Survive in the parallel world, please! Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Don’t forget to haggle, please! part

Athela starts activating the device in a disgruntled manner, every coin she places in the lock is like a drop of blood leaving her body. By the time she managed to open the first box she was already running low on funds, it was clear she didn’t have enough money on her to pay for the rest of the tonics.

“Mia stop giggling, she’s going to notice”

“I’m sorry master, but this is funny, I never thought I’d have the chance to see miss Athela like this”

“So... what do you think we should do? It shows she doesn’t have enough money to open the next box and she’s just stalling for time”

“That would be up to you mister Ryu, but since you asked me, I think you should do with her the same thing she did with me. She was ruthless and her aim was not to profit but to ruin my business”

“Isn’t that a bit dangerous? I mean, it’s obvious she’s wealthy and I bet she has enough means to make our lives impossible. Perhaps if we spare her today she may be nicer to us in the future”

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“I think she’s pretty pissed off already”


Mia shrugged, she’s having way more fun than I thought. About Athela, if she’s not ready to face the consequences she shouldn’t play dirty, it’s just like Mia said, If the locked boxes didn’t work our roles would be inverted and I bet Athela wouldn’t spare me.

It’s more than obvious that she would have blackmailed me into giving her the recipe, or maybe she would have tried to push me into slavery. Being kind is not a bad thing, but I don’t have the leeway to be naive, especially now that I’m practically on my own. Why did I have to run into trouble so soon, if only I had a week to prepare properly I wouldn’t be in this situation, but now there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Is there a problem miss Athela?”

“Uhm, your machine is broken! Why don’t we conduct business the old fashioned way? I promise I won’t use any skill”

“I don’t think so, you really did intend to play dirty so I don’t have to listen to anything you say. Just pay already, if you don’t have enough we can figure something out”

“I’ll just go back home and get more funds”

“yeah, no. That’s not going to happen, you need to pay in full before leaving”

“You pervert! what exactly do you want me to do? uh?”

“That depends on what can you do, your dress looks expensive”

I grin evilly and she reacts by covering her chest with both hands, I wonder why she hasn’t asked her guard to attack us yet. This is all an act to see how far can I go without crossing the line, but it seems she will only protect her master from harm and do some chores.

“Or maybe you could answer some questions, and then I’ll let you go home to get more money”

“Yes, I suppose I can do that”

“First, is it really allowed to use the haggle skill like that? I mean, you are from the merchant’s association are you not, then why did you go out of your way just to ruin Mia’s business”

“It’s not against the law if you’re wondering about that. Haggle can be used whenever you want but sometimes seller will notice and that could ruin your reputation, that’s why I only use it when I plan to bankrupt someone”

I could ask her why did she target Mia but it’s kind of obvious. She’s well loved by the community and had a rising business, but she was too naive so she was also an easy prey. It’s not the weak’s fault, but they always end up on the losing side.

“Fine, second question, what’s the deal with the girl following you? I mean, you could have had her attack us any moment and yet she only moves when she thinks you’re in danger”

“It’s obvious isn’t it? geez this is why I hate country bumpkins. She’s a shield maiden, they are assigned to proper ladies in order to keep them safe and assist them, but I can’t order her to attack someone. Shieldmaidens are for protection only”

“Interesting. Last question, I need to get a curse removed, do you know where can I do that?”

She ponders for a few seconds and then replies.

“from what I’ve heard, not many people look for curse removal items, not because it doesn’t happen often, but because its rare for people to survive the first month”

“What do you mean?”

“I had a friend who died from a curse, at first it was hilarious. Her luck was so bad that she would always have the funniest accidents, then she started showing up with light bruises and small cuts. Then it got so bad she took her own life, or so we think, we don’t really know what happened to her”

“Then how do you know she died?”

“Because she left her house and all her belongings behind, for a merchant that’s exactly the same as being dead”

“Thanks for your help miss Athela, you can go now”

I wave her as she heads to the exit.

“Ah! it feels so good, she finally got what she deserved!”

“You could have at least tried to hide your feelings, I actually felt bad for her Mia. but you’re right, she totally deserved it. Now the only thing we need to do now is stay in here and wait for our best customer to come back with the money. To be honest, I think we made more than enough, we were selling tonics at 1 silver each and she already bought a box at 3 silver each. That means she already paid enough to buy all three boxes”

“That may be so, but she intended to ruin our business, you can’t forgive her”

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“Uh? is it our business now? besides, that’s a little two faced coming from you. Or you forgot how you threatened my life and took control of my friends”

“T-That was different! I was desperate and had no other choice!”

“For me it’s all the same, anyways, you did say you were hungry didn’t you? let’s grab something to eat”

Mia really does enjoy life potions, maybe a little too much. Now she drank the health potion she made in a single gulp and started acting all weird. Her cheeks became red and starting moaning softly, her breathing got a lot heavier.

I don’t know if it looks dirty or is it just than anything she does looks that way. Her body type is completely different from the girls i’ve seen so far. Her breast size is huge, even bigger than Rina’s, so it doesn’t matter what kind of clothes she wears she looks lustful. The same goes for her hips and ass, it’s just to the point where it can be said it’s almost too much, but again, it’s not too much. Her body is well balanced, but her figure is alluring beyond what words can describe.

“Is something the matter master?”

She asks with a finger on her lips. Yes, she looks dirty, but i think that if someone like, I don’t know Ayumi maybe, did the same it would look completely natural.

“It’s nothing Mia, I was just trying to confirm your health”

Now that I said so I have no choice but to use my consider skill on her.

>Mia (succubus)



I gasp in shock.

“What’s the matter? is something wrong with me? am I going to die!?”

A shadow is cast on her eyes and she looks really scared.

“No! no, that’s not it Mia its just... how can I say it without making it weird. Whenever I use my consider skill on someone it usually shows me name, class, ailments, and some sort of indicator of its strength level”

“Am I strong?”

Her eyes became sparkly.

“No, that’s not it. Whenever I use my skill on a pet it shows me name, race, ailments and also...”


“Loyalty level, I guess”


“In your case, it showed me your race and loyalty level”

“Uh? isn’t it obvious? it’s because I’m master’s pet”

She nods.


“I told you I would become your pet, didn’t I?”

“But you’re a person! how can you be a pet!?”

“You say that after you agreed. It doesn’t matter the race, anyone can become a pet. I’ve heard some vampires keep humans as pets, or as cattle, so it’s not that weird”

“So, you really are my pet. This is weird, too weird”

“It’s not. People from other races can get along, but in most cases they don’t. There’s a lot of conflict from what I’ve heard. For a succubus, being a pet is not that bad. Most of us, when discovered, end up becoming pets. This is because we don’t have the need to kill to feed, so we get along with almost any race”

“Does this mean you’re friendly towards me?”

“I am. I will obey any commands you give me, unless its something that may risk my life”

“I think I need some time to understand all this... but, is it really ok for you to be my pet? I mean, you’re a woman and I’m a man, also... I have a girlfriend”

“Humans don’t like other races, not even as pets. If you feed me and keep me safe, I would be willing to do it, you know?”

“I don’t know, I don’t want to know! keep that thoughts to yourself in the future please”

“Yes master”

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