The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board Chapter 159

Chapter 159

The search for Libra had to be addressed with the utmost urgency.

And for those reasons, once the schedule, methods, and groups were settled, they immediately began preparing to leave.

Supply Officer, where are the dried foods

Over there! Yeah, load it on that wagon there!


No, not that one! Yeah, the carriages headed to the Wet Fog Hills are already fully stocked.

Ah, okay

The magic towers were their own self-contained ecosystem.

Despite the sudden announcement of the expedition, they managed to procure all necessary supplies from their stockpile, eliminating the need for additional purchases.

They provided food, clothing, equipment, and other essential items.

Not only that, the Libra Tower also supplied them with dozens of horses as if it were nothing.

Seeing this, Seol asked Frannan a question.

Are all magic towers this wealthy?

"Huh? Ah... So that’s what surprised you. The Libra Tower is kind of the exception. Since we mostly focus on magic that could be used in everyday life rather than combat spells, we’ve received quite a number of contracts related to it. It’s also for those reasons that our spells and related contracts are much more expensive than the others."

I see.

Why? Are you interested in making money? Theres nothing better than magic for making money. If you want, I could teach you a couple.

Im fine.

I knew youd refuse. I was just joking as well.

The two smiled and laughed as they watched the porters fill their carriage. While they relaxed, Mael approached them.

"What are you two having so much fun talking about? asked Mael.

Ah, Mael.

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"It was nothing. More importantly, how does it feel to be in charge of the expedition party heading to the Wet Fog Hills?"

The person in charge is you, Aspect Magician Frannan, responded Mael, confused.

"Well, if we’re talking about who’s responsible for the expedition, that would be me. But while we pass through the Black Thunder Tribes territory, and until we arrive at Alcatron, you will essentially be the one leading.


"After all, when trolls show up, the only thing I can do is fight. But you, on the other hand, have plenty more options."

I understand.

"Well, please take good care of us.

Frannan sincerely rooted for Mael.

Sensing Frannans genuineness, Mael reciprocated with a polite bow and asked if any supplies hadn’t been loaded yet.

Were done!

"Okay. We’ll be leaving at dawn, so make sure to sleep early tonight. It might be your last comfortable night’s sleep in a while."

* * *

As Frannan finished his instructions, they were given a moment to rest.

Still, it was too short to even be called a break.


The carriages were split into two groups, and even at dawn, they were still busy being serviced.

Clang Clang

As the leader of the Steel Lion Mercenaries approached the group headed to the Wet Fog Hills, he continued to check beneath his feet.

- LMFAOOOO I think he has a trauma.

- Agony the greatest villain of our era

- So its normally a clang sound LOL. That squeaking sound is still stuck in my head, though.

"Well, I suppose there’s nothing more I can do now that it’s come to this. I hope we all make it to Alcatron on time. If you can make it there.

"I wish you a safe journey to Alcatron as well."

"Hmph. I never thought Id see the day when a transferee worried for a Steel Lion. Nevertheless, see you there."

- Maybe he might be a good guy?

- Were we the baddies?

- Agony definitely was.

The leader gave Mael one final glare before returning to his group.

- Does he have a grudge against trolls or something? LMFAO Why is he like that?

- Mael is fighting off speciesism on the front lines every day

Lets go! ordered Frannan.

[You begin your next Adventure.]

[Your 21st Adventure is starting.]

[Adventure 21. Alcatron Expedition Party]

[Adventure 21. Alcatron Expedition Party f𝚛𝚎𝗲we𝗯𝗻ovel.𝐜om

In Pandea, Zodiac is revered as the symbol of truth, with the Libra Tower among its 12 Towers.

’Bornuil, the Libra’, the most exceptional magician of the Libra Tower and a prominent figure of the previous generation, has disappeared.

He was last known to be headed to Alcatron, and it is clear that something has happened there.

The Libra Tower has spared no expense in their search for him. Countless magicians, excellent mercenary groups, and unexpected individuals have joined the expedition.

You have also joined this expedition and are now on your way to Alcatron to find the missing Bornuil.

However, simply arriving at Alcatron poses a challenge, considering the dangerous hurdles that lie ahead.

Objective: Arrive at Alcatron

Caution. This Adventure is very dangerous.

Caution. This Adventure can change at a moments notice.

