Systemless Villain Chapter 257 The Phoenix is Here, Who Will be the Dragon?

Chapter 257 The Phoenix is Here, Who Will be the Dragon?

Long Tian’s departure left Hua Jing sighing in his absence. She had intended to exchange introductions, as they were yet unfamiliar with each other’s names. However, Long Tian had departed without so much as a farewell.

"What a pity—a handsome young man, strong, hailing from an ancient lineage... It appears I’ve let a golden opportunity slip away," she remarked with a wistful smile.

Approaching the age for marriage, she harbored hopes of finding true love to stand by her side forever, and in her view, Long Tian met the criteria she admired.

Yet, she shook her head. If their paths weren’t destined to cross, then there was no need for her to pursue it.


In the clear sky, Long Tian flew at high speed, heading south where a denser forest near a giant mountain awaited him. Although he wasn’t sure of Alexia’s exact location, it was near the giant mountain, which seemed to be roughly the size of Mount Everest.

His countenance bore the weight of concern. Although he knew Alexia wasn’t an ordinary human, she was still a woman, and she was surrounded by three people from the empire.

For now, with the capabilities of his dark soul army, he could only see through their eyes. But if he continued to hone his abilities, it was possible he could teleport, change locations with his army in the blink of an eye.

"Wait for me, Mrs. Alexia!" his resolve echoed resolutely.

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Meanwhile, in a distant corner of the forest, where the sun’s scorching rays failed to penetrate the dense canopy.

Despite its thickness, the forest boasted sparse vegetation, with clear pathways strewn with dry leaves.

Three cloaked figures strode alongside a blonde woman, unmistakably Alexia Qian.

"Come on, pick up the pace, are you trying to plan something?" Ju Yin, a slender man with a delicate sword tattooed across his forehead, chided with a furrowed brow.

His two companions, Hou Dian and Lu Dan, who were both middle-aged men, also noticed Alexia’s slowing pace.

"You should understand your situation, right? If you do what we ask, as promised, we’ll let you go," Hou Dian said.

Alexia’s countenance darkened as she retorted, "I hope you honor your word!" her tone tinged with irritation and resentment.

"Don’t worry, we from the Han Empire are people with noble souls and uphold goodness. It’s just that goodness whether it’s good for you alone or for many people. Particularly, considering your origins in the Roman Empire" Hou Dian responded, a thin smile playing on his face.

Alexia remained silent, well aware that Hou Dian’s rhetoric was hollow, merely a guise for their self-serving motives. Individuals of such ilk, she loathed.

"If you comprehend, then proceed, and are you on the correct path?" Ju Yin interjected abruptly, his irritation evident as he knitted his brows.

Alexia offered no response, merely hastening her steps as she passed by the trio.

Ju Yin’s displeasure became more apparent as his brow furrowed further, and he grabbed Alexia’s shoulder, saying, "If I speak, then answer, bitch!" his tone harsh with both annoyance and command in his glaring eyes.

Alexia promptly slapped Ju Yin’s arm, releasing his grip and fixing him with a sharp glare as she retorted, "Never lay a hand on me again!" her tone resolute.

Ju Yin’s vexation was palpable, his veins pulsing with anger. But before he could utter a word, his shoulder was seized by Hou Dian. "Enough, leave her alone and let her work, we don’t know when our time in this portal will end. The sooner, the better," he admonished.

Hou Dian’s words somewhat mollified Ju Yin, who indeed possessed a volatile temperament and impatience, as he turned his gaze back to Alexia. "If you’re planning something, I won’t hesitate to strip you. So focus on the map you hold, bitch!" he said.

Alexia seethed with annoyance and fury towards Ju Yin, yet she stifled her emotions. Were it not for the presence of the other two, she would still possess enough audacity to confront him.

Without a word, she stomped her foot and pressed on, her focus returning to the map clutched in her hand, leading the group to the treasure’s location.

The reason she was in her current situation was simply because of a piece of paper she held, which was a treasure map.

Honestly, if these imperial people asked for the map, she would give it to them because she wasn’t too enthusiastic about things like treasure or great power. But unfortunately, these people saw that she could read the ancient language on the map, which was the ancient language of the Roman Empire.

And things got more unpleasant for her because these three threatened her if she didn’t guide them, they would kill her and her family.

Alexia had no choice but to obey their will, as long as Liu Qian was safe. Both of them happened to enter this portal by accident, and they knew nothing about events outside the portal.


The four of them ventured deeper into this dense forest, with Alexia leading the way, navigating through various obstacles and enchantments. The map Alexia held wasn’t just any map but contained ancient text that led to treasure. That’s why without knowledge of the ancient language, it was impossible to find the treasure.

After navigating for more than 10 minutes, they were getting closer to the giant mountain, and they found themselves standing in front of a massive cliff covered with bushes between the trees.

"A dead-end? Are you sure you’re on the right path?" Hou Dian inquired.

"The route is supposed to be here, and it requires moonlight. Unfortunately, it seems there’s no nighttime in this world," Alexia replied, sarcasm lacing her tone.

