The Billionaire’s Genius Wife Chapter 256 New Investigation

After her conversation with Martha, Scarlett looks for Xander in the house but can’t find him. As she walked into the living room, she saw Carter and Logan deep in conversation.

"Carter, Logan, have you guys seen my husband?" Scarlett asked, trying to get their attention.

Carter turned to her. He replies, "Brother Xander is still chatting with Grandpa. Do you want me to call him for you?"

Scarlett shook her head, "No, that won’t be necessary. But if he asks, please tell him I’ve gone upstairs."

"Of course, Sis. I’ll pass on the message," Carter said.

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With that settled, Scarlett quickly went upstairs to Xander’s room, eager to call Rex and share her new discovery — her birth mother’s real name.

When Scarlett entered her room, she couldn’t wait any longer and immediately grabbed her phone. After dialing Rex’s number, she anxiously waited for him to answer.

"Wow, little sister, I must admit this is a rare surprise," teased Rex, cheered by his sister’s unexpected call. "What’s wrong? Did you miss me?"

Ignoring her brother’s playful tone, Scarlett took a deep breath and said, "Rex, I have some important information to share with you."

Hearing Scarlett’s earnest voice, Rex stopped teasing her. His voice also turned earnest, and he said, "Okay, go ahead. What’s that?"

Scarlett took a moment to gather her thoughts before explaining the information she had gotten after chatting with Martha.

"Brother, I got a little hint about my mother..."

"Y-You found a clue?" Rex was surprised. After days of trying to find other clues about her mother but failing, this news surprised him.

"I found her real name."

Rex’s eyes widened in disbelief as he said, "That’s amazing, sister! You have to tell me everything you found out."

Scarlett smiled, relieved she finally had some light on her search for her mother’s family.

"Well, my husband’s stepmother Martha Bell was friends with my mother in the past. At first, I wasn’t sure if she was the right person. However, I saw the photo Martha gave me was exactly the same as the one my dad gave me..."

"You mean ’fake’ father?" Rex tried to lighten the mood, but Scarlett responded immediately and sharply.

"BROTHER!!" Scarlett snapped at Rex’s comment. "Although Jonathan Piers isn’t my biological father, he raised me and gave me his last name. So please stop using those words."

Scarlett’s voice was firm, and her expression stern, but a hint of pain lurked beneath the surface. Jonathan wasn’t the most attentive father figure, especially after her mother died. Still, Scarlett knew he had done everything he could to protect her from the harsh realities of growing up in Astington without a father.

"He may not have been the perfect father, but he was there for me when I needed him," Scarlett continued, her voice softening slightly. "And he gave me his name so I wouldn’t be an outcast on the island. That’s something I’ll always be grateful for."

Rex nodded, understanding the weight of Scarlett’s words. He had always admired her strength and resilience, but he realized now that there was a depth to her story that he had never fully understood.

"I’m sorry, Sister," Rex said quietly. "I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re right. Jonathan may not be your biological father, but he’s still your family."

Scarlett didn’t answer Rex’s sentence; she could only let out a long sigh while standing by the window watching the snow that was starting to fall outside. Winter in Cloudfort City had come earlier than usual, and this was Scarlett’s first time enjoying the snow in this city.

"Sis, please tell me what your mother’s name is. So I can start an investigation." Rex continued his words after not hearing Scarlett say anything.

After a slight sigh, Scarlett started telling him her mother’s name and all the information Martha had told her.

By the end of the conversation, Scarlett felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. She knew she still had a long way to go in uncovering the truth about her mother’s disappearance. Still, with Rex and Ten doing an investigation, she felt more confident than ever that she would find the answers she was looking for.

In truth, Scarlett could track Rosalie Withers’ family by herself. Still, she didn’t want that man to know what she was investigating—fear that he would use her family to pressure her into joining his team.

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Scarlett couldn’t let that happen. She knew that person was a bit crazy, obsessed with her. So, he may do anything to force her to join his team.


"Babe..." Xander’s voice snapped Scarlett out of her reverie. She turned her head and saw Xander walking towards her. Instantly, she felt a warm feeling spread throughout her body.

"What did you see that made you look so serious looking outside?" Xander continued his words as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"I saw the first snowfall..." Scarlett replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It’s so pretty, right!?"

Xander followed her gaze and looked outside. "Yeah. It’s like nature’s saying we should slow down and appreciate the little things in our lives..."

She nodded in agreement. "I couldn’t agree more. Moments like this make me feel grateful for what we have."

Scarlett feels so grateful to have met Xander a few months ago and become his wife. This man has made her understand that she cannot live alone in this life. She needs someone to share her sorrows and happiness with.

Xander wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "I thank you, Scarlett Piers. You make every moment special ever since I met you..." He stared at her as he expressed what he was feeling at the moment.

Scarlett slowly turns to look up at him. She smiles lovingly, hearing his words and looking at how sincere his gaze could make her fall in love with him even more, "I love you, Xander Riley!"

"I love you too, Scarlett Piers," Xander replied, kissing her forehead gently. "Let’s go outside and enjoy this beautiful snowfall together."

Scarlett buried her head in Xander’s chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You know what? That sounds... like a good idea, but I feel slightly tired and sleepy. We better stay inside and take a nap..."

Xander nodded. However, his mind was racing with thoughts. Scarlett’s constant tiredness and sleepiness reminded him of the article he had read a few days ago. The article talked about early pregnancy symptoms, and he wondered if Scarlett was pregnant.

His heart started pounding faster as he tried to imagine what it would be like to have a child with her. He had always wanted to start a family with her, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up until he was sure.

"Baby," Xander said tentatively, "have you been tired and sleepy lately?"

Scarlett raised her head and looked at him in confusion. "Yes, why do you ask?"

Xander hesitated for a moment before he spoke. "I read an article the other day about the symptoms of early pregnancy, and some of the things you’ve been experiencing are on the list. So I guess..."

Scarlett’s eyes widened in surprise at Xander’s words. Her mind raced with the possibility of having a child with the man she loved. She instinctively placed a hand over her stomach as if feeling for any signs of life.

"X-Xander, do you think I could get pregnant?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. It was the first time she had considered having a child with Xander, and it filled her with an unusual mix of excitement and dread.

Xander’s smile grew wider, his eyes shining with happiness. "I don’t know for sure," he admitted. "But I hope so. I’ve always wanted to start a family with you, Scarlett."

Scarlett’s heart swelled with warmth and love as she heard his words. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight as she buried her face in his chest.

"Xander, I... I’m worried," she said after a moment, her voice muffled against his shirt. "Can I be a good mother to our child?"

Xander pulled away, took her face in his hands, and looked into her eyes. "My pretty wife, Scarlett, you are going to be a wonderful mother," he said firmly. "I do not doubt that. And we will do everything we can to protect our family from harm."

Despite his reassuring words, a sudden feeling of worry rose within Scarlett’s heart. She couldn’t help but think about her identity as a member of the Fox. And how her enemies might come after her and endanger her family. Just imagine the possibility made her shiver.

"But what if... what if something happens to me..." she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Xander’s expression turned serious as he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace.

"Nothing will happen to you, to us..." he said firmly. "Whatever happens, we’ll face it together. And nothing will ever come between us."

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