Stuck As A Dungeon Mob Chapter 578 Taking Off

Chapter 578 Taking Off

Staying true to his thoughts the day prior, Ed was ready to send off the scouts.

Before doing so however it would be prudent for him and W to review the changes they had made just to ensure that all the needs had been met. That included any naming that had gone undone.

’Let’s see, they have been slimmed significantly’ Slimming the creatures down while maintaining their size took a lot of effort. More effort than Ed had anticipated. The main pain was that he needed to find the right size to accommodate the other requirements.

’There had to be water mushrooms and an area to draw the array that surrounded them’ This meant that if the runes did not connect as he had hoped he would need to modify the body altogether.

’Maybe I should make some measuring equipment…’ Or he could find out if the system had some sort of skill or upgrade that could facilitate such a thing. Whatever the case, it didn’t matter now. The creatures were now half of their original size?and were either a testament to his luck or ingenuity.

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This size meant that Ed also had to abandon some of his original ideas, however, such as making an additional array to increase flight speed. He did try to increase the size and add these things but ultimately felt that the sizable downgrade in stealth was not worth it.

’The Bloodhaven is alive, and it doesn’t seem dumb’ It would be best to keep any and all operations under wraps.

Ed was unwilling to completely scrap all of his ideas however. As a compromise, W retained his original size and the original ideas like the blood mushrooms and death shrooms.

This however meant that W would not be allowed to enter the depths of the Bloodhaven, he would only fly around the periphery and act as the commander. Which was not necessarily a bad thing.

Plus, all of the messing around allowed Ed to come up with some new ideas. He decided to apply some venom from the Vipera Antrum’s he found in the mushroom caverns for example.

By applying of course Ed meant integrating the material into the bodies of the creatures. As venom could not be applied from skin contact, Ed was hoping that if the Bloodhaven were to somehow consume them it would be similar to an injection and cause harm.

Oh, it also had to be mentioned that the leftover material from the constant changes Ed made also let him create one other creature.

[Gore Mole (Undead)]

This was a tiny mole creature with flesh tearing capabilities that Ed intended to drop into the Bloodhaven. It would accompany W on the journey and would be used as a sort of tactical explosive.

While the creature could not in fact explode, Ed made sure that it was equally destructive when it concerned anything of flesh. Being alive, or undead rather as it used the remains of a magic mole, ensured that it was resilient and that it could do great damage for a long time.

All the small things aside, Ed also named the things.

[Watercap Bat]

[ A creature made by Edwa&! derived from a skeleton bat. Its body is adorned with watershrooms that assist it in braving the harsh desert. It has also been inscribed with an array. They are somewhat toxic. ]

The name was somewhat self explanatory. It was watery, had mushroom caps, and was a bat.

[Deathcap Bat]

W’s body which retained its deadliness needed a far more menacing name.

’If this scouting mission is a success, it’s possible I will be able to make more groups of these things’ For that he needed to gather more mob parts and harvest some divine sap.

It wouldn’t be long before the desert skies were filled with Watercaps and Deathcap bats flying around. A sight that no doubt the Elves would be reassured by.

’But that about concludes everything’ The Gore Mole was seated upon the back of W’s and they were all at the city’s walls looking as the sun rose further and further.

’W, it’s time to fly’ Hearing this, W nodded and prepared to take off with his new buddies towards the Bloodhaven.

Ed simply watched as they faded into the horizon.

’Am I sending too many individuals off as of late or is it just me?’ Ed figured it was alright though so long as he remembered not to leave the city uninhabited by the end of his send off spree.



A place of refuge or safety.

The Lizardmen who were hearing this name and its meaning for the first time knew it to be true. The tall walls that surrounded the city and the trained orc guards who stood atop them were imposing.

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For enemies, these things were not safe but perilous. But for those that lived within, nothing could be more reassuring.

The lizardmen strived to one day build a city as prosperous as this. But they also couldn’t help but feel alienated by the concept. Their tribes for one felt a lot more… Free.

The imposing walls from the outside were also visible from the inside and served as a reminder that they were trapped. The guards who often trained out in the open reminded the citizens that a revolt could be easily quelled.

It was possible that these things were not built with these purposes but for the lizardmen who were used to a world without barriers and one hidden by fog, some paranoia was expected.

Nevertheless, the lizardmen were adapting well.

"Grilled Fish, you’ve never tried anything like it!" A lizardman vendor could be seen advertising a delicious snack towards the orcs for example.

"Oh hey, how was your commute, Ers?" Reid, the head of tourism who happened to be passing noticed the lizardman and greeted them.

"Safe and fast"?Erseci, the vendor, responded.

With the establishment of boar travel, safe and fast was a succinct yet accurate statement. The creatures of the cavern could not compete with the orcs and lizardmen who frequently passed to and fro and the way became safer and safer as the wildlife adapted.

"Must have been tough lugging all that fish here all the same, how about just moving here and raising some?" Reid casually suggested.

"Nothing beats home" Most of the lizardmen who visited Sanctuary did not get nearly as attached as Reid to Sanctuary. The lizardmen population in Sanctuary remained two even after the beginning of commerce.

Reid simply shrugged before buying a grilled fish and continuing on his way. Eventually he reached Sharog’s home, Sanctuary’s town hall.

"Sharog" Reid called.

After waiting a short while, Reid was ready to call for her again but the door to her office space opened before he got the chance to.

"What brings you here, Reid?" She asked somewhat annoyed.

"I came give report" Reid’s language could still use a touch up. He was not the best head of tourism that Sanctuary could have asked for but he did still try to complete his duties in spite of his various inabilities.

"Report?" Sharog asked, confused.

"You asked report on lizardmen and employment…?" Reid understood that his orcish?could use some work but he had to admit he felt a bit hurt by her confusion.

"Oh" Sharog had honestly forgotten. The commerce had buried her in work. She hadn’t even had any time to train Gurln or engage in alchemy.

After that small episode, Reid began to explain that most of the Lizardmen that came to Sanctuary began to sell their goods or participate in its jobs but they did so mostly as a way to broaden their horizons as opposed to seeking permanent residence.

Once that concluded, Reid was quick to escape from the hall. The first thing he did once out was enter the nearest bar. This however was none of Sharog’s business, and even if it were, it was low on her priority list.

"Sharog" It hadn’t been long since Reid’s departure, but she heard a voice call for her. She recognized this voice.

"Yes?" She called out as she stood to get the door.

"Are you ready?" Gurln asked with excitement.

"Ready…? Oh" It was then that Sharog realized she made a mistake. She had forgotten that she promised to teach Gurln that day. She had cancelled too much already and felt she owed it to him.

Before she could apologize however and tell Gurln that she would need a minute the town hall’s door was abruptly opened.

"Fire!" Shel who just entered screamed.

""Fire?"" Gurln and Sharog both asked confused.

"Big fire!" Shel added.

As they would later find out, one of the resident’s houses had caught fire. By the time that Sharog managed to guide the orcs and goblins into putting the fire out with water from the moat dusk had arrived.

Sharog then finally made her way home. There she was welcomed by a creaky door then contrasted by the noise of her boisterous neighbors.

She wasn’t sure how much longer she’d be able to keep this up.

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