Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel Chapter 215 Military Report

"Freya, this is a token of gratitude from my Star Contractor."

A few moments after Ayleen had sent the souls of the nine vampire captives to the World of Nightmare under the gaze of the Witch of Dreams and under the permission of a Death Executioner, she handed a small bead to Freya – the one that the Witch of Dreams had told her to give.

"Ah…? T-thanks!"

Freya was first confused, but she gladly and reluctantly reached out to a small bead, which looked like a marble and had the size of a tennis ball. She didn’t expect to receive something from Ayleen’s Star Contractor just by allowing the souls nearby to be handled by a third party.

[You have received the Star Artifact: Bead of Dreams and Death.]


Bead of Dreams and Death


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The Witch of Dreams has spent some of her days trying to craft toys that are related to dreams, using some molded souls under her domain, however, because the souls are under the domain of death, they unexpectedly harmonized with it, resulting in a toy with both aura of dreams and death.

Rank: ???


– Temporal Fantasy: Allows the user to send souls, who experienced injustice and possessed regrets while they were alive, to the World of Reverse Nightmare – a small world of the Witch of Dreams that allow the souls to relive the "best moments" of their life.


Upon reading the effect’s description, Freya’s expression turned solemn, remembering the souls of the people she encountered when placating them before sending them off to eternal rest, especially the little girl named Mia Yukina, whose entire family died at the hands of the soldiers under the order of Marquis Solas – the very same individual that enslaved the Moon family.

Scrutinizing the bead that almost fit on her palm, Freya gazed at its depth as if it was looking into her soul. It’s vibrant and opaque, its outer shell purple and it was emanating a purple aura, which seemed to be a signature hue if something was related to "dreams."

Sometime later, Ayleen’s next words jolted her awake. Everyone’s focused on her.

"I have yet to know the Elven tradition in burying their own, however, please clean up the bodies of the vampires in a way that’s being done by the Elves.

"I express my gratitude for your assistance and hospitality, for the second time, I’m sorry about your Elven Commander.

"Now, we’d like to excuse ourselves so that we can report everything I’ve seen in their memories."

Ayleen Mayfield looked intently at the four Elves as she spoke in a polite manner. Thessalia felt the urgency in Ayleen’s words as they also thanked them for their service.

"Thank you. I hope we can work together again against the aggression of the Vampire Race.

"And about the commander… It is saddening, but… it’s part of nature. I’ll notify every soldier of his death."

Thessalia bowed as the other three Elves followed suit, showing their gratitude and respect to the first humans they came in contact with since the Three-Way Alliance was founded.


After an hour or two, Russell, Freya, and the other companions – Amelie, Amery, and Ken, as well as Samantha, along with Ayleen, had managed to take some rest in their respective guest rooms as they went back to Irennora, however, they didn’t show themselves to others such as Anya, Elizabeth and Jiho, especially those who didn’t attend their matches, since it’s certain they would be questioned.

"I wonder if there’s a change in the personality of the Queen."

Within his lodging that’s mainly made of branches and such, Russell sat on a sturdy wooden yet luxurious-looking armchair as he muttered. In front of him was the Book of Changes, in which he placed or wrote the unexpected variables so far from what he knew.

Although a few of them were more than shocking, enough for him to question his existence and identity, he was still grateful that there were no more variables that could endanger everything he held dear like his entire family apart from the circumstances about Artorious unexpected behavior, which caused Russell, Freya, together with Amelie and Azalea to be kidnapped out of nowhere.

"...I need to watch out."

Aside from the Queen’s personality that’s somewhat overbearing in his unpublished novel, Russell, with his introverted personality which caused him to overthink most of the time, reminded himself that the world he had written about wasn’t all thornless roses.

"Especially after the Black Veil is destroyed."

He muttered solemnly, recalling the deep, black curtain that’s hindering the Eastern World to access the veiled Western World even after forty years since the Emergence shaped the way of life of humanity.

This veil was so thick and wide that it stretched across the world and reached the atmosphere, which could be seen from the Obelisk Space Station.

After some time of reminiscing his story, Russell turned the page of the Book of Changes and checked the contents of the last change he caused himself.

#: Bestowal of the Artifact, Alakin’s Heart to Elizabeth

After that, he took out a pen from his Dimensional Inventory and wrote another number and its title.


