Survive in the parallel world, please! Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Don’t overdo it, please! part

“Move your legs Helena! there are clients waiting!”

“No I-I, I can’t do this after all, Anne, please tell Ryu I can’t”

“If you didn’t want to put on the new uniform you shouldn’t have made it in the first place”

Helena and Anne just finished getting dressed with the new uniform of the tavern. It’s a short skirt and a very revealing shirt made out of high quality, yet thin, fabric. It’s so tight that it highlights Anne’s plump rear and the V cut cleavage is so low Helena’s big and tender breasts are almost completely exposed.

Ryu is waiting just outside the room to check if everything is alright, or at least that’s what he said, but in reality he just wanted to be the first one to see the bountiful treasures the girls had to offer.

After coming back from the mayor’s house Ryu realized what a dumb move he made, he could’ve gotten the same results without spending that much money. Now that he knows how much money the tavern made in the past at least he knows he can win the bet, but even if he does it doesn’t take out the fact that he spent three gold coins needlessly.

It was all because he didn’t know the actual market price of anything, since there’s not much to buy in town. They can’t even gather any more elven wheat fruit because the cold snap town’s people call ‘the freeze’ can hit any minute and when it does it kills anyone that’s not properly sheltered within minutes. This is the reason why no one ventures far from town in winter and also why there aren’t any towns south.


Even tough it saddens Ryu, he discussed the matter with Ayumi and Hiraku and decided to abandon the settlement for good. Of course, since they’re the only ones who know about the place, it could still be useful as a hideout or even as a hunting lodge.

“Are you girls ready yet?”

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Ryu asks impatient, soon the door opens revealing two girls dressed in the same clothes, but since their figures are so different they look like completely different clothes.


Helena starts stuttering again, but Ryu cuts her short.

“You look gorgeous!”

Even tough he meant the both of them, each one took it as if it was meant just for them, making them blush on the spot.

“But Ryu I really can’t wear this uniform, it’s too embarrassing”

Helena says almost whispering

“Yeah, I know, I can’t let you go like that”

“Thanks Ryu, I knew you would understand”

Ryu takes two pieces of cloth and straps them to their waist

“You can’t go without the apron or the uniform wouldn’t be complete”

The small aprons are merely decorative and don’t cover them in the slightest, on the contrary it gives a luscious appearance.

“Now get going, the tavern is completely full and we need to get our money back somehow”

Both girls start walking so slow they almost drag their feet on the wooden floor and Ryu seizes the opportunity to slap Anne on the ass. The loud clapping sound followed by an *eeek* sound coming from Anne’s mouth was enough to make them walk so fast it looked as if they were running.

“Hurry up! there’s more where that came from!”

Ryu exclaimed with a devilish grin on his face. Ever since he unlocked the skill calm mind it’s like he’s a completely different person and that’s not a coincidence. Unbeknownst to Ryu, calm mind is the first passive skill a mage is supposed to unlock, without it it’s almost impossible to focus enough to properly handle mana, but it has many downsides. The most important downside is that it gives priority to rational thought overshadowing emotions completely. It’s not that they disappear, but before they can manifest they have to pass through the mind filter.

All this turned in Ryu’s favor since if it wasn’t for calm mind he would’ve completely lost it on the battle near the mine, it was a bloodbath that no sane person can face with the calm attitude Ryu manifested. And also, it helped Ryu overcome the problem with both girls, since he now has a more relaxed approach, allowing him to enjoy every second of the playful slap he just dealt on Anne’s soft bum.

‘What’s the worst that could happen’ he thought. Because even if things went sour with Anne, he could still be with Helena. What he didn’t know was that he just got out of the frying pan into the fire that was Helena’s jealousy and her compulsive need to beat Anne.

When the girls reached the stairs and starting walking down several gasps could be heard at the same time and the room went silent. then every single miner present started to whistle and scream loudly.

“Hey! it’s the silver goddess!”

“Marry me please!”

“No, marry me instead, I’ll treat you better”

“I’ll leave my wife for you”

Once again Helena felt her legs shaking, but this time it was not embarrassment nor anger, she felt so ignored she wanted the earth to swallow her whole.

Rina was already busy serving drinks, the tavern was so full it was nigh impossible to walk. It wasn’t just that the people from the mines came back, it was all going according to Ryu’s plan.

The day before, when Ryu came back from the mayor’s house he was so let down by the realization everything he did was a waste of time and money that he went to visit Hiraku.

What he found instead, was that Bob, Hiraku and Ayumi had already left to live at the trading outpost.