Caution. This Adventure is expected to be an extensive journey. As such, there is a high possibility that you will not be able to rest properly.

Remaining Time [About 15 Days]]

To stay on schedule, the two groups of carriages made haste to clear through Adelines southern border. Though they had traveled together up to this point, this was where they diverged paths and separated from each other.

They left the ones headed to the roundabout path are said Chameli

Its still possible that their route is more difficult than ours, answered Seol

So, is our route being difficult already a given?

Hm Were you not aware of it when you joined this group?

You could still be aware of something and dislike it.

Seol nodded to Chamelis answer.

The carriage they were riding was specially made by the Libra Tower.

Not only was it large and enhanced by magic, it could carry much more weight than any ordinary carriage.

It was likely for those exact reasons that Mael left behind his baku at the Libra Tower and was riding the carriage with them.

Theres no need to worry too much, though, human woman, said Mael. The Black Thunder Tribe is praised as a tribe that knows honor and duty. Would you like to read this note that Ive written down?

Mael pulled out a small notepad and showed Chameli a page.

On it, it was written, Unlike the other tribes, the Black Thunder Tribe is not belligerent.

They know honor?

"Yes, they don’t typically kill humans. In fact, there were often cases of them only taking the goods from the merchants and letting them live."

Thats comforting.

Frannan laughed loudly after hearing that and added his own knowledge.

"Haha... he’s right. The Black Thunder Tribe are those rare kinds of trolls. They dont hunt humans for fun, and there have never been any cases of them raiding human villages. In fact, theyve only harmed humans for one reason.

Really? And what reason is that? All wed have to do is avoid that! said Chameli, full of hope.

When people step into their territory.


Its easy to understand, right?

But arent we heading right into their territory? Or maybe theyll spare us because we are on wheels?

"Are you hoping to hear that being stupid is your charm?"

Then there will probably be a fight, right?

"Definitely. But what’s crucial here is when we encounter them. If we come across them near the entrance to the hills, we won’t be able to avoid a fight. However, if they only discover us as we’re about to leave the hills, we can concentrate solely on escaping and making it out safely."

Chameli nodded along, seemingly satisfied by Frannans answer.

Seol added along next, shifting the topic.

"The part about waiting for three days regardless of who arrives first... I’m not sure if that’s really efficient."

"We might have a lot of manpower, but half of it won’t be enough to find Libra in Alcatron. Besides, even the Artifact Association failed to uncover Alcatron’s secrets despite exploring it for so long. This is a task we need to tackle together, so waiting those three days is non-negotiable, said Frannan.

As they conversed, Mael’s attention wandered. His face stiffened upon encountering certain notes he had left behind.

* * *

Two days had passed, and the carriage, which had been running freely, came to an abrupt stop.


The sounds of the two carriages colliding in front filled the air.

Enemies ahead!

Are they trolls?

No, its a large monster! I-It looks like C-Cozalkebs!


They were monsters that could easily be likened to large mountain goats, and as expected from such creatures, their strength and charges were incredibly powerful.

If one were to ram into a carriage, it would vanish without a trace.

How annoying Is there any way we can avoid it by giving it a couple horses?

"It seems like we’ve been discovered. It’s heading straight toward us! And it looks like it’s already too late to do that.

Stop the carriages! We need to deal with it here!

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Yes, sir!


The carriages stopped in the middle of the Wet Fog Hills.

Pitter Patter

As they stepped out of the carriages, they also noticed the drizzle outside.

"We’re in a rush, and it’s drizzling as well..." scowled Frannan. "How annoying. Hey, disciple."

"Are you talking to me?" asked Seol.

Frannan smirked after seeing Seols confused face. He was clearly unaccustomed to being called that.

Can you handle that as well?

Frannan’s question was clearly a question about Seols ability to cook cozalkeb meat. Hearing Frannan’s question, Seol responded with Toki’s answer.

I havent tried cooking it yet, but all Id have to do is keep trying until I can.

I like that answer. Youve given me a bit of motivation.


The cozalkeb let out a fierce roar, as if giving a warning of its impending charge.


[Frannan used Magic Circle: Combustion.]

[The target suffers fire damage.]

[Frannan used Magic Circle: Donkeys Pack.]

[The target is slowed due to the added weight.]




The cozalkeb let out another scream as it writhed.

