Surviving as the Second Main Lead: Second Lead’s POV Chapter 29 Ch 27: Jack Hollow’s Plan [Pt1]

The weekend arrived far sooner than Horas had wanted it to. He wanted to rest around for a few days more before he had to face Jack Hollow.

But in the end, no one could stop time from flowing. Horas had to keep the promise he made as well.

“I don’t like it. Horas, can’t you just back out of going with Jack? Don’t you remember what happened the last time you went with him?”

Mark questioned Horas even while typing on the screen. The elder man had a valid reason to fear for Horas’s life and Horas groaned out in irritation.

Maybe it had not been a good idea to tell Mark about his first day out with Jack. It had been a slip of tongue for Horas but Mark had taken it personally. Ever since that day, Mark had cursed Jack out every time he could.

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“I know what you are worried about Mark. But it’s been two years since Jack first took me out. I am much stronger and much more capable than before. You need to trust me a little more.”

Horas tried to make Mark feel better but his words rang hollow. No matter how much Horas said he improved, both he and Mark knew that the growth had not been enough.

Even now, Horas had not graduated from being F-class. And his level was still below 5. He was resourceful and intelligent but Horas was not ‘strong’ in any way.

“Mark, I know what you are going to say but I want to do this. I cannot keep on running away from Jack Hollow my whole life. He is someone who is managing my parent’s guild.” (even if the man ended up taking full control of it by now.)

Mark sighed when he heard Horas’s words. It had taken them two years to establish this trust between them and Horas had finally told Mark the truth about his parentage.

“Fine, do what you want to. But make sure to come back alive and unharmed this time.”

Horas’s heart felt tight and hot when he heard Mark’s words. He wanted to go over to Mark and give him a tight hug but Mark would have an episode if Horas did that.

The elder man was not too fond of physical contact and he hardly ever initiated. So it was a surprise when Mark gently ruffled Horas’s hair.

“Take care kid.”

Horas looked up, only to notice Mark looking away with a small blush on his face. This adult could be so dishonest at times.

“Sure, I will come back with a gift. Otherwise, you will surely pout like the child you are.”

“Hey, I am not a child-”


“Jack, what are you doing?”

Jack did not pay any heed to Principal Marbel’s question as he continued to solve the small cube in his hands. It was a puzzle he had picked up in the dungeon he had last visited.

Principal Marbel was getting picked off by the lack of acknowledgment and Jack enjoyed her anger and annoyance.

“Jack Hollow, how long are you going to keep ignoring me like this? Do you want to end up making an enemy of me?”

Principal Marbel decided she would not take any more of this humiliation and ended up banging her hand hard on the desk. It caused a small crack to form and Jack suppressed a flinch.

As much as he liked ticking people off, he did not want his bones to be broken just as he had come out of the dungeon. He still needed to carry out his plan after all.

“I am sorry if it feels like I have been ignoring you, Principal Marbel. This puzzle from the dungeon I last visited was just a little too interesting for me to leave. But my attention is all yours now.”

Principal Marbel’s ticked-off expression did not change even a single bit. She looked even more annoyed with Jack than before.

“Your attention is the reason I find you annoying in the first place. Tell me, why did you decide to invite Horas Spencer out after two years? I thought you wanted to leave him alone?”

Principal Marbel had good reasons to ask this question. Horas was a good student of her academy and she liked him.

Besides, the timing for Jack’s invitation could not have been worse. A huge incident had just happened and Horas had been a part of it. As such, he needed to be kept under surveillance due to his relationship with Reed Whinstone.

“Aww, don’t be like that Principal Marbel. We are both guild leaders so our current status is similar to one another. I would rather have you as a friend-”

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“Jack Hollow.”

“It’s because I want Horas Spencer to be aware of his younger brother. It will be good for his physical and mental development to know that he still has family left in this world.”

Principal Marbel did not believe Jack Hollow’s words even for a single second. Jack could see the disbelief as well as suspicion in her eyes.

It was fair of her to be thinking like this. Jack would not have believed his words either had he been in her position.

But Jack needed his plan to go through. The main reason was that Howard Spencer was special and his potential was limitless. But to unlock it, he would need a rival as well as a friend.

Now, Jack could mold someone into that role if he wanted to but his ability pointed out Horas Spencer to be the best option he had. Jack had been meaning to get them closer but then the guild business had started for him.

In the end, two years had passed before he could take action.

“Principal Marbel, don’t give me that look. I promise that I am not planning anything suspicious or harmful. I genuinely want to help these kids out.”

Jack knew nothing he could say would make Principal Marbel lower her guard in front of him. Jack felt the glares stabbing into his head.

Just as it seemed that Principal Marble would finally lose it, the door opened and Horas walked in. He looked suspicious of Horas as well but overall did not seem to be worried about much.

“Let’s go before your principal loses it, kid. I can tell that she doesn’t like me much to begin with.”

Jack Hollow took Horas away before anyone could react. He did even entertain the thought that Horas might decline his outing offer.

Not that Horas cared about it. He was using Jack just as Jack was using him. They were off toward Jack Hollow’s car.

“We are not going directly to meet my brother, right? You are not that forgiving after all.”

Horas interrogated Jack as soon as they entered his soundproof car. And Jack had to say that he was taken aback by Horas’s question.

The kid was good, and he had also caught on to what Jack had been trying to do with him. He had also guessed that the real reason Jack was here was because of his brother.

Jack was once again reminded of why he liked this kid. Horas Spencer was far too smart for his age and far too mature to be called a child.

“Horas, you break my heart. I was here because I missed you and it has been two years already. Can’t you cut me some slack and let your guard down?”

Jack tried to joke around and lighten the mood, but Horas did not seem to find him funny.

“You can cut your joking out since I know you are not here for me. If you want my cooperation, you better tell me why you are here and what you want from me.”

Jack’s playful smile fell from his face. This seven-year-old was too smart for his good and Jack decided to stop pretending.

His powers were telling him that Horas Spencer would understand him if he told Horas the truth. But Jack’s moral code (even if it was fucked up) did not want to impair the knowledge he knew to a child.

“Are you conflicted because I am a child? I did not know that someone of your bearing would have such concerns regarding me. I cannot believe Jack Hollow is being concentrated on someone.”

Jack was getting triggered by Horas’s words but he kept his cool. The more Horas spoke, the more he appeared as an adult to Jack’s senses. He was confused but his senses had never been wrong.

That could only mean that something was wrong with the child in front of him. Was Horas Spencer not a kid?

Horas was relaxing one moment and he had Jack coming after his throat the next. It was difficult for Horas to breathe once Jack’s hands closed around his throat and squeezed lightly.

“Who are you? What did you do to the kid named Horas Spencer? You better not lie because my abilities will tell me if you do.”

Fear flashed across Horas’s face and he tried to speak. But Jack’s grip was too tight to allow that and Horas felt like he was choking.

‘Oh god, I am going to die today, aren’t I? I don’t want to die. I want to just go back home.’

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