Much to his surprise, Luke was still living at the brothel. When Ryu walked inside he was greeted by the prostitutes eager to get a dime out of him, but he ignored them and went straight to the brothel’s bar and there was Luke, with a beautiful girl on each side drinking his beer happily.

“It’s been a long time Luke”

“Ah! Ryu, come join me please! *hic*”

Ryu noticed Luke had one too many beers but still decided to join him.

“How are you doing Luke? I heard you don’t go out much these days”

“Are you kidding, what could I possibly find outside? there’s nothing but snow and miners, nah, I’ll stay in here until winter passes. What brings you here? I’m not one to judge, but you got Anne and Helena waiting for you”

Luke said trying to not sound envious, nevertheless Ryu was already aware that Luke had feelings for Anne.

“I’m here to seek your advice”

Suddenly, Luke’s expression changed and he became serious and his eyes became sharp as knives.

“I’m sorry ladies, but I have something to discuss with my friend. Ryu, come to my room”

“It’s ok, we can talk in here, its nothing secret actually”

Ryu replied, but Luke insisted.

“You came here looking for my advice, the least I can do is offer you my sincere help”

Luke released the two girls he had embraced and led me to a room upstairs, it was all messy and the foul stench gave Ryu a hint of what kind of activities had been performed in the room previous to his arrive. Luke remained unfazed and just threw on the ground the dirty clothes he had on the chair.

“Please, have a sit”

Luke moved the chair pointing it at the bed where he sat afterwards.

“It’s ok Luke I can...”

“I know why you came here and I can help you”

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It took everything Ryu had to keep from laughing at his face, because not matter how hard Luke tried to appear sober, it was more than clear that he was in no condition to talk, let alone to solve Ryu’s issues. He sat on the chair nonetheless, it didn’t matter to him if he had to waste another five minutes as long as he can keep improving his relationship with Luke.

“I know about your bet and I must say I’m impressed you noticed it too”

Ryu nodded as if he knew what Luke was talking about, when actually he had no idea what was he talking about.

“I knew you were not as incompetent as the other bunch, but I didn’t think much of you until this morning when I heard about the bet. Hiraku nagged me for hours to go live with him at the trading outpost, but my mission in here comes first.”

“Just so we’re in the same page, can you explain me what you’re talking about?”

As soon as Ryu said that Luke stood up from the bed and patted Ryu on the side.

“Come on! don’t be so distrustful *hic* we’re among friends now. To show you my good intentions I’ll tell you everything I know first and then you tell me. Don’t tell anyone but actually I came to the brothel to investigate”

Luke said with a straight face, even though what he had been investigating is closer to human anatomy than to their dilemma.

“When I came to the brothel I noticed that the prettiest girls in town where all in here, well, mostly. There were only two explanations, the first and most plausible was that after the girls come in here they use make up and look better. The other explanation was that they were chosen among the inhabitants. Now you may ask, what does it have to do with anything?”

Ryu nods trying to figure out what the hell is Luke talking about

“I found out every single woman in here is a slave, the ones that are not beautiful enough are sold to a big city located about ten days north from here. It’s actually pretty close if you... nevermind that! did you discover why madame Bianca was so interested in buying Mochi, croquettes and pretty much any kind of food we brought?”

“she has a business to run”

“Are you serious? she doesn’t even offer them in the menu, so what is she doing with all that food?”

“She’s waiting for the prices to go up of course, she’s speculating with the market”

Ryu scratched his head

“I knew you figured out that much, but it goes way deeper! I know I sound tin foil hat crazy right now, but listen, madame Bianca’s business is not procuring prostitutes, but slaves. She wants everyone to starve so they are forced to sell themselves into slavery, and she keeps the better looking girls only to keep her facade... though I think maybe the prettiest ones she sells outside of town”

“I had that figured out too, I also know what role does Thomas play in all this”

Ryu lied through his teeth

“I must say I underestimated you. That’s correct, Thomas bribed the last winter caravan so they delay their departure at mountainside, the nearest town. This made it impossible for the caravan to reach Ironwoods before the first snow, it wasn’t that snow came earlier this year like everyone keeps saying. The reason why Thomas was willing to pay 6 gold coins to buy a 3 gold coins debt was that he needs Rina’s tavern to go out of business, because he’s working under the tables with madame Bianca”

“Holy shit Luke you’re a genius!”

“I know I am, but why do you say it like it surprises you?”

“I came here looking for answers, but what I found instead was enlightenment!”

Ryu was so happy he was about to jump from the chair and run to the tavern at full speed, but Luke stopped him before he could move.