#: Catching a Vampire Commander

– Sigh. What’s supposed to happen was that the war would start first, and when the Vampires were gaining the upper hand for some time as the war raged on in the front lines, the Elves, with the help of Humans and Dwarves, was ordered to secure a live High-Ranking Vampire to gather information using Ayleen’s methods.

– However, this operation caused numerous lives to be lost. And by being proactive and managing to pull this off, I hope that this action of mine will prevent the unnamed lives that are supposed to die during that operation.


After he wrote those words on another page of the Book of Changes, he closed it and stuffed it inside his Dimensional Inventory.

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Just in time, a sound from his smartwatch quickly garnered his attention. As he read the contents of the message, Russell took a deep breath before he whispered to himself.

"...I guess it’s time for a military report."


Around eight to nine in the evening, Samantha, Russell, along with the other Umbra Mercenary members, found themselves in the palace of the Queen of Elnira.

Walking in front was Ayleen Mayfield, who was only following the strongest human, Artorious Hall. Beside him, there’s Anya’s father, Makoto Amasawa.

As they were being escorted to the meeting room, the overlapping voices of his Chaos Companions in Russell’s head almost tore his skull.


Russell let out a smile upon hearing Amery speak, causing the three to be silent. With this kind of simple interaction, he was reminded that these people were still young, and would undergo countless circumstances, either in delight or in sorrow that would mold them as a person.

"What are you grinning about?"

Samantha whispered, curious as Russell looked like someone who smiled out of nowhere, lost in his thoughts.


Getting a blunt response, Samantha didn’t pry further as the sound of an enormous door opened.

The Elf that looked like in his early thirties gestured for them to enter, which they complied as their eyes screened the scenery inside.

Instead of saying it was a meeting room, it felt like a wide hall where three different seat arrangements, forming a triangle as a table were placed in front of each row, for each race were neatly organized.

The seats were Elven-made, but it’s comfortable to sit on.

"Welcome. Take your seats."

The Queen of Elnira invited them to take their respective seats. Since the Dwarven King and some of his subordinates were already in the hall, Russell and the others went for the vacant ones on the left side of the triangle.

"Alright. If there’s no more concern, let’s proceed."

Looking at Ayleen with an expression of anticipation, the Queen of Elnira addressed everyone.


The Queen of Elnira and the Dwarven King, though had their faces painted with doubts because of the presence of the young mercenaries, who did the mission together with some assistance from the Elves, shrugged off their curiosity as they focused on the bluish light screened before their eyes.

In the middle of the triangular formation or the gap in the arrangement of seats, a holographic projection was presented.

It contained the details about the crucial information that Ayleen had gathered from a Vampire Commander, as well as some Vampire Soldiers.

A moment later, Ayleen, who stood up from where she was sitting, read the report.

"According to the memories of the Vampire Commander, someone like him is assigned to every border, except Eastern, to monitor the moves of the Elves.

"But since we’ve gotten involved due to the discovery of their infiltration, we can assume that they’re also closely monitoring the human territory.

"Apart from that, although it’s not definite, the bases that are situated near Elnira’s borders are all just fronts. It means that if we go further, there will be large, more secure bases. This could also mean ’more dangerous’ to infiltrate or attack."

After some time, Ayleen went on to explain the workings of the Vampire Military, at least based on the memories of the Vampire Commander.

After that, she proceeded to discuss the information that might be considered critical.

"A Crimson Princess, you say?"

The Queen of Elnira furrowed her brows upon hearing the information.

She wasn’t surprised that a Crimson Princess exists, but rather, she was surprised because Ayleen managed to see one. On her knowledge as a Queen, a Crimson Princess barely made appearances in public, which was why it’s suspicious why Ayleen saw it just after she went outside of a meeting room where the Vampire Commander was.

"Yes, I’m certain I heard right. There was a maid with her, though I haven’t learned their names."

"We can think of numerous ways to utilize that information such as using her as leverage for that specific Vampire Clan where she belongs."

The Queen said as the Dwarven King, who was observing for now, agreed.


Russell, who listened attentively to the discussion, thought of something as he heard the matters regarding the Crimson Princess. He was certain that the Queen was surprised because of the different lifestyle the specific Crimson Princess was living.

’Good luck catching her, but of course, I’ll have my way to reach her first.’

He whispered in his mind with a tone of being challenged as the meeting proceeded.

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