achievement. His instruction skill was in agreement.

[Instruction has leveled up]

It had to be said, the skill had seen quite a lot of level-ups in a brief period of time. Ed could only conclude that he wasn’t devoted enough to teaching previously.

Well, there was also the fact that his assimilation had gone up quite a lot since the last time he had the skill flex its muscles. Nevertheless, the skill’s level up was good news all around!

’Hm? Wait, was he this quick because of my instruction?’ Ed almost forgot that the instruction skill was in fact a skill that helped him when teaching others.

Ed’s own musings were the most likely culprit for this slight lapse in memory. It wasn’t that the skill agreed Trench was well taught but rather that it had completed its duty and gained enough experience to level up through it.

’Well done, but I will need you to be much faster in the future’ This speed was still not sufficient. That was because as soon as Ed revoked the link skill it would go into a fairly large cooldown which he couldn’t always afford.

It also had to be mentioned that for a swarm of tiny skeletons to become a reality Trench had to churn them out like clockwork. If it took half an hour for a single one then Ed could only say they’d be making a huge loss.

So even if Ed would always lend the skill to Trench for half an hour he would prefer for the number of skeletons created during that period to be at least 15 to make it worthwhile.

’Well, let’s think about it like an investment’ Until Ed figured out a way to upgrade consciousnesses through his subordinates Trench would be getting very familiar with the forge sparks.

’Maybe what Trench learns will transfer over to upgrading the consciousness whenever that time comes’ Ed could only hope so.

After Trench successfully made his first miniature skeleton, Ed punted the little thing to prove its sturdiness and was sufficiently satisfied. Some cracks did form after it crashed against the temple wall but it was all in all a successful creation.

Now that Trench knew how to create new beings Ed moved on to teaching him how to change the skeleton’s material. For this he had Trench melt some broken equipment in the storage and from thereon Trench quickly got the hang of it.

The small skeleton he created was thus able to get its cracks fixed and also get a new color of paint. They had a metallic shine on every part of their body and also exude some ferocity thanks to some creative design.

’It still looks kind of stupid though’ The small skeleton now had more mass for their consciousness to handle and thus was even dumber than it was previously. Any adventurer that faced these imp skeletons would feel bad for them instead of threatened.

With the small experiment done, Ed finally took back the effect of his link. Since Ed already got arrays and skeleton upgrading out of the way, it was now time to teach the skeletons smithing.

Unfortunately for Ed, the dungeon seemed to have other plans.

[Recalling Champion’s Soul]

’Ah’|.’ Ed’s thoughts started to quickly fade and before he knew it his mind went blank. Within what felt like a mere moment Ed was back inside the dungeon’s space making plans in the darkness.


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In a forested trail, where plants threatened to consume the road, a two horse-drawn coach was running past.

The carriage shook back and forth as the horses galloped over the roughened trail but it didn’t take long for the shaking to stop as the carriage started to slow to a crawl.

There was an interruption.

They had to stop.

"We are working on the road, we’ll need you to make a small detour" A man said to the carriage driver while pointing at an obviously recently cut-out section of the forest, it was basically a dirt road. The carriage driver nodded and the carriage was once again on the move.

After a couple of minutes of more shaking, the carriage finally stabilized as the dirt road merged with the main path the carriage had been originally taking. There was a difference, however.

They were now going down a proper road paved by carefully placed flattened stones. Clearly, an earthen mage had been in charge of the road’s construction given how flawless it all seemed.

"Hahaha, this Arbor Town is making really fast progress" The carriage driver said delighted by the appearance of a new road. His butt had been hurting from the constant shaking, only the passengers were given fancy seats.

Though in this case, the passengers received extra fancy seats for they were extra special customers.

"Yes, it’ll be something to look forward to when the road is finalized and reaches the capital" Brennan Bosque commented hiding some mild irritation. It was good for Arbor Town to be making progress but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t angered.

The small town was a danger to the entire country and Brennan felt it was being taken way too lightly. Worst of all, one of their country’s greatest benefactors Eon was still in there doing god knew what.

The fact that there was no communication worried Brennan since Eon was not the only man of his caliber as recent events had proven. Brennan reckoned that if Eon had been willing to lend a hand then it might have been possible for him and Samuel to subjugate the dragon or at least force it to flee.

This dragon was now more or less protecting the people but Brennan could not put his trust in the man who was behind his assassination attempt.

Brennan was no longer king but he couldn’t help but fear for the future of the kingdom and more importantly his children. The possibility that the sage of space was dead never stopped crossing Brennan’s mind and it was a terrifying notion.

If Eon really perished in there’| was there any hope that the dungeon could ever be cleared? And’| if that was so’| how long until it broke out?

Brennan could only pray that Aaron and Alvin both studied hard and graduated early from that accursed Arbor Academy. What was wrong with Samuel anyway? Why would he set up an academy next to a death trap? Was he actually considering the safety of the students!

Brennan had the urge to tell the coach driver to immediately turn back to the capital but’|!

"Dad?" Aaron asked noticing that his father was experiencing discomfort.

"Hm? What’s up Aaron?" Brennan asked feigning nonchalance.

"Nothing" Aaron tactfully decided not to probe. This young ex-prince had his own things to worry about.

’How will I enter that dungeon?’ Entering the academy had only been a pre-text to entering the dungeon but now that they were almost there Aaron needed to think of a way to sneak into the place.

’Any ideas Bloody?’ Aaron asked. Bloody couldn’t transmit thoughts however so there was ultimately no response.

Aaron let out a quiet sigh. He was used to talking to Bloody but he couldn’t really do it while in the carriage. Most thought he went somewhat crazy since he was always talking to himself but they never heard the words he spoke.

Aaron spoke in clear sentences and his conversations were not at all like the ramblings of a madman. Well, there was also an odd chance that any listener would simply be quietly creeped out by the fact that he was having a coherent conversation with himself as opposed to a crazy one.

After mulling on their circumstances for a short while Aaron decided to just wait a while. It didn’t take very long before they formerly reached the town.

"Here we are, Arbor Town. It was my pleasure to escort you here gentlemen" The coach said as they performed an elegant bow. This wasn’t their first time handling nobles.

"Yes, you did very well thank you" Brennan said half-heartedly as he alighted from the carriage. They were currently at a crowded coaching station that caused Brennan’s face to turn into a frown.

Brennan was not fond of mingling with the common populace. This was a peeve that came from always walking through uninterrupted streets. Wherever he walked would turn into a parade under normal circumstances.

"Hmph, let’s find Samuel" Brennan said putting aside his grievances.

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