Then Ill


Mael then casted his spell while putting his hands together.

[Mael used Shamanic Spell: Earth Shard.]

[Stone shards surge toward the target.]

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!


As stone shards pierced its hide, the cozalkeb let out more screams. However, just as it seemed to be taken down, it quickly got back on its feet and charged at Frannan.


I-It got back up!

S-Sir Frannan, watch out!


As it charged toward Frannan, Seol gathered black energy in his hands.


Cut it?


Karen and Karuna both appeared, unsheathing their swords.



Each of Seols knights severed one of the cozalkebs front legs, leaving only its hind legs intact.

Oh my god th-the cozalkeb is

Aspect Magician Frannans disciple just

So you can at least do your role, snorted Frannan.

Seol shrugged before moving toward the cozalkeb. However, before he could take another step, Karen stopped him.


Hold on a second, Master. Somethings off.


Yeah, a spear. Its been embedded in it since it showed up.

A spear was embedded in the cozalkebs thick hind leg.

Seol shot Frannan a glance.

Damn it it was their prey. Everyone, back into your carriages!

But before they could

Rumble rumble rumble

A-A pack of gryptos!

No! Theyre trolls!

Gryptos were ferocious reptilian monsters that walked on two feet.

However, despite being as strong and fast as any other monster, gryptos were feared for another reason: trolls used them as a method of transportation.

Thus, it meant that those packs of gryptos were also carrying a herd of trolls on their backs.

Its already too late.

What should we do? Should we prepare a spell just in case?

Though Frannan would make the decision, Seol was in a position to at least give advice.

[[Trolls are heading toward the carriage on the gryptos backs. What advice do you give to Frannan?]

1. We need to protect the carriages! Everyone should prepare to fight!

2. We still have time. Lets climb into the carriages and run away.

3. We need to run away. Let’s give up the carriages. Running into trolls at hills like this is practically a death sentence.

4. We should split off into two groups and fight them. If even one group can make it out, its worth it.


However, before Seol could even say anything, the situation quickly worsened.

Rumble rumble

"Th-They’ve surrounded us."

"Then it’s too late. Let’s wait and retaliate only when they attack. Stay on guard, everyone."

"Yes, sir!"




The grypto pack closed the distance, then stopped at a certain point. From the front of the pack, a particularly large troll dismounted from the grypto and approached them.

Theres a scar on their face? asked Chameli to Mael. Theres something black on his face.

Its the Black Thunder Tribes distinct feature. They are undoubtedly trolls from that tribe.

The troll, who had approached them, began speaking while waving his arms around.

Frannan picked his ear and asked around.

Who knows how to speak troll?


Seol and Mael quietly raised their hands.

What did he say?

Mael interpreted the trolls words for Frannan.

"He asked us why we’ve intruded in their territory. Also, he asked why we laid hands on the cozalkeb when it was a prey for their ceremony."

Tell him that wed like to pass through their territory as guests, not intruders. That we also had no clue that the cozalkeb was for their ceremony.

One moment.

After exchanging a few words, Mael interpreted the message again.

He said hes the one who will decide whether we are guests or intruders.


These hills belong to the Black Thunder Tribe. We wont be able to go back safely when weve already gone against their will.

They arent wrong. So, what do we need to do now?

He asked us to follow them.

And if we dont?

Theyll put us into their cauldrons.

"Then let’s go. It’s raining as well, so it isn’t the worst thing. None of us want to end up in their pots, right?"

It was a reasonable decision.

If they faced off against the Black Thunder Tribe here, they would have to fight them all the way across the opposite side of the hills.

Our odds of winning are only fifty percent theyre much more familiar with the hill, so they might even have the advantage.

As Mael delivered Frannans words, the trolls surrounded the carriages. All of a sudden, they found themselves under their protection.

Chameli then said a word to Mael.

I thought you said they werent aggressive.

I thought so too.

Mael pulled out his notepad and changed a few lines.

He changed it from Unlike the other tribes, the Black Thunder Tribe is not belligerent to Unlike the other tribes, the Black Thunder Tribe is was not belligerent.

Chamali gave Mael a dumbfounded look.

But then, a loud voice echoed out from the group of trolls, one that even Seol could hear.

"By the way, is there a human summoner here who commands an extremely large troll?"

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