“That’s not all Ryu, I know how can you win the bet and beat madame Bianca on her own game”

Luke then proceeded to explain him about the adventurers guild he knew from the other world, just enough to spark in Ryu the plan he executed as soon as he came back.


First, he asked for a wooden sign to be hanged outside with “Silver goddess tavern” written on it.

Then he asked Helena for the luscious uniforms, he was dead set on having them wear it.

And lastly, he had a billboard made for petitions, Luke insisted on naming them quests and Ryu agreed without knowing what he was getting into.

And that bring us to today’s events, where Anne, Helena and Rina are dressed in what clothes so scarce it could make even madame Bianca’s girls blush to death.

Ryu insisted on keeping everything about the bet a secret, although many people had heard about it, as soon as the wooden sign was placed they started believing that what happened instead was Anne bought the place from Rina and the bet was a mere rumor.

Miners from every part of town wanted to come to the inauguration, even some merchants wanted to attend but they were pressured by Thomas to stay away from the tavern.

The billboard turned out to be a huge success for everyone, especially for Ryu who was finally able to get his hands on some elemental stones. The following quests were posted on it:

Gather an unknown plant: rewards depends on the plant rarity and quality, please bring the whole plant intact.

Kill wolf: the wolf pelt must be turned in as a proof of killing.

Dig a moat: Head to Hiraku’s trading outpost for more information, reward 10 copper coins per day.

Snow shovel: for more information head to the mayor’s house.

Assistance: bring hot soup to Sena’s grandma everyday, 1 copper coin each day.

Rina helped Ryu by talking with many people asking them if they needed help in anything and how much were they willing to pay. It was a complete surprise for him to see Hiraku’s name on the board and he wondered why didn’t he just dig the moat himself with the help of Bob.

“Miss Rina! please let me take Sena’s quest please!”

“No, you can’t take it”

“oww why not?”

“It’s my job to decide who’s capable enough to fulfill a quest, I know you and you’re always late, what will happen if Sena’s grandma doesn’t get her soup in time? do you think she’ll eat it if it’s cold? if you fail you don’t get paid and we don’t get paid”

Rina kept her business attitude. ‘She turned out to be quite skilled in dealing with people, no wonder I fell for her trick’ Ryu thought as he stared at her ten seconds too long for it to be appropriate.

Rina stayed behind the counter the whole day, she had never been so busy serving drinks and answering all kinds of questions. People would pay to have their quest posted on the board and the reward money came straight from the pocket of the one who posted it.

This way Ryu could earn a bit more without actually investing a dime, so he didn’t break the deal of spending not a single coin more than what the tavern had at the time he took charge. Also, since Ryu still had some funds, he posted the quest to gather unknown plants so he would be able to get his hands on many rare plants and hopefully some silver flowers too.

Ryu’s plan was beyond his expectations and the tavern made an all time record on its first day. The only downside was that, since people there was so many people gathering at the tavern, he had to spend the whole day slaving at the kitchen. It came to a point he regretted sending Claire back to her house since he needed all the help he could get, but he had spent every single dime on the sign, the board and the uniforms.

There was something else worrying him, if things kept going like the first day, there won’t be enough supplies to satisfy the demand. Food was one thing, they could afford to buy some food even if prices skyrocketed, and that’s because he just needed to adjust the price.

Now madame Bianca was powerless, even if she wanted to lower her prices to boycott the tavern she wouldn’t succeed. Ryu started charging people just to get inside the tavern and people happily complied just to take a closer look at the beautiful girls. They could either pay daily, or get a pass at a lower price that would last for a whole week.

Since paying for the whole week was cheaper, people were led to believe that it was good deal, when in fact it was a way to keep them coming to the tavern instead of going to the brothel.

Ryu’s strategies were so succesful that the brothel was almost empty, the prostitutes were so desperate to get clients some even got naked on the spot, but it was useless because there just wasn’t enough people.

The girls who worked at the brothel were all slaves, but it didn’t mean they didn’t get paid. Depending on their performance they got enough money to pay for their food, makeup and clothes. It was a vicious circle in which if a girl was successful enough she would stay in business, if she wasn’t she would be forced to cut on her food first because without makeup she’d be as good as out of the game. Cutting on the food meant getting thinner, thus attracting more clients.

But should everything fail, madame Bianca didn’t provide a single crumb of bread. To make things even worse, if a girl fell so low that she couldn’t get back on her feet, madame Bianca would either mercilessly kick them out even in mid winter or would sell her to the big city up north.

Even though Luke was giving in to low desires, he didn’t let go of his heroic fantasy, making him stumble on Ironwoods darkest secret by sheer luck.

But luck is also an important feature for a hero.

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