Hou Dian furrowed his brow and then took the map, looking at their current location while walking towards the giant cliff. Ju Yin and Lu Dan also followed suit.

Their gazes focused on the path that seemed to be correct, where there was a small picture of a wall with a small white sphere above it, clearly representing the moon.

Looking at another picture, Hou Dian found it to be the end of the picture, and the next one was a picture of two figures apparently hugging each other, clearly a man and a woman, with a dragon and a phoenix above them.

"It seems this picture is the treasure on this map, although I don’t know the meaning of the ancient text next to it, I’m sure it refers to two mystical entities, dragon and phoenix, also depicted as dual cultivation," Hou Dian said softly, stroking his chin, recalling the knowledge he remembered.

"Dual cultivation, huh? I’ve heard it’s a kind of cultivation technique that defies the heavens, and very few people in this world can do it. If the treasure is something like this, we must get it," Lu Dan commented.

Alexia didn’t even hear their murmurs, but for some reason, she had a bad feeling.

While Hou Dian nodded in agreement, Ju Yin directed his gaze at Alexia, grinning. "I’ve heard dual cultivation requires a woman, and it seems appropriate to have one here. And as practice, should we try it? I don’t mind being the first," His tone dripped with shameless lust as he licked his lips, eyes ablaze with desire.

Furious, Alexia erupted, her voice a fierce yell. "Touch me, and I’ll kill you on the spot!" Her expression mirrored her anger, radiating with fiery intensity.

Ju Yin’s expression mirrored her fierceness as he heard Alexia’s high pitch, "Now you’re making me even more annoyed, bitch. I really want to fuck you in front of your husband!" he taunted provocatively.

Teeth clenched in rage, Alexia’s aura pulsed with a red fiery glow.

In response, Ju Yin unleashed a potent Nascent Soul aura, suppressing Alexia’s energy with overwhelming force.

But before he could move, he was immediately stopped by Hou Dian, "Calm yourself, Ju Yin, sometimes your sensitive temper hurts us. For now, be silent and obey me," he ordered, his brow furrowed in concern.

Though still seething, Ju Yin relented, "Tch!" a contemptuous click of his tongue his only response.

Seeing the situation calm down, Hou Dian directed his gaze at Alexia. "you may think there’s no moon here, but this is a dark forest. It seems you don’t know the vast world, so you don’t know there’s a technique that can summon the moon," he said, a sly grin playing on his lips.

Alexia remained silent with her sulky expression; she was too angry and frustrated to say anything.

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Hou Dian also had no intention of just talking, and immediately looked at Lu Dan, "You’re the one who will summon the moon," he declared.

Lu Dan was taken aback. "What? Can I summon the moon? Don’t joking, Hou Dian," he said. "I have no idea what you’re talking about."

"Haven’t you mastered the Full Moon technique?" Hou Dian smiled knowingly.

Realization dawned on Lu Dan. "The Full Moon technique? Will that work?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Just give it a try," Hou Dian encouraged.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Lu Dan nodded with determination. "Very well," he agreed and positioned himself in front of the towering cliff.

Closing his eyes, he focused inward. The Full Moon technique demanded exceptional composure, rendering it unsuitable for temperamental individuals like Ju Yin.

Blue energy began to envelop his body, and slowly, he rose into the air as the energy became stronger.

As Hou Dian, Ju Yin, and Alexia watched, the blue energy around Lu Dan became stronger, forming a circle that were fifty times larger than his body.

With him now floating more than 50 meters above the ground, the blue energy slowly coalesced and formed a perfect sphere with a bluish-white color, making him completely engulfed by the large sphere resembling the moon, its surface adorned with intricate details reminiscent of lunar craters.

Emerging from within the ethereal moon, Lu Dan descended to the ground, reuniting with Hou Dian and Ju Yin.

Including Alexia, their gazes were focused on the moon floating 50 meters above their heads, right in front of the giant cliff.

"The effect won’t last long; we need to hurry before it explodes," Lu Dan cautioned.

"It still lacks something; we need sunlight," Hou Dian asserted, raising his hand slightly, a yellow flame igniting in his palm.

Without hesitation, he hurled the flame upward, igniting the tree branches. The fire spread rapidly, creating a clearing through which starlight, reminiscent of sunlight, could filter and illuminate the moon.

Strangely, the flames seemed controlled, as if Hou Dian directed their direction and intensity.Once the space was adequately cleared, the moon, bathed in sunlight, emitted a soft white glow.

The sunlight, reflected by the moon’s surface, cast a dim radiance upon the cliff.In the luminous glow, the massive rock face gradually receded, unveiling a breathtaking sight: the entrance to a cave, standing 5 meters tall and stretching 3 meters wide.

Everyone’s expressions were instantly filled with disbelief and admiration, as they hadn’t expected the super thick and solid cliff to transform into a cave entrance.

Hou Dian couldn’t help but grin. "It seems our arrival here was fate written. Who would have thought that in a place where moonlight is needed, but there is no night, we could dispel that illusion. Which means, the treasure is indeed our destiny to obtain!" he said, his grin widening.

Lu Dan felt the same way, finding it very strange that the treasure required moonlight in a world where there was no night. And coincidentally, he had mastered the Full Moon technique, a high-level technique possessed only by the empire.

But then he realized something, and his expression turned serious as he focused to the moon, "Damn, it’s going to explode!" he yelled.

Realizing Lu Dan’s words, Hou Dian and Ju Yin immediately stared at the trembling moon.

"RUN!" Hou Dian shouted, and they immediately sprinted away, followed by Ju Yin and Lu Dan.

Just a few seconds later, the mini moon suddenly exploded with a massive blast, its wide radius forming a spectacular sight akin to a mini Supernova. Despite its shape and distinctive characteristics resembling a star’s explosion, known as a Supernova, the effect of the explosion was certainly weaker due to the Full Moon technique.

The explosion devastated a large area of the forest, its sound echoing for miles.

And meanwhile, flying in the air, Long Tian was startled by the explosion sound coming from afar, and from that direction, it was from the south!

His expression became more serious as he vowed, "Wait for me, Mrs. Alexia!"

Due to the limitation of his dark power, the dark soul that could previously see Alexia’s condition in the south became dysfunctional because his vision had been taken over, which is why he was in such a hurry.


Back at the explosion site, thick plumes of black smoke billowed heavily, flames still burning fiercely, devouring hectares of forest.

Struggling to rise from the ground, Hou Dian, Lu Dan, and Ju Yin slowly regained their footing. Their black robes, exposed to the blast, now hung disheveled, and they were compelled to shed them, revealing their distinct forms. Ju Yin, the youngest among them, was 38 years old, while both Hou Dian and Lu Dan were in their 50s.

"Damn, I’ve witnessed that technique countless times, but this is the first time I’ve been impacted by it," cursed Hou Dian.

Gasping for breath, Lu Dan chimed in, "Yeah, strangely, my energy depleted right after the moon exploded."

"I can’t believe you forgot about your own technique, Lu Dan. What if the treasure also burned, considering its proximity to the explosion?" Ju Yin interjected, his brow furrowed.

Lu Dan merely shook his head, too fixated on the treasure to recall his actions.

Meanwhile, Hou Dian widened his eyes, a realization dawning upon him. "Wait, what about the woman?" he asked, panic lacing his voice.

"Shit, could she have been reduced to ashes by the explosion?" cursed Ju Yin.

Lu Dan, too, forgot that one person remained unaccounted for among the three of them. His expression conveyed helplessness as he stated, "The moon explosion can inflict serious injuries on Nascent soul realm cultivators. I’m unsure if the woman is a cultivator, but it’s highly likely she’s already dead," his tone grave.

Hearing this, annoyance etched itself onto Ju Yin’s face as he lamented, "Shit shit shit! I haven’t even had a chance to experience how that milf’s body feels!" His tone dripped with regret, tinged with frustration. Then, he pointed an accusatory finger at Lu Dan, "It’s all your fault, bastard!"

"What? You’re blaming me after I successfully uncovered the illusion of the treasure’s location?" Lu Dan retorted, refusing to accept blame.

The vein on Ju Yin’s forehead creased, but before he could respond, Hou Dian gestured for silence.

"We have to check," he declared with unwavering determination.

Setting aside his frustration with Lu Dan, Ju Yin nodded in agreement, "Let’s pray to the gods that the milf is still alive!" he exclaimed.

With that, they dashed toward the explosion site, but the thick black smoke still obscured their view upon arrival.

Advancing a step, Hou Dian swung his hand vigorously, dispersing the dense black smoke with the force of the wind until it vanished from their sight.

The surrounding scene came into focus: the cave entrance connected to the cliff remained intact, but the surrounding trees lay in charred ruins.

The trio stood frozen, expressions of disbelief etched on their faces. It wasn’t the aftermath of the explosion that held them in place, but the sight of Alexia lying on the ground, still conscious, gasping for breath. Parts of her body were charred, yet they regenerated seamlessly, returning to their original form, accompanied by a red Phoenix figure hovering above her.

"In the name of the holy spirit, is this sight real?" exclaimed Hou Dian, shattering the silence.

In the next moment, he erupted into laughter. "HA HA HA, indeed, fate seems to have laid out a magnificent path for me. Who would have guessed that the seemingly ordinary woman possesses the martial spirit of a Phoenix! With the Phoenix is here, now, through dual cultivation, who will be the dragon?" he grinned, anticipation gleaming in his eyes as he licked his lips.

Meanwhile, Alexia wore the most solemn expression. In her current state, she didn’t conceal her martial spirit, but because, whether it was a curse or something else, its abilities only manifested when her life was threatened. Thus, despite its mystic level, her martial spirit felt futile.

Now, facing the three men once more, despair and fear began to seep into her expression.

("Someone, please help me,") though she rarely prayed in her heart, in this harrowing situation, she could only cling to hope, praying for a miracle...

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