Surviving in Woman’s world as a novel villain. Chapter 118 118. Duality Of Man

Alex looked at Grace confusedly, Her eyes were red from crying as she is pitiful like an injured animal staring at him.

Seeing her like this he did not understand what happened to her, He was sure his words were not going to have this big effect on her after all he always used to talk like this, It’s nothing new.

So he was not sure what was happening to her. He didn’t waste time thinking of reason and decided to directly ask her like a normal person.

"Huh!? What happen Grac-"

"Don’t call me Grace, Use what you used before."

So he asked but before he finished his sentence, Grace cut him off mid-sentence as the anxiety on her face increased visible to naked eyes.

This time he had to think of it. There was no way to ask her again, So the hamster in his head started running and he came up with a pretty reasonable reason.

"Cute face..?"

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Alex was sure it was the reason After she pretty much spelt it out for him by saying to call her Grace, So he can’t take all the credit for it.

"Yes!! Please only use this name from now on for me, When we are alone."

Grace heard him calling her like he used to before falling into pure bliss. She was not sure why she was even this much excited but she was overwhelmed with emotions.

These words are a sign of their old relationship, The one which went past his relationship with Alia.

This is her treasured memory and something she can always flaunt in front of Alia, This is her upper hand over her.

"...Okay, I wanted to apologise for yesterday though, Sorry I couldn’t make it."

Alex does not understand why someone wants to get called that name. From his memory, he used that for her just because he is not bothered to remember her name.

He even had a slight doubt that she might be M, But this was not time to think about those things, He remembers that he forgot about the promise he made to her yesterday.

He wanted to take her on a date but too many things happened. First Helen, then Rita, and Somehow a new character Violet popped up out of nowhere like a ghost and then a literal ghost also came.

So he can be forgiven for not remembering his promise, right?

Grace was very happy as even though she was the shy type, she still did not break their hug knowing they were in public.

She wanted to feel his warmth to heal her cracked heart. It’s the best medicine for her.

When Alex talks about yesterday’s broken promise, She became a little sour and there was little resentment.

His not coming yesterday was not that big of a deal but can’t he at least should have informed her?

Also, he promised that right after they broke that thin line between friend and lover, he should keep that promise. It’s women who sleep and forget about their promises, not men.

"No, It’s okay, I can understand someone like Alia will not allow her man to go meet another woman."

So she replied in a way that her words say one thing while her intention spoke another thing.

This is the art of speaking that can only be mastered by women be it in the reverse world or not.

Alex also understands she was jealous, After all even though in this world having more than one partner is allowed but that didn’t mean it changed the way a person thinks.

Humans are born possessive be it, man or woman, This is a reason wars happen even though this world is not an exception to the dark side of humanity.

So Alex understands that no matter how high or submissive Grace is she is still a woman with her own possessiveness.

"I wish It was Alia, At least I had gotten a happy ending."

Well, Understanding didn’t mean he had to follow through with it, He is still a villain with ambitions to add every walking living female in his harem.

If he agrees with Grace and gives in to her even just this once, Will is definitely going to end his ambitions. In the gamer language, He will hit a dead end with the worst bad ending, Which is also a dead end.

After all, no new woman means no new power and no new power means an easy target for parasites like the protagonist.

So being a scumbag is the only way for someone like him, Who had the Raider System.

Grace realised that she had just now shot herself in the foot by saying that, She very well knew Alex didn’t understand how big an impact his words might have on others.

There was only slight jealousy before thinking he was with Alia leaving her alone but now that he said about a happy ending, That flame of jealousy turned into a wildfire burning her whole.

She now decided never to ask this dule type of question to his again, She doing this will not just mean asking for wanting to get hurt even more.

".....So not Alia then who?

Grave didn’t know how to react to him, She just asked a question to get over this self-caused embarrassment.

Sbe also wanted to know if Alia didn’t stop him, What happened that made him unable to come to her?

Alex here seeing how fast her face changed hearing his answer trying to hold back his laughter, He was sadistic to do this to a poor soul like her.

But he can’t help it, It was a matter of survival for him he can’t slack off with it.

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Still, he has to give her a proper reason for why he did not come yesterday or this will stay forever in her heart.

He did not want to be reminded decades later that he messed up his first promise to her.

"Ohh I saw a ghost yesterday. After seeing that I don’t have any will to do anything for a day, So I go home and sleep."

So he just came out and said the truth, He didn’t lie a bit in it, This is exactly what he did yesterday.

He did not mention a few points but hey he didn’t lie.

"Pfft~ haha *Ahem* No I mean it should be scary right? Do you need me to call a priest or what?"

As expected Grace does not believe him a bit, Who will?

His truth was sounding so fake that he should better just stick with a lie, At least he has gotten away with his dick pass.

Alex was wronged now, He only tells the truth once in while and that’s how he was being treated for it?

’It was really a world built on lies. A pure, handsome, beautiful, excellent, dashing, enchanting, smart,...., marvellous man like me is only going to suffer in this cruel world.

Why god, Why did you make me this beautiful?’

Alex complained in his mind blaming god for making him this beautiful.

You have not forgotten he was also a little narcissist right? So one of its episodes was just kicked in.


The system is innocent as it is not understood why he was blaming god. Isn’t he the one who put all those stats in the charm? Also how come beauty came between this argument?

No matter how you look, No one is going to believe you missed an appointment because of a ghost.


Xiao Bai who was standing just right next to him but was ignored by both of them was also as confused as the system.

As his contracted beast she can also hear his monologue as far as the plot allows, So she was not understanding why her host suddenly started blaming others.

"Do you think I am lying? You think I am a liar, Cute face?"

Alex now wanted to defend his honour, He was not a liar...He does not lie right now, He has to prove it.

So with determination, he breaks free from her tight hug and dragged her towards the elevator.

When he came in the morning he was sure he would not take any elevator for a while and now look at him, Dragging someone to that same elevator he was traumatised by, A duality of man.

"Hey, What about mom? Shouldn’t we at least tell someone before leaving?"

Grace here had a joking smile on her face, Now she was in a good mood, His words lightened the atmosphere.

She wanted to laugh at how ridiculous those words were, And he acting like a child caught in the act but still trying to double down on his explanation looked very funny in her eyes.

Now Alex was looking cuter and cuter as he was dragging her towards the elevator holding her milky white slender hand.

She followed him without any resistance. She too wanted to see how far he can go to try to prove his false claims.

She no longer needs to know why he did not come yesterday. Now she wanted to know how long until he finally gives up.

She totally enjoyed this childish Alex, This was making her happy for reasons she does not know or understand.

Still, she had not forgotten about Gloria, Her mother, If they leave how can anyone find her when needed?

"Don’t worry, Liza will be here soon, If needed I will be the first one she calls, Well even if nothing happens, She will call me, So don’t worry about aunty, Focus on more important matters"

When Alex heard her words he paused for a second before he replied to her and continued walking.

"Okay hehe~"

Grace, though not knowing who Liza was, was relieved that Alex had a way to get informed when needed, So she continued following him giggling from time to time.

"Ohh, My dear Alex, I see you are enjoying yourself a lot, That’s why you did not have time to reply to my message, right?"

But suddenly Alex’s determination of Alex eclipsed as he heard an icy cold word from behind, His face became stiff as he slowly turned towards the speaker.

Then he saw the person he was praying not to see right now.

(A/N : Hey, Do you like this type? I was going to start the beginning writing style.

? Yes

? No

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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