Stuck As A Dungeon Mob Chapter 556

The relationship between teacher and student was a sacred relationship. Even while teaching more than one student, this truth should always hold water. In the event that the relationship sours, however, one can only conclude someone made a mistake along the way.

On whom the fault may lie was undetermined, but it was possible most would lean towards the teacher being the one to blame. As a mentor, high expectations were placed upon them.

"First of all, I’d like to thank you all for contributing to our society by committing yourselves to this thankless job" These higher expectations with little to no rewards were what made teaching a thankless job. If teaching was a more lauded profession then there would be academies all over Bosque.

"However signing some papers and getting some cash every now and then in return doesn’t make you a teacher" Samuel said his voice echoing across the mostly empty hall. He was currently giving a sort of speech to the future instructors of his academy.

"I know none of you are that type of a person" Samuel clarified, he had practically handpicked all of them. The likes of Clarys and Christian were present and listening intently and he knew both of them were great adventures and individuals.

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"I am also not experienced enough in this field to lecture you on this either but…" Samuel had never taught anyone and he was really taking a shot in the dark with this academy, but he did have the interest of society as a whole in mind when he decided to open an academy.

"I want this to be the best academy it can be, so please help me" Samuel said finishing his small speech. Following the ending of his speech, Samuel received some slow clapping from what were no more than 5 people.

These five people were the size of the current faculty and it left much to be desired.

After taking a sip from a cup of water Samuel looked at the small group of "teachers," they were nothing more than a ragtag group of adventurers. Samuel did manage to snatch one teaching qualified person but… he didn’t seem very pleased.

"Any thoughts?" Samuel said looking at an aged man who wore a sharp frown.

"You won’t be running no academy with nice intentions" The grizzled man said.

"Haha… Yes I know, that’s why I asked for your help" Samuel said politely with a smile.

The man he was talking to was an alchemist hailing from the Flamewood territory. That wasn’t all the man had to his credit however, he had taught various disciples and graduated from the now destroyed royal academy so he had quite the curriculum.

Also, needless to say, the man’s words had some weight for the current Samuel.

"This building… did you come up with the plans for it?" The old alchemist asked.

They had seen large parts of the building on their way into its hall. Despite agreeing to join Samuel’s academy this was actually his first time visiting the place. He had chanced upon the recruitment notice after looking for a new home out of the now gone capital.

It was hard to tell if this was his luck or Samuel’s at this moment in time but it was now in the old alchemist’s best interest to try his best at this new academy.

"Partly, I also had some experts revise the plan" Samuel said responding to the earlier question. Though he had to admit, there weren’t too many experts in Arbor town, or the entire country for that matter.

While construction was commonplace, the construction of academies was not, Still, Samuel felt that his plans were at least mildly adequate. He had the backing of the Duke so he didn’t hold back in lots of areas.

Of course, there was still a budget limit so the academy could be said to seem rather small when compared to the old alchemist’s former school.

"Mmm, it’s alright I suppose. Especially for a new academy" Old alchemist, Bill took his own bias into account as he said this. His words could have been much harsher otherwise.

Backtracking, however, the Arbor Academy was now indeed fully constructed, and ahead of schedule at that. The speech Samuel was giving was situated in the academy’s theater hall and was something of a private inauguration speech.

"Hahaha…" Samuel awkwardly laughed off the old man’s apparent dissatisfaction, it seemed the alchemist had high standards as someone that graduated from a school for nobility.

"Sam" A gentle voice then called out.

"What’s up Clarys?" Samuel said turning his attention towards the ever-elegant Clarys.

"When will we be starting classes? You mentioned were in charge of our own schedules and material before, right?" Clarys asked. She felt the need to ask since she still had no idea what exactly she would be teaching.

"Well, I am depending on the 5 of you. Please give me your planned material as soon as possible so that I may approve of it" Samuel replied.

While he was giving his instructors free rein to decide their own schedules and think of their own material he had to at least verify and acknowledge these things as the academy’s headmaster.

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"Thank you" Clarys said before quietening.

After a few seconds of silence, Samuel noted that there had to be no more questions.

"Alright, a final reminder that you will all need to teach at least one basic or fundamental class." Samuel wanted to give his experienced faculty a chance to show off their passions but the basics couldn’t be forgone either.

The Arbor Academy, ideally, would run as a meritocracy. The students wouldn’t be discriminated by wealth or status but judged by their skill. That being the case, it was important to understand that some commoners would not know how to read and write.

It was equally important to understand that even in the case that they did, they would not be able to articulate themselves in a way that showed modicum of sosphistication.

"Oh right, Samuel. When do you begin to recruit students?" Just as everyone was getting ready to leave the adventurer Christian proposed a question. They could come up with any material they wanted but they needed students.

"We already have" Since they had a building and faculty they now just needed students in order to become a real academy.

"Huh?" Archer, who was still accompanying Christian even on this journey, couldn’t help but exclaim.

"Yeah, some of the adventures that helped build the academy decided to join as students" There were many young adventurers and for them, the academy was a prospective opportunity.

"How- How many?" Archer asked still taken aback.

"Hmmm… We have at least a good 20 students that signed up for our academy thanks to that" Samuel decided to omit the fact that some other kids like his own son and Wiley had joined before the academy even laid down its first brick.

"This… And we haven’t started formal recruitment yet, right?" Christian was also taken aback by the figure. There were only 5 teachers but there were already more than 20 students!

"That’s right" Samuel said with a smile.

"Don’t get too cocky" Old Bill said still seating comfortably.

"Half of those random nincompoops won’t be able to even pass my classes" The old alchemist continued. Samuel could only roll his eyes, Bill had to teach a basic class too so there would be a problem if this was truly the case.

"Ahem, now that you know, let’s get ready in full force" Samuel said changing the topic back to the matter at hand. The faculty members all reacted in their unique ways and bid farewell.

That included the old alchemist and Samuel was ultimately left alone in the large theater hall. Samuel took in the atmosphere of the entire building and let out a sigh.

"This is only the first step" This might be the second or third step for Samuel’s goal of providing the poor with new ways to escape poverty but this was just the first step to dealing with the cave of myths.

Though then again, even that much was a stretch. Samuel had to start the formal recruitment of students in order to declare his first step was completed successfully.

Without further ado, Samuel himself started to make his way down the stage he stood on and simply looked at the rows of empty seats as he made his way out of the hall. He was determined to fill every single one of them.


At the same time, the students already accepted by the academy were receiving notice that classes would soon be in session, they just had to wait a week.

"Huh? Already…" Wiley muttered to himself while looking at the comatose Agalia. He was inside of a hospital currently as Agalia had long since been moved there. But just because she was moved out of the union didn’t mean Clarys stopped paying them a visit, her continued treatment on Wiley’s ex-party leader was, unfortunately, proving ineffective, however.

Wiley felt he needed to get stronger in order to figure out some way to take matters into his own hands.

This academy was the way he had chosen.

In another corner of Arbor town, Kimani had received a similar letter of admission. Her reaction was a lot less determined than Wiley’s however. She was still fearing the consequences of getting tied up with Samuel.

Finally, in some rented inn rooms, the princes of Bosque were waking up to the news that the Arbor Academy would open up in a week.

"We have to be admitted in advance!" Aaron shouted making a big deal of it. But this was in no way a requirement, it was just ideal.. If they didn’t hurry, Samuel might not take them in as a personal